"Laundry Room Attack" by PKF Studios

Reviews for JohnM's production company, Peachy Keen Films, as well as related video projects, should be posted to this forum!

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"Laundry Room Attack" by PKF Studios

Post by Nyghtfall »

It's been a long time - at least a year or more I think - since I last wrote a public review of anything fetish related. The topic of production quality and consumer feedback was last discussed on DeadSkirts in February. By the time that thread lost interest, I found myself reflecting on all the reviews I've written, and whether I might ever want to write more. If I am going to return to the game, I couldn't be happier to have my first review of the year be an overwhelmingly positive one.

Laundry Room Attack stars Pepper Kester, a beautiful Redhead attacked while doing housework and strangled to death. This is the kind of video I would shoot if I had my own production company.

Last month, John announced a new model, and invited everyone to submit ideas for a two day shoot he had planned with her. I knew he had a laundry room, but up to now had never seen him use it for an asphyx shoot, so I suggested a laundry room strangling. I wanted Pepper taken by surprise while doing the laundry in nothing but a mens white long sleeve dress shirt, and strangled to death from behind by a masked serial killer. The killer would sneak up behind her, deftly loop a wire garrote around her neck, and immediately lift her off the ground, keeping her suspended until she was dead. What the killer did with her after that, I left up to John.

The inspiration for my idea came from an episode of Criminal Minds that aired two years ago, titled, "What Happens at Home...", in which a serial strangler was targeting women in a gated community, using a wire garrote with metal handles. He attacked one of his victims in the laundry room of her home while her husband and kids were out camping in the back yard. All we saw were crime scene photos of her body lying front front of their washer and dryer during an FBI briefing. Since that episode though, I've fantasized about what that attack might've looked like. In the crime scene photos, the actress was wearing a tank-top and a pair of underwear. For a fetish take on that scene, I asked that Pepper wear nothing but a mens white long sleeve dress shirt.

A few days before the shoot, he asked me to send him a list of musts and must nots. This is what I sent him:


* Once she's attacked, she must keep clawing at the garrote, or grab hold of the killer's hands or wrists to try and free herself until she's dead.
* Plenty of foot shots. I welcome and encourage you to shoot as intense a garroting as time, logistics, and her limitations will permit - with lots of leg kicking - but as she starts to die I'd really like some shots of her feet stretching and toes pointing hard to reach the ground before going lifeless.
* The killer must be masked and gloved (the outfit in Safety Belt was perfect).
* Pepper must be barefoot from beginning to end, and wear her hair down.
* The mens shirt must stay on until she's dead.

Must Nots:

* NO urinating. Not even simulated. That is a disgusting fetish that's become too popular, and I hate it.
* No twitching. One of the most annoying trends I've seen in recent years is when the model takes seemingly forever to stop moving. She just keeps twitching.
* No arms or hands flailing wildly about. If she's going to try and reach for something during the attack, it should be the killer.
* She must not see him coming, at all. I want her taken completely by surprise. Maybe have her focused on adjusting the dials on the dryer or something when he attacks. Remember how the killer attacked his victims in the Poetry Killer series? With a calm, cool demeanor, and expert precision? That's what I'm looking for here.
* No blood. I want the wire just thick enough that it would result in a clean kill.
* No drool.

And a special request:

I noticed in one of the pics John posted on his blog that she was wearing a deliciously sexy shade of red toe nail polish. I LOVED that! Being a foot fetishist, I asked that she wear red nail polish in the scene as well.

For the initial attack, I especially wanted it filmed from the side, so we could get a really nice reaction shot from Pepper, and then have the camera cut to a shot of her feet leaving the ground.

The moment I received his e-mail that my "custom" video was ready, my heart started racing like a bat out of hell. When I started watching the clip, I was rock hard the whole way through. I am BLOWN AWAY that he actually used a real wire - with handles even! And I am absolutely stunned by how well he nailed the attack. It came off exactly how I pictured it. From that point on, my jaw was on the floor. The only thing extra I would've liked was an extra side shot of her feet at the 2:57 mark, to compliment the side shots of her struggling from 2:45 to 2:56. Otherwise, all of the close-ups were fantastic, the acting was terrific, and the foot shots were amazing. The overall length was spot on, too.

Bottom line, this video rocked my world. In fact, I loved it so much that I found the most expensive clip I could in his catalog - that most appealed to me - and bought a copy of it just to compensate him for the time and effort he spent shooting this. I can't recommend it enough.

Score: 9 out of 10

Preview pics are available here (WARNING: Nudity and genitalia).

You can order a copy from NicheClips, or see a list of other options.
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