My Review of "Chaos" by Chokechamber

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My Review of "Chaos" by Chokechamber

Post by Nyghtfall »

In light of the most recent discussion about porn in this thread on Deadskirts, I decided to put my money where my mouth is and bought a clip from a non-porn producer I don't normally buy from. Brit's outfit and knotted peep-toe pumps are what sold me on this clip.

If there was ever a remake of a mainstream death scene that fell far short of the original it was trying to pay tribute to, this is it. In other words, this is not the Frenzy remake you're looking for.

The clip starts well enough, with Brit on the phone arranging a couple of matches with her clients. There were a couple instances where she tripped over her dialogue, but nothing too jarring.

Then Drew enters and the production starts falling apart. At about 5 minutes in, while Brit is telling Drew there's nothing her agency can do for him, her words trail off as the scene fades to a shot of her shoes. Their conversation continues as the camera pans back up to her face.

Drew, tripping over his own dialogue, suggests the two of them start dating to make it easier on everyone, and she won't have to set him up with anyone else again. Brit resists his offer. Drew counters by asking her to show him to the door to prove she's a woman he can trust.

At this point, dialogue-wise, this remake already seems completely lost about what it's trying to achieve. While I've never seen Chris' Corner's version, the word-of-mouth I've read on his agrees that its dialogue is word-for-word perfect. By stark contrast, Chokechamber's "Chaos" is quickly turning into a true representation of its title.

Brit reluctantly agrees to show him the door, giving the camera what was apparently really just a nice excuse to see her walk in those pumps (no complaints there). As she's about to open it, a sound effect of tires screeching to a halt plays when Drew stops her and turns her around (Why?... What was the point of that?).

One of the smartest things Hitch did to maximize the dramatic tension was to keep the scene devoid of music until after Barbara was dead. In Chokechamber's version, for some ungodly reason, we not only get background music, it's the kind you'd likely here in a porno. What we wind up with is a total clash of production elements - Drew and Brit trying miserably to create a sense of drama, and a musical score trying to lighten the mood.

Drew repeatedly tells Brit they're going to have a lovely time. Meanwhile, Brit pleads with him to just be done with her so he'll leave. After sitting her in a chair, he orders her to take her hair down to start with. He then compliments her on her assets as he unbuttons her blouse, all the while ordering her not to move, and tells her to agree that she's enjoying herself. As he finishes the last few buttons, he tells her to leave her hands right where they are and not to move them.

With Brit's top now open and her bra exposed, Drew reaches under and starts fondling her breasts. He moves the chair back away from the door, and pulls her top down and keeps telling her to stay in the chair.

At about 10 minutes into the video, he finally removes his tie with one hand while still fondling her breast with another, making the whole reveal that he's the Necktie Strangler a moot point. It certainly doesn't help that he's standing behind her, so when he does attack, she's taken by surprise instead of being allowed to see what he's about to do and react to the inevitable.

At 10:18, he attacks, and then we get more mood-appropriate music. Nearly 2 minutes into the struggle, Drew finally starts repeating just one word from the movie: "Lovely!" Trouble is - as if the video isn't bad enough already - it becomes his favorite word throughout the rest of clip. Even during the necro fondling; though by then he's dropped the menacing tone for a more complimentary one.

At 12:17, Brit is dead. Moments later, Drew carries her back over to the kitchen and lays her on the countertop where he spends the remaining few minutes of the video removing the rest of her clothes and fondling and caressing his prize.

If you buy this to see Brit naked, this is the quality of lighting you get to look forward to during the necro fondling sequence. The first screenshot is featured on the bottom right corner of the ad copy. This is what it looks like during playback:


Another angle:


I would very much like to support more non-porn producers, but videos like this don't instill confidence in their attention to detail or production quality.

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Re: My Review of "Chaos" by Chokechamber

Post by PatrickPayne »

Thanks for the review, it should save some others from a disappointment. Though I must say Brit has a spectacular body.
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Re: My Review of "Chaos" by Chokechamber

Post by Bluestone »


Thanks for using the Candid Review Forum as it was intended... for candid comments from our community's customers.

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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