WWP1126 Homicide Times Three (Shooting, Strangling, Navel Play)

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WWP1126 Homicide Times Three (Shooting, Strangling, Navel Play)

Post by Norrin »

A description of my reviewing method viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17894

Homicide Times Three


This video can be purchased at the Nicheclips store, Sophie’s Fantasy Art: http://nicheclips.com/shop.php?store_id=73

Plot Synopsis:
Nikki and her lover Amira are making out in bed, half-naked, when Amira begins to demand that Nikki leaves her actual partner, Britney, so that they can be together. Nikki does not feel like committing, however, so when a frustraded Amira decides to leave, Nikki's jealous nature takes lover, leading her to strangling her secret lover. She does not have much time, though, to spend with her lover's corpse, as an outraged Britney arrives on the scene, demanding an explanation. Nikki, unable to provide her with one, soon finds a pistol pointed at the most sensitive spot of her body, her bellybutton. Faced with her lover's wrath, the two-timing blonde suffers an agonising fate, as she bleeds out from her perforated navel, which Britney clearly enjoys. After having watched her partner die, the scorned lover proceeds to strip herself to her panties as well, playing around with her own bellybutton, and her lover's blood, before pointing the gun at her own forehead, committing suicide to end up dead right next to the other two parts of this doomed love triangle.
(Headshot, Lesbianism, Navel Worshipping, Navel Shooting, Suicide, Topless)

It is a classic framework, the love triangle that turns deadly, that is used in interesting ways here. Rather than having the lovers caught in the act, one takes out the other first. Not only does that offer more variety in the killings themselves, but it also creates the feeling of a vicious cycle. The only one who is really innocent in all of this is Amira, who is the first to die. That the jealous Nikki is cruelly murdered by her own jealous lover is nicely poetic. The play between her and Amira establishes the former's love of bellybuttons, making her own navel a logical target for Britney to choose. To have Britney kill herself in the end is something not too far-fetched, either, although it would have been great to have her state a reason as to why she chooses to do that in a non-direct, not too on the nose way (e.g. escaping the authorities, desiring to join her lover on the other side, etc.). Aside from an "I'll see you in hell!" she throws at a dying Nikki, there is unfortunately nothing else to pick up. Still, for the purposes of giving the audience three different kinds of deaths, that organically fit into the story, this is not only solid, but also well done in terms of the plot.

Amira has the most distinct part in the film. On the one hand, she is caught up in the lust she experiences with Nikki, while on the other hand, she also wants to have her for herself. In the part where the two make out, it is quite sexy and erotic to see her kiss Nikki's lips and breasts, doing it with an appropriate amount of sensuality and eagerness. After her first warning to Nikki, Amira allows herself to be drawn back in by her lover's sexy navel play and the way she portrays it, makes you believe how good it feels for her. The most important of her acting, story-wise, the frustration at her lover, is also well acted. It gives you the sense that this has been going on for some time, but she is fed up with it. Her handling of the lines comes across as natural enough to be believable, while her anger is not overacted, but fitting. Ultimately, Amira shows that she has the chops to play good victim roles, similar to this one, in the future.
While Nikki shares a lot of the jealousy aspect with Britney's character, she also has to show her lover's side, which she does with a lot of sensuality of her own. My favourite part of her performance, though, is when she snaps and decides to kill Amira, explaining to her why she cannot have her be with anybody else. At once, it makes it clear how much of a psychopath she is, only caring about herself, her "love" not much more than a justification to own Amira. Nikki playing that part so cold-heartedly makes it more satisfying, in turn, to have her be confronted by Britney, unable to dominate her like she did with Amira. One cannot deny that Nikki really showcases here how good she can be as both the helpless victim, and the sadistic killer, uniting these two aspects in the same role. She is ultimately a bad girl that gets her comeuppance, and the fact that it is so satisfying to watch as she pleads for her life and goes through the pain, can only be credited to how well Nikki makes you believe in her character there.
Britney's role may perhaps seem like the most simple one, since in her interactions with Nikki she only really shows her vengeful and sadistic side. What she does, however, is a great amount of splendid, physical acting. When she pokes around in her dying lover's bleeding navel, you feel that it is both a desire for punishing her lover, as well as curiosity about a ruined bellybutton that are driving her. When she removes her navel piercing and rubs her lover's blood around her own bellybutton, she is imagining how much of a painful, but also ecstatic experience that was for her partner. And in the end, the way she looks at the pistol, already knowing what she is going to do with it, how she mentally prepares herself for it, looking at her dead lover before shooting herself, it is all just wonderful to watch. Add to that the anticipation of knowing what she is going to do and how she approaches it... it is enough to make hers my personal favourite of all 3 performances, although I could easily make a case for Nikki's too.
Ultimately, there is nothing to disappoint in the acting, only good to great little moments, that you can discover and enjoy again and again, on multiple viewings.

Death Scenes:
One strangling, one navel shooting and one suicide by headshot. Amira's death is handled well. The shifting around on the bed, along with the camera movement, adds plenty of energy to the strangling. The victim's struggles mix nicely with her killer's superiority and simultaneous callousness. It could have been improved, though, if there was more time given to Nikki after she has done the deed so that she could maybe kiss Amira's dead breasts or bellybutton some more.
The fatal penetration of Nikki's navel is, fetish-wise, probably the most sublime, beginning with Nikki's pleading before being shot, fearing for her sensitive bellybutton. What follows, is some hot writhing from the blonde beauty, experiencing the agony (along with some ecstasy, perhaps) of the navel shot. The wound is nicely done, along with the blood slowly trickling towards her pussy. Having Britney poke around in the wound is particularly inspired, adding more pain to Nikki's demise, allowing her to play it out well, which she does. There is also a sexy line from Britney before her victim expires, putting a sweet bow on it, as Nikki goes still.
Like with many good headshot deaths, a lot of the magic lies in the anticipation for Britney's. Her removing her top is, of course, much approved, but what surprised me, was how erotic it was to see her remove her navel piercing, in order to rub her dead lover's blood around and into that spot. It was sexual in an interesting way, and one can tell how much Britney's character enjoys this very dark play. When, at last, the time comes for Britney to turn the gun on herself, the scene works magnificently. Not just in terms of her acting, but also due to the noticeably good camera work. In the collage above, look at how Britney is filmed from a low angle as she points the gun at her forehead... I really cannot think of a better angle this could have been shot from, showing the emotions on her face while she looks at her deceased lover whom she is about to join. And after Britney pulls the trigger, the way her legs twitch and toes curl up due to the destruction of her brain is... wonderful to behold. Therein lies a major issue, though. The shot after her body drops to the bed focuses on her hand first, before pulling out to allow her moving feet to be seen. Plus, her head is tilted backwards in such a way that you cannot see her face as she goes through her spasms. That is rather unfortunate, as there would have been the possibility of seeing her eyelids fluttering or facial muscles twitching. Even if these were not present, being able to see the face in these moments of post-mortem twitching is always preferred. The close-up of her face, before the final pan over all of the bodies, is quite hot (as you can see a little in the collage), but there is never a great shot of her face and breasts in profile.
In the end, though, you have a lovely pile of 3 dead ladies on the bed, which is always awesome.

Scenery and costumes:
Not much to report. The panties they are wearing are all sexy, and so is Britney's outfit, including her low heels.

The dialogue is spoken without much in the way of hiccups, and only once or twice do you have the feeling that one of the actresses might have stared at the camera for a split second. What is really somewhat bothersome, are Britney's blinks in the final pan. The eyes of the other two actresses are closed, which was a wise decision, since they have to play dead significantly longer than Britney does. I suppose it is always a trade-off between being able to see a sexy stare and eventually having to see the actress blink because of how long the camera holds on her. Still, it feels like something that could be solved via editing.

Final Score:
This is a really good fetish movie. It offers so much variety, lesbianism, navel play, strangling, shooting, that almost everybody should be able to get something out of it. Even if only navel play really seems to take centre stage in this film, every other fetish therein is covered in a way that should allow connoisseurs of each separate fetish to enjoy the way it is represented. If you are into navels, stranglings, lesbians or headshots, I urge you to check this movie out. It really deserves the attention for the way all these elements are blended together so elegantly.

Norrin's Rating:
4 1/2 stars
Britney's excellently performed headshot was what hooked me, but after several viewings, I was really able to appreciate almost every part of "HT3" (as I like to abbreviate it). Every kill is nice. I loved the lesbian playing around. There is just so much to discover and enjoy.
Credit has to go to the actresses for putting so much into their performances. While I was a Britney lover already, I will be very excited to see both Nikki and Amira in future projects as well. No doubt they will continue to be splendid victims (and killers) for all stories that are yet to come.
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Re: WWP1126 Homicide Times Three (Shooting, Strangling, Navel Play)

Post by Max5s »

Thank you, Norrin. This was a fun video script to write, and I was pleased with the way it came together. It was one of my first opportunities to work with Amira, and I was really pleased with her performance. Nikki is a force of nature. She is a great actress herself and totally uninhibited. She draws out the best in her costars and is very innovative in her own right. Britney has worked with us for a long time now and generally likes the more serious roles. Her sense of humor is a bit more subtle (at least when performing in English), but she is a lot of fun to work with.

We had a lot of fun with this, and I looking forward continuing our work together. And I’m really grateful for all the great ideas you’ve shared with me.
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