Uncle Buck's Blog

This is where you will find discussions on all things relating to female death scenes from movies, T.V. and genre productions.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

"Arena Knife Fight" features Antaris and Shemina in a knock-down, drag-out brawl that was released in April 2014.
I believe that there was a winner to the contest but it will be left to you to determine which one of them it was ...

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Mayra's First Custom: "Gotcha!"
I've copied Mayra's summary of this video from her Sexy Latin Amazons team to her page on the Blog.
An there too is access to the "Gotcha" trailer on Youtube.
And may I be among the first to offer Mayra my congratulations on "scoring" her first "custom" video.
And may many more similar opportunities come her way in the future.

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/SexyLatin ... -index.htm
Sexy Latin Amazons Blog Archive

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie and the team at Sophie's Fantasy Art have a pair of new videos for us at the GFG-Members section of the site.

"Can We Leave Now" will have your trigger fingers itching if you aren't too busy scratching elsewhere to notice.

"Suicide For a Crime" is essentially for the bellystabbers in our midst but it contains elements of an assisted suicide.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

"Laura Craft vs. The Amazons - Part 3" was released today in and is available in the Modern Amazons area of the Amazon Warriors site.
Antaris, Shemina, Saramis, Saphyra, and Averia are on the rampage once again as Laura Craft takes on four Amazon warriors -
that may come at her more than once depending on how Olaf "spliced" the video together.
I don't know about any of you, but somehow I have the feeling that Laura Craft may not survive this episode - unless of course popular demand has something to say about it.
It's truly amazing the miracles that can occur when a "custom" is in the works.

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

It doesn't often occur, but every once in a while I come across a sequence in a motion picture that I think might make a reasonably good video clip.
I have neither the time, patience, nor the money for the software that is required and so ...
I've got a start on an area in the blog that will contain a "slide show", the stills that make it up, and access to the site from which the stills were captured.
My idea is that if Thof or someone picks up on what I present, that he will go me one better by making the clip for us.
Failing that, we still have another slide show to look at.

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

"A Rotten Place" was released by Olaf in August of 2015.
It is a Titaneia custom starring Antaris, Averia, Saphyra, and Raven.
From the look of things this video is aimed to find favor with the belly stabbers in our midst.

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

In "Fantasy Shootout 5" Saphyra takes on Semira and Morgane in a video that can be found
either in the Modern Amazons area of the Amazon Warriors site
or at Gumroad as Olaf's site is apparently experiencing problems with a slow server.
Saphyra seems to have borrowed her machine gun from Tommy Gun
but either the weapon jammed on her or she was inattentive for a moment
because it doesn't appear that the gun did her a great deal of good.

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

While Wolf Publications has released "The Immortal 2". Orsi is back for a return engagement as The Immortal.
We should bear in mind that White Wolf Publications makes use of the same personnel as Sophie's Fantasy Art.
Now I'm very likely preaching to the choir here as most of you likely know this.
At any rate, this time there is both a strangulation and a shooting.
See for yourself, it makes perfect sense if you bear in mind that Orsi is The Immortal.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Attention All Ye Aficionados of Asphyxiation!
Sophie has posted two new videos in the GSG-Members section of Sophie's Fantasy Art site.
Cracking your knuckles and flexing your fingers a few times should prepare you for the finale of "Sexphone"
while with your mother's foot stool and a length of clothesline you'll be well prepared to watch "Is It Safe?"
Truthfully, it isn't, so ideas you may have - but don't try this on your own.
These ladies have had a lot of practice!

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Well it had to happen didn't it?
It would seem that Mayra's second custom was wrapped up before the first video was released.
There appears to be no make-up effects applied to mess up the girls' outfits.
It could be that the players provided their own wardrobe - or what is more likely -
Their customer didn't want to see a lot of blood.
I'm guessing that is why this "second" custom video was released before the "first".
It simply took less in the way of time to produce so the "second" became the "first".
Be that as it may, I've captured Mayra's message and it is available to you
on the Sexy Latin Amazons page at Buck's Blog.

Buck's Blog
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

"How to Kill a Hunter - Part 1" is a Titaneia custom that you will find in the Modern area at Olaf's site.
The story line features Antaris and Russlana going at one another as only a pair of Amazons can.
We find the girls dressed in loose, colorful blouses and whatever else it requires to keep them properly attired.
And that's okay because women the world over are known to possess a penchant for clothing.
"Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds" as the saying goes.
I too wear my shirts "untucked" as I'm doing all I can to disguise a somewhat protruberant waistline ...
But that's altogether a different matter.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Today we'll take you back a full decade to July of 2010 and "Arrow Shootout 1" which was the first of four such contests.
It starred Talanis, Mia Mane, and Askara. Talanis is the only Amazon to "survive" and (Bless Her!) from all outward appearances
I don't believe that she has aged more than a week in the last ten years. Talanis, whatever it is that you are doing ... Keep it up!

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

While Wolf Publications has released "Acts of Murder" in which Orsi and Lena act out their death scenes in a series of four brief episodes.
As the photo session comes to an end, the producer produces a gun and plugs both women in an effort to reduce his expenses.
You may further his cause by purchasing this video at the Nicheclips store, Sophie’s Fantasy Art.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Right on the heels of "How to Kill a Hunter - Part 1" comes "Mixed Swordfun 3", another video in which Antaris plays the leading role.
Now then, the "fun" suffix in Olaf's lexicon simply means that no makeup effects are applied to the victim or victims
so it takes somewhat fewer hours in the day to record the unedited or "raw" video.
This can make for a somewhat less expensive production all the way around
as you will note when you gain access to the video at either Olaf's site or his shop at Gumroad.
And there are those who prefer not to have a lot - or at least much in the way of stage blood messing up the object of their affection.
And as far as Antaris is concerned, Olaf can always say that he was only poking her in "Fun".
So you see, Gunfun or as in the present case, Swordfun comes with certain advantages ...

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

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