"Jennifer's Body" - A Review By Kevin67- Possible Spoiler

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"Jennifer's Body" - A Review By Kevin67- Possible Spoiler

Post by kevin67 »

This is an interesting horror film written by a female (Diablo Cody of Juno fame), directed by a female ( Karen Kusaa) , and featuring two female leads. The fact it starred Megan Fox was enough for me to give it a whirl. Read no further, if you don't like having the contents of a movie spoil you fun.

The plot- It starts out with a girl named Needy ( Amanda Seyfried- Mama Mia) is in an insane assylum and as they show her file, seems to have a perchance for kicking people.
She immediately proves that to be true by practically kicking a guard into kingdom come. Placed in solitary, Needy, begins to tell her story of her best friend, a very bitchy but beautiful student named Jennifer.

Needy is somewhat dorky, but does have a faithful boyfriend (well played by Adam Brody),but still is persuaded by Jennifer to go to a bar which features a hard rock or heavy metal band called, Off Shoulder. The name sounds strange, but what do you expect in a town called, Devil's Kettle. At the bar Jennifer flirts with the band leader, but he and the band have different ideas, in that they are looking for a virgin to sacrifice to satan in exchange for wealth, etc.

The band leader doubts that Jennifer is a virgin, but Needy overhears them and defends Jennifer by declaring that she is a virgin. Well, the bar burns down and Jennifer goes off with the group like a lamb to slaughter, although the actual sacrifice scene occurs later on in the picture.

The same night that Jennifer is sacrificed, she returns to Needy, full of blood and proceeds to vomit a black liquid all over the place and leaves with no explanation. The next day she is back in school and acting as if nothing happened. However soon after that she begins to eat her way through several of the male students, including one big burly football player. Jennifer gladly feasts on his blood by dipping her hands into it and sipping it as if it was water.

The final confrontation occurs when Off Shoulder returns to the school for a concert and Jennifer decides she is hungary and goes after Needy's boyfriend. Eventually he is bitten by Jennifer and dies. Needy then goes after Jennifer. However, while fighting with Jennifer she is bitten and infected by the demon within. Jennifer levitates with Needy attached, but Needy pulls off the BFF locket (n a sign of their friendship) and they fall back on the bed. Needy then stabs Jennifer to death, only to be caught at the scene by Jennifers mother and end up in an asylum.

Needy escapes the asylum, by levitating up to the cell window and kicking it out. She then proceeds to track down the Off Shoulder band and slaughter them.

You are going to be surprised but the movie seems to be played more for laughs then horror.
You get dialogue in many places where the somewhat sparce theater audience laughed. While the girls are fighting, Needy tells Jennifer that the weapon she has is a box cutter, to which she replies something like, oh yeah, where did you get it at Home Depot. In another example, after Jennifer levitates over Needy's boyfriend, he states,"She flies?" Doesn't everybody.

Female Death Scenes- Surprisingly, all the female death scenes go to Megan, and even more surprising is that I felt the sacrifice death scene was the weakest ,but also very funny. The band leader pulls out a piece of paper, and reading it offers the tied up Megan's body to satan. This is then followed by them singing a song which was not exactly a hymn and finally the sacrifice. You see Megan, dressed in a white jacket and dark sweater, get stabbed about four times. However, the camera focuses on the face of the killer and Megan screaming, there are no closeups of the body.

In another scene, Megan wearing a lowcut white dress is run through her stomach with a spear , but once again the action is filmed from the side and not the front and she does not die.

When Megan is finally killed, wearing ( if I can remember) a V neck top and one can finally see the knife in her chest. Needy pulls out the knife and when the mother cradles her daughter you once again get a view of her bloody chest.

I would recommend seeing this movie, but only if you don't mind the mixture of horror and comedy. If you are a Megan Fox fan, you will not be disappointed and certainly not bored.
On a scale of 1 to 10 , I would rate it about a 6 1/2, based upon its small amount of true scary moments and somewhat nothing that new story.
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Re: "Jennifer's Body" - A Review By Kevin67- Possible Spoiler

Post by JoeBob »

There are several rumors floating about, that in the scene where Megan is killed with a boxcutter to the chest, she wispers, "my tit." In my perverted curiousity I played that clip several (OK, a lot of times) and I can fantasize that she actually says that even though she was stabbed between her gorgeous boobs.

As much as I would like to believe, I don't think that "tit" would be uttered in that context in a mainstream film for teens. Since I am too cheap to rent the DVD for one scene, I would hypothesize she is making a reference to something meanful to Needy that just sounds or rhyymes with tit.
Joe Bob sez: check it out!
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Re: "Jennifer's Body" - A Review By Kevin67- Possible Spoiler

Post by shootingmad »

Nop, she actually says "my tit".

I got the movie, and if you play it with very loud volume you`ll hear it.
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Re: "Jennifer's Body" - A Review By Kevin67- Possible Spoiler

Post by kevin67 »

Yes, Megan utters the words, "my tit" after her stabbing. However, it was said almost as a whisper which was hard to hear even in the movie theatre.

Considering how many times teenagers are exposed to the F word in other movies they can view, I guess that is not so bad. I think we are slowly becoming desensitized to this kind of language in movies and in everyday life.
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Re: "Jennifer's Body" - A Review By Kevin67- Possible Spoiler

Post by JoeBob »

OK, now I get it. Jennifer's body was possessed by a demon with a third breast between Jennifer's and she was the one stabbed in the tit. This was another Megan Fox tit-tease movie.
Joe Bob sez: check it out!
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