Uncle Buck's Blog

This is where you will find discussions on all things relating to female death scenes from movies, T.V. and genre productions.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

"Act Naturally"

The source for this episode is the Catharsis video Sacrificing Ingrid.
But of course, yours truly had to put his own 'spin' on what could otherwise have been billed as a 'simple sacrifice'.
So click on Thrill Killer's Gallery at my site to see Ms Ingrid as she does her thing in 'Act Naturally'

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf Winter's "Spheroxon"

Starring Averia, Saphyra, Talanis, Cladi, Shemina, Estiana, and Saramis in the role of the fortune hunter,
the search is on for an ancient artifact called the "Spheroxon".
Don't ask me what it is because I don't know and that's the least of their problems.
Down through the ages it has been guarded by a tribe of savage women.
Sought by many who have paid with their lives, this time Saramis is the adventurer who is to make the attempt.
Will she be successful?
Only those who have watched the video know the answer.
Check Olaf's Messages for the latest on "Hunt For the Spheroxon".

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Over and Done"

"Over and Done" has Olaf and his Amazon Team coming at us from a rather different direction as this is the first time they have portrayed a death scene of this type as far as I know.
ZAHRAY, and a new Amazon, MORGANE are put through their paces as I borrow Olaf's keywords:
modern, sexy, skirt, rope, strangling, choking, thrashing, white shirt, shooting, silencer, body handling, high heels.
I suspect that Olaf included the shooting to play it "safe" - but I wouldn't know for sure.
Click on "Olaf's Messages" at the "Blog" to see his poster for this custom video offering.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Bloodsoaked Prairie"

Olaf Winter and his Lethal Cowgirls have released "Bloodsoaked Prairie" in which two cowgirls are angry about a tribe of natives, who stole their horses.
They encounter them in a forest and demand their horses back.
But the savage girls have their own opinion about property, and thus the dispute comes to a bloody escalation...
Contains around 2 minutes of fan-footage featuring THYARMIS!
Click on Olaf's Messages at the "Blog" to view his poster

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

"Nice Work"

"Nice Work (If You Can Get It") is the latest update to the Thrill Killer Gallery.
Joe S. gets the "credit" for the Catharsis photos used in this episode as they were downloaded from his site.
It's one of Peter Cohen's "Bellybutts" photo sets and I suspect that it was a relatively early one as there are a lovely group of women
who are destined to be arranged in a fine Body Pile - which constitutes the "Nice Work" suggested by the title.
Click on "Thrill Killer's Gallery" to gain access ...

Posts: 1091
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:52 am
What is your main fetish?: Belly, Breasts, stabbing, shooting, arrows-- and hanging and strangling. The bottom line is a sexy dead body.
Why do you want to join this forum?: You seem to have a lot here to appeal to my interest in erotic female demise, nude or semi-nude women in repose after being shot or stabbed or even strangled, etc. I like such things!
Referral: I was searching for KHP videos and this site came up.

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by necro_phil »

Thanks for posting this! Long ago I had these pics but they were lost in a drive accident. A little more recovered! Keep up the good work!
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

If you're trying to locate photosets of the former N=Babes sites, I might suggest that you slip on over to the D-Skirts site - under cover of darkness, of course - and seek almost any message posted by Joe S. He has a free site where he is reposting a good many photosets from most of the producers that contributed to those sites. That is where this particular "Belly Butt" set of Peter's came from. Only available to those who "patronize" D-S as far as I know and not to be publicized outside of the "community" - which is why I provide no links.
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Super Soldiers - Antaris 2"

Antaris is coming back to kill Bill, the head of a drug cartel.
She´s a sniper and already has him in her sites.
But she receives orders to abort the mission and pull back.
Never one who is particularly good at taking orders, she makes a fatal decision...
But since all the girls in the attacking force are masked you will be hard put to recognize anyone, with the exception perhaps of Saphyra.
Click on Olaf's Messages for the poster.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "An Amazon Nightmare 5"

An Amazon Nightmare 5 is the latest release from Olaf Winter and the Amazon_Warriors Team.
It´s a custom video with THYARMIS acting out her own death 3 times!
In the first dream sequence she gets killed by several arrows,
in the second dream she gets a spear through her sexy belly.
After these nightmares she wants to leave the building but gets caught by an evil power which drives her insane ...
In a panic she tries to flee but runs into a hidden trident which pierces her belly!
She manages to pull herself off the trident, goes down and crawls away but her run is ended by the spiked gate...
Click on Olaf's Messages to view his poster.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Tales From the Arena 3"

Olaf Winter and the Amazon Team present Tales From the Arena 3
Safo is being held in prison by Queen Leandra.
The queen has a special idea about how get rid of her defiant rival.
She calls for Russlana, her most skilled gladiatrix.
The queen wants to see Safo being killed in the arena!
The players in this video are SAFO, LEANDRA, and RUSSLANA
Click on Olaf's Messages for the poster.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Buck's "There's This Small Motel"

"There's This Small Motel (2)" makes its appearance in the Slashers Gallery.
Once again Linly gets herself sliced and diced in the shower.
You might think that she would have learned the hard way after the first few times, don't you?
You'll have to pardon the picture quality or the lack thereof.
I believe that these images were enlarged from fair sized "thumbnails" if I remember correctly.
But Linly is still worth a look if only for old times sake.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Society of the Rose"

Olaf and the Modern Amazons have released "The Society of the Rose"
in which a group of special forces is going to approach an ancient building which is supposed to be used as a secret lair for rebels.
Indeed they are watched by a sniper who kills most of them from a hidden place.
But the rebels are not the problem ... This time the enemy comes from inside!
Now tell me, does this mean mutiny within their ranks? You'll have to decide for yourself!
The cast consists of Saphyra, Thyarmis, Semira, Averia, Talanis, Saramis, and Raven
Click on Olaf's Messages for his poster.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Temple of Death"

Olaf Winter and his team of Modern Amazons have released a video
with SAFO in the role of "Laura Craft" seeking adventure in "The Temple of Death",
which is a mysterious ruin guarded by Amazons played by LEANDRA, and RUSSLANA.
Click Olaf's Messages for his poster and access to the Amazon_Warriors site

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Happy Trigger"

Olaf has just released a "double-header" ... A new photoset of stills from videos that are as yet to be released and, as if that were not enough -
A Gun-Fun video of Modern Amazons starring Averia and Antaris going at one another in "Happy Trigger".
Did he mean Trigger-Happy perhaps? It doesn't matter as the effects and outcome will be the same and is sure to be of our liking.
Click on Olaf's Messages for his poster.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Buck's "Amazon Confrontation"

It seems to me that it has been quite some time since I wrote a small tale based on one of Olaf Winter's Amazon videos.
So using pictures from Olaf's "Blood-Soaked Prairie" I sort of turned the plot around the way I'm inclined to do
so that we end up with much the same thing - only different.
In Olaf's version he had the Amazons in the role of the horse thieves while I went and ...
Well click on the Amazon Warriors section and see for yourselves.

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