Indie's Treasure Trove

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"Fall of an Amazon - the price for betrayal"

Post by indiefilmfan »

Here is a vid I bought a little while back. I think it was when I had the "Saphyra-rama" binge one night that I covered earlier in this thread. For some reason, I guess I forgot to mention this one.

Anyway, it's a simple vid, about 8 minutes long, and is pretty much just a "Saphyra eye candy" piece as far as I can tell, which is just fine by me. The entirety of this film features Saphyra already restrained with arms chained overhead, hiking up her boobers a bit and making them look quite nice.
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Fantine walks in and proclaims her a traitor, and begins to drag a dagger around on her torso, making various shallow cuts, so as to torment her slowly.
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She then buries the dagger into Saphyra's belly button a couple times and leaves her to hang there and suffer. That's pretty much the tale of this episode.
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***Apparently, in part 2, she is given the opportunity to fight and die like a warrior, but I have not seen it, so I can't elaborate on it. ***

What I can tell you, is if you fancy Saphyra in the way I do, and simply enjoy marveling at her natural beauty, then this vid will suit you just fine.

Olaf spent a very good deal of close-up camera time of Saphyra's face and body in this vid, including some extreme close-ups of just her beautiful eyes, which, of course, was just my cup of tea. In fact, in another time and place.....

Though I tried to look away, my efforts were for naught. My will broken and bent, I had been enslaved from the moment she fixed her emerald gaze upon me...

Yet I was not made into stone, as have been other poor souls who have happened upon the gorgon, or the basilisk. No, this creature cast a different spell... One of charm and passion... It was not her nature to harm, but to rather spin a cocoon of desire about her that enveloped any who drew near... Such was her power...

My steel slipped from my grasp, as if it were no longer needed. And so also did I discard my shield... my stalwart companion, weathered from battles uncounted, cast aside like a child's toy that had lost it's intrigue.

My hands reached up and removed my helm, though it was not my bidding. Then, though I was rendered helpless against her power, she did not slay me, for that was not her way. Instead, she turned and strode into the forest, and without thought, I followed. For in their silent, cascading majesty, the emeralds beckoned me... Where they would lead, I would ever follow. Such was their power...

Behold that power...
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Now I'm not one for the sweaty look, but I suspect I may be in the minority there. If you like it, you'll be treated to a fully moistened Saphyra who sheds rivulets of sweat throughout the whole vid.

There's really nothing else to say. Saphyra chained up + Olaf's camera = WIN. If you agree with that statement, there's no reason for you not to throw a few deutsche marks into Olaf's Christmas coffers, pick up this little gem, and experience the power of those emeralds for yourself. Cheers! - indie

Vid may be bought here: ... cb3b09697f
Last edited by indiefilmfan on Wed Dec 16, 2020 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Lara C. - Amazon Attack"

Post by indiefilmfan »

I've been starving for some new material from Olaf, but neither vid in his double release today were my cup of tea, so I opted for a vid released a few months ago - "Lara C. - Amazon Attack."

To be perfectly honest, the sole reason I bought this vid was to view Shemina's beautiful pale skin, as was shown in the preview pics on Olaf's site. I realize that's not why most of you here gravitate toward your selections, but have no fear, there are other elements here to tantalize some of your taste buds, too.

This is a quickly shot, plotless, (and somewhat unusually) scoreless vid. Lara C. (played by Talanis) walks into an Amazon fortress to take in the sights, Shemina the Amazon emerges from the shadows and attacks, and they have it out, simple as that.

For my delight, there was the element of that skin so pale it's partially translucent, giving glimpses of the pretty blue highways that busy themselves just beneath it's surface. Have a look...
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For those of you that enjoy it, there were several straight minutes of well choreographed "female wrastlin," as the hill folk call it in this country. If you are a fan of belly punching (and knee to belly), you'll get treated to some here, along with some fancy ground work by the both of them, somewhat reminiscent of a UFC fight. The late "Mean Gene" Okerlund would be proud...
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There are a few chokes, kicks, elbows, even an attempted arm bar, before Shemina scrambles to grab her dagger and slash Talanis' belly...
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Talanis gives her ghostly white belly a good number of blows before returning the favor of choking her into near unconsciousness against the pillar...
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Finally, Talanis tires of all this poppycock and retrieves her pistola, which she uses to repeatedly perforate that lovely alabaster flesh...
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Shemina, though, being the hearty Amazon that she is, does not go down easily, and keeps coming for Talanis, though she hasn't an ounce of strength left to fight...
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Talanis finishes her off with a few more shots, then walks away to perform the fakest magazine change in history, LOL! ;-)
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Talanis then skulks off into the shadows, and the camera pans around poor Shemina for another full minute offering up multiple viewing angles of her beautifully ventilated corpse.
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So there you have it. Short, simple, and effective, for those of us who like this type of vid. I could've done with a bit longer session, of course, like Shemina throwing sand in Talanis's eyes to afford her a temporary escape, where she runs off and hides, tends her wounds a bit, then reappears freshly armed with a sword and board, surprising Talanis and ready to go at it again, but alas, it was not to be this time.

Still, I am quite thankful for what I got: 2 of my favorites who are still willing to do what many of us here adore. Times are tough, and it makes me feel good to give what little I can to a worthy recipient - in this case Olaf, who in turn gives what he can to his little troupe of girls who are in the same boat as the rest of us, only they're brave enough to do what they do in front of the camera for our amusement. Money well spent, I'd say. I really enjoy this little gem, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Cheers! - indie

Buy this vid at: ... b85d68532b

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"The Perfect Couple - part 3"

Post by indiefilmfan »

So I was watching some of my older stash last night, as I often do, and I treated myself to a full viewing of this vid again for the umpteenth time. In fact, I watched it again in awe for 3 full viewings consecutively. Allow me to elaborate...

I'm sure I remember remarking about this a while back on the D.S. board, but I couldn't find any record of it in my files. However, I personally feel that this vid is so worthy of praise, that I will type out my thoughts again here, and hope that Blue doesn't get Geno'd afterward.

I will start by saying that I did not buy part one of this little trilogy, and I think I only bought part 2 after seeing this one. I'm not really INTO stabbings, and there are no bare boobies to be shown here, so typically, I would've steered clear of this whole series. But boy am I glad I didn't.

It must've been the preview pics of the shootout on Olaf's site that made me want to give it a shot. I really don't recall, but what the viewer ends up being treated to here is nothing less than spectacular. In fact, I will go out on a limb here and say it was the most dramatic performance I've seen from anyone in all of Olaf's studio.

In short, this is a "silk-o-rama" vid commissioned by someone who is clearly very into the whole silk blouse thing. The plot is that they are both agents and Thyarmis gets the call that Antaris has double crossed her. Then it's on. A gunfight ensues between them, and once bullets start finding their marks, the two continue to slowly moan erotically from their wounds and perforate one another until they're out of ammo. By this time, they've each sustained enough damage to kill 5 good men... Then the real show begins.

Old "sleepy eyes" Thyarmis never fails to impress, with her 70's eye shadow over those sultry bedroom peepers, but she really outdid herself here. And the same goes for Antaris. The eroticism in these scenes radiates from these two like an overfed blast furnace.

They both writhe on the ground like serpents, moaning from all their wounds for a full 2 minutes, while groping their own breasts like they're in some sadomasochistic ecstacy. Then they pull out knives and begin to slowly stab one another repeatedly FOR 2 1/2 MORE MINUTES, moaning erotically all the while. This is followed by another 2 minutes of more writhing and moaning on the floor, their ultimate expiration, and finally, a panning of the bodies. Whew...

This, quite simply, is an incredible visual and aural feast. I have never seen anyone earn their salary for a day's work more than what I witnessed here, I shit you not. Had these girls been topless throughout this performance, I probably would've became light-headed and blacked out before I got a quarter of the way through.

I don't know what else to say. Sometimes, the stars align just right and magic spontaneously happens. Perhaps that's what happened here. Or perhaps the right script was simply paired with the right girls and the right director. You be the judge. All I know is that it's probably the most astounding performance I've ever seen in this market, and it's not even in a sub-genre that appeals to me. Enough said. See for yourself, and bathe in the glory of 2 masters at work...
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I sincerely hope everyone involved in it's production is damn proud of the masterpiece they bestowed upon the world. - indie

This vid can be bought at Olaf's deutsche mark depository - ... 3991069eaf
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"Temple Assault 7" by Amazon-Warriors

Post by indiefilmfan »

I will start by saying I do not purchase many of the "mass scale battle" vids from A.W. They are really not my thing, as they focus on the quick deaths of a massive quantity of charging warriors. I personally prefer an isolated scene involving just one or two warriors, with the view very focused on the slow demise of one of them. I do know a lot of people like the mass scale scenes, though, and from what I understand, they are the best selling vids that come out of Olaf's studio. This video is a testament to why that is the case.

Now what made me step up and buy this vid was the fact that it featured an all star cast containing many of my favorite girls, (though several were curiously absent), and the fact that almost the entirety of it was comprised of them being riddled with arrows.
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And in all honesty, when I see a screencap like the one of Russlana here, I'm basically done for. It's as if Olaf dangled a swinging watch in front of my face, saying "you are getting very sleepy now......but before you will buy this vid....." I swear if the act of arching in agony from being shot could be patented and trademarked somehow, Russlana would undoubtedly be the patent holder. All my willpower and rationality are helpless against her portrayals.
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I consider this vid a "tour de force" of this particular niche. It's sort of an arrows version of the "massacre of the savages" (but not as long). The bottom line here is if you like many charging warriors being shot down with arrows on a larger scale, then I would recommend this vid wholeheartedly to you for that reason alone.

Now onto what I would consider a "bonus" to this vid. The only two actresses that are given more screen time are Averia and Thyarmis. There are focused segments of them that portray them as very close sisters in defense of their temple, and as has already been shown by Olaf's own preview pics on his site, Thyarmis is shot and as they are out of arrows and their demise at the hands of the invading enemy seems imminent, She asks Averia to finish her herself to avoid death at the hands of the enemy. Averia obliges with the thrust of her large knife through the heart of old "sleepy eyes," and then performs a similar, suicidal thrust to herself.
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Now I have always found something very special about Averia. She has a unique look, especially her eyes, that grabs my attention so firmly that when I watch a vid that features her, I often become distracted from everything else that's happening due to being so fixated on her face. I also always notice her extensive effort to really put her all into her performance.

Her suicide here is a shining example of that. If you're a suicide fan, I can't imagine a better scene than this one. Coupled with modern high-definition video clarity, watching her bloody performance in this scene on my 50" screen is simply stunning to me, and is the exact thing that will make any newcomer to Olaf's vids an immediate dedicated follower of all the work that comes out of his studio. Bravo to Averia, and Bravo to Olaf.

And on a personal note, it was this scene that really cemented my liking of her to a "Hammer Girl." The generous amount of bright red blood on her beautiful pale skin looked to my eyes as if she stepped right off of an old Hammer Studios production stage from the 60's. Just imagine that the handle from her dagger is really a stake that Peter Cushing was kind enough to place there for us. - indie
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As usual, this vid can be bought at: ... 3e8767f5b2
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Wild Stories "The Cop Who Played With Mafia"

Post by indiefilmfan »

Well, I had sort of decided to retire from doing reviews, but after joining Antony's 'Wild Stories" website and subsequently going on a bit of a bender with his vids yesterday, I feel I should at least mention my thoughts here on them.

I was only vaguely familiar with the work of the Wild Stories studio, and was quite surprised when I got on the site and browsed around. The site is modern, simple, and has a search engine if you're trying to narrow down a specific actress, etc.

Since it was all new to me there, I just browsed his general selection which is organized by production year, back to 2016.

Clearly being supplied by that secret russian laboratory that produces hot women, his actresses are all VERY top notch, not bag ladies rounded up from the back alleys of Moscow somewhere.

His clips are all quite reasonable, most being in the $10 - $14 range. They are well shot and high quality resolution.

I was delighted to find a pattern in many of his video previews. This is the slow, deliberate shooting of a single victim with a suppressed pistol numerous times, without screaming or overacting on their part. The way they often react to the bullet's impact, including lurching up and arching their back as they grimace, is HIGHLY erotic to my eye.

There is no better example of this than the first vid I purchased entitled "The Cop who Played with Mafia." Wow, what a treasure! It's almost like this was made just for me! It's from 2019, and is 13 minutes of pure pleasure.

It stars a raven-haired regular from his troupe named Sophie as a cop who has confiscated some evidence from the mafia. She comes home to find a masked mafia thug waiting in her closet who puts her in her own handcuffs and asks her where his stuff is.
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She tries to play tough girl, so he throttles her up against the wall for a full minute until she passes out. He then carries her over and lays her on the bed while he begins to search around for the evidence.
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She wakes up, slips the cuffs and goes for her gun, but he is slightly quicker and drills her in the gut. For me, this is where the good stuff begins...
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She is disoriented from the first shot, so he puts 2 more into her chest and she collapses to the floor, where she moans and writhes around for a bit. He then asks her for the code to the safe, and when she refuses, he gets those big beautiful boobers out and begins to slowly shoot her, one shot at a time as she continues to writhe and seize on the floor.
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Her reactions to each shot as she gasps and arches her back are priceless. Pure ecstasy. What a pro this girl is. I must say in all honesty, for my personal tastes, this may be the most erotic scene I've ever seen in one of these types of shooting vids. Sophie is scalding hot and the scene was shot perfectly. Have another gander at perfection:
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Once she's expired, her killer picks her up again and puts her on top of the couch on display. The camera captures her peaceful sleep in high-def from various angles before fading out.
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Again, this vid was very much like it was made as a custom for me, so if you have tastes like mine, you'll love this vid. It may well be my new favorite.

I was so happy with it that I immediately went back to Antony's "Wild Stories" site and went on a bender, buying several more vids. I like producers to get ALL the money I spend, so I contacted Antony directly by email. He gave me a link to transfer funds to him through a very common "pay" service, which I did. He then emailed me a link to download the vid. Simple.

Now, I'm not telling you how to handle your own financial transactions, that's your business. But I personally find it appalling that there are sites out there who "host" your vids for sale and then take like a 40% cut of the money. I also have it on good authority that they don't report all the sales to you, either, thereby flat-out stealing the yield of your labors. Fuck that.

It's hard enough for you producers to try and keep afloat through censorship, piracy, public scorn, etc. I'm not giving a nickel of what I deem "your" money to some cocksucker who's earned zero of it. Enough said.

*** Of special interest on his site is also a page called "Custom Monitor" where customers who have ordered customs can check in and see the status of their commission. It lists the title, and under it the particular stage of development that it is currently in, such as "study of the script," "preparing to shoot," etc. This is a fantastic feature, and one that all producers should have if they offer customs. It only takes a second to update and could save them a ton of email answering from customers wondering the status of their custom.

I will add that we conversed a bit back and forth via email and he seems to me to be a very nice fellow, and I can certainly see myself commissioning customs from him in the future, as he already shoots many of his vids in exactly the style I like. Thanks, Antony! And a special thanks to xj900uk for putting the bug in my ear about Wild Stories! Cheers!

Here's his site:

His Gumroad store:

Antony can be emailed directly at:
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Amazon-Warriors "How to Kill a Hunter - pt. 3"

Post by indiefilmfan »

***WARNING*** As is customary, for safety purposes I must post this disclaimer before bestowing upon you graphic images that could cause serious harm to Tommy Gunn, who can faint at the sight of even the slightest amount of blood. Extremely bloody images of nips to follow... Avert thy eyes, Tommy!!!

Just released from Amazon-Warriors, and weighing in at 9 minutes and a very sinister 666 mb :twisted: , we have "How to kill a Hunter pt. 3." I did not buy the first 2 in this series, but I was helpless to resist this episode when I saw the preview pics of Russlana brandishing her bloody nips in front of my eyes.

I believe Olaf has had his scientists encode subliminal messaging at a microscopic level onto those nips that hypnotizes me and makes me powerless to resist their every command - to buy more of her vids. This has cost me no small sum over the last few years, but until I discover a way to defend myself against such advanced German technology, I shall remain a hapless slave to this terrible vixen's dastardly erotic performances. Roddy Piper was going to lend me a pair of glasses that was supposed to help, but alas, he expired before I could get them, so onto the review...

Picking up after Russlana apparently gave one of Antaris's clones the beatdown in the previous episode, this one starts with an already exhausted and wounded Russlana looking up to see a fresh, clean, and leather clad Antaris glaring her way and talking trash.
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Poor Russlana is in too much of a weakened state from her previous fight, so she is no match for Antaris. Antaris kicks her and hits her with several good old-fashioned punches, then picks up an A R and goes to work ventilating that already bloody yellow silk blouse.
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After 2 barrages of semi-auto kisses, Russlana is spewing a fair amount of blood from her mouth and really soiling that blouse, so she decides to go out in style and unleash the only weapons she has left..... her world-renowned armor-piercing nips, hurray!!!
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Antaris compliments her, and gives her another barrage, then another, until Russlana is driven down onto her back, writhing about on the floor and pawing her chest suggestively as she gasps and chokes on her own blood.
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***Special Note*** The blood in this vid is SPECTACULAR! Whatever the exact recipe was that Olaf used in this vid, it was PERFECT! I'd never change it again! And Russlana garfed enough of it up to fill a punchbowl, too, yay!

Anyway, Antaris gives her one final series of shots, and then kneels down beside her prey and joins in the fondling, running her own black-gloved fingers all over Russlana's bullet hole-riddled chest for her own pleasure as our poor victim enters her final death throes.
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Again, the boobies making their special guest appearance in this episode was what hooked me in. But once I got to watch the vid, I quickly realized it was the style of shooting vid I like - One antagonist in complete control of their prey... slow, measured, and methodical, shooting them full of enough holes to kill a whole platoon of soldiers. A spectacular, bloody, visual feast that was expertly crafted and performed.

I haven't seen the likes of this kind of blood-drenched writhing since the last time I watched "The perfect couple pt. 3." ***Also reviewed above***

This vid is like the "take your time version" of when Sean Connery got an entire drum mag emptied into him by Billy Drago in The Untouchables. Glorious.

This is, at it's heart, a very simple type of vid. It takes place in one small area of a room. Only one person is killed, and thus needs make-up and effects. Simple, yet effective. 90% of the camera focus is on Russlana, and her performance is, as usual, flawless. She really knows how to sell her death throes, and is a true master of the art of arching and writhing on the ground.

Antaris looks scalding hot as usual, too, but we don't see as much of her since she's mainly the trigger girl in this episode. But what there is of her is top notch.

I would fly on a jet full of covid patients to Germany and let them all cough on me before deboarding just to be able to brush that beautiful, long, dark hair of hers once...

So anyway, there you have it. Another "Silk-O-Vision" episode that delivers the goods in spades. And, Olaf be praised, HAS BOOBIES THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!

See those bloody nips for yourself here: ... 98d97a610e

Or here:
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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Post by tommygun »

LOL, Indie... Tongue-in-cheek, indeed, since you know that I'm definitely a blood lover myself...

"Safe House/Rising From the Dead" probably was a high mark in that regard, but I do love having the bloody flows from the bullet, knife and arrow wounds. That's a large part of the fun!
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Wild Stories - "The Last Amazon"

Post by indiefilmfan »

Well, as I mentioned above, I went on a bit of a bender when I discovered Antony's site at Here's a look at another little gem I picked up there. It's called "The Last Amazon."

It stars the raven-haired Milana as a special agent who is sent in undercover to take out a criminal boss. She does that easily enough when he shows up, but before she can make her clean getaway, more henchmen show up outside. Her boss tells her through her earpiece to get out, but the building is surrounded.
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She returns fire at some unseen enemies from the doorway, temporarily keeping them at bay, but eventually, she catches a sniper's bullet from a window, fortunately requiring her to discard her tanktop.
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Her enemies eventually force their way in through the door, and though she stands her ground valiantly, she begins taking more shots...
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She staggers back after catching a few, and reaches up to a rafter chain to steady herself and remain in the fight...
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But strong as she is, a few more bullets finally bring her down. She collapses and enters her death throes, giving us some last gasps and back arches before saying goodnight...
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Once again, this was someone else's custom that has a similar taste to mine. The recipe is simple:

One girl + multiple, slowly paced shots + bare boobies = WIN! :clap:

Milana's reactions to the shots were spot on and erotic. The camera work is great and the high-def quality is outstanding. It was a cool set, too. I know not every small budget producer can afford multiple locations, but it sure is refreshing to see care taken with crafting a set for a scene to keep some variation up. I especially liked her reaching up and grabbing the rafter chain and trying to hold on out of desperation. That was a very nice touch. I could watch these kinds of vids all day.

I see some guys who have shot scores and scores of vids in the exact same room in their same scuzzy basement without ever even trying to make anything look fresh or different. Not the case here.

Anyway, this 12 min. vid can be bought for $15 directly from Antony, which is how I recommend it, instead of from some shyster hosting a crappy website who keeps half the money. Support your producers, guys, so they can continue to support our tastes. Cheers! - indie

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Re: Amazon-Warriors "How to Kill a Hunter - pt. 3"

Post by dirtyharry »

indiefilmfan wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:24 am 90% of the camera focus is on Russlana, and her performance is, as usual, flawless. She really knows how to sell her death throes, and is a true master of the art of arching and writhing on the ground.

So anyway, there you have it. Another "Silk-O-Vision" episode that delivers the goods in spades. And, Olaf be praised, HAS BOOBIES THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!
I can't agree more, indie!
I love this video, and I love the perfect team Antaris + Russlana too!
Russlana is a goddess when she plays an erotic death scene!
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Re: Wild Stories "Erotica and Bullets 1 and 2"

Post by indiefilmfan »

Here is a pair of gems for fans of digital only gunshot wounds, with no lingering bullet holes to mar the view of the lovely actresses involved.

These films are pure eye candy, and are expertly photographed by Antony, as usual. I don't know if it's his attention to detail or what, but for some reason, his films always seem more "perfect" to my eye in the sense of crispness of image, stabilization during shots, etc. Everything just seems so... clean. Even the costuming is always without flaw.

And going along with that vein, I have noticed a pattern of using very nice hotel rooms for many of his shoots. And by nice, I mean new, like they had just finished being built and painted the day of the shoot. He must have a secret connection with the Hiltons or something.

Anyway, I bought the first "Erotica and Bullets" a little while back, and before I could get my comments up about it, part 2 suddenly appeared, lol. Now these 2 vids are virtually identical in nature, but feature different actresses.

Part 1 features the lovely Nicole, who frolics about her hotel room in various outfits before taking suppressed shots from an unseen gunman. These are single shots, that she seems happy to accept, and she takes her time in her death throes after each one.

These are VERY erotic, as the title suggests, and this girl is hot. She looks like a china doll. Have a gander:
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Beautiful skin, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, beautiful boobers... this girl's a ringer. 24 minutes of pure eye candy. Enough said.

"Erotica and Bullets 2" has just been released in case 24 minutes of hotness was not enough for you the first go around. This one features Sophie, and is nearly identical to the first vid. And that's a good thing.

When the vid started and Sophie came into view wearing that... thing, my jaw just dropped. I'm not sure what you call it, but it looks like a cross between an evening gown and a loincloth. Generally, for my taste, there is no article of clothing in existence that looks better on a girl than she would look simply topless.

But I digress... if this girl were my wife, I'd want nothing but a closet full of these things so that's all she could ever have to wear. The combination of that dress with the thigh-high stockings and thong is the hottest outfit I have ever seen. Period. Behold it's majesty:
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It was hard for me to continue on with the rest of the vid in my state of delirium after the opening scene, but somehow I managed. It continues on to feature Sophie in a few more hot outfits, reacting erotically and slowly dying after receiving a gunshot from offscreen.
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Whew. Now I know the whole point of these vids is to specifically cater to the death fetish community, and it does it and does it well... but there is something else to be gathered here.

To my eye, I feel like I'm watching a Victoria's Secret modeling session... which just happens to have it's models shot to death at the end of displaying each outfit. That's the only adequate way of describing what these vids look like.

I don't know if Antony also moonlights as a fashion designer, or maybe he also has yet another secret connection in the fashion industry, but by god, he knows how to dress his girls to the maximum level of hotness humanly attainable.

I shit you not when I say this looks like a professional modeling shoot for Playboy or the like. And I'm really seeing that trend in many of the Wild Stories vids. Bravo to you, Antony. You have a true lensman's eye.

So there you are, folks, more hotness than should be legally allowed on any screen. Go to Antony's site below or drop him an email to get either of these two treasures and I think you'll agree with my comments. Cheers! - indie
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Amazon-Warriors "Mia Mane 2: Peril in Amazonia"

Post by indiefilmfan »

OK, so here's another little treat that I bought about a month ago from the Amazon-Warriors site. Olaf has his little traps he likes to set, and sometimes I just step right into them.

He put "Mia Mane pt. 2: Peril in Amazonia" on sale for a measly 100 credits, so I dove in, and what a pleasant surprise I got.

This vid was filmed in 2011, so it features some of the original cast members from Olaf's troupe who are no longer making vids. A pity, since there is some sorely missed talent to be found here.

For starters, this vid is unlike anything he is churning out today, in the sense that great effort was put into the plot, dialogue, shooting locations, and soundtrack. This undoubtedly cost more time and money, but the end result is what would truly be considered a 15 minute "short" film, as opposed to a strictly "fetish video" segment. Hurray!!

I did not see the prequel to this film, but somehow, Mia Mane has come into possession of a special yellow gemstone that people have tried to kill her for.
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She is suspicious that that rascal Olaf may have set her up, so she uses one of my own lines on him, ha!
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She investigates some, and comes to meet the mysterious "Synergy," played by Jade. Jade also possesses a stone, and when they are put together, a portal is opened and the two girls are ported to the world of Amazonia.
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Before they realize what has happened, they are spotted by the Amazons and a fight ensues. Arrows cross paths with bullets and the place is soon littered with bodies.
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Jade is down and Mia is wounded, but Amazon Saphyra somehow recognizes her (a premonition, perhaps?) and helps her to escape. Amazon leader Semira then drags her fallen warriors into a body pile and proclaims them a sacrifice to her goddess.
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Again, this was a delight to me since it featured more plot, dialogue, and locations in the first half, more like a real movie. There was considerable contribution to the soundtrack from a band named "Rozencrantz," if anyone fancies them.

In any case, I think you'd be hard pressed to get much more entertainment anywhere for 10 euros. This is one trap I'd gladly fall into again. Thanks for taking me back in time, Olaf! - indie ... 49d037028d
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Mandragora's "Tormented by Bullets"

Post by indiefilmfan »

Here's another nice vid I was very pleasantly surprised with! "Tormented by Bullets" is from Mandragora Studios, a subsidary of Wild Stories. This vid features a girl named Yasnara, who I was not previously familiar with, but I really like her look. This is not only a shooting vid, but also features some good strangling and a lift and carry for lovers of those things.

She plays a spy who is in her apartment, and having just put on some sexy black nylons, admires herself in front of the mirror. She enters the bathroom, and after she does, a masked intruder enters quietly and starts to search the apartment for something. He then hears her exit the bathroom and surprises her from behind, strangling her with his bare hands.
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The strangling is about 90 seconds, during which you are treated to some very well performed struggles, gasps, and body spasms from this excellent actress, and during the process, they slowly lower to the floor, where she finally loses consciousness.
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The intruder then carefully removes her blouse, seemingly looking for something concealed within it. After discarding it, he then kneels and lifts her up and cradle carries her over to the bed.
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The intruder then continues to search her apartment for whatever he came for, and while his back is turned, she regains consciousness, retrieves a hidden pistol from under her pillow, and catches him off guard with a few shots, dropping him to the floor.
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She thinks he's finished, and when she steps up to his body, he surprises her with some shots of his own. 3 slow, well placed shots to her lovely lower sternum / upper abdomen evoke some nice reactions from her, aa she moans, staggers, and collapses onto a nearby ottoman.
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There, she treats us to more jerks, very heavy gasps, and moans in a final encore performance before giving up the ghost and sprawling out in a fantastic death pose:
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Then, the killer gets up, admires his work for a few moments, and decides to give her a few more bullets for good measure before leaving. We are then given some nice body panning shots before fading out.
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I was absolutely delighted with this vid. Though this is not a new release, it features a new girl (to my eyes) who really delivered the goods, I thought. Her gasping and reactions during the strangling and after being shot were top notch. I recommend this vid wholeheartedly.

Give Antony a holler over at his Wild Stories' direct site and he'll fix you right up. Cheers! - indie ... by-bullets
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Syldra Video's "Duel for Max" ???

Post by indiefilmfan »

Have you ever seen something so sleazy that you were just mesmerized by it? Well, for me that happened a while back when I was frolicking about in the sewer known as the internet and stumbled upon this vid. Or at least a portion of it, anyway.

Someone had a very short edit they had made posted on a site in a terribly low-res verion, but it caught my attention and held it like a vise. I had never seen anything that looked quite like it, and I went several months without seeing anything similar. I eventually came across other, even more sleazy clips from the same studio, but all were in such poor resolution that I could not make out the watermark of the studio in the corner of the screen.

Eventually I was able to zoom in on it in a vid with a light background and make it out. The studio was "Syldra Video" and their site was "" A quick search for them revealed they were long out of business.

This was maddening (and still is) because most of the stuff I found online seemed very short like it was edited down, and as I said, in very poor resolution. So I've been searching for good versions of that studio's full catalogue ever since, with no success. I even just made a post in the main forum looking for help in the matter.

Anyway, out of the few dozen clips I've scrounged up from the net, there are a few stand-outs with girls I find very attractive and content that rocks my world.

This review is for the longest version I have found of a vid that MIGHT be titled "Duel for Max." I can not confirm this, since I think the version I have is not complete. In fact, none of the clips I have display ANY titles or credits of any sort on the screen. Sigh...

But I shall do the best with what I have, so here goes...

The vid starts with 2 girls in long leather coats entering a basement. They remove their coats to reveal what seems to be this studio's trademark - black leather undergarments, garters, and nylons.
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There are several small, ornate boxes sitting on a table as if put there for them to open one at a time like some game, and then use what's inside.

One girl picks one and opens it, revealing a pair of leather gloves and some brass knuckles, which she puts on. She turns to the other girl and puts up her dukes, displaying her newfound toy. They circle for a moment before she punches the other girl in the gut a couple times, knocking her down onto the couch. The downed girl raises her hand in surrender and the girl with the knucks stops, lights up a cig, and sits down to relax.
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The other girl, holding her sore belly, gets up and goes to the table to take her turn. She picks another box, and inside is a suppressed Walther PP. When she picks it up and turns to face the seated girl, she jumps up in surprise. But by her reaction, I don't think she believes it's real.
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That all changes, however when she takes the first shot in the belly. Looking at her wound in utter disbelief, then looking back to the shooter, they exchange some words (french, I think) before the girl shoots her again... and again... and again...
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Now the poor girl is moaning in pain and holding her belly with 6 bullets in it. The shooter smirks and gives her one in the breast, which knocks her back down into her chair. She gives her one more shot to the chest for good measure and her victim's eyes go wide.
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The shooter smiles as she turns and puts the gun back in it's box. She then, out of curiosity looks into yet another box, and finds inside a stiletto, which she takes out... and then the vid ends, sigh.....
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I don't know if the original continued on longer, but it sure seems like it. In any case, I really liked this vid. The first version I found was actually much shorter than the version I just described. Leave it to idiots to butcher up great material. Welcome to the internet, I guess.

Oh, and by the way, this clip is the LEAST sleaziest looking vid that I have seen from their studio. The rest are much more noir-like.

Anyway, here's a link to my post in the other thread that has a bunch of other screencaps from some of this studio's other clips that I have found. If anyone has any other information about this studio or it's vids, please drop me a line.


There is something very special to me about this studio's content, and there are a couple other clips from them that I like so much, I will do reviews on them here as well. I hope you like them, too. Cheers! - indie
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Mandragora's "Spy Wars 2"

Post by indiefilmfan »

Well... there seems to be a fair bit of running around in catsuits lately, and there is damn sure no shortage of bear hugs EVER happening in Blue's threads, so I guess if you can't beat them... join them...

Here's another vid from Antony's Mandragora label, ala Wild Stories at

This features Yasnara with the pretty hair again, and this time, she's a spy in a special catsuit. Whilst in her flat, she is snuck up on by what appears to be a member of the band "Slipknot."
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He begins to slowly put slugs into her from his suppressed pistol, but they appear to ricochet off of the special suit. Her reactions to the shots are good, and she treats us to a bit of anguish from the pain.
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That's some butt cheek madness right there:
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He keeps shooting her, and eventually, the impacts alone are enough to render her unconscious on the floor. He then stoops down and cradle lifts her, then flops her down on the bed, where he begins to unzip her catsuit.
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She wakes up, chops him one in the throat, and makes a dash for her gun. He grabs her, and they begin to grapple. He lifts her up off of the ground, and as she flails about in resistance, he bear hugs her tight.
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Here, she continues to flail at him as her feet dangle helplessly, but as he squeezes, her strength slowly wanes, and she does a good job of conveying this fade to the viewer through a series of gasps, etc.
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Finally, we hear a crunch, and she gives one last gasp as her body goes limp in his arms. He then keeps her upright as he carries her back to the bed and lays her down for the last time. We are then given about another minute worth of camera pans over her lovely body at eternal rest.
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There you have it, folks... if you like catsuits, shootings, bear hugs, AND good deals, this one is for you. Give it a look for 12 clams at Antony's website - ... spy-wars-2 Cheers! - indie
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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Post by JohnG »

I too greatly enjoyed Peril in Amazonia with the story depth you mention, though it appears I bought my copy July 2011.
100 credits is an amazing bargain for a short film that contains one of the greatest (to me) machinegun scenes. Every bullet hit from three bursts are clearly defined and the wound effects remain in place with the hot actress (who I really should take the time to identify and see in what other videos she performed).

Second burst.
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Third burst.
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Wonderful writhing scene even considering it doesn't last very long.
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The promo screen caps highlighting this scene was all it took for me to make the purchase.

Then there also the bonus of Shemina's handgun riddling.
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Another video that is more short film is Infiltration Of The Amazon Army, part 2 -In The Base. I liked it a lot.
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