W.E.T. Works by Bluestone silk videos...

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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W.E.T. Works by Bluestone silk videos...

Post by Storm9 »

This video stars Meredith, and Milena.

The two ladies both very pretty.

Milena a slender, sexy agent. The kind that nicely strips, before going to bed.
To bed with her gun that is.

Meredith sent to get her.
Meredith very sure of herself.

Milena will not go easy, and as things break down, both ladies begin to get shot, by one another.
Milena dying nicely on the bed.
While Meredith, still stunned by her own coming demise. Ends up dead on the floor.
Both ladies do a nice job of it, taking the hits.

I like Meredith very much. I have to track down different video saw her in the shower. For myself.

This W.E.T WORKS is available in Blue's niche store for $15.00 I am sure it is also available at his own store as well.
For my tastes, and the performance by the ladies.
This makes an easy solid 7 out of 10 for me A nice find.

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