Clean Demise Dalila Di Capri

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Clean Demise Dalila Di Capri

Post by Storm9 »

Okay ever since I saw that Dalila was going to be getting into the shower, to die. THIS became a must see for me.

This is a Dalila Di Capri production, also starring Debbie D.
A shooting, and a strangling.

I have seen some of Dalila's work in the past.
This video gives us some very nice views of Dalila, from all over.
Dalila may I say, truly shows, she must work a lot, to keep her body this fit and sexy.
I can not say for others, yet this lady truly is beautiful, and pleasing to the eye, front to back, head to toe.

Dalila being naked in the shower, is like all the fantasies we guys had growing up.

Debbie D. Looking very good, in her sexy, yet professional look, as a hit woman.

If any of you have doubts about Dalila being back before the camera, let them be put aside.
Dalila has a wonderful presence, not only because she is so sexy.
She plays her roles well. Tastefully mocking, and taunting Debbie, before the gun fires.

Dalila does a great job, of taking the hits, a few to the belly, another upper belly, then right breast.
The effects looking nice as well, as blood drips down her naked skin.

Debbie as always does a nice job, of being the victim of strangling.
Her legs working, as she jerks, and dies, to lay eyes wide open.
Dalila dying in the tub, her eyes wide open as well.

The only few drawbacks may be. I have seen Debbie for years. She can play the parts very straight.Yet at times, she can be a little on the over acting, for a purpose side. So some people may not care for her style of acting as the tough chick in this. I have seen her do some very nice performances so just depends on your tastes.
Also, to let us enjoy Dalila's death scene more, as well as giving her time to find her rival will not outlast her.
For those of you like Kelli. There is no final heart or kill shot.
That said for me, I think most of the viewers, have something to like about this.

I personally wish Dalila's strip for the shower, could have been longer, little more tease, before we enjoy all of her.

All in all, I would put this around an 7to 8 out of ten, for what the ladies gave us here. Going on my tastes.
Very well worth checking out. :pc: :clap:
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