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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:10 am
by tostig
Hi Indie. Since the first review you made is no longer online and since it was a film I was heavily involved in getting made, I would love to read any refresh on AW’s Trial by Combat. Has the passage of time changed your view at all, or have you even revisited it since?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:29 pm
by indiefilmfan

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:16 pm
by tostig
Thank you for taking the time. The opinion is unchanged, but that is an entirely different write up than the other. one So, thanks for that. I have to admit that I have re-watched it with a more critical eye and recognize some of the shortcomings you have pointed out. At the core, I still think it is a great movie. But, as you noted, you and I look for different things in these projects and maybe I was a little sensitive to criticism considering my role in it's creation. I can attest that the downloading problem on older films seems to be fixed. There were a couple I had to get last week from my "stash" and they both came down in 7-10 minutes.

A.W. "Death of a Barbarian 2"

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:45 pm
by indiefilmfan
So "Death of a Barbarian 2" came out today, and I downloaded it from at a rate of 1mb/sec, so it only took several minutes.

This vid is exactly what Olaf's description and the preview pics portray it to be on his site. Nothing more, nothing less. Morgaine looks good physically, but I don't care for the oiled down look, myself. It also looks like she's still shaving the side of her head, which I hate, but I'm not the one paying her barber.

Here we see Olaf's been practicing his marksmanship, as he drills her right in the belly button. I hope it was a silver bullet, because judging by those claws, one can only assume she's a werewolf in mid-transformation...
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Speaking of claws, she plunges one deep into her tummy to dig the bullet out...
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Then she gets up, starts to charge forward again, but catches a few more slugs to her belly button, which finally bring her down.
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The remaining 5 minutes of the 11 min. vid are of her writhing in pain on her back before taking a final shot to the belly button to finish her off. This kind of vid is extremely simple, both in plot, and I assume for Olaf to shoot, but it is the kind where Morgaine really shines, because she gets all the camera time to do her thing.

I've said before that she is amongst the very best that Olaf has to offer when it comes to selling the goods of being in agony from wounds. This can be seen in "The Sadist 2," "Moonlight Dying," and others. Her body language from impacts is also fantastic. In this vid, when wounded, she really sells it by breathing in a rapid, almost hyper-ventilation kind of way. It's especially interesting that she started out as Olaf's assistant before gathering up the courage to appear more and more in his films. Bravo Morgaine!

For my taste, I would've rather seen her slowly riddled with bullets from the sniper all over her torso, but I get that this vid was made to tailor to the belly button fetishist. I can only guess that that individual will get exactly what they like here. Cheers!

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:58 pm
by Max5s
Nice review. Love it when these sexy barbarians get drilled several times in the bellybutton.

Saphyra double feature...

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 1:14 pm
by indiefilmfan
If any of you are like me, you gravitate towards certain girls for whatever reason. Then, you sometimes get "cravings" for watching that certain girl all of a sudden out of the blue. Well, last night I got a "Saphyra craving" of sorts, so I went to Olaf's site and pissed away some more of my not-so-hard-earned money on a couple titles so I could go on a Saphyra binge.

Too bad they took so long to download, or I would've had the energy to make these posts about them last night before turning in.

One is called "Gunfun - Shootout 2," which is a strange title for this vid, as there's no shootout, lol. But, Olaf was, in fact, wielding a gun in it, and he did appear to be having some fun as he ballistically violated Saphyra's torso, so hey, I guess it sort of works, lol. :lol2: It is only 6 minutes long, but it's 6 minutes of pure focus on Saphyra in her prime. That = WIN.

Anyway, this is an oldie from 2015 that I've been eyeballing for some time, and I finally decided to pick it up. The 2nd vid I bought was "Black Viper" from 2017, and was also on my "wish list" for some time, and I believe Olaf recently put it in the "on sale" section, so that was a win-win for me. :D

Of particular interest (at least to me) is that when I first discovered Olaf's work last year, I did not like Saphyra at all, and didn't give her a second look in any of the vids I initially saw her in. Her hair was always not to my liking, and I guess she just wasn't "my style," so to speak. But somewhere along the line, and I'm not quite sure what changed it for me, the girl began to grow on me. Now, I can't get enough of her.

So let's start with "Gunfun - Shootout 2." This is a fairly short, simple vid, that is just the style I like. All the footage is focused on one girl, and the camera is fairly close. In this case, Saphyra is a spy who has snuck in to Olaf's lair to look at his computer. A grave error on her part, as 1. all she's likely to find there are a bunch of pics of dolls and girl's bellies, since he keeps all his real secrets in that big ass safe in all his vids... and 2. If there's one thing we've learned about Olaf, it's he is always creeping around his lair with a loaded pistol, just waiting for some foolish spy girl to sneak in...

So poor Saphyra only gets moments into her hack when she's beset upon by guess who... wait for it... Olaf creeping around with a pistol, lol! So the next several minutes are him savoring the moment as he slowly drills her at close range, first with her sexy little grey tanktop on, then, in an "alternate ending," with the shirt removed and her girls on full display. :excited:

Of additional note here, is there are only little spritzes of cgi blood during the shots in this vid. No visible, lingering wounds are seen on her body. This is OK for me, as I am gradually becoming proficient with motion tracking in my editing program with which I can add the exact type of wounds I like.

Now for my tastes, again, this is exactly the kind of vid I like. It focuses on longer shots of one girl, instead of the "mass battle" vids, which feature lots of action, but are very quick cuts, often every second or two. This vid is all shot inside one small office with bright lighting. This makes it very simple and cheap for Olaf to shoot, and in turn sell. The price for these types of vids are usually $16 or so.

Now onto the eye candy (see what I did there, hehe?):

For me, this was the money shot. It was worth the price of admission just for this look at those emeralds of hers. Now if she'd only quit plucking her goddamn eyebrows down to nothing...
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Here, Olaf lovingly cradles her head in his hand, so as to prevent her getting whiplash from the slug in the belly she's about to receive. What a gentleman!
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When it came time for the unveiling, I nearly blacked out. If this doesn't quicken your pulse, you either fancy men, or you need to check into a morgue. Behold the hotness:
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Being the sentimental type, Olaf is kind enough to give her a few more goodbye kisses before sending her on her way into the next life...
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So that's it for part one of last night's "Saphyra binge." For me, this was a short, but nice eye candy piece where Saphyra looked superb physically, and her skin was nice and pale as I prefer it. If your tastes are similar to mine, you can't go wrong here. Too bad it took TWO HOURS to download. It was, however, worth the wait. Enjoy! - indie

Saphyra double feature, pt. 2...

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 1:56 pm
by indiefilmfan
OK, on to "Black Viper," which features an already captured Saphyra at the beginning. Her hands are chained above her head in a cave, after an unseen encounter which she apparently lost with Raven. Raven sports a large slash across her face, and Saphyra repeatedly cocks off at the mouth, goading Raven into slugging her several times in return.

Raven then pulls out a kukri and cuts her little shirt open, unleashing her pretty, pale girls for our viewing pleasure, then makes a nice, vertical slice into her chest...
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Saphyra still remains a smartass, so Raven karate chops her one in the throat, leaving her gasping and speechless for a bit before passing out...
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Raven then shoots her bindings, releasing her to fall to the ground, where she walks off and leaves her lying for her henchmen to attend to. But Saphyra wakes up before they come, and escapes into the forest, where she lies down and begins to tend her wound in typical A.W. style by taking off her top to use as a bandage, yay!
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But Raven is hot on her trail, and bullets begin to find their way to our dear Saphyra's flesh once again. She valiantly struggles to get up and away, but her wounds take their toll, and all she gets in the end is a dirty body and her crazy hair full of leaves...
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And so ends the story for our brave Saphyra. Again, this was a vid that basically featured close-up time of her the whole way through. Raven was there, but for the most part, this was Saphyra's gig. For me, it worked perfectly again, as it was sheer eye candy for my binge. If this is your thing, too, for $11 or so, there's no decision to make. I don't know what else a fellow can spend that little money on and get a nicer reward than this.

The only drawback is it took 4 HOURS TO DOWNLOAD... sigh. But again, I figured this going into it, so I wasn't surprised. I'm just thankful that all Olaf's older vids are still available for when one gets the itch to go on a bender, like I did last night.

Thanks for another great treasure, and an extra thanks for putting it on sale to reel me in and close the deal. I remain, as ever, a happy customer. Cheers! - indie

Crime House's "Denied"

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:23 pm
by indiefilmfan
Last year, I bought a pile of vids from Advocate at Crime House that I intended on reviewing, and I got a few done on the old D.S. board, but I got busy with other things, so the rest have sort of sat on the back burner until now. So while I'm in review mode, I'll see if I can't knock a few of them out. Let's start with "Denied."

There are some things that cannot be adequately described by mere words, and thus need visual aid to properly convey their majesty to others. Such is the case with "Denied" by Dark Rooms / Crime House studios.

If "excessive" is simply not enough for you, and you need a more "extreme" visual feast to satisfy your cravings, then this is your baby.

It's a simple story about two nice young chaps who go to a loan officer to get some money. This bank official is played by the stunning Pola, who looks very professional, yet very sexy in her skirt and stockings.
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She consults her computer as the two customers wait in her office, but when she checks their credit, she decides to deny them their loan. They do not take the news well, and as she moves to the door to see them out, one of them coldcocks her in the jaw, knocking her to the floor where she remains for the rest of her life...
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The following public service announcement is for Tommy Gun... As we all know, Poor Tommy is unable to withstand the sight of even the slightest amount of blood, so I do not want to be responsible for him being ambulanced off due to sudden cardiac arrest. Avert your eyes, Tommy!

*** Warning! Disclaimer! Gratuitous amounts of blood and violence to follow! Warning! ***

So as poor Pola is lying on the floor, One of the customers pulls out a makarov and starts to go to work. And by go to work, I mean shoot her more times than all of Arnie and Stallone's movies put together. HE SHOOTS HER FOR A FULL 7 MINUTES.

And remember those old cowboy movies where they used to shoot dozens of rounds out of their six-shooters before they ran empty? Well, they've got nothing on this magic makarov. You get about 200 shots in between mag changes, lol. But he does run it dry, eventually, so he has to switch mags before he can give her another few hundred slugs.

Here is pretty Pola at the beginning of her end...
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As the artist continues his rendering, her shirt becomes more and more tattered...
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Until eventually, even her pretty bra gives way. Now those are my kind of boobers...
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All the while this is going on, the other customer is looting her of her belongings, including her shoes and skirt...
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Finally, the magic makarov runs dry, and the artist leans down to sign his masterpiece...
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And our dear Pola has been left looking like a beautiful snow angel, but in red...
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As you might expect, here is my own favorite shot... those beautiful eyes, gazing off into oblivion...
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So there you have it, a majestic work of art if ever I've seen one. And what lovlier canvas to paint it on than the stunning Pola? Of note here is that there are no real bullet "holes." Instead, as he continues to shoot her, more and more blood just appears. And as you can see, it creates a beautiful contrast to her white blouse and the nearly white floor. That is good cinematography for you.

The crispness of the image clarity here can not be overstated. This image quality is what I've come to expect from Advocate, and this vid is a perfect example of great camera work.

At the end, the camera is expertly panned around our beautiful snow angel from various angles for THREE AND A HALF MINUTES. I don't know what else I can tell you, but if you like what you see in the pics above, or you've ever been turned down for a loan, then this flick is for you.

As is evidenced here, there are good things coming out of mother Russia these days, and they come from a man named Advocate. His girls look like supermodels, his equipment is top notch, and with his offers of any 14 vids for $100 or 35 for $200, he is unquestionably the "Wal-Mart of Death" when it comes to this genre.

I myself am awaiting on a custom from him that looks very promising, and I will keep you posted of the final result when I receive it. Until then, you'd be crazy not to pick out a bulk selection from his hundreds of titles. Enough said. - indie

His site:

Bluestone's "Shooting Gallery"

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:57 pm
by indiefilmfan
Here is another little treasure that was done just how I like them. All the focus on one girl, who is turned into a piece of swiss cheese by the time it's over.

In this case, it's Blue's own Suzi, who plays a witness who testified against the mob, and now must go into hiding. Blue explains to her she'll be safe and sound at the safe house, but as you might imagine... Blue is completely full of shit! In this scene, you can practically feel how bad he wanted to reach across that table and strangle her... Shame on you Blue!
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Suzi gets to the safe house and prepares to relax with a nice hot bath, where she shows us those legendary curves of hers, for those who likey...
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But right before she gets in the tub, she hears something. Surely it couldn't be a mob hitman who has found her already, could it? After all, Blue DID say she had nothing to worry about, and he would NEVER mislead her, right?
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Ahhh... look at the surprise in those beautiful eyes as the first bullet stikes home and she realizes she's about to go to snitch heaven...
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So despite her pleas, the hitman drills her mercilessly and methodically, slowly putting one hole at a time through her clean, white towel until she is so overburdened by the sheer weight of lead in her body that she slumps down the wall to the floor. Good night, sweet Suzi...
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Again, this was just my cup of tea. Suzi doesn't get those boobers out anymore, but I would've rather seen her take these shots with just her bra and panties on. The towel provides a good contrast, but flesh is always best. Anyway, as a waif lover, I'm usually not a fan of most "hourglass" girls, but I've always loved this girl's face, her eyes, and her reactions when she's being shot, so this one was a no brainer for me. If this is your cup of tea, too, here's a link to it at Blue's store: ... duct&id=53 Cheers! - indie

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 4:51 am
by xj900uk
Yes I see where you are coming from, Indie Film Fan. Suzi is a very beautiful and naturally sexy girl, not stick-thin or anything but a proper 'girl next door' and she's also a great actress. And yes, her beautiful unblemished eyes are probably her best feature. However, for me this movie was spoiled by the execution - shooting her gorgeous body full of leaky red holes? Aw, come on! What a way to ruin it! If the hitman was a proper professional, he would have just shot her once right in the head between those beautiful light grey eyes of hers, :excited: then we w ould have been treated to the wonderful sight of a red eye right between the two lovely natural ones. But no... Instead he pumps as much lead into her as is humanely possible... :shake:

Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:59 am
by indiefilmfan
Naa, then she'd look like this, lol...
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Olaf's "Poolside Strangler"

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:11 pm
by indiefilmfan
I wish I could tell you more about this, but unfortunately I blacked out at only 1:25 into the movie when Athora popped Russlana's nip into her mouth and they began making out...

The real question here is why it took over a decade of films to finally graduate to this level of hotness...

Apparently someone is drowned and someone is strangled later on in this vid, but I'm unable to comment on those things due to my still being in a state of delirium from what I witnessed at the beginning...

Good day.
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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:06 am
by tostig
I don’t typically care for videos and photos taken in bodies of water. Maybe It comes from being a terrible swimmer? So I passed on this one initially, despite the fact that it was a Russlana production. Once you have had a day or so to get ahold of yourself after that steamy scene, a more conventional Indie review with all the rhapsodic trimmings would be great. I do like the imagery of Russlana drying out like a landlocked guppie in the lawn...

"Bullets for Hass" review

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:17 pm
by indiefilmfan
I'm not sure if this is the video inquired about by another member, but as it happens to be one of my personal favorites, I'll do a quick review of it anyway, in case there are others with similar tastes to mine.

"Bullets for Hass" is a short, simple, 7 minute joint production by Annabelles Fantasy / Agasverus Studios that features the lovely Hass in a dual role as the victim. Hass is the target of an assassin, who first imagines killing her, then does it for real.

His vision, as he sneaks in and catches his victim asleep and unaware. Look at her body lurch up from the concussion of the gunshot. I think it's the best I've ever seen:
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The real murder, clothed and awake this time, but still caught by surprise:
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Of note to some of you will be the fact that after her death, the killer takes a set of stockings, wraps them around her neck, drags her across the floor, and then hangs her from the door closer...
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I don't know if Hass is still in the business, but a few years back, she was also a regular in Ugine's Crime House productions. I have always found her very attractive, and her performance in the first scene of this vid is one of my favorites of all time. The close-up footage of her reactions to the shots here are spectacular to my eye, so much so that I made several different edits of my own of this scene to extend it many times it's original length. I simply love this type of simple, focused scene, period. It really conveys a sense of utter helplessness on the part of the victim.

Look at those peepers as she fades...
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If your tastes mirror mine, then grab this vid. You won't regret it.

viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11178&p=62656&hilit ... ass#p62656

Here is the link to the original ad on this forum when it was released. ... s-p-6.html

Here's the link to it for sale on deadsexyclips. Perhaps it can be found elsewhere, too, but I don't frequent most of the other sites.

Other reviews

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:15 am
by indiefilmfan
This was the first board I joined and began posting on when I discovered this community. Then, when it seemed pretty inactive, D.S. was pointed out to me by another member and I began to focus my attention there. Well, we all know what happened there. A good number of my reviews were lost there, like everyone else, but I did find that I have at least some of them saved in a file that I could repost here if there was interest.

Anyone who's read my reviews already knows I'm a big fan of Olaf's Amazon Warriors, and as such, I've likely done more reviews of his vids than I have of other producers. So if there is a title in particular you'd like to hear about, let me know, and if I have it, I'll see about getting a review up for you.