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Story Competition!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:11 pm
by Bluestone
Everyone is invited to participate in a Storywriting Competition which I am dubbing "The First Annual Bluestone Storywriter's Award", or for short "The Blue Ink Award"!

Here are the contest rules:

1. We'll need a minimum of 10 members to enter. Entry is FREE, but you have to post on this thread to say that you're entering. Once you do, if you're not already a member of the Storytellers Group, you will be elevated to that lofty position;

2. Once we have 10 entries, I will officially start the contest and set the contest close date, but any stories posted from today until the contest close date will qualify as contest entries. The contest close date will probably be the end of the year;

3. The contest will be decided by the members voting in a poll on the best story;

4. The prize to the winner will be a Bluestone video of their choice! If other prizes are donated by other benefactors, they will be awarded to the runners up!

Well, what's everyone waiting for?


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:39 pm
by JohnM
I will offer a runner up video for 2nd place. Winners choice.


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:13 pm
by Bluestone
Thanks, JohnM!

Okay, guys and dolls, let's hear from you.

Please note that the Submission Procedure and Guidelines in the Pulped Fiction Forum have been widened and streamlined. So, more graphic stories are now permitted, and members can post their own stories once they have been granted their free Storytellers membership. Stories no longer have to be approved by me, like in the early days of FF, when the forum was open to public viewing, and before I had enlisted the aid of talented moderators to protect this forum from spamming and inappropriate content.


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:47 pm
by asphyxchick
Count me in!

Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:05 pm
by kelli
one question, tho i don't know how you would know for sure unless somebody tattled. does it have to be a newly written story, or can it be one that we wrote in the past? i haven't written anything in awhile, but i have some pretty good stories i wrote in the past that i could update. any restrictions on that?

Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:13 pm
by Bluestone
Hey Kelli,

It doesn't have to be new, though updating an older story would be a good touch. As long as it isn't already on the FF Pulped Fiction forum, it is acceptable.

Kelli and Asphyxchick,

You've both just been added to the Storytellers Group. So, you can post whenever you're ready :D


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:29 am
by manoir
I'm in, thanks!

Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:21 am
by Bluestone

You are now a member of the Storytellers Group! Good luck!


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:10 am
by Ric delCampo
If we can use stories that have been written before, can I join in?

Are there any additional contest guidelines posted any where or does anything go?

Once my entry as a contestant has been acknowledged; where do I post my story?

I suppose we can only post one.

Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:20 am
by Bluestone
Hi Ric,

Good questions. Firstly, I have added you to the Storytellers group. Secondly, you post your story (or stories) on the Pulped Fiction forum, which is FF's storyboard. You can post as many stories as you want, and get feedback on them from members who wish to comment on your story thread, but before voting takes place, you will have to tell me which one you want entered into the contest. Only one story per writer can be entered. When I put up the poll at the entry close date, I will specify which story and which writer for each poll choice. The story guidelines are the same as those posted on the Pulped Fiction forum. As for the entry close date, since Christmas season is kind of busy, and we still need a few more entrants, I have decided to set January 15th as the entry close date. The poll will be put up for all to vote on January 16th, 2011.

Good luck to all who have and who will be entering! It should be a lot of fun!


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:40 am
by Bluestone
We have our first entry posted by Asphyxchick. Everyone have a read, and be sure to post comments on that story thread as feedback to the entrant. Thanks for joining in and sharing your story, Asphyxchick! I added the story title to the thread title, but indicated that it was a story contest entry. If writers are submitting more than one story, indicate 'story contest entry' on all of them, but only one story of your choice can be included in the final voting poll. In the meantime, member comments may convince you as to which story you should go with in the final voting ;-)

We need a few more entrants to make this happen. Minimum of 10, maximum of 3,500, entrants :lol2:


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:12 pm
by jakob29club
I want in!!! Jake here!

Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:04 pm
by Bluestone
jakob29club wrote:I want in!!! Jake here!
Jake, you've been added to the Storytellers' group. I wish you good luck with the contest :D


Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:35 pm
by Ric delCampo
Just an encouragement to more authors to post in the story contest.
I see two who have offered to compete; but have not yet posted their story.
We need five more contestants after that.

After all, how can I win if there is no contest? ;-)

(Will that blatant example of egoism inspire more contestants?)

Re: Story Competition!

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:52 pm
by Bluestone
Well, we're halfway there with 5 entries already posted on the story forum. This includes the 3 part story by Mr. X that will be included in the competition. All we need are five more stories, and it's a go!!!

Check them out! By the way, members can comment on the stories posted so far either on the story threads at the Pulped Fiction forum, or right here on this thread!

Good luck to all!
