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Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's over now!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:27 pm
by Bluestone
Well, it's about half past 7:00 pm EST, and Suzi will be visiting us here in just a half hour. She will be available to answer your posts for 1 1/2 hours from 8:00 to 9:30 pm EST. Please do not ask personal questions... such as her phone number... but feel free to ask her about her acting in our genre and all related questions.

Suzi, welcome once again to FF! It's been too long since you visited your fans here, but a lot of interest has been expressed in having another cyber visit with you like the last one.

Just let us know when you're on-line, and I'll loose the hounds, er, I mean... the fans. :D


Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It takes place right here!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:58 pm
by Sultry Suzi

I'm here! :mad: :mad: :twisted: :lol2: :lol2:

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It takes place right here!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:00 pm
by Bluestone
Sultry Suzi wrote:Blue,

I'm here! :mad: :mad: :twisted: :lol2: :lol2:
Hmmm. The emoticons seem to indicate mixed emotions. :lol2:

Welcome back!


Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It takes place right here!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:03 pm
by Sultry Suzi
Not mixed emotions, so much as the emoticons amuse me! You know me! :oops: :oops: :twisted: :lol: :love:

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It takes place right here!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:04 pm
by Sultry Suzi
I wanted to tell you guys that I just did an awesome Bluestone shoot with Tiffany. Tiffany is a sweetheart and so sexy! I can't wait for you to check it out! It is fierce! A very realistic struggle, fight strangle scenario!. It's called "Rogue Agent".

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:11 pm
by TenderFlesh
Hi Suzi- this is TenderFlesh or TF for short. Did you fair well with Irene? No damage to your place? Are you in the city and, if so, what has it been like with no subways running?

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:13 pm
by TenderFlesh
I trust you still have your cats. Are there two and what are their names? I fondly remember some cameo appearances they have made through the years in your films.

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:15 pm
by Sultry Suzi
Hey TF,

I did fine in the hurricane. Crazy stuff, huh? I was mandatory evacuated, which was pretty scary. I ended up going to stay with friends in New Jersey. I brought my cats, and a couple suitcases, and prayed the rest of my stuff in the apt would survive the wrath of mother nature!

It was the first time the subways were shut down since Sept 1, 2001. A nearly unprecedented event. Fortunately I have a car, so I was able to escape via wheels. ;-)

Interestingly enough, NJ took more of a hit than NYC. I have friends who are still evacuated, and who have significant flooding and damage.

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:18 pm
by Sultry Suzi
My cats are Loki and Monki. 2 black cats - 6 years old and 3 years old. Loki is sitting on my lap as I type this. I got them both from animal shelters, and I recommend anyone looking for pets to do the same. I recommend So many wonderful pets who need homes!

I think the funniest thing is when we were shooting, and I was lying on the floor dead, and they just casually walk by my body, as if nothing is amiss!! Then they start grooming themselves, or even better, yawning!

I know they were vexing to Blue from an editing/continuity standpoint though!

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:22 pm
by TenderFlesh
You laugh about how the cats walk past your "dead" body. I am a firefighter and one of my medics has quite a sense of humor and on a scene one time with the lady of the house lying unconscious on the floor and about 4 guys tending to her the family cat walked by and the guy with the wit says dryly, "Good idea whoever called for the cat scan". Everyone held it together until they all got back to quarters and then it has been a favorite laugh for years.

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:23 pm
by Bluestone
Hey Suz,

Looks like a lot of members may still be suffering from the hurricane damage, but I'm sure that some more will be joining the discussion soon! In any event, there will be a record of your appearance for those who cannot attend to read later. So, let's get some info out there for them.

Do you realize that you've probably starred in about 100 Bluestone videos over the past 6 years? Which is your favourite, and why?


Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:24 pm
by TenderFlesh
So, I know a lady never tells her age but I've been fondly watching your work for quite a few years now and my question is how do you keep your amazing body in such great shape?

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:28 pm
by TenderFlesh
Hey, I don't want to monopolize this forum but while I've got Suzi's attention and apparently except for Blue have her "all to myself" please look the other way Blue and let Suzi and I chat. Suzi, what other areas are you modeling in?

Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:31 pm
by Bluestone
TenderFlesh wrote:Hey, I don't want to monopolize this forum but while I've got Suzi's attention and apparently except for Blue have her "all to myself" please look the other way Blue and let Suzi and I chat. Suzi, what other areas are you modeling in?
Hey TF,

Am I due a bribe for setting you up with an exclusive interview with Suzi? At least you should pay me to look the other way. :lol2:


Re: Suzi's Cyber Appearance on FF! (It's on RIGHT NOW!)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:32 pm
by Sultry Suzi

That is a great story! Sometimes you have to find humor, even in the most serious situations. It helps us keep our sanity!

In terms of staying in shape, I try to do something active, at least 5 days a week. Whether that is going for an hour walk, or working out at gym, I just try to set that goal.

In terms of eating, I love food, but think the key is moderation. So I eat what I want, but if I have a pig out one night, I try to eat lighter the next day. ;-) I have no desire to deprive myself and be a waif model - life is too short! But I do think staying healthy and strong is important.