The Betrayal of Batgirly

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The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by NoseyApril »

Hi guys so I was soo happy that a member here named gavin monroe asked to write a story based on me and my character Batgirly so I decided to post it and and costume to see what sort of reaction it might get. Please let me know any comments you have I really hope you enjoy it as its my first time!!! xxxxx
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If it were possible to actually die from boredom, April imagined she'd be close to critical right about now. That was what it felt like at any rate, she thought to herself while staring forlorn at the stack of file folders sitting in front of her on her desk, sighing wearily as she did. Leaning back in her chair she stretched her arms out to the sides with a big yawn while underneath her desk her shapely stocking clad feet rubbed together softly on the floor besides her long discarded high heeled pumps. Picking her phone off the desk she let out an audible curse as she realized it was already half past 9 and she was nowhere near finished making her way through the files before her meeting in the morning.

"Bloody hell."
She muttered aloud to herself as she dropped the phone back onto the desk.

Rubbing her eyes April was about to pull herself together and force herself to get through the rest of the stack when her phone buzzed announcing an incoming text. Eager for any distraction from the blasted files she excitedly sprang up in the chair and snatched the phone back up from the desk. Her beautiful, expressive blue/gray eyes darted back and forth rapidly as they read the incoming transmission, which was from a contact of hers known as Overlook, only to widen with an awed sense of excitement once they reached the end. The message was short and yet its meaning was infinite. Montague is back in town. Sighted near the docks.

"The bastard's back."
April declared aloud with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Texting back quickly to request Overlook send her the exact location, April quickly slipped back into her pumps and pushed her chair away from the desk as she leapt to her feet, snatching a backpack out from under the desk in the process. The stack of file folders now a distant memory April marched straight through the abandoned and half darkened office towards the rest room. April the office managers work for the evening was over. But for April the crime fighting vigilante, the nights work had just begun. In the rest room April set her backpack down against the sink and quickly stripped off her work clothes till she was wearing only her dark stockings and pink panties, at which time she paused a moment to admire her lithe and slender yet shapely figure in the mirror with a sly little smile in the corner of her mouth. Putting such notions aside and reminding herself she had work to do, April reached into her backpack and pulled out the signature black latex bodysuit she always wore when out patrolling the city late at night in search of crimes to foil and criminals to punish.

Despite her slim figure and the considerable experience she'd had already squeezing into the unforgiving latex suit proved to be a challenging task. Not for the first time April wondered to herself whether the time had come for a costume upgrade. But as usual once she had got it on and found herself looking at the very figure the criminal underworld now feared the sight of, all such thoughts evaporated and April had to admit she looked damn good. Though tight and uncompromising the latex fit her shapely body perfectly, showing off her delicate figure in the best way possible. And she'd be lying if she said she hated the way the suits deep cleavage made her firm, luscious breasts look. April put the finishing touches on her costume by fastening her trusty gadget belt around her narrow waist and slipping on her specialized gloves, clenching her fists once or twice to really get the feel of them. Lastly she slipped her stocking feet into her high-heeled black leather boots and pulled the zipper up to the top, running her gloved fingers across the crisp leather with a smile. Stuffing her work clothes into the backpack April slung it over her shoulder and was about to walk out when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, realizing she'd forgotten the most important part of all. Rolling her eyes she reached into the side pocket on the backpack and pulled out her signature black domino mask and slipped it over her eyes to conceal her identity. Plucking out the hairclip she unleashed her long, flowing mane of beautiful dark blonde hair which cascaded down her latex clad body towards her thighs like a golden waterfall. There, she thought with a pleased smile, now she was ready.

April's cascading hair fluttered softly in the cool evening breeze drifting in from the sea and brushed against her latex-clad buttocks as she reached the ledge of the penthouse floor of the building she'd just spent the last few minutes scaling up the side of with the aid of her customized suction cups. It was hard work but it was for just such occasions she'd worked so hard to train and hone her body into its peak physical condition. With a faintest of grunts she pulled herself up onto the ledge and flipped over the guard railing onto the penthouse terrace with an elegant and oft rehearsed gymnastics move, landing in a silent crouch position with one of the throwing knives from her belt already in her outstretched hand should there be need for it. But as luck would have it the terrace was empty and by the looks of it her infiltration had gone unnoticed, giving her time to plan her next move as she returned the knife and suction cups to the compartments on her belt. Moving cautiously April rose up and walked slowly towards the terrace door which she noticed had been left with a crack open. But before April could go further she heard someone approaching from inside the penthouse and swiftly ducked to the side and took cover behind a rather garish looking stone statue of a cupid perched ontop of a stone base with his heart shaped arrow notched and aimed.

Moments later the curtains billowing from the open door parted as a heavyset man wearing a black suit and carrying a sub-machine gun stepped out onto the terrace... a guard patrolling the property no doubt, April thought to herself as she inched closer. That or her entrance hadn't been as stealthy as she had thought. The guard looked out over the terrace as he took a couple more steps away from the door as April eased herself around from behind the cupid statue, hoping dearly the man wouldn't turn his head her way until she was in position because that could leave her with a pretty big problem... Having her latex suit littered with bullet holes would truly break her tailors heart, not to mention leave her with a slight case of being dead and she didn't at all fancy that idea. Although if she was being honest with herself, there had always been a certain thrill to the possibility of getting killed for her. It added to the fun of it all. But that was neither here nor there and she had no intention of checking out anytime soon, April reminded herself as she got into position and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The wait was a short one as a moment later the guard turned his head in her direction, his expression betraying his utter shock at the sight of this majestically stunning latex clad masked beauty who'd just snuck up on him. He made an effort to raise the machine gun in his hands but before he managed it April had spun on one leg and kicked him hard across the face with the other, knocking him back with a painful groan as blood sprayed out from between his fat lips. His heavy set body came crashing down onto the terrace with a hard thud, his head smacking painfully into the ground. Feeling rather good about herself April stepped over to the man and with her hands on her hips she kicked aside the machine gun where it lay on the ground and nudged him with the toe of her boot, confirming he was out like a light. Smiling to herself April stepped over the knocked out guard and headed inside, her latex clad buttocks wiggling proudly.

Making her way down a large hallway April headed in the direction of the spacious yet dimly lit living room from where she could hear opera music playing. She couldn't place which opera the aria was from but it sounded familiar as she got closer. Peering into the room she saw no sign of any more guards but nor did she spot Montague either, not at first but then she noticed the large armchair turned away from the door and facing the window and the plume of cigar smoke rising up from behind it. Got you, you bastard... April thought to herself with a sneer as she clenched her fists so tightly the leather crackled. Stepping inside the room she looked around carefully to ensure there was no one waiting to leap at her from the shadows. Determining the coast was clear April walked slowly yet deliberately towards the back of the large chair, her anger swelling with every step till only a few feet separated her from it.

"I thought I told you never to show your ugly mug in this town again you bloody snake."
April hissed disdainfully, dramatically announcing her presence.

As she did the soprano's anguished singing suddenly quieted as the music stopped, plunging the room into complete silence. A moment later the chair began to swivel around to face her, prompting April to raise her fists and adopt a combat stance in preparation for what she assumed would be a forthcoming struggle. But instead her jaw fell open and her eyes widened with shock upon seeing that it was not Geralt Montague, the criminal mastermind she had expected to find there but rather a far more familiar face... That of her loyal ally and aid... Gary Overlook, the very person who'd directed her to this penthouse. Speechless with surprise April instinctively lowered her clenched fists as she took a step back, her mind trying to play catch-up to what was happening.

"G... Gary? What the bloody hell is this? Where's Montague?"
She asked feeling equal parts angry, unnerved and confused.

"I really haven't the faintest idea. Guam for all I know... But you can rest assured he's not here. Oh dear April, do forgive me this little ruse but it simply was more than I could resist."
Overlook said with a rather obnoxious laugh as he took another puff on his cigar.

"What the fuck? This some sort of game you twat?"
April snapped back with her patience at its end.

"No but this is."
Overlook said, his laughter suddenly replaced by a cold, stern sneer as he turned his smoking cigar at her and squeezed it, blowing a puff of smoke that didn't look like any smoke April had ever seen produced by a cigar before right at her face.

The cloud of smoke only lingered a moment or two before dissipating as April coughed and waved her arm out in order to blow it away. But even so she began to feel lightheaded straight away, realizing to her shock that the smoke had been made from the same type of knockout gas as could be found in small canisters she kept in her gadget belt. Appearing not quite satisfied with the effect of the gas Overlook gave the cigar another squeeze as he let out a harsh laugh, blasting a second puff of smoke into her face. Gasping and coughing more intensely April felt the room spinning before her eyes as they rolled back and everything became whoozy to her. That bastard, Overlook, she thought as she stumbled back a step feeling dizzy. The blend of gas he'd used was nowhere near as potent as the one she was used to but it still had quite a kick to it, not enough to knock her out but certainly enough to disorient her long enough for whatever he had planned next. As it happened April didn't need to wait long to find out what that was as Overlook produced a high wattage stun gun from inside his jacket and pointed it at her.

"Wha.... arrrgghhh....."
April cried out as the twin bolts struck her beneath the left breast and a powerful electrical current was sent surging through her body.

Losing her balance the masked heroine stumbled back and tipped over, crashing down onto the floor with her latex-clad body spasming and writhing painfully from the onslaught of electricity rushing through it, savaging every last muscle and nerve in her shapely body. The leather clad boots and arms flopped on the floor as she rolled around, groaning and screaming from the pain. The supple breasts heaved furiously inside the latex suit and the firm buttocks rubbed against the floor till at last Overlook's finger eased back on the trigger of the stun gun and April's spasming body slumped down on the floor, lying still save for a few lingering twitches as faint moans escaped her lips. Smiling to himself
Overlook returned the stun gun inside the jacket of his impeccably tailored suit, straightened his tie and rose from the armchair. His hands in his pockets he walked towards where April's faintly twitching body lay and paced around it while looking down at the defeated heroine.

"I must say I am disappointed April, I had expected more from you. Much more."
He said with a pitiful shake of his head.

His words hardly seemed to register for April, becoming little more than distant echoes in her ears as she lay half paralyzed and in agony, struggling to stay conscious and not allow herself to slip away into the merciful bliss of oblivion. No she told herself, she had to stay awake, she had to get up and beat the living shit out of that sniveling asshole. She knew she had to or... she rather feared this would be it for her. No, she thought as she felt a tear run from under her mask and down her soft cheek, not like this. She tried as hard as she could to move, to lift her arms, to roll over and pull herself up but all she could manage was to faintly flop around, moving nary more than an inch or two as her latex clad buttocks squeaked on the polished floor.

"... Wh...y....?
April heard herself stammer as it seemed the only question on her mind. Why was he doing this to her? She had though he was her friend.

"W... why?... Oh for fucks sakes... Are you even paying attention to me? Have you heard a word I've said?"
Overlook's voice rang loudly back into her ears as his cruel face... handsome, she found herself thinking but cruel... appeared right before her eyes as he leaned over her and looked her right in the eye.

When she proved unable to answer beyond a few weak moans he sighed and shook his head, appearing to admit defeat.

"Long story short then. You have enemies, lots of enemies. Enemies that are willing to pay handsomely to get rid of you and IΒ΄m cashing in. The crime fighting business doesn't pay very well after all. I mean its not as if you would still be laboring away in that office all day long if beating up bank robbers and gangsters paid the bills, now would you?"
Overlook said as casually as if he were explaining why he'd decided to change his cell phone providers.

As he spoke his hand moved across her shoulder, brushing aside her hair and running down across her heaving bosom, caressing her supple breast through her skintight suit. For reasons she didn't fully understand, the feel of his hand on her body, his tight grip on her firm breast, made her feel all warm inside... Angry, outraged, violated, sickened yes... But also tingly and warm.

"... You... lousy r....aahhhhh...otten... pric...k.... aagghhh..."
April groaned as she felt the painful numbness beginning to subside just a little, wishing she still had the strength to break his wrist.

"Seems the shock is starting to wear off. Well then, better get down to business."
Overlook said as he noted how her arms and legs were beginning to pick up movement on the floor.

With those words his hand moved from her breast and slipped inside his jacket pocket, returning a moment later with what looked to April's hazy eyes like a rolled up ball of wire clenched between his fingertips. At first she was confused but as he uncoiled the wire the truth dawned on her when he flexed it between his hands, pulling it taut over her face as a spark of light glinted off it.

"What a disappointment you've turned out to be after all. Just another silly girl playing at being a hero. Pathetic rookie."
He sneered as he brought the wire closer towards her neck.

"Noo... noooo"
April squealed as for the first time in her career as a crime fighter she was struck with true and genuine fear as the wire came down against her slender neck and pulled tightly around it.

April's eyes bulged widely through the slits of her mask and looked as though they might be launched from her skull as the wire bit down hard into her soft, pink flesh and coiled around her neck so tightly that all flow of oxygen to her lungs was cut off. Instinctively the gloved hands shot up to her throat and grabbed at the wire strangling her, tugging and pulling at it forcing her to gag and choke raggedly. Dribbles of drool spilled down the side of the beautiful face as all color was drained from it and it contorted in agony while the latex clad body thrashed and flailed desperately on the floor. The firm buttocks rode down into the floor and the heels of the leather boots scraped across its polished surface as April's legs kicked out in a blind panic with her stocking clad toes wriggling inside them. The supple, firm breasts tested the durability of the latex suits deep cleavage as the heaved and jiggled madly from her struggle and strangled gasp attempts to draw in even the tiniest amounts of life saving oxygen but to no avail. This couldn't be happening, April thought to herself with disbelief as panic surged through her thrashing body, overwhelming her mind with fear and confusion.

"I expect you are thinking to yourself that this is impossible or can't be happening... Not to you, not to brave invincible you. But I assure you April, it is."
Overlook sneered, whispering into her ear as his cheek brushed against hers and he inhaled the heavenly scent from her hair.

With those words he pulled himself up, yanking April's flailing body off the floor by the wire coiled around her throat as if she were his marionette to command, pulling her body against his while his grip on the wire only tightened. The heels of April's boots scraped against the floor at first but as he hoisted her higher they were left kicking aimlessly in the air with nothing to do but keep swinging and kicking. The breasts heaved so furiously inside the suit that one of April's stiff, pink nipples came poking into view as her increasingly weakening body flailed and jerked against his. Droplets of saliva spilling from April's tongue as it appeared jutting through her pouty lips, dripped onto the wobbling breasts and trickled down the into deep cleavage where they disappeared from sight. A series of sharp, violent jerks and spasms moved through her twitching body as the gloved fingers one by one slipped away from the wire and dropped down at her sides where they swung loosely in the air. One by one the kicking boots slowed and finally just hung still in the air, swinging softly in rhythm to April's twitching as the little stocking-clad toes curled inside them. Behind the mask the bugged eyes rolled back slightly, blinked once and then stared widely and rigidly ahead, seeing nothing that was in front of them but darkness as a final and faint rattled sigh rolled off of the tongue sticking from the gaping mouth.

Keeping his hold on the wire taut for another minute or so as the limp body wobbled and occasionally twitched against him, Overlook waited until he was absolutely sure April was dead before easing his grip and pulling the wire from her bruised neck. The limp corpse slid down Overlooks body and crumbled down into a tangled heap at his feet on the floor with the latex covered buttocks riding upward as if wiggling to get attention. Putting the sole of his shoe against the buttocks Overlook gave a push and April's body slumped over and rolled onto its back with the limp arms and legs stretching to the sides and the partially exposed breasts jiggling back and forth till they settled. The long flowing hair spread out on the floor as her head came down on its side with her blank eyes staring vacantly across the floor her body lay on. Giving the body a little nudge with his shoe Overlook cracked a smile as he watched it wobbled non responsively on the floor. Getting down on one knee besides the body he turned April's head over so he could see the dead eyes. Smiling to himself he brushed a lock of her flowing hair out of the way and pulled off her mask to get a proper look at her face, which still looked beautiful even pale and etched with the pain of death.

Running his hand down the side of the slack face Overlook brushed her cheek before moving on down her bruised neck and over the luscious but still breasts, gently stroking them and running his fingers down the deep cleavage. The nip slip amused him as he took it between his fingers and rubbed it softly before taking the whole breast in his hand and squeezing it firmly. There was no particular reason for him doing this other than he'd always wanted to and now there was nothing stopping him, he thought amused as he admired her corpse. Moving his hands over the latex covered body he felt around for any surprises she might have hidden on her person, patting her shapely body down inch by delicious inch and running his hands down between her legs and against the insides of the thighs. Arriving at the boots he lifted one of April's legs off the floor and caressed the fine leather as he slowly unzipped it and pulled it loose. April's delicate stocking-covered foot felt warm and soft against his hand as it slid from the boot and ran through his fingers before it dropped to the floor with a faint thud as the toes twitched inside the stockings. Removing the second boot as well Overlook set it down besides the foot and went about unclipping April's gadget belt, slipping his arm under her waist to lift the limp body high enough to slide the belt free.

As April's blankly staring eyes watched him, Overlook unlaced the front of her suit and slowly slid it down from her shoulders, her arms, and finally peeled it from her naked breasts, which wobbled slightly as they were freed. Once he had gotten the suit off entirely April's body lay sprawled out on the floor wearing naught but her dark stockings much to his pleasure. He left her that way while he put away her suit, boots and the rest of her costume... those would fetch a fine price with certain collectors, he thought... he went back to where he'd left her. Reaching down he put his hands under her shoulders and pulled her limp body up, helping himself to a feel of her bare breasts as he did. April's stocking feet trailed along the floor and her long hair fell across her bare breasts as he dragged her body from the room out into the hallway and toward the service elevator.

Riding down the elevator Overlook pulled April's naked and lifeless body up into his arms with her head slumping back against his arm, her long flowing hair draping down at his side as her blank eyes stared widely up at roof of the elevator. The stocking-clad feet brushed faintly together in the air as they swung softly in the air while her arms lay bundled together against her flat tummy. Stepping off the service elevator as its doors opened on the ground floor Overlook carried the limp and lightweighting corpse spread across his arms out into the dark and deserted alley behind the building, his sights set on the large dumpster located there. Slinging April over one shoulder he used one hand to whip open the lid of the dumpster while his other hand playfully ran up the back of April's stocking-clad thigh and over her bare buttocks, squeezing them firmly with a grin.

"Well off you go."
He said as he gave the buttocks a little slap before heaving April's body down into the open dumpster waiting to receive her.

Looking down at April's corpse lying there sprawled out upon a bed of garbage, her arms and legs spread with her striking nakedness for all to see while her pretty blue/grey eyes stared widely in a lifeless glaze, Overlook smiled to himself thinking of what a surprise the garbage men were in for in the morning. What amused him most was knowing that her death would be written off as just another murder in a city full of them and no one would ever know who she'd really been or all she'd done for the city when she was alive. With that thought he let the lid of the dumpster slam shut, leaving April's stripped corpse in darkness.

The end.
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by Bluestone »

Very cool, and I like those lovely eyes wide open and engaging in the close-up pic. Very nice!

Also love that super long hair!


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Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
gavin monroe
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by gavin monroe »

It was my pleasure to be of assistance with the writing April and I am honored to be the first. Hope to write more with you in the future. :)

Love how the pics turned out, you look made to be a superheroine and gorgeous.
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by Fluffsnuggle »

Absolutely gorgeous April! And excellent writing from Gavin. Well done to the both of you and I'm sure I speak for the forum when I say we look forward to more of your works πŸ‘
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by NoseyApril »

Bluestone wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:54 pm Very cool, and I like those lovely eyes wide open and engaging in the close-up pic. Very nice!

Also love that super long hair!


Hi thank you soo soo much truly and yay my eyes I listened to your tip you gave me about using them wide eyed so that makes me happy ha xxxxx
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by NoseyApril »

gavin monroe wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:56 pm It was my pleasure to be of assistance with the writing April and I am honored to be the first. Hope to write more with you in the future. :)

Love how the pics turned out, you look made to be a superheroine and gorgeous.
Thank you Gavin so glad we did this together! xxxxx
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by NoseyApril »

Fluffsnuggle wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:00 pm Absolutely gorgeous April! And excellent writing from Gavin. Well done to the both of you and I'm sure I speak for the forum when I say we look forward to more of your works πŸ‘
Thank you so much for that really appreciated xxxxx
gavin monroe
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by gavin monroe »

Fluffsnuggle wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:00 pm Absolutely gorgeous April! And excellent writing from Gavin. Well done to the both of you and I'm sure I speak for the forum when I say we look forward to more of your works πŸ‘
Thanks a lot, glad you liked it. April is both wonderful inspiration and she had a lot of great ideas for it, a pleasure to work with.

NoseyApril wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:27 pm Thank you Gavin so glad we did this together! xxxxx
Me too and you are welcome. :)
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by xj900uk »

That was very, very good, April (with Gavin!)
Gosh, did you write that just off your back like that with minimum prep and plotting? It's a very good and engaging storyline with Batgirly as the doomed and rather out-numbered heroine.

BTW love the pictures of you in that costume (which really does work on you).
You have extremely large and expressive eyes (as BLuestone has already noticed), you should work on using them to maximum benefit.
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by NoseyApril »

xj900uk wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:42 pm That was very, very good, April (with Gavin!)
Gosh, did you write that just off your back like that with minimum prep and plotting? It's a very good and engaging storyline with Batgirly as the doomed and rather out-numbered heroine.

BTW love the pictures of you in that costume (which really does work on you).
You have extremely large and expressive eyes (as BLuestone has already noticed), you should work on using them to maximum benefit.
Hi thank you so much I like my big eyes haha hmm how do you mean use them to maximum benefit please? xxxxx
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by Bluestone »

Okay, guys, would you be interested in us adding April to our cast as our newest Teen Bat? Let me know if there is interest in seeing the lovely April in a Bluestone video.


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Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by SSkykingDA »

Bluestone wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:02 pm Okay, guys, would you be interested in us adding April to our cast as our newest Teen Bat? Let me know if there is interest in seeing the lovely April in a Bluestone video.


I'm always in favor of giving a lovely young lady an opportunity to be defeated! :D :excited:
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Why do you want to join this forum?: I found out about your videos from The Ultimate Superheroine Forum and I want to post a thanks for a job well done.
Referral: I believe I followed a link from one of Blue's posts on The Ultimate Superheroine Forum.

Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by Lurkndog »

Yes, she has certainly done a promising job so far. She certainly seems like she gets it.

Welcome April, I look forward to seeing more of your work!
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by ikke21 »

I have a hard time believing April is real, rather than these being some pics of a random pretty girl. But I hope I'm wrong and that we get to see her in one of your videos; the girl is certainly very pretty. (Edit: corrected a typo.)
gavin monroe
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Re: The Betrayal of Batgirly

Post by gavin monroe »

Bluestone wrote: ↑Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:02 pm Okay, guys, would you be interested in us adding April to our cast as our newest Teen Bat? Let me know if there is interest in seeing the lovely April in a Bluestone video.


If she's comfortable and game then I'd absolutely support it.

I also happen to be under contract as her exclusive writer so my agent will be in touch. :lol2:
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