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GSG Members Review

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:00 pm
by corrupt
GSG has a lot of potential and a variety of story lines, but for some reason the 'victim' in nearly every scenario never fights back against her attacker.

It seems like if you are being strangled, naturally, your body is going to want to defend itself. Never the case with GSG. The victim barely uses her hands at all, readily accepting her death without a struggle.

There's also never any eye contact between the models, even if it's a front strangle, they do everything possible to avoid making eye contact.

Every now and then, a video will popup (such as "two wrestlers last fight") where the victim offers a decent struggle.. but for the rest of the videos, the victim almost mine as well not even have hands as she rarely uses them to defend herself.

Over all would rate GSG Members section a 3/10. Good value at $20, but just a lack of any realism in most of the shoots.

Oh and in case anyone is interested what I mean by a 'good struggle' check out the strangle scene from the movie "The Dentist", she doesn't go down without a fight!