“The Tiffany Vignettes"

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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What is your main fetish?: Mainly Shootings & Stabbings However... I do enjoy various other types of death scenes.
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“The Tiffany Vignettes"

Post by G-Man »

“The Tiffany Vignettes” :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:

This is a “MUST SEE” Tiffany shooting title from Silk & Blood Videos...that doesn't dissapoint!!!

Blue’s Synopsis
It's Tiffany's turn to show off her substantial assets as she is featured in six separate shooting scenes, and acts out some sexy death scenes for your enjoyment! For belly shooting fans, you'll be pleased to know that there is at least one belly shot in each scenario, as well as some back shots, but no breast shots. One of the death scenes is done topless, but all of them are erotic! Like Petra before her, she shows why she's one of Bluestone's top actresses! This one's a bargain with 6 Tiffany death scenes in one video!

G-Man’s Review
Finally here’s a Tiffany shooting video that shows all her natural curves!
We get to see Blue’s new full-figured “Blond Bombshell” do six different shooting scenes wearing the same shiny, silver skin-tight disco slacks with a diffent top in each and one top-less!
Here are the titles and a quick synopsis of each of the vignettes.

The Gunfight
Here she looses a gunfight by getting shot just below her left breast and eventually slumping
half over the back of a couch.

Home Invasion
Tiffany gets shot 5 times in her back while trying to flee... then after a slow turn... she gets
one final one in her lower tummy.

Sentry Duty
In this one she gets plugged once in the lower belly slides down in a sitting position with legs
spread apart... after awhile she keels over into a final last gasp fettle position.

Search Interrupted
Here she is first shot in the lower tummy, then falls in a frontal crawl for her gun and shot in
the back two more times before reaching it.

The Hit
We get to see her take her top off... then soon after is surprised and shot in her back while
grabbing her gun. Then she turns and tries to shot back, but is shot again in the lower
tummy and then doing a slow protracted fall to the floor.

Gun Jam
In this final scene... Tiff gets shot in the tummy after her gun jams... falling to her knees and
then collapsing half onto a sofa... she has two more slugs pumped into her.

In all but the first the vignettes (The Gunfight) she wears knee-high laced black patent boots and for the ass lovers out there... she shows off her beautiful bum in all six scenes.
In “Home Invasion”and “Sentry Duty”, Blue utilizes a mirror in each to give us an extra added angle of Tiffany’s hot body.
Blue does a good job to include just enough CGI and minimal FX so we see where the bullet hits are.
All six show plenty of long camera pans from different angles of her dead body.
At the end Blue includes out-takes.

So if you liked “Petra’s Vignettes” this is a no-brainer addition to a shooting fan’s library!!!
Besides a few nit picky things with one or two editing cuts and a bit too repetitive “back shooting” in “Home Invasion”... Tiffany carries this film all the way.... doing a fine job acting out plenty of fetish elements for us with... bullet hit reactions, facials, moans, twitching and final dying spasms.
So if you like seeing a DROP DEAD GORGEOUS full figured blond getting shot full of lead... this is a “KEEP-HER”!!!
The G-Man gives this video his highest rating... a “MUST BUY”!!! :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: (5 out of 5)
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Re: “The Tiffany Vignettes"

Post by 007 »

Oooh Lovely
She has more curves to make any guy dizzy :eek:
Thanks for the review G
I like my women shot, not stabbed!
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