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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:47 pm
by uncle_buck
Mr. Solstice promised that a new AmFight video would be coming soon and the man proves to be as good as his word.
"The Amazon Necklace" features no fewer than three players in the performance, and ...
Well, I guess that it would be best to leave the description to the author ...
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:01 pm
by uncle_buck
I spotted your update here at DS this morning and had at it since I wanted the update to appear immediately below the Coming Soon post.
And now here's the next from Sophie's Fantasy Art:

Sophie has a special free bonus area for her members and there are now 33 videos that are yours to download in addition to whichever section in which you are enrolled.
"Special Member Gift" is what you're looking for at Sophie's Fantasy Art and "Massacre" is now at the top of the list.

From "Massacre"

And for the "GFG-Members Sophie has uploaded two new videos without removing anything from the bottom of the list - or at least not as of the present.
"A Life For the Documents" and "Knifefun With Gabrielle and Orsi" are at the top of the list for you to access.

From "A Life For the Documents"

From "Knifefun With Gabrielle and Orsi"
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:01 pm
by uncle_buck
When Sophie gets on an "update roll" it can be a full time job to keep up with her!
Case in point is that I just had an update from her yesterday and now here's another for you not more than a day later.
There are two new videos posted in each of the two main member sections ...
For "GFG-Members" we have:
An image from "Choose Your Death"

An image from "Gun Fun 17"

For the "GSG-Members" we find:
An image from "The Silk Stalker Strangler 4"

There seems to be some confusion in the title - Stalker as opposed to Stalking - no matter - it works
And for the second entry there is"
An image from "Jealous Nikki"

Access Buck's Blog to see the full previews for these videos
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:31 am
by uncle_buck
Saphyra and Morgane have at it in "Agent Saphyra: Bullet Nightmare".
This bullet-riddled account must have been recorded back before Saphyra had her hair cut.
The grapevine has it of late that the lady currently sports a "mohawk".
And what will the woman do next do you suppose?
It was good to see that Morgane is still with us and very much "in action."


Only lately we had a rather lengthy discussion concerning Olaf's renditions of "Gunfun".
I'm willing to wager that from this single image that you can easily see the difference ...

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:57 am
by uncle_buck
According to my calendar today is Saturday and back when we were kids,
we hardly ever missed the Saturday afternoon matinee at the local movie theater.
And after I got to drive a car, well then there was the drive-in movies which weren't all that local.

These days, I've about given up on the so-called "horror" movies because they are so cheaply put together
that the result is "horrible" rather than "horror".
I swear that our amateur college gang did better back in the 1960's with an antique 16 mm camera.

Anyway, I'm pretty much focusing my attention on the "action" genre these days
as for the most part more time and effort appears to be put into them.

Today's feature is "The Mechanik" which stars Dolph Lundgren in the
rock, sock, and shoot'em style of actjng in which he has been type cast.

See the latest "slide show" at Buck's Movie Vidcaps.
It is about as thorough a job as I've seen in some time.

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:08 am
by uncle_buck
While Wolf Publications has posted "Agony or Ecstasy" to his site. The answer is rather obvious as it is only in the realm of fantasy that a bullet in the gut could produce anything approaching ecstasy. But then we shall see ... Won't we?
This video, among others is available at the Nicheclips store, Sophie’s Fantasy Art.

Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:04 am
by uncle_buck
Saphyra, Mia Mane, Semira, Sannya, Thyarmis, Ninea, Russlana, and Talanis treat us to "Arrow Shootout 2".
Saphyra, Thyarmis, Russlana, and Talanis are still active on the Amazon team and you know that by this time
they've all had a great deal of practice and experience. And you know too that "Practice Makes Perfect!"

Arrow Shootout 2
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:25 am
by uncle_buck
Mayra has put together a second video of her warriors that have fallen in battle.
I expect that this is an assemblage of "snippets" taken from existing material
so if some of the shots seem familiar then there is likely a good reason for it.
In any event, it will prove to be a good way to make certain that you haven't
missed anything, and it's likely that Mayra can tell you which of her videos the
scene was taken from in case you did. Are we confused yet? I am.
Be that as it may, I've captured Mayra's message and it is available to you
on the Sexy Latin Amazons page at Buck's Blog.

Image ... -index.htm
Sexy Latin Amazons Blog Archive
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:37 am
by uncle_buck
Olaf has posted another video produced under the Titaneia Customs banner at his studio.

Safo plays a rare 'inactive' role as a corpse laid out on a table in the morgue.
Shemina is Safo's partner and seeks retribution but proves to be in somewhat beyond her depth ...
And so she too takes her turn as a corpse laid out on the table at the morgue.
Another tragedy has played itself out in which ...

"Both Missions Went Wrong"
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:26 am
by uncle_buck
Sophie has added to the list of videos in the "Super Sale" area of her site.
I may have gotten behind updating this blog page - and likely did
for there are now forty-two (42) videos offered at $5 each.
Here are 'my' latest aditions:

I Am So Tired

Spy Lovers Shot

Old Factory Horror 2

More Bullets Please

Helena Executed

Old Factory Horror 1 ... -index.htm
Sophie's Fantasy Art Blog Archive
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:01 am
by uncle_buck

I've placed the Search Function for the Blog right at the top of the menu page.

And, I might add that I've been having a fine time searching on one thing or another
and 'rediscovering' items and images that I posted some time ago and had pretty much forgotten.
I'm not at all like Olaf Winter who I believe you can quiz about every photograph he has ever taken
and he will have the answer for you at the 'tip of his tongue'.

Search for your favorite model or producer or try a keyword.
If I posted it to the Blog at one time you will receive your answers pronto.
Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:03 am
by uncle_buck
Olaf's Amazon Warriors "Arrow Shootout 3" has Mia Mane, Suri, Raven, and Thyarmis in an archery contest
and as with all such sporting events among the rival clans, the participants are quite apt to lose their lives.
And I suppose that in a way, several of them have - as Mia, Suri, and Raven are no longer with the team
and so in effect are among the "late lamented".

Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:35 am
by uncle_buck
"Arrow Shootout 4" was released in January of this year but since it has the Amazons splashing around in the water,
I thought it to be more in keeping with the curent summer season.
Averia, Russlana, Morgane, Safo, Deianeira, Cladi. and Thyarmis are featured in such a way that although Olaf has said
that this video was pieced together, for all intents and purposes the end result has the look and feel of a staged shootout.
If you didn't catch it the first time around then here's your chance.

Buck's Blog

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:00 pm
by uncle_buck
All summer now I thought that Tommy Gun was busily posting ads to promote existing material
now that he's found a 'home away from home' at the his shop at the
GumRoad Market
And that may well be ... But when I got looking at the titles he has posted there I was in for a 'rude awakening'.
And that's because I couldn't account for at least a half dozen of them on the Black Nylons page on the blog.
So I have a bit of catching up to do ....
And to get us started, here's ...

Image ... uce-me.htm
You Can't Seduce Me

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:23 am
by uncle_buck
Amazon Warriors in Reprise

I believe that "A Scalp to Die For" was posted in January of 2018.
As you may be given to suspect by the title, the video was produced as an entry in Olaf's Lethal Cowgirls division.
Averia and Fantine were called upon to do the honors this time and it would appear
that Fantine grew a bit too complacent for her own good.

Buck's Blog