The Death Stare

This is where you will find discussions on all things relating to female death scenes from movies, T.V. and genre productions.
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Awol Nate
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What is your main fetish?: Male on female strangulation, victim stripped by attacker during attack, boob groping, multiple male attackers on a single female victim.
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Re: The Death Stare

Post by Awol Nate »

From The Psycho Lover (1970). A favorite of mine.
DS12.jpg (35.77 KiB) Viewed 4952 times
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What is your main fetish?: It's a combination of secret agents, superheroines, celebs, and pregnant women being killed. Although i don't necessarily have to talk about the last one on the boards if it's too sensitive of an issue.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Looks like a fun place to chat
Referral: I've known about Blue's stuff for several years, but I only just came across the forums looking for stuff about Raven Alexis (one of my favorite stars in both mainstream and erotic death fetish porn).

Re: The Death Stare

Post by mikedark »

I don't particularly NEED a death stare. I can get off to closed eyes too. But it does add a lot. As for my taste, it really doesn't matter. A good wide-eyed, mouth agape in pain or horror stare has its own appeal, but I also find half-lidded and dreamy to be nice as well, and of course a look of pained pleasure being etched onto a woman's face is also an absolute plus.
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Re: The Death Stare

Post by elsullo »

My dark fantasy fetishes are mostly hanging and beheading, with strangling following. These are the ultimate acts of female submission. Realistic depictions of these leave the face completely RELAXED when all of the muscles let go---no weird grimacing or wide eyes or tongues stuck way out. The fat extended tongue only happens a day afterward from decomposition, not my fetish at all. Hanged or beheaded people look asleep, with eyes half-open at the most and never rolled up to the whites of the eye, which would need muscle activity.

What just really drives me nuts is when hanged persons are portrayed with eyes wide and rolled up as if gazing at the ceiling! This is NOT a death stare; it is a cheapo producer stare. Producers also use this in stranglings sometimes. It is totally unrealistic and simply destroys the illusion or any eroticism, making it blatantly fake! This was a B-movie convention invented in the Film Noir period of "Detective Movies" in the Forties and Fifties to "shockingly" indicate that the victim was TOTALLY dead and beyond rescue, so the coppers did not have to act excited and could keep in that proper dour B-movie detective attitude! It is still traditionally practiced in TV and B-movies, because most directors have no knowledge of real life, or death...................elsullo
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What is your main fetish?: Headshots, Decapitations, Hitwomen
Why do you want to join this forum?: To inform users on this site about the current status of DFN and to possibly chat with like-minded people.
Referral: I do not remember anymore. Maybe I have first heard about it on DFN, but most likely it was just a lucky Google search.

Re: The Death Stare

Post by Norrin »

elsullo wrote: Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:06 pm What just really drives me nuts is when hanged persons are portrayed with eyes wide and rolled up as if gazing at the ceiling! This is NOT a death stare; it is a cheapo producer stare.
I totally understand your point, Elsullo. I don't like it either when the expressions and everything get too exaggerated. I like eyes a little rolled up or tongue slightly hanging out, but it should still look relaxed, not like the actress is labouring to maintain that expression. The reason why so many B-movies, etc. still go for that, I believe, is probably a case of the "Reality Is Unrealistic" trope ... nrealistic People have been exposed so heavily to the exaggerations that they are perceived as what would realistically happen, even though you have pointed out excellently why it would not, due to muscle relaxation and the like.

At the same time, I would never knock anyone from our fetish for being into these exaggerations, since that is probably what they came into contact with during their formative years in regards to death fetish, via films, TV shows, comics, etc. Also, some might appreciate the more obvious disconnect from reality more, same as why some people prefer neat bullet wounds over realistic, or even exaggerated ones.
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Awol Nate
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Re: The Death Stare

Post by Awol Nate »

I agree with you for the most part, elsullo, but there can be a "residual expression" on her face, a trace of her last expression. I've seen real death faces shortly after they've departed, my own sister being one of them, and I can say that a dead person can have something of an expression on her face. She may or may not look like she's necessarily sleeping depending on the expression. So when I write scripts for my customs, I try to convey a more relaxed expression on the victim's face that leaves a subtle trace of her last emotion.
Posts: 721
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What is your main fetish?: It's a combination of secret agents, superheroines, celebs, and pregnant women being killed. Although i don't necessarily have to talk about the last one on the boards if it's too sensitive of an issue.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Looks like a fun place to chat
Referral: I've known about Blue's stuff for several years, but I only just came across the forums looking for stuff about Raven Alexis (one of my favorite stars in both mainstream and erotic death fetish porn).

Re: The Death Stare

Post by mikedark »

I have seen plenty of hanging photos to know that sometimes the tongue does come out. It's not an every time thing though, and almost never to the extent some producers do it (it's mostly just the tip either lying against the back of the bottom lip or slightly protruding). So sometimes real life does imitate what the producers do...kinda. And like El said, that might be from the onset of decomposition. I really don't know. Just saying it DOES happen, sometimes.

I think why the exaggerated tongue-out expression really comes from one source though, that was highly formative to early producers, and still holds some sway in the scene today. That, of course, is the strangling scene in Frenzy. The importance of that scene can't be overstated. I think that scene is as important to strangling fetish scene as the shower scene in Psycho was to the slasher movie boom. Although, for me personally, I trace my enjoyment of it back specifically to Berengere and her photostory sets. So many cute girls with so many cute tongues begging to be sucked on it sensual postmortem kisses. Although I think she's more important to awakening a lot of younger community members' interests in foot fetish
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What is your main fetish?: Love the idea of being a victim of a ruthless killer and a bit of aftercare. The more glamorous the location and sexy the death the better. Not into gore or torture.

Avatar by the lovely SQ.
Why do you want to join this forum?: I enjoy chatting to people in the community.
Referral: Referred by friends from FN.

Re: The Death Stare

Post by Jinx_ »

IPAguy wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:32 am For me, the single-most important element of any female death scene is the DEATH STARE. That open-eyed, vacant look on a dead woman's face. I think for me, the death stare indicates that she is DEAD--not unconscious, not asleep--DEAD. Finished.

I love a lot of death methods: as long as the woman is attractive (obviously subjective) and she dies intact (no dismemberment, decapitation, exploding, or extreme gore). But for any scene--mainstream or fetish--to excite me, I have to see the woman lying dead with her eyes open. It's also important to me that the woman is a flesh-and-blood actress, rather than artwork or CG or whatever.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is the death stare critical to anyone else's enjoyment?

I feel like it is such a crucial, defining element--and yet, based on Youtube collections and posts here, it seems that most people don't differentiate much between scenes with open and closed eyes.

I am also on Discord if anyone would like to chat more there.
Absolutely agree! Have spent years trying to get a death stare right doing (very) amateur photoshoots but I can never seem to quite manage it.
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Re: The Death Stare

Post by AKD398 »

Norrin wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:52 pm For me, the facial expressions as a whole are very important in determining the hotness of a death scene, or picture. While I share the opinion of many that open-eyed is often the way to go (no pun intended), I believe that it all depends on what "death mood" the actress is supposed to convey. Of course, the most popular mood seems to be one of horror or shock, so for that mood, a wide-eyed stare is the most logical choice. But there are also other looks that could be justified.

Just thinking about my favourite method, the headshot, I find it sexy when the eyelids flutter shortly after the impact. So that when they go still, her eyes are sort of half-closed, in an unnatural looking way. But, when it is a more consensual, sudden or dignified death, eyes closed can also be sexy, as something more... peaceful, perhaps. What you mentioned, IPAguy, that it should not appear that she is unconscious, or asleep, that impression does not come to me when there is a bullet hole in the lady's forehead. Thus, her face looking peaceful (or not) with her eyes closed, can be erotic in and of itself, as long as her "third eye" is open ;)

In any case, since the eyes are only part of the face, it greatly matters how they collaborate with the rest of her facial features. But since this thread is about the stare only, I will not go into that. Here are some of my personal favourites, eyes closed and open.

can i know which movies are these from
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What is your main fetish?: Headshots, Decapitations, Hitwomen
Why do you want to join this forum?: To inform users on this site about the current status of DFN and to possibly chat with like-minded people.
Referral: I do not remember anymore. Maybe I have first heard about it on DFN, but most likely it was just a lucky Google search.

Re: The Death Stare

Post by Norrin »

AKD398 wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:07 am can i know which movies are these from
#1 is from the 1990 classic "Total Recall"
#2 is from "Girls and Guns Project 12.4", by Sophie's Fantasy Art
#3 is from "Assignment for Norrin", by White Wolf Publications
#4 is from "Homicide Times Three", by White Wolf Publications

The videos for the last three should all be available for purchase in Sophie's Nicheclips store:
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Re: The Death Stare

Post by Crazzeedave »

They say hearing is the last thing to go. I love the idea of looking in their eyes and saying I’m the last man they will ever feel
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