"Hired Guns"

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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What is your main fetish?: Mainly Shootings & Stabbings However... I do enjoy various other types of death scenes.
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"Hired Guns"

Post by G-Man »


"Hired Guns” :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: . (5 out of 5)

Bluestone’s "Hired Guns” is another fine “All Babes & Bullets” video.

Blue’s Synopsis
Dalila returns in this video as a gangland figure, and what a figure she has.
She is joined by Petra who plays a hit-woman as well as a second hitwoman as played by Kerie.
It's a three way shootout with all three of these lovely ladies shot to death.

G-Man's Review
Like “The Invictus Conspiracy”, this video again stars Petra, Dalila and Kerie in another three way no one survives shoot-out.
However… this time its with hot lead instead of lasers.
All three gals work or are from three different mobs. However, Dalila is determined to set up the other two gals to be shot dead.
First Kerie pulls her gun and tries to kill Dalila. But before Kerie can get a shot off… Petra springs from hiding and plants two
slugs into Kerie’s left breast.
The blast causes Kerie to fall back into her chair convulsing for air.
However, the stricken beauty still tries to raise her gun to fire back…Petra is too quick
and puts a third slug into the dying brunette’s head causing her to flop dead onto the floor.
Dalila tells Petra good job and then tells her I got your payment right here.
But to Petra’s surprise… Dalila quickly pulls a gun on her and plants a slug in Petra’s belly. But Petra doesn’t go down and
manages to return fire (and favor) and plants a slug into Dalila’s belly.
Now Dalila displaying much pain & anger is able to get two more shots off, hitting Petra twice in her left breast and causing the
blond bombshell to slide down collapsing on the floor.
Still in much pain, Dalila staggers up and makes her way towards her dying victim, hoping to give her one last parting shot.
But, Petra still has enough life left to aim and shoot her gun hitting Dalia twice in her left breast just before collapsing dead.

(NOTE: Hey all three gals take two slugs in the left breast… what’s that all about??? I think right breasts have a complaint!!!) :lol2:
Dalila jerks and then staggers from the punishment she has just taken in her chest. Then she too slowly collapses and convulses
onto the floor with some nice “twitch of the death nerve” action before she too expires.
As always… Bluestone then provides plenty of dead body scans, slow mo’s and a few out-takes.

Hits & Misses
All three gals look very hot in each of their respective outfits.
Nice up skirt & panty shots for Petra and Dalila
They all give very fine stimulating death scene performances; especially Dalila’s giving a fine stagger death and mob boss one liners!!!
“It was worth to see Scorsese's brat shot down” and “I wish I could kill both your families… but I will settle for killing you two tramps”
The only miss was… it was a nice trick when Dalila fires one shot and hits Petra in the breast with two slugs.
One last thing… in future, try to incorporate a camera angle showing the victim from behind more, or plainly… show some bum. :yes:

If you love seeing women shot while clothed… “THIS IS IT”!!!
For a video that sells less than $16.00 (U.S.) gives plenty of “BANG FOR YOUR BUCK”!!!
G-Man rates
"Hired Guns" as a “MUST HAVE”!!! . :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:..(5 out of 5)..

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Re: "Hired Guns"

Post by gold »

A great script that works and models who got the concept..dynamic reactions a gem credit to who wrote it. Nice plus Petra in all white ...a gem wo
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