"The Bailout"

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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What is your main fetish?: Mainly Shootings & Stabbings However... I do enjoy various other types of death scenes.
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Referral: G-Man

"The Bailout"

Post by G-Man »

"The Bailout" :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:

G-Man’s Review
This video is like going to a fine restaurant... ordering something great on the menu... and only eating the bits you love most.
It starts with Darla (played by Kerie) on the phone making reservations to bug-out to Panama with her former lovers insurance death benefit payout.
As soon as she hangs up the phone... her supposed to be dead lover Max (Blue) shows up and in a not so happy mood.
Darla sensing this... tries to calm down Max with naked seduction by undressing to only a string bikini bottom and asking for a light for her cigarette.
Not buying her sensuous moves... Max gives her a light and tells her to enjoy her cigarette, for it will be her last!
Right then Natalia (played by Lena) shows up with a 9mm in hand. She tells her to move away from Max.
Realizing she has only a few seconds left... Darla backs up near a wall and quickly reaches for her own 9mm and points it towards Natalia.
Before Darla can even get a shot off... Natalia plants a round into Darla’s right breast. Darla’s body jerks from the impact.... moaning and trying to get back to a firing stance with her gun... but before she can do so Natalia pumps another round into Kerie’s right breast, hitting her nipple, causing her to jerk again and dropping her gun.
Still standing and gasping, Darla tries to keep her balance. Natalia doesn’t let up and pumps two more rounds into Darla’s naked body... this time both hitting into her left breast and causing Darla to do a slow death dance and slide down to the floor. Falling on her back... Darla then goes thru her final seconds, gasping, moaning and twitching until she finally expires.
When Max goes over and says let me check her pulse to make sure she’s is dead... he picks up Darla’s gun and shoots Natalia in her left breast... Natalia now surprised and shock... tries to recover her stance to fire back at Max. But he’s to quick and pumps another round into Natalia... this time hitting her in the right breast and dropping her gun. Natalia quickly slides down a wall landing on her ass and trying to push herself back towards a exit door... while moaning and crying to Max how could he do this to her. She collapses on her back just at the foot of the door... still crying and gasping and clinging to life. Max then comes up next to her, telling her sorry but you know too much... and puts a final round between her breasts... casing her to do some last moaning, crying and twitching before lying still.

Hits & Misses
The best death scene is the first one with Kerie.
She starts off with showing off her most natural born talent before getting shot... her own very, very fine looking body(!!!) and doing a “I the Jury” like move on Blue.
Moving on to when Lena shoots her... the first two shots were choreographed very well, but... with the third and fourth seemed a bit too far apart in time from the second shot.
Also... it would have been a bit more plausible reaction maybe to have Kerie being bounced up against the wall more so with the third and fourth shot before her slow fall to the floor.
Meaning just a little bit quicker from first to fourth shot.
Kerie could have maybe put one of her hands pressed against one of her breast wounds during the scene and would have added
that little extra touch. I guess her holding onto her cigarette after being plugged four times was because this was orginaly made as a custom. If it wasn't for those generious folks... videos like this would never be made... so I never mind making room having to watch other folks pleasures.
Lena’s death scene seems a bit hoo-hum compared to Kerie’s.
Her acting (or maybe direction) was O.K., her dying motions/sounds seemed to have less variety and not very sensuous.
She also seems to have a very great looking body, however, she seems to wear cloths with heavy patterns which (I feel) greatly distracts from her and or the scene and most of all... it hides her great curves!!! I’m not complaining that she isn’t nude... I like victims to wear something... but something that accents their natural shape.
The FX on Kerie was great... like when first shot hits her in the right breast... we see blood coming from her bullet hole. GREAT!!!
I know most of these videos are shot in hotels... however when setting up some scenes near a bed and on the floor... maybe things would look a little better and easier to film if one moves the bed a bit more out of the way when you have the victim fall onto their final spot so the director as well as the viewer can get a better shooting angle/view of the victim.
Also... would prevent the victim from being made to bend her legs or body because they're crunched in-between a bed and wall.

I feel Kerie’s death scene alone makes this video a worthwhile buy!!!!
G-Man gives it a “RECOMMENDED”!!! :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:






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Re: "The Bailout"

Post by gold »

Its hard to follow the last review but i agree Kerrie gave one if not her best est performances to date and if you like her in costume .you will be appreciative of her true beauty in this vixen role She was superlative in her role..She does a wonderful job with a shooting ballet,as captions show, and never misses a beat with her reactions while having her last drag..She also sets up the story line of the insurance scam and plays off of Lena and Blue with her coniving lines moving for her last hope ..her gun. It is a prolonged shooting and if you like Kerie and Lena this ones for you. Lena really played a ruthless killer and IMHO was very sensual in her erotic demise and delivered her lines flawlessly as a sassy mistress. Thought Blues direction made this complexed concept work. All who delivered this gem should be commended and for me it could not have been better.....BRAVO :approve: :clap:
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