Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

This forum is devoted to the Superheroine genre as it crosses over into the Peril and Death genres! Come join in on the discussions if you love the Superheroines of our fantasy worlds!

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Re: Superheroine Art (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

AlbertC wrote:I recommend the work of this artist.
Thanks for the pictures. I like the special effects and I take my most my inspiration from artdude41. He has a Deviant Art page where you can see some of his work for free, but the majority of his content is located behind a paywall at his Erotic Illusions page. You can kind of see some of his multi-frame comic style formatting that I would like to employ in the future; unfortunately, his superheroine content has kind of dropped off of the map though. He used to do a lot of death work using classic DC heroines, but I'm fairly certain he was hit with cease and desist letters. It's still worth checking out if you like superheroine and death art.
Marakh wrote:Wow... Interesting setting / characters there.. Quite impressive work for someone who just started 3D this month.
Thank you. In all fairness, the DAZ3D software does 95% of the heavy lifting when it comes to making the renders look good. Most of the artist assets sold on the DAZ store are already really high in quality so I just have to model the characters in a canned environment and the software does the rest.

As mentioned in my previous post, I would like to add some context to the images I create. With Bluestone's approval, I'm posting a sample of some simple work that I did to images I took from his Supernova 14: On the Run video (I highly recommend checking the video out ;-)). The main point of focus is the synopsis found in the block of text since I think it really helps to add an additional layer of depth. Do you think this is something you guys would want to see added in future images? It might not be in the same format, but I would undoubtedly try my best to describe what's happening in each shot. Also, would you guys like to see more series related stuff or one-off renders of the heroines being killed off with context? The latter of which will allow me to create more content while to former will be more engaging to the audience.
Melanie D <3
Melanie D <3
Superheroine M----r Files - Supernova 14.png (2.46 MiB) Viewed 16803 times
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Re: Superheroine Art (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

I'm not sure how I feel about this character concept as our lovely heroine here may or may not have been based off of another hero or heroine who uses a bow and arrow to fight crime ;-). Her other possible names were Recurve or Longshot, but I went with Arrow for it's simplicity. Blessed with superhuman agility and physical prowess, she would normally be maneuvering circles around her adversary whilst delivering a lethal volley or arrows from afar, but it looks like the demon was able to close the gap and she's not terribly effective in close quarters. The way in which Arrow dies in this scene is an homage to the death scene in Bluestone's Ultrawoman 4: Gatecrasher video which is hands down my favorite death scene he's ever done given the special effects and visceral nature of it all.

As a side note, I plan to use the same environment for each character concept that I produce as it lends itself well to modeling a scene on the center platform which really reminds me of a collectible figurine or statuette. Moving forward, the scenes occurring on the platform may not fit with the Turkish bathhouse setting.
Not sure if Arrow's going to make the cut so to speak.  I was confident with the inception of Sapphire and Scarlet, but I don't feel the same way about Arrow.  Maybe it's the name?
Not sure if Arrow's going to make the cut so to speak. I was confident with the inception of Sapphire and Scarlet, but I don't feel the same way about Arrow. Maybe it's the name?
Superheroine Murders - Arrow - Character Concept.jpg (2.78 MiB) Viewed 16687 times
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Re: Superheroine Art (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

I decided to give Arrow another shot by working backwards and using her in a precursor scene to my previous post. While the fight doesn't end in her favor, she seems to be doing alright here. I'm also going to be re-branding my work under Fallen Heroines instead of Superheroine Murders since the latter of the two may be a bit harsh. The content will remain the same for the most part, but I will also be including some random character developing scenes to help flesh out the heroines and their personalities. I'm ultimately hoping that a strong connection to the characters will make their inevitable demise more significant.
A non-lethal version to the character concept.  This scene occurs at the onset of the fight.
A non-lethal version to the character concept. This scene occurs at the onset of the fight.
Fallen Heroines - Arrow - Character Concept (non-lethal).jpg (2.83 MiB) Viewed 16642 times
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The Honey Badger
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

Here's an unfinished sample of a one-off scene that attempts to develop character. From it, you can see that Scarlet and Sapphire have a playful mentor and mentee relationship. It's also implied that they genuinely care for each other as friends. If something were to happen to one of them, the other would be significantly affected by the event. This scene was only 15% complete after 30 minutes so I canceled it, but you can get an idea of what I'm trying to go for. I had to Photoshop out some of the anomalies that would have been worked out had I continued to let it render, but there there's still discoloration on Sapphire's right leg due to the lighting. I found modeling the civilian part of heroine lives to be rather enjoyable. As someone who focuses a lot on expression, their smiles were definitely refreshing and different from the looks of shock or despair that I've grown acclimated to. Sapphire seems so happy and full of life in this picture.
This scene was only 15% complete after 30 minutes so I canceled it.
This scene was only 15% complete after 30 minutes so I canceled it.
Fallen Heroines - Multiple - Playful Sparring - 15% (Ultrawide).jpg (3.83 MiB) Viewed 16518 times
Director B
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by Director B »

Good Stuff The Honey Badger!
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by Warfish »

Hey Honey Badger,

Just wanted to say I love your stuff, and you're very talented.

You seem like a guy after my own heart - you mentioned in an earlier message about privately sharing some of your more extreme stuff, I just wondered how you might go about that as I'm kind of intrigued to see the rest of your stuff...
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

Director B wrote:Good Stuff The Honey Badger!
Thanks Director B. Keep up the great work on your end!
Warfish wrote:you mentioned in an earlier message about privately sharing some of your more extreme stuff, I just wondered how you might go about that as I'm kind of intrigued to see the rest of your stuff...
Thanks for the feedback Warfish. I'll add you to the list of people who will receive supplementary material not suitable for the other thread. Most of my extremely graphic or explicit content (extreme heroine gore or heroine necrophilia) is in a pre-rendered form and lacks the level of polish that I'm trying to present. The gore artist market is pretty slim so the assets available are usually primitive in appearance and require a lot of tricks and Photoshopping to make it look realistic enough. I'll try to make an effort in the coming weeks to finalize some of that work and I'll send you the link to a Dropbox page where you can view the images.

Can somebody say crossover? If you haven't been living under a rock for the past couple of years, the following heroine needs no introduction. With Bluestone's blessing and the help of an incredibly gifted asset creator, I bring to you the latest addition to the team and the most powerful heroine in my universe. Even amongst her peers, she is considered to be leagues above the rest. Supernova. Is. Legend.

I won't be adding context to character introductions since you'll have never seen the heroine before (excluding Supernova). Feel free to make up your own story to go along with the pictures.
Supernova is a Bluestone creation and is also my favorite heroine in his universe.  I'm glad that she's decided to join the fight against evil in mine regardless of what it means for her well-being.
Supernova is a Bluestone creation and is also my favorite heroine in his universe. I'm glad that she's decided to join the fight against evil in mine regardless of what it means for her well-being.
Fallen Heroines - Supernova - Digitalized Character Introduction (Ultrawide).jpg (3.25 MiB) Viewed 16396 times
Side note: As much as I love her cape, I don't think it'll be in much of the action work I do with Supernova. It's far too stiff and difficult to model with any sort of realism.
Did you think this was going to end any other way?  This is Supernova after all.  She's the uncatchable unicorn of superheroines!
Did you think this was going to end any other way? This is Supernova after all. She's the uncatchable unicorn of superheroines!
Fallen Heroines - Supernova - Digitalized Character Introduction - Alpha Heroine (Ultrawide).jpg (3.14 MiB) Viewed 16363 times
I bet you guys thought that spear was going to come into play. That's called misdirection ;-).
Uh oh.  Looks like the monster just caught the illusive unicorn.
Uh oh. Looks like the monster just caught the illusive unicorn.
Fallen Heroines - Supernova - Digital Character Introduction - An Unexpected Turn of Events (Ultrawide).jpg (3.16 MiB) Viewed 16348 times
Things work a little differently around here.
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The Honey Badger
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

Fallen Heroines - Supernova - Digitalized Character Introduction - Unicorn (Ultrawide).jpg (3.1 MiB) Viewed 16328 times
Welcome to my universe.

Now that everything is said and done, I'm not sure how I feel about the final render as it was somewhat rushed since I was trying to post it before I went to bed. In particular, the blood work on the blade prop looks Photoshopped (it was) which is an appearance that I would like to avoid in my work. There's actually Photoshopping done in all of the Supernova renders, but I'm hoping that it's not noticeable; moreover, I made the lighting in the room far too bright and I'm not a huge fan of Supernova's final expression and pose. I usually spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on those two elements which is time I didn't have on this render. Anyhow, I still have a lot to learn with Photoshop, but I'm going to try to redo the scene tomorrow using DAZ assets. Even if it doesn't look as real, I'm hoping that it won't break away from the overall aesthetic of my work and I'll go ahead and fix the issues.

Since Supernova will be the most respected heroine in my fictional universe, her death scenes will be infrequent so take them in when you can. Her experience makes her incredibly difficult to kill which is why her death scenes need to be well thought out. Supernova <3 I have one more heroine concept in the works and then I'm going start focusing on creating stories for each of them. The good news is that you won't see that damn room again until I decide to create more concept characters. I've been itching to play around with different environments and a some of the ones I've seen offer up creative heroine neutralizing solutions. There are many a dark days ahead for the Vanguards of Justice...
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

I spent some time today polishing the last scene and finally came up with something that meets my standards. I consider my first attempt to be a lesson learned since I took a couple of short cuts that blew up in my face, the biggest of which was lazy lighting. Using a circular formation of intense light sources removed the actors' shadows which made their placement in the scenes look artificial against the brightly illuminated setting. This became evident the closer you moved to the sources. After dimming down the lighting, the scene fit with the aesthetic I'm going for so I made a couple of pose adjustments and added twenty plus odd blood pools to finalize the revision. Side note: if you want to see how much of a difference the reduction in lighting made, toggle back and forth between the two versions of the Unicorn image in a picture viewing program! Speaking of unicorns, I suppose I should clarify that the term unicorn is slang for a really attractive person who is essentially unobtainable given their perfection which is where the double meaning in the title comes into play.
Unicorn... version two
Unicorn... version two
Fallen Heroines - Supernova - Digitalized Character Introduction - Unicorn (Revised).jpg (2.79 MiB) Viewed 16227 times
I also pulled a Hollywood and wrote away the death scene by explaining it as a dream, but I do have big plans in store for our beloved Supernova.
It was all a dream...
It was all a dream...
Fallen Heroines - Supernova - Digitalized Character Introduction - Foreshadowing (Ultrawide).jpg (2.89 MiB) Viewed 16227 times
Since Supernova's vision is loosely based on some sort of future event, I'm currently story boarding a fight scene and would like to get some feedback on the synopsis. Supernova enters a decrepit warehouse and proceeds to fight the monster from her vision. She kicks its ass exhibiting supreme confidence in her abilities, but it eventually uses some sort of cheap trick to momentarily gain the upper hand at which point Supernova will be thrown, incidentally, towards a discarded rod protruding from the floor. She'll catch herself before her head is impaled (I'll be sure to capture the look of shock on her face given how close she comes to death), but before she's able to recover, the creature will place its foot on her head and start to bare down with all of its weight. Supernova will resist for a while longer adding to the tension as the sharpened rod comes closer to her face until she eventually fatigues at which point her head will be skewered and a look of terror will be plastered on her lovely face for all of eternity. I may even have the creature impale its own foot and model it hobbling around in pain for levity as Supernova lays motionless on the floor. Is this something people would want to see or am I just wasting my time with it?

Moving forward I'm also dropping the word Ultrawide from my naming convention. You can expect everything to be at roughly 3440x1440 pixels which leads me to a question. I'm saving the JPGs in the highest possible quality which means they're roughly 3MB per each one which is somewhat uncommon. Do you guys want me to reduce the quality a bit to shrink that file size to something smaller?
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What is your main fetish?: Superheroine defeat, death , vore, guro, pantyhose
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by squidd82 »

Honey badger, you are nit wasting your time! I am enjoying your work and it does remind me of artdude41. You have definitely come a long way in a short time. I really liked Artdude41's super heroine murder series especially Supergirl, who is one of my favorite comic charcaters. For live ones, SuperNova is the best (Melanie and Danica). I am anxious to see what you come up with and I like the dream idea and the chance to see Supernova in her secret identity or getting dressed into her uniform. I also liked how you added the descriptions to a shot of Melanie. I recently had an artist do a sketch of Supergirl changing into Supergirl but Jason Vorhees was behind her and stabbed her with his Kryptonite machete. Complete look of surprise on her face. I thought also of making that a dream that Supergirl might be having. Be sure to add a few more shots between showing Supernova struggling, and maybe a closer view of her death stare. I like how you added the blood on your second draft of last frame. I hope you do some more ideas then strangulation or stabbing, as with art you can do more then live action. I also want to point out that I do not wish this on real people or women, I know this is just a fetish community. I do also enjoy Darkwing, Wondra, Ultragirl and am drawn into some of the new characters. Hang the bloody pirates who are sharing these great videos and taking away the lovely Melanie from us. She has added so much to the Supernova films and has such cute and funny out takes!!
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by squidd82 »

Honey Badger, Thanks for picking up the super heroine death art that artdude41 has sort of dropped. It is greatly appreciated!!!
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The Honey Badger
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by The Honey Badger »

squidd82 wrote:Honey Badger, Thanks for picking up the super heroine death art that artdude41 has sort of dropped. It is greatly appreciated!!!
Not a problem squidd. artdude41's superheroine work makes my stuff look pitiful with his level of quality and violence. I would be happy if I was 10% of the artist that he is. As a new hobby-artist my art style is subject to change, but I have given thought to framing and cinematic perspective. My biggest problem with it is that I spend a lot of time and effort modeling the scene to a standard that I've set for myself. Since my view of the scene is pretty much a floating camera that freely moves around in the 3D space, I make sure that every part of the actors' bodies are positioned in the correct spot, even if the final render camera won't see it. Since these renders take on average of one hour to complete, I try to squeeze the most out of any scene that I can, but I will definitely incorporate drawn out sequences in the future to show more of a struggle. Those Supernova frames were actually just a test of the Supernova assets so I didn't bother to actually build tension or draw out the death scene. I didn't even intend to post anything past the second frame because I didn't want to kill her off so quickly. I want her death in my universe to have significance and that's just not possible if she dies over and over again. That emotional investment is also the reason I've spent so much time recently developing the other characters in my universe into more than just objects that are killed at the end of every set.
rockastan05 wrote:This is great work, keep it up. Especially the super nova.
Thanks. I'm happy with the way Supernova turned out. Blue's heroines are the best!

More character development coming through. I drafted up some backstories for the heroines of my universe and will be posting their bios as I complete them. Here is Scarlet's profile
Say hello to Ms. Julie Redmond
Say hello to Ms. Julie Redmond
Fallen Heroines - Scarlet - Character Profile.jpg (2.34 MiB) Viewed 16009 times
She has a very special death waiting for her at the end of my thirteen image set that I've been neglecting due to copious amounts of character development. I really need to find a proper balance in time. That said, I haven't actually killed off any of my heroines in a minute so I re-rendered censored versions of my Spoils of War frames that were too explicit for the this thread. I was incredibly pleased with the poses and death stares in these two shots. If you want to see the uncensored versions, you can find them on my other thread in the Video and Image Share Forum which hosts some of my more graphic and explicit content or you can click on the link beneath each picture. Be warned, you probably shouldn't click on any of the links if you're opposed to sexual violence towards fallen heroines...
The bad guys in my universe know A LOT of body bending chokeholds
The bad guys in my universe know A LOT of body bending chokeholds
Fallen Heroines - Sapphire - The Spoils of War (Censored) copy.jpg (2.46 MiB) Viewed 16009 times
Uncensored Version Here. I'm not going to bother re-writing up a synopsis for frames that already have a story.
As the youngest heroine in my universe, Sapphire's inexperience is going to make her the target of a lot of brutality
As the youngest heroine in my universe, Sapphire's inexperience is going to make her the target of a lot of brutality
Fallen Heroines - Sapphire - The Spoils of War - Extended (Censored).jpg (2.4 MiB) Viewed 16009 times
Uncensored Version Here. That death stare...

Indirectly speaking of sexuality, what are your thoughts on the heroines having romantic and meaningful relationships (implied or shown and all tastefully done) with partners of the opposite gender? Love is a powerful human emotion and I would like to make these characters as believable as possible. Can a superheroine have an active love life or is she forever destined to be asexual?
Director B
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by Director B »

That's a good death pose Honey Badger, maybe we can have our actresses pose in those ways in our videos, what does everyone think, any thoughts on this matter? Maybe you can do some artwork with our heroines - Ultrawoman, Wondra, Darkwing, Supernova, Teen Bat, Wonder Kick etc in their last death throw pose and we can imitate it on our shoots. Next up is Darkwing so anything on this heroine would be cool. Thoughts Mr. Badger?
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What is your main fetish?: One sided defeat of a super heroine. Especially if she's simply over matched rather than tricked.
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by Beowulf »

Director B wrote:That's a good death pose Honey Badger, maybe we can have our actresses pose in those ways in our videos, what does everyone think, any thoughts on this matter? Maybe you can do some artwork with our heroines - Ultrawoman, Wondra, Darkwing, Supernova, Teen Bat, Wonder Kick etc in their last death throw pose and we can imitate it on our shoots. Next up is Darkwing so anything on this heroine would be cool. Thoughts Mr. Badger?
For my money put SuperNova Prime in that face down, leg up, death pose. It's a great shot displayed here by Sapphire. It would be simply extraordinary if done with Melody Sky as SuperNova Prime.
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What is your main fetish?: One sided defeat of a super heroine. Especially if she's simply over matched rather than tricked.
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Re: Fallen Heroines Series (Extreme Endings)

Post by Beowulf »

Hello Honey Badger,
What software are you using to create these?
They are truly incredible.

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