Max5s reviews "Savannah Stabbed" by Rumspringa Films

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Max5s reviews "Savannah Stabbed" by Rumspringa Films

Post by Max5s »

Savannah Stabbed—A Stabbing By Rumspringa Films

I was a bit hesitant to purchase this video, but it has turned out to be among my favorites. The plot line is very straightforward. Poor Jethro (played by Hank) has been released from prison, and has set a trap of sorts for the woman who testified against him. The description provided by Rumspringa matches the content of the film very well.

The sound was very good. There was no problem understanding the characters, nor was there any annoying hiss or buzz (or I’m too deaf to hear them).

The lighting was quite good. There were no shadows, reflections or other distractions.

The dialog was reasonable, except for one line spoken by Savannah just as she slumps to the floor. I suspect that it was a custom production, and that one line was part of the package. It didn’t ruin the piece, but it seemed a bit out of place. Regardless, the dialog made the plot easy to follow.

The film address what I would consider 2 basic elements of the snuff fetish; belly stabbing and body manipulation. I bought the film for the first stab. Savannah’s reaction was incredibly good. No complaints about the others either. There is one small segment where the lag time between twisting the knife and Savannah’s reaction to it was a bit long, but if it really bothers you, a quick edit can fix that if you have the software (I do but I like the video the way it is).

The body manipulation turned out to be very interesting. I liked it for the views of Savannah’s body and the wounds themselves, but as a plot element, it was interesting to watch Jethro find just the right position to leave her in. For me, the only real plot issue I have was at the very end. After taking great efforts to position Savannah’s body, Jethro ends up just rolling her over onto her belly and leaving her there.

In sum, this was a very well executed video. Savannah looks fabulous naked, and once her character died, she maintained the illusion flawlessly as her body was moved this way and that.

Savannah is naked when she’s killed. She gets one stab to the navel, one near her bikini line and one in the stomach/solar plexus (in that order).

I rate it 9 out of 10 which surprised the Hell out of me.
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Re: Max5s reviews "Savannah Stabbed" by Rumspringa Films

Post by astrokill »

I really liked your review, Max! Keep it up! :D
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