"One Step Beyond"

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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What is your main fetish?: Mainly Shootings & Stabbings However... I do enjoy various other types of death scenes.
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Referral: G-Man

"One Step Beyond"

Post by G-Man »

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"One Step Beyond” :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: . (4 out of 5)

Another fine “Kill-her” threesome title from the Bluestone Presents Series comes… "One Step Beyond” with a
full share of ”Blades… Bullets… Babes!!!
"Part One Only” ... "Part Two Only”

Blue’s Synopsis
This is a Kevin67/Bluestone collaboration, and as usual has a very interesting plotline including a supernatural element.
Petra is in a drug-induced coma. Her step-sisters, Kerie and Lena, plot to murder her and make it look like an accident.
So, how is Petra able to murder both of them before they can murder her?

G-Man's Review
Again Blue brings together three of his fine looking ladies… Petra, Kerie and Lena to play in another supernatural story
by Kevin67... and of course having them all being provocatively dressed with Peta & Lena in hot lingerie and Kerie a hot
party dress.
The story revolves around a rich heiress (played by Petra) who now lies in bed comatose from an apparent overdose of
drugs and her family Blue, Kerie and Lena plot to kill to split her fortune for themselves.
In Part One… we see Petra (who is in a hot blue lingerie see-thru top and matching string bikini bottom) seem to first
appear as an aberration in Lena’s apartment and Lena thinking she’s seeing a ghost.
But… Lena (dressed in a very hot two piece tan lingerie bikini outfit) quickly realizes she’s no ghost when Petra shows up
in her kitchen holding a large knife in front of her!
Now Lena half frozen with fear… and before Lena can move… Petra slices her knife across deep into Lena’s both
breasts drawing blood! Lena while still in shock/fear, Petra unties and opens her robe exposing her bare tummy.
Soon after Petra plunges her knife deep into her belly.
And all this time Lena is crying/moaning taking deep short breaths and jerking from Petra’s attack. After Petra pulls her
knife out Lena collapses to the floor and tries to crawl away. But Petra quickly stops her by slicing her knife across Lena’s
back and causing her to collapse to the floor turning and landing on her back. Petra then does not waste much time, now
plunging her knife deep into her soft right breast then pulling it out again with again Lena all the while still juddering,
moaning and crying from the pain. Now Petra plants and leaves her knife again into Lena’s lovely milky white, flat bare
belly then instantly disappears leaving her dark haired victim Lena still squirming on the floor until she slowly succumbs
to her wounds and to finally lie still and dies.
Now the scene moves back to Petra’s apartment (Which is also the start of Part 2) and we see Kerie who now also sees
Petra appear in front of her.
Kerie (wearing a super-tight one piece metallic party dress) is clearly starteled and somewhat in shock to see Petra.
Petra who then pulls a gun out of a nearby dresser pointing it at Kerie telling her its time to end her evil plot.
Then not wasting time Petra fires her gun once and hitting her shapely brunet victim in the left breast, causing Kerie to
jerk her head back and give out a chilling moan. Then wounded full bodied woman slowly staggers across the room landing
up against a nearby wall.
Petra does not show any mercy… and pumps two more slugs into Kerie hitting her in the belly and then her other breast.
Then Kerie gives a fine slow death slide to the floor, all the time providing some fine facials, moans and slow body jerking
as she lies dying on the floor.
Petra then soon disappears in thin air again. Next we see Blue finding Kerie near death on the floor and tells him it was
Petra who shot her before she dies.
Before doing so… Kerie gives us a few more dying moans and one last back arch before collapsing dead. NICE!!!
Now Blue moves to Petra’s bedroom and asks her how could she have done this… Petra tells Blue she did it with her mind
thru an out of body experience.
She also tells Blue she’s going to kill him now with her mind and proceeds to make Blue choke while she still lays in bed.
Before she gets to far… Blue manages to pull out a gun and manages to shoot Petra slowly three times… first in her belly
(near her button) then one into each of her fine firm breasts. All the time Petra giving out a deathly moans with some fine
wincing facial expressions and wriggling.
Seeing that Petra is still not dead… Blue plants one last shot into Petra’s forehead finally killing her almost instantly.

Hits & Misses
As always in Blue’s videos… all the girls look super hot in their respective outfits!!!
Petra and Lena did a very good job with each of their scenes and especially
Kerie by being able to show her body from all angles thru-out her death scene
and providing us with some very nice dying body arching.
Blue again provided some very fine CGI work especially Petra’s breast shots were awesome!!!
Plus providing some great camera angles of each victim.
Oh… Oh… I see on this shoot he left the death pads behind. :lol2:
As for misses… Come on the gun prop was lame, you could easily tell it was plastic when looking down the barrel
when Petra is pointing it at Kerie. (Next time spray paint a small cork black and stick it in the barrel.)
I know Petra was supposed to be stuck in bed… but while being shot, she could have giving a bit more exaggerated
reactions when being shot. (IE, body jerking/arching)
The last nit picky thing was… I see that you almost let furniture/lamp wires almost get in the way of the scene.
So let the victims have plenty of space to die in.
If you love seeing women getting shot and stabbed this video is for you!!!

"One Step Beyond” should please most fans.
Each video (Part 1 & 2)
"Part One Only” ... "Part Two Only” . sell for less than $15.00 ea (U.S.) or both for $25.00!!!
OR...buy both and get plenty of “BANG FOR YOUR BUCK”!!!
G-Man rates
"One Step Beyond" as a “Great To Have"!!! .. :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: (4 out of 5)

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Re: "One Step Beyond"

Post by kevin67 »

I have been busy for a while handling personal matters, but I would like to thank you for your great and fair review.
Posts: 1610
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:42 am

Re: "One Step Beyond"

Post by gold »

Agree a gem and IMHO opinion Lena appearing with Petra for the first time was exceptional..She reacted with perfection and has totally arrived as a first class actress...Kevin appreciate your scripts very original and enjoyable always :excited: :excited: ...Petra is great as dressed but one can wonder if without.
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