"On the Run"

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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Site Admin
Posts: 4045
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:06 pm
What is your main fetish?: Mainly Shootings & Stabbings However... I do enjoy various other types of death scenes.
Why do you want to join this forum?: I am a co-founder & co-designer
of the FF forum
Referral: G-Man

"On the Run"

Post by G-Man »


"On the Run” :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:

Petra gives nothing
“BUTT” her best in "On the Run" from Bluestone's Silk & Blood Videos series.

Blue’s Synopsis
Petra plays an assassin who gets faked out by a decoy, allowing her target to
get the drop on her.
There is a long shoot-out, but when she runs for better cover, he nails her in the ass. Wounded and pinned
down, Petra surrenders.
Her assailant has her remove her blouse at gun point. She suspects nothing until he opens fire, driving 5 slugs
into her stupendous breasts and driving her back onto the bed where she writhes erotically before dying.
There are instant and slow motion replays!
This one is a sexy shooting starring my favourite blonde goddess. It doesn't get any better than this!

G-Man's Review
Here Petra gives us a nice short “butt” very sweet T&A shooting video!!! (Literally T&A :yes: )
Visually from the start, the blond bombshell gets ya right in the mood wearing a pair those hot hot hot
skin tight silver slacks!!! (Ooooo Yah!!!)
Also wearing a pair full length boots and a silk blouse which is soon removed to show her wearing a very sexy
underwire bra that accents her magnificent breasts, which makes great anticipation before the kill!!!
As always Petra gives a superb seasoned shooting scene performance pushing all our fetish buttons, giving
plenty of great body jerks, facials, and sexy dying moans. A really seasoned trooper & magnificent performance!
Plus, Blue really helps to magnify the whole sexy death scene experience of Petra by providing us with some really
sweeeeeeeeeeet camera angles of the doomed vixen’s body & pans that stimulates all your fetish senses!!!
I would also like to say this is one of Petra’s very, very best “clothed” shooting death scene to date!!!
Of course... Blue provides plenty of dead body pans from different angles as well as slo-mo replays.

Hits & Misses
Blue really steps it up a notch in
"On the Run" by including one of his best visual touches using a full mirror
reflection of Petra during her death scene. SWEET!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Seeing Petra also getting shot in the ass is certainly a must see for any shooting fan!!!
G-Man rates
"On the Run" as a “MUST HAVE”!!! .. :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:

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