A rock singer comes back to her hotel exhausted after a concert. She still wears the clothes she had used for her appearance: Black knee-high leather boots, black net tights, a short white fabric mini skirt and a fashionable black leather jacket, including a black leather top. In her hotel room, she orders some sandwiches at room service. Meanwhile, a mad fan had sneaked into the hotel. He has noticed her order in the kitchen, dressing up as a waiter and bringing her the food to the room. When he enters, she doesn't notice the deception. He musters her from top to bottom, watches all her steps and is greedy for her. She sits down, starts eating and looks at him questioning. Suddenly, her phone rings. She goes to the desk and gets in touch. He follows her, then touches her ass and waist from behind. She turns around, yells at him and gives him a resounding slap. Immediately, he attacks her. A hard battle while standing begins. Then he bumps her to the ground, sits down on her. He holds her arms: "You dirty slut, what are you doing now? You're mine! ' She screams, kicks him, can free herself and tries to reach the door. He gets up, follows her, grabs her, turns her over and boxes his fist in her face. She staggers, falls to the ground. She moans, is all dazed. Then he steps with his foot still in your stomach. She screams, writhes in pain. Crawling, she tries to reach her phone. He takes his belt, puts it around her neck from behind and pulls slowly. She fights back, barely gets any air left. Just before her end, he stops, kisses her, then pulls the belt firmer again. He does that twice. After that, he knows no mercy. He pulls more firmly the belt. She's fighting for her life, getting weaker and weaker, starting to wheeze. Eventually, she dies in agony with her eyes wide open. He gets up and leaves her lifeless body in the hotel room.
Three separate stories about murder scenes acted by our talented actors Mary and Tim.
Mary comes home from a long day at work and all she wants to do is take a bath and relax. So she walks in puts her keys down sits down and kicks off her shoes. Gives her feet a quick rub because it feels good to get her shoes off finally. She then takes her top and skirt off wearing just her bra ,underwear ,garter belt and stockings and goes into the bathroom to turn the water on in the tub grab a towel and prepare for her bath.Little did Mary know she was followed by a coworker who she turned down for a date. While preparing her bath he works his way into the house. The tub is now filled and Mary starts to undress. Her coworkers watches from a far. Mary undressed hops in the tub and begins to wash her arms legs and feet. Now that she has herself cleaned up she puts her legs and feet up on the sides and end of the tub relaxes and closes her eyes. Her coworker enters the bathroom room and starts to harass her about turning down the date. Mary is freaked out and upset and tells him to leave. He grabs Mary's ankles and pulls her legs up forcing her to go underwater. Mary struggles to try to stay above water. Her coworker toys with her a couple times so she can catch her breath just to do it again. All the while Mary pleads for him to stop when he allows her to catch her breath. Mary finally tells him she will go on a date but he isn't convinced. So by lifting Mary by her ankles again he final holds her legs up long enough and Mary drowns. He congratulates himself while Mary's body is lifeless in the tub. He picks her up carries her to the bed and sets her down. He puts Mary's body in a couple different positions then finally lays her on her belly with her face outward arms extended out and her legs stretched out to each of the bottom of the beds corners. He then gives her butt a slap and walks out. Close up death stares and feet a plus. Some good shots of her walking in her bra and stockings while preparing her bath a plus also.
Mary hires a handyman to do some work at her apartment. She answers the door let's the handyman in shows him what's to be done. The Handyman is at awe of Mary's beauty. The phone rings Mary starts talking He starts working. He can't stop looking at Mary though. Mary hangs up the phone. He walks over to her and try's talking with her. Mary starts to feel uncomfortable and scared and he backs her into the couch until she sits down. He grabs her foot and rubs his face along side her shoe. He then takes her shoe off and massages Mary's stocking foot. He then does the same for the other leg. But this time he removes her stocking Mary immediately kicks to escape. She runs the handyman grabs her from behind ties her fishnet stocking around her neck and starts strangling her with it.Mary falls to her knees being choked but is able to elbow him and breaks free. Mary makes a run for the door and the handyman man is able to get her again and this time he breaks her neck. He gently lays down Mary on her belly enjoying his success. He then strips Mary out of her dress and takes off her underwear only leaving her wearing one fishnet stocking on her leg and one tied around her neck. He decides to keep her underwear as a souvenir and puts it in his pocket. He drags Mary to a table puts her on it and puts the foot part of the fishnet stocking tied around her neck in her mouth. Gives her a kiss on the forehead grabs his tools and walks out.
Mary sitting and standing in front of the mirror doing makeup/ powder nose ect. She just got done cheating on her boyfriend. Her current boyfriend walks in suspect's she has been cheating an argument starts. She trys to walk away her boyfriend knocks her out. He hogties Mary with her stockings. She starts waking up as he finishes. She pleads to untie her and says she will never cheat again. He proceeds to choke her to death with his bare hands. He unties her and strips her naked(if possible). Picks Mary up puts her over his shoulder carries her to the couch drops her and walks out.Another detail would be if the bottom of her stockings were dirty.