Skeebo reviews Psycho-Thrillers - Cheerleader

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Skeebo reviews Psycho-Thrillers - Cheerleader

Post by Skeebo »

Here is a review that I originally posted on the Psycho-Thrillers messageboard:


Overview: Karli assures Brandon that she’s ready for murder. At 0:30, we see young, beautiful Marie, bound and gagged in a corner, wearing a cheerleader uniform. The couple torment and explore her body while stripping off her panties. At 3:15 Brandon exposes her breasts and rapes her for about 45 seconds while Karli helps hold her. They then continue to torment and strip her. At 6:30, she’s naked and Karli licks her snatch. At 8:00 they remove her binds and gag, then carry her upstairs and tie her hands to the top of the shower doorframe. At 9:15 she pees herself as Brandon strokes her snatch before he begins garroting her from behind. Karli watches and pleasures herself. At 11:45 Karli comes, then begins tonguing Marie while on her knees. At 13:45 a single gush of watery drool pours out of Marie’s mouth. At 14:15 Karli stands and fondles Marie’s body, then starts fingering her. At 16:00, Marie is dead. They dump her in the shower and Karli rubs herself on Marie’s face. At 17:45, Karli helps hold Marie up as Brandon does her doggy style. At 18:30 he comes, and they leave Marie curled on the shower floor. There are video and still images of her twitching body until 19:45.

Strangling: Because the strangling in the video is vertical and bound, there isn’t very much struggling. Marie stands and mostly just bounces in place. She looks terrific while doing so, however, with perky, natural breasts that jiggle beautifully. One minor problem I had is that we never see Brandon let go of the garrote after she’s dead. A cut skips right to the killers untying her corpse. Personally, I always like the “closure” of seeing the strangler let go at the end. Overall, I found the strangling itself to be good but a little static. It will probably appeal most to fans of vertical strangulation.

Fondling/Sex: There’s copious amount of fondling and sex in the video. It’s pretty much wall-to-wall. In the first half of the film, the killers explore every inch of Marie’s body. Marie plays the part of a whimpering, helpless victim very convincingly. I most enjoyed the part where Karli fingers the dying Marie. Karli wets her finger on Marie’s own tongue beforehand, and then afterwards gives Marie a taste of her own juices. Very erotic. As far as the sex, some of the camera angles provide only limited coverage. We only see the back of Karli’s head when she tongues the bound Marie. When she rubs herself on Marie’s face, we only see her squatting in front of Marie. When Brandon rapes her doggy style, most of the time we only see her back over his shoulder. This seems to be in part due to the confined space of the shower area. I found this to be less of a drawback than it sounds, however. Overall, the sex and fondling content is through the roof as the killers use Marie in every way possible for almost the entire length of the video.

Other: For me, a lot of the appeal of the video is the killers’ enthusiasm, and the performances are outstanding. Karli is especially appealing as she coos over the struggling cheerleader and gleefully commits to Brandon’s murderous suggestions. I prefer videos with killers who talk about what they’re doing and take pleasure in it, so this is really up my alley. On the technical side, the auto-focus shifts focus off the action during one shot for a total of about twenty seconds while Marie is getting strangled. Otherwise I didn’t notice any other technical problems.

Overall: I really enjoy this video. The sadistic enthusiasm of the killers is infectious and Marie makes a vulnerable and beautiful victim. There’s a bounty of sex and fondling content, with hardly a moment of filler in the entire video. The actual strangling itself and the post-mortem aspects are the weakest parts of the film, but the strangling is still pretty good and the peripheral material more than makes up the difference. Overall, I give it an 8.
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