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"Not Even On The Phone" by White Wolf Publishing

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:28 pm
by indiefilmfan
Fresh off the press from White Wolf Publishing is an almost alternate take on the vid above that I reviewed from Sophie's. Coming in at 12 minutes and mysteriously shot in a location that is far too nicely furnished and clean to not raise suspicion of a break-in, "Not Even On The Phone" features Laura once again as the sensible half of a couple who is on the phone allegedly trying to earn a living...

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Guess who the other half is and guess what she's all about..... Yup, the hungarian howitzer is back, and of course, all she's got on her mind is guzzling Laura's snatch nectar. :yes:

After her lover resists her advances, she leaves the room to get her own phone, which she uses to send a special message to Laura... high voltage! :eek:

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After Laura is zapped unconscious, Nikki re-enters the room to whisper some sweet nothings in her ear before taking her panties off and dragging her out into the hallway...

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Laura begins to wake up, and although groggy, she can't help but notice her panties are missing, lol. When she questions Nikki, she informs her that her battery in her phone exploded and set her clothes on fire. Naturally, Nikki sprang into action and removed them as a life-saving measure. What a hero! :clap:

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Laura's not buying it, however, and thus forces Nikki's hand... which just so happens to contain a snik knife, right into her belly button. Nikki wrenches it in place for a bit, then pulls it out and her lover collapses to the floor...

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As Laura passes on into the next world, Nikki has her own little private blood orgy as she plays and smears her victim's blood onto herself while roiling in ecstasy. And they lived happily ever after. At least Nikki did, lol. :D

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Now, I think there are a few lessons to be learned here... the first is if Nikki happens to want some pussy at any particular time... and you happen to have some... it'd probably be in your best interest to just give it to her. Because even if you don't, she's likely going to just kill you and take it from you anyway, lol. :twisted: :lol2:

The second is when you see a vid posted by me produced by the usual suspects, starring the usual suspects, but shot in a setting FAR too nice looking than would be expected, you may want to phone your friends, parents, pastors, etc. to make sure they haven't been the victims of a home invasion a la Nikki and crew. I'm just sayin'..... ;-)

So if you delight in the kind of shenanigans where someone gets their snatch snatched whether they like it or not, Nikki's your girl and White Wolf Publishing is your host. :approve:

This vid along with a few thousand others can be had at Sophie's site here:

Or also at their store on

Cheers! - indie

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 8:28 pm
by Max5s

Thanks for your review of our production. It’s part of a series of videos exhibiting Nikki’s deadly jealous nature. We did Never On the Phone and Never In Your Dreams (poor Orsi). They were shot at different locations and Nikki didn’t hold much back. She’s great to work with. :D :D


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:15 am
by indiefilmfan
Like great sapphires they were, clear and flawless, gazing at you from beyond the skies above and from the deepest depths of the oceans. They possessed a power unfathomable by any mortal, unrivaled by any magic. With a glance they could bend you to their will or halt the very time in which you exist. None dared deny her any favour, nor wished her any ill, for even the thought of such was folly. In her presence, even the mightiest bowed in reverence and humbled themselves for the chance to steal the slightest glimpse at her majesty. Such was her power.

Yet for all her might, she shunned the mortals not, and walked among them, and graced them with her beauty. Wherever she journeyed, she healed the mortals of their ailments, and where she walked, the soil there ever after blossomed with life, and bore fruit that knew no decay nor pestilence. All manner of beasts were soothed at her passing, and lands that were infertile were cleansed. Lush and green was their growth hence forth, and the sparkling rivers that fed them suffered no drought. Such was her power.

After her departure, the mortals wept, but their tears were not of sorrow, but of joy for the enlightenment bestowed upon them that would remain for ever after. Her presence remained eternal in the greens of the land and the blues of the waters, so that none could forget her passing. Her tale was passed down through generations and her memory cherished forever, though she asked no service of the mortals, nor suffered them any burdens. Such was her power.

The brightest stars clearly do shine for a shorter time. Be at peace, great warrior queen. I will miss your sapphires like no other.

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Please read Olaf's post and donate here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=19716

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:37 am
by JohnG
Olaf's message and the Donation link are on a hidden forum. Unless Olaf wants the link hidden maybe ask if you can post the link here in order to reach more potential donors.

The tribute post you made was thoughtful.


Re: Donation link

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 5:31 pm
by indiefilmfan
I posted just the link to Olaf's post above so that his whole post would hopefully be read by more people. But here is the donation link:

The link is also on the front page of his site at

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:41 pm
by indiefilmfan
So I've been away for the last 5 months, and will now attempt to begin posting again, but it may not be stellar reading.

In short, when I heard of Russlana's suicide, it had a very profound effect on me, and in turn, I lost the desire to write about any of this stuff. In the weeks that followed, I couldn't even bring myself to scribble out some ads for some of the producers whom I write for. Every time I tried, it just made me think of her, and it really bummed me out, so I just set it all aside.

I've gotten some emails from people over the last several months, and sadly had to turn down some requests to review material because I just didn't have it in me. And for that, I feel bad. It's not that I didn't want to help folks out, it's just that that event really took the wind out of my sails when it came to the fetish world, so even stopping by the forum and participating at all was completely unappealing.

Frankly, I figured someone would pick up the torch, so to speak, after I left, and start a new thread for reviews, etc., and honestly someone with a much better grasp on the fetish world than I have. But that doesn't seem to have happened.

I picked up only a few vids in the last several months, one of which was yesterday from Antony at Wild Stories, and he asked if I would help him by posting an ad for it. Since it had been some time, I decided to give it a go, and so I did so in his thread here: viewtopic.php?p=146437#p146437

So I will attempt to continue posting again, but doing ads is not the same as what I did here in my own thread. I have a sense of humor and poke fun at nearly everything in life, and as followers of this are well aware, I enjoy injecting that flavor of humor into my writing. Most of the vids here are pure comedy to me, so it was always easy for me to work in my particular brand of sarcasm as I poked fun at the absurdly violent incidents I was writing about. So since I like to write, and I like to make fun of stuff, it came easy and it was fun because I enjoyed it.

But that was then, and I'm afraid the spark still hasn't reignited for me to take pleasure and write with the same fervor here about these things that I once did. And I don't expect it to.

I will try and do some postings here, though, but they will likely just be "stating the facts" about whatever titles they reference. Times are tough, and I at least want to do my small part to help keep producers in business, and this is all I know to do, so it's what I'll try and do again.

So sorry in advance to those who've enjoyed my more hyperbolic and comical reviews in the past. But I fear those days have passed.

I thank you for your readership, and I thank you for your patronage to the producers whose work I tried to cast a kind light on. They deserve it now more than ever, and I'll do what I can here to help with that.

Thanks for understanding, and sorry to those that don't. - indie

Adit's "My Girlfriend's Intestines"

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:13 am
by indiefilmfan
Adit from Indonesia fills an interesting spot in the market here, I believe, as he is in the unique position to solely offer asian girls from his native country in his vids. His forte is belly stabbing, punching, disemboweling, etc.

"My Girlfriend's Intestines" has a 12 minute runtime and features a girl in jeans and a bikini top. We do not see her face, but she starts by unwrapping a fresh scalpel blade, fitting it onto a handle, then lying down on her back.

She lightly drags the blade around on her torso for a minute before moving it to her belly button. She then slowly inserts it and leaves it there on it's own for a minute before removing it again.

Then, she begins to pick at her bloody navel with her fingers until she pulls out a small loop of her own intestines.

A male hand then enters the frame and fondles the loop for a moment before disappearing again. The girl then spends the next several minutes slowly pulling out more and more of her intestines, a little bit at a time. She takes several pauses as she moans from the pain.

Finally, after she has pulled out a foot or so of her innards, she stops. The male hand again enters the frame and fondles her intestines for a moment before delivering a single hammerfist punch to her belly, which causes her to groan in agony as she rolls onto her side and goes still.

A few things of note that jumped out at me:

The entire vid is shot very close up. The camera appears to be handheld, however it remains pretty steady and focused throughout, which I feel is imperative. For something this close up, shaky camera work or out of focus moments would ruin it, I think, and luckily there are no issues here, which is commendable.

Also, throughout her entire performance, the girl emits soft, feminine moans and gasps of pain as she goes about her business, which really helps sell the goods here.

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This vid along with others can be purchased at Adit's store at:

Please support your producers!

"The Amazons: Queen Killer" from Crime House

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:49 pm
by indiefilmfan
"The Amazons: Queen Killer" from Dark Rooms / Crime House is a 16 minute vid that begins with a narration something about an Amazon queen who wears a protective necklace that renders her invulnerable. But there is also a special "queen killer" knife that can kill her. Well, as it turns out, this special blade is actually a $2 kitchen knife...

Let's be clear here... a loincloth and couple stripes of finger paint on someone's face as they dance around in someone's modern day living room does NOT an "Amazon" make...

Now having said that, if you can disregard the preposterous alleged storyline in the beginning, this vid to my eye is a nice 16 minutes of eye candy. The ever lovely Annabelle frolics about the living room for a few minutes before Tim enters holding the "magic kitchen knife."

She gives us erotic reactions as he then drags the knife around on her torso for several minutes. She also begins to perspire...

At around the 8 minute mark, he plunges the knife into her belly button. She then spends the next 5 minutes elaborately writhing about while making slight gasping and moaning noises.

Finally, she expires and the camera pans around her beautiful body for the last few minutes.

The bottom line here is if you like Annabelle, or you're just a fan of extended writhing after a belly stab, this vid delivers in excellent clarity...

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Please visit Advocate's thread here for more info on how to purchase this vid or thousands of others: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16514

Support your producers!

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 11:59 am
by JohnG
This regards your post on Thursday.

Russlana’s suicide also had a profound affect upon me. I questioned if my fetish that sent a lot of money to Amazon Warriors, purchasing many Russlans videos, had someway helped move along this tragedy.

It was nearly impossible to enjoy the videos and I had to stop. I started spending most of my fetish time on Pivix, and a bit on Deviant Art, where the characters are 2D and 3D and hence not a direct connection to actual actresses. It helped me to send more money to 2D/3D artists through Fanbox and Subscribestar.

I looked back through my Russlana videos and I believe she enjoyed making these videos; her humor was visible in her eyes and facial expressions.

In the end my fetish did not go away and ultimately I was able to go back to viewing and purchasing videos of actresses, including Russlana primarily because she and Sashura were the most active pairing during this time.

It is good that you are back and I hope humor returns for you.


Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:58 pm
by indiefilmfan
Thanks for your thoughts, John. Yeah, I don't think there will be another like her. She was unique and her energy and attitude really showed in all of her performances. Which makes her manner of departure all the more incomprehensible. She really had the look and character to be in more mainstream performances, which I guess is one of the things that really bothers me. Such potential now forever gone... :cry:

As I don't personally get my buttons pushed by any of the death stuff itself, I guess I'm probably more focused on the performances leading up to it in these kinds of vids. In short, I like half-naked hot women. I also like tough women. So when you add some writhing around, arching their backs, and exaggerated performances of them striving on to survive after suffering what would've normally halted the average person, that certainly adds to the eroticism factor.

There are plenty of women who "perform" regularly in these fetish vids, who simply couldn't act to save their life. They may be physically attractive, but they have the personality of a dead moth. They put forth only the minimal effort during their performances, and it shows. Russlana was at the opposite end of that spectrum. It was always very apparent in her vids that she was really putting forth the effort to give a great performance, rather than just showing up to collect her fee for the day.

To quote George R.R. Martin - We shall never see her like again...

"Bloody Navels" from Crime House / Dark Rooms

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:40 pm
by indiefilmfan
"Bloody Navels" is a 38 minute vid divided into 3 scenes. It features Nata, Anny, and Hass, each rotating in their role as the victim in one scene. So it's sort of like getting 3 vids in one.

Each of the 3 scenes has the victim lying in bed resting, when the other 2 girls enter and start off by shooting her in the belly. The antagonists then proceed to strip their victim, play around with the wounds, smearing blood like a finger painting, picking at the navel wound with tweezers, fondling her, and just making a mess in general. Pretty much all the footage centers around the belly area...

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This film and thousands of others can be purchased from Crime House / Dark Rooms at: (Crime House)

Please support your producers!

Re: "The Amazons: Queen Killer" from Crime House

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 3:03 pm
indiefilmfan wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:49 pm "The Amazons: Queen Killer".... something about an Amazon queen who wears a protective necklace that renders her invulnerable. But there is also a special "queen killer" knife that can kill her.
Someone is stealing my ideas!!! HAHAHAHA! :lol:

It's one of my old fantasies about an evil queen/sorceress who has erected (by magic) an invisible suit of armor around herself! It can't be seen or felt, but weapons of all kinds bounce off of her! She cannot be assassinated, so her reign is absolute! Of course, there is ONE weapon that she is vulnerable too... a magical sword whose magic is even greater than hers! Of course it is to her benefit to acquire the magic sword... if it is in her possession, it cannot be used against her! For this job, she hires a Red Sonja-type warrior to bring her the sword by whatever means necessary. She does, but the evil queen has no intention to pay her for her trouble. Instead, the warrior girl will be the first to die by the queen's new sword... AFTER a long lesbian scene between the two. You can probably guess what happens then.... :twisted:


Jimbo's lezbos

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:23 pm
by indiefilmfan
Oh, I can guess alright..... MORE lesbianism!! :excited:

Or perhaps this...

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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:37 am
Perhaps, Indie! The way I see it, after the lesbian scene comes the sword fight. But the warrior girl's own sword bounces off the Evil Queen, so she throws it down and attacks bodily! The Queen is forced to grab a weapon... the girl's fallen sword... but the girl picks up the MAGICAL SWORD, which evens the fight! Of course the Evil Queen gets the Magical Sword.... it goes into her like a hot knife in butter! (just WHERE, I will leave to your imagination :twisted: ) The Queen falls, defeated by the sword's magic and she bursts into flames! She is soon a pile of ashes, but the Magical Sword is intact, retrieved by the warrior girl who becomes the new Queen. :D


"Young Actress" from Crime House / Dark Rooms

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 6:13 pm
by indiefilmfan
"Young Actress" from Crime House features Angelina and Max, and runs about 11 minutes. I don't understand Russian, but the plot seems to be Max is a director who coaxes his young actress into taking her clothes off in the bathroom, then tries to put the moves on her...

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She refuses his advances, so he leaves the bathroom, and she decides to smoke some cigs, which she does exclusively for several minutes while looking at herself in the mirror. This vid is obviously someone's custom who requested it focus HEAVILY on smoking...

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Max then suddenly bursts back into the bathroom and stabs her in the chest with a knife. Shocked, she staggers backward, then falls to the floor. She manages to get back up, and Max stabs her again, this time in the belly...

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She staggers back again, and this time collapses into the shower stall. She spends a few minutes coughing and gasping, then Max lights another cig and repeatedly holds it up to her mouth so she can take several more drags, with coughing and gasping in between each one...

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She finally dies with the cig still in her mouth, then another minute is spent panning her body. My own disdain for cigs aside, Angelina's acting performance here is nothing short of spectacular. This is another example of someone who belongs in mainstream films...

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This vid and many others can be purchased at: (Crime House)

Or contact Ugine directly at: