Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

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Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Damn - I knew I forgot something.

A simple fix is required to a small text file, to enable Terminators. If you have already downloaded Version 1.15, just download this small text file ("combatant_sets.txt") and copy into your main Bizarre Battles 1.15 directory. Copy over the existing (outdated) file with the same name. ... t_sets.txt
(1 Kb .txt file)

If you have not already downloaded the game, download this slightly-updated Version 1.15.01 instead. ... .15.01.rar
(1.7 Gb compressed .rar file)
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

And another little glitch that needs fixing... I forgot to add the folder that holds the new custom designed outfits.

Fortunately, the solution is easy. Just create a new folder called "Women_Custom_Outfits" in the main directory. This will appear at the same level as all of the second-level folders, next to the existing "Women_Custom" folder.

If you have not yet downloaded the game, here's Version 1.15.02, which has this issue fixed. ... .15.02.rar
(1.72Gb compressed .rar folder)

What is happening is this: I build and test the game in a "test game" folder. When everything is ready for a new version, I have to move all of the new stuff into a "final game" folder. Sometimes I miss a thing or two when I'm moving stuff over, and that has now happened twice here. Apologies for the confusion.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Hi all! Version 1.16 of my "Bizarre Battles" computer strategy game is now available. Get it here... ... 6.rar/file
[2Gb compressed .rar file. Decompress to play.]



That's right, 545 more young women have volunteered to fight -- and probably die -- in your fantasy battles. 2 sets of small-breasted Caucasians (sets 3 and 4), 1 set of large-breasted Caucasians (set 2), and 2 sets of Asians (sets 2 and 3). ['B' at Image 1.] (I don't yet have enough worthy Latinas for another set. If you want to help, contact me.)

See below for purchase instructions.

Many existing women have been upgraded with cuter pictures of the same girl. Also, several duplicates have been identified and replaced. (I try very had to avoid duplication, so that each woman appears only once in the sets.)

This new "Morale+" setting is intended to make battles a little more realistic, by imposing a morale penalty on women who are nude, topless, or unarmed. ["A" at Image 1.] This setting also further incentivizes women to put on loose clothing that might be lying around the map. (See below for more on that.)

"Native" women are unaffected by this setting, so topless Amazons remain just as happy to fight while topless.


This cool new feature is accessible via this tab on the Introduction Screen. ['C' at Image 2.] This makes it easy to quickly form an army of women with similar characteristics (blondes vs. brunettes? A cup vs. D cup?) When you start a battle (assuming filters are turned on; see below), the game will select from only the women who pas through the filter.

A separate set of filters is available for each side, and for each of the four campaigns. So settings in one campaign will have no effect on another.

Filters have no effect unless you turn them on (for each side, and for each campaign). ['D' at Image 2.] To remind you that filters are ON (this can have a big impact on available women), the "Filter" tab will F-L-A-S-H when that tab is closed.

Filters can be set as to breast size, hair color, ethnicity, and age. ['E' at Image 2.] Filters ADD TOGETHER, so a woman must be able to pass through all four layers of filters in order to be available. For example, if you select "Asian" ethnicity but turn everything else OFF, no women will be selected. You need to leave the other three filters on at some level too.

Only women from LOADED and UNLOCKED sets will be identified by the filter. The number of qualifying women is shown at the bottom. ['G' at Image 2.]

You can also force the filter to accept any "Favorites" you may have identified at the Team Builder screen (keystroke D, F, G). ['F' at Image 2.] That way your team can be partly composed of women who make it through the filter ("blondes") and partly composed of hot babes you always like to have in your battles ("Carrie" and" Jenny," for example). Of course, any pre-built teams you have made in Team Builder may still be included via Battle Builder in the usual way too.


In honor of the two new Asian sets, I've added two "Asian Schoolgirl" outfits (Pink and Blue). ["H" at Image 3.] These outfits can be manually-selected (outer top 48, 49; outer bottom 49, 50), or can be selected to auto-equip in the usual way from the Battle Builder clothing menu (new outfits 75, 76).

To help the "Filters" page identify women by ethnicity, I've added a new ethnicity toggle in the Dossier section for each woman. ['J' at Image 3.] This is necessary because "skin color" and "ethnicity" will not always line up in obvious ways. All women included with the game (including all add-on sets) have already been adjusted, but any custom women you have may need to be adjusted as well.

The default setting is Caucasian ("C"). Additional settings are for Asian ("A") and Latina ("L").

The AI is starting to get more capable. Computer-controlled women may now (a) pick up weapons, (b) pick up and wear clothing, (c) aim, and (d) flee the map. This is the first step towards a more capable AI and different types of campaign battles (like ambushes).

To make use of these new AI features, existing ambush-type battles have been adjusted to get rid of "hidden" weapons and instead replace with loose weapons and clothing scattered about the map.

In a few cases, this required some play-balance adjustments to give the ambushed side a chance.

The line of sight algorithms are very accurate, but can also be very slow. Speed improvements have been made that will be most obvious in larger battles.

I'm always on the lookout to fix bugs. A big one that slipped through the last version concerned "Terminator ratios." At the default setting, each Terminator is supposed to replace ten regular combatants (this can be adjusted at the Battle Builder screen.) However, this was not working for friendly Terminators, which replaced friendly humans 1-for-1. This made for extremely unbalanced games.

All of your old custom combatants (female and male) can be used again, and can be selected via the “set selection” feature detailed above. Simply copy all of the files from your old “Women_Custom” folder into the identically-named “Women_Custom" folder in Version 1.16, and overwrite all of the files. Same for your “men_custom,” if any.

If you have made edits to the newer combatant pages, these too can be transferred by copying over your old "Combatant_Data" folder into the new game (this is a big folder with a lot of files).

If you have previously purchased the full game, and/or license files for individual combatant sets, your old license files will transfer. Just copy into the main “Bizarre Battles” game directory.

If you have old teams or campaigns, you can try transferring the applicable .txt files in the main directory, but I make no guaranties that these will work.

The Demo is available for free, but has limited functionality.

The full game can be unlocked as follows:
- $20 paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $25 paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

The locked combatant sets can be unlocked as follows:
- $4 per set ($20 for the five new sets), or $35 for all eleven sets, paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $5 per set ($25 for the five new sets), or $50 for all eleven sets, paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

Once I receive payment, I will send you via e-mail the appropriate license files. The license files should be installed/copied into your main “Bizarre Battles” 1.16 directory. Make sure you tell me someplace what you want to purchase ... full game, which sets, all sets, etc. You can contact me directly at

As always, my deepest thanks for the ongoing support that I have received from so many of you. This has really helped to keep me inspired, and to make Bizarre Battles a better game.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Just in time for the holidays, a new version (1.17) of Bizarre Battles is now available. Better still, I've prepared some video tutorials to help players (and potential players) to better understand the game.

Three step-by-step video tutorials, with narration and screen legends, are now available for download. These first three videos are aimed toward players who are new (or newer) to the game, but even veteran players will probably find something of interest.

Image from Video 1

Video 1 - Basic Gameplay (135Mb .wmv file). ... y.wmv/file
31 minutes. This video is for new players, and teaches the basics: Understanding the various parts of the Intro Screen and Battle Screen, how to start a battle, how to move, how to shoot, how to shoot at more than one square and/or more than one woman simultaneously, how to reload, how to use your in-game avatar to ravage female casualties, and similar basics.

Video 2 - Selecting Combatants (71 Mb .wmv file) ... s.wmv/file
13 minutes. This video shows the four main ways to control which combatants appear in a battle, and discusses related matters such as the loading of sets.

Video 3 - Intermediate Game Play (128 Mb .wmv file) ... y.wmv/file
33 minutes. This video teaches several intermediate concepts, such as interacting with objects; secondary characteristics (e.g. leadership); adjusting position within a square; how to flee a battle; understanding details as to threat, morale, and lust; lust-crazed male combatants; death from above; and more.

I have put a lot of time into these videos, so I hope that players will find them useful. Later videos will address more advanced aspects of the game.

Download Version 1.17 here. ... 7.rar/file
(2Gb compressed .rar file).


What's new?

[1] Reorganized the Intro Screen Buttons. [Image 1 at "A".]

[2] Added new Victory Conditions Adjustment button. [Image 1 at "B".]
There are now four victory conditions settings:
(a) the Standard setting (capture all flags, or defeat all enemies through death, unconsciousness, panic. or surrender);
(b) Enhanced setting (as above, except that panic and surrender are ignored);
(c) Death setting (flags are ignored, and all enemies mist be killed for game to end); and
(d) Atrocity setting (all enemies must be killed, and all female enemies must be raped at least once).

If this setting is changed at the Intro Screen [Image 1 at "B"], it will automatically save and be applied from game-to-game.

This setting can also be changed in the middle of a battle. [Image 3 at "K".] If so, the in-battle change will apply only to that battle and will not affect the permanent save set on the Intro Screen.

Also, a few battles have a minimum setting and will default to that.

[3] New "Blouse Adjust" Button.
Depending on the setting, blouses may start the game in an unbuttoned state. [Image 1 at "C".]

[4] Teams Now Usable in Quick-Start Battles.
Up to this point, Teams (built in the Team Builder module and selected in the Battle Builder module) could only be used in Campaign battles.

Teams may now be used in Quick Start battles. select teams in the usual way via Battle Builder, and selected teams will appear in your Quick Start battles per the usual rules. Visual reminders that Teams or Filters are set have been added or enhanced. [Image 1 at "D".]

[5] Added Four New Quick Start Battles and Maps. [Image 1 at "D".] Each has something unique to offer.
(a) Argonne Woods. This WW1 battle uses the old "Tribal War" alternate map that appeared only in Battle Builder. In other words, the two versions of the Tribal War map (Quick Start and Battle Builder) are now separate maps and separately selectable.

(b) Arena. Gladiators battle before the cheering Roman mob. Set combatant type the usual way (% women, % men, etc.), but the number of combatants and their equipment will be selected via subsequent dialogue boxes.

(c) Mondo Candido. This is my attempt to re-create the famous "babe army shootout" from that movie. Be sure to set the type settings appropriately, so if you want the attackers to be all men, set men 100%. (For now, you can only play the attacking Arabs. I will add an option to play the defending Israelis at a later date.)

(d) For Whom The Bells Tolls. This battle is set in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), and gave me a chance to show off a bunch of "national flag" bikini tops, including some new ones. More historical battles of the "what if they were fought by hot women in bikinis?" design school will follow.

Each map is also selectable in Battle Builder [Image 2 at "G"] and may appear in a Campaign.


[6] Added New "Natives" Toggle. [Image 2 at "F".]
"Natives" operate under somewhat different morale rules (for example, their morale is less affected by wearing minimal clothing). The Native setting has long been built into applicable Quick Start battles, but now you can also set this yourself as appropriate to a designed battle or campaign.

[7] Added six new National Flag bikinis.
The tops (representing Australia, North Korea, the Soviet Union, Nationalist Spain, Republican Spain, and Taiwan) are found at "Inner Top" 52-57, with matching bottoms at "Inner Bottom" 56-61. These outfits are also selectable via Battle Builder. [Image 2 at "H".]

[8] Added New Male Clothing.
Three new male outfits have been added (modern soldier with desert camo, modern soldier with temperate camo, gladiator) as Outfits 28-30, and matching helmets have been added, along with an Arab headdress (Helmets 11-14).


[9] Added FPS and Zoom Indicators.
[Image 3 at "J."
The FPS indicator allows you to see how hard your computer is working -- and thus whether you should consider turning off certain options (such as blood splatter) or using fewer combatants. Optimum is 30 FPS.

There are eight Map Zoom settings, 1 being the closest and 8 being the farthest out. Remember that you can use hotkeys "Z" and "X" to adjust the map zoom, "C" to center the map on the cursor, and "1" to display the minimap.


[9] Modified Team Loading.
[Image 4 at "L".]
Team loading has been adjusted to totally clear all existing data (team members, team equipment, etc.) anytime you select a new team for loading.

[10] Adjusted "Breast Bounce" physics.
The old system was fun, but far too random. The new system looks at breast bounce physics much more realistically, and the range of "bounce" should now align much more closely with a woman's breast size and whatever supportive clothing she may be wearing. Overall, women with smaller breasts should experience less bounce, and women with larger breasts should experience a more consistent range of bounce. (My thanks to one of our female players for help understanding the nuances here...)

[11] Greater Implementation of "Morality" Characteristic.
Up to this point, a woman's "morality" score was a nice bit of personal trivia with little effect on game play. Now, morality may affect the following areas of gameplay:
(a) With the "Morale+" setting selected, the woman's morale will be affected by her clothing (or lack thereof). Women of a more conservative outlook will have their morale negatively affected by such things as the lack of underwear, while women of a more slutty disposition might actually see their morale increase a bit when the clothing selection gets more naughty.

(b) Likewise, AI women are more or less likely to put on loose clothing depending on their morality score.

(c) When a woman is being raped, the AP cost of "thrusting" is affected by her morality score. The AP cost is reduced for women of a slutty disposition (a well-used snatch provides less resistance), and increased for women who are more conservative (for the opposite reasons). :twisted:

[12] Adjusted Wound-Impact Graphics.
This is still a work-in-progress, but bullet impacts now have additional short-term splatter effects. This is particularly pronounced for impacts to the breasts (with splatter proportionate to the thickness of the breast at the point-of-impact) and to the head.

[13] Added Wardrobe Malfunction Possibility.
A woman who is wearing a blouse or tie-top, and gets shot through that garment, will experience the possibility that the impact may tear the garment open (making use of the existing "open" graphics). The probability increases based on the power of the weapon and the location of the hit.

I'd love to do something similar with bra or bikini top impacts (a nice sternum hit parting the bikini cups), but the models simply don't support this. :(

[14] Enhanced Vagina and Cum Ooze graphics.
Need I say more? :twisted:

[15] New Limits on Demo Battles.
Demo battles are now limited to six turns, down from eight.

All of your old custom combatant folders (female and male) can be used again, and can be selected via the “set selection” feature detailed above. Simply copy all of the files from your old “Women_Custom” folder into the identically-named “Women_Custom" folder in Version 1.17, and overwrite all of the files. Same for your “men_custom,” if any.

If you have made edits to the newer combatant pages, these too can be transferred by copying over your old "Combatant_Data" folder into the new game (this is a big folder with a lot of files).

If you have previously purchased the full game, and/or license files for individual combatant sets, all of your old license files will transfer. Just copy the license files into the main “Bizarre Battles 1.17” game directory.

If you have old teams or campaigns, you can try transferring the applicable .txt files in the main directory, but I make no guaranties that these will work.

The Demo is available for free, but has limited functionality.

The full game can be unlocked as follows:
- $20 paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $25 paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

The locked combatant sets can be unlocked as follows:
- $4 per set ($20 for the five new sets), or $35 for all eleven sets, paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $5 per set ($25 for the five new sets), or $50 for all eleven sets, paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

Once I receive payment, I will send you via e-mail the appropriate license files. (I have to do this manually, so please allow 24 hours for a reply.) The license files should be installed/copied into your main “Bizarre Battles” 1.17 directory. Make sure you tell me someplace what you want to purchase ... full game, which sets, all sets, etc. You can contact me directly at

As always, my deepest thanks for the ongoing support that I have received from so many of you. This has really helped to keep me inspired, and to make Bizarre Battles a better game.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Version 1.17.01 is now available. This fixes some essential bugs that slipped through, plus a couple of fun and useful updates.

If you have already downloaded Version 1.17, all you need are the updated Version 1.17.01 .exe files. You can delete the old .exe files (3 files) and replace them with these. ... y.rar/file
[96Mb compressed .rar file]

If you have not downloaded Version 1.17, or you just want to start over with a clean install, here is the comprehensive Version 1.17.01 game file. ... 1.rar/file
[2Gb compressed .rar file]



[1] Bug Fixes.
- Fixed bug that demanded a post-game license file even when a license had been purchased.

- Fixed bug that disabled movement when a combatant had fled the map.

- Fixed bug that garbled filters when switching campaigns.

- Fixed bug that crashed game when your in-game avatar finished raping a woman.

[2] Adjusted Campaign Selection on Intro Page.
[Image at "X".]
Rather than cycling through a single button one-by-one, you can now select any campaign directly, as with the other screens.

[3] Adjusted Team Selection for Quick Start Battles.
[Image at "Y".]
My attempt to automatically include Teams in Quick Start battles was too restrictive and confusing. Rather, you can now decide on the Intro Screen whether you want Teams to appear in your Quick Start battles or not. Of course, Teams will not appear in your Quick Start battle unless they are also selected in Battle Builder.

Also, if you have Quick Start selected a team where some of the team members have already been killed in a campaign, the dead team members will be alive for the Quick Start battle (which does not save, so this won't affect your campaign).

[4] Added Reciprocal Quick Start Battles.
Battles 8 (Drug Wars), 26 (Kappa Kapp Die) and 38 (Mondo Candido) now let you play the surprised/defensive side. It can be great fun to play the defensive side, watching helplessly as your women get brutally gunned down before enough survivors alert and become available to fight back.

[5] Line-of-Sight Adjustments.
Women who are surrendered, panicked, or surprised no longer generate sighting reports, so you no longer know what they are seeing, if anything. This is brutally realistic in Battle 8 (Drug Wars) and 26 (Kappa Kappa Die) especially, as your clueless babes not only get riddled with bullets, but don't even see their attackers.

[6] Added Surprised and Frozen Indicators.
If you are playing the "surprised" side, any women who are surprised or otherwise frozen will display a counter indicator and a dossier legend.

My apologies for the bugs in Version 1.17, and I appreciate everyone's patience. The Version 1.17.01 updates are worth the wait. For license transfer and purchase information, see my prior post.

By the way, I haven't had much feedback on the video tutorials. I'd love to know if people found those useful (or not).
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Hello all. Here's the latest customer service update, version 1.17.02. This addresses some further annoying bugs and adds a couple of minor features.

Version 1.17.02 Patch
If you have already downloaded Version 1.17 or 1.17.01, then all you need are the updated .exe files. Delete the three that came with your game, and replace them with the three in this .rar file: ... y.rar/file
[96Mb compressed .rar file]

Version 1.17.02 Full Game
If you have not yet downloaded any iteration of Version 1.17, or simply want a clean install, then download the full game here: ... 2.rar/file
[2Gb compressed .rar file]



[1] Fixed Team Clothing/Equipment Bug.
When you select teams to participate in a Quick Start battle, you can now also check the boxes to use their clothing and equipment in the usual way.

Numerous other small bugs have also been fixed. The game has become so complex that every time I add or change something, I run the risk of breaking something else. Some broken features have been identified and fixed.

[2] Added Team Distribution Indicators.
In order to help better manage teams, Team Builder has added two new indicators. Here, Team 1 has been loaded.

At Image "P", the Blue and Red dots indicate what pages contain team members. Here, Page 1 has a blue dot and a red dot, so this Team contains both friends and enemies that are found on Page 1. If the Team members are spread out over several pages, those pages will likewise be marked with dot(s).

At Image "Q", the total number of friends and enemies that constitute this team are indicated.

[3] Added Leader Activation Capability.
The "Rally" capability (possessed by anyone with the Leadership skill) can now be used to activate friendly combatants who are frozen (either surprised or not yet released). This is not automatic and depends on the initiative score of the target(s). Also, bitchy women cannot be activated in this manner and will ignore the Leader.

Sorry for the hassle of installing the patch, but I felt this was necessary in order to properly enjoy what Version 1.17 has to offer. Enjoy!
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

The latest customer service update, Version 1.17.03, is now available!!!

Get the patch only here (updated .exe files only): ... y.rar/file
[100Mb compressed .rar file]

Get the full game here: ... 3.rar/file
[2Gb compressed .rar file]


I totally re-wrote the way that Teams are selected for battles and re-used for Campaigns, and thoroughly tested it.

Everything now seems to work fine and the way it should: Build your Teams in Team Builder. Insert Teams into your Battles via Battle Builder. Make sure to check the box on the Intro Screen if you want Teams in your Quick Start battles. Also make sure to select the right "Limit to Team(s) Only" settings in Battle Builder for use of Teams (normal, minimum, maximum).

I really think this is fixed now so if you have any trouble please let me know.

Various small bugs were killed, including a few graphics bugs.

In particular, the "Atrocity" bug has been fixed; with the victory condition setting, all women on one side must be both dead and raped before the game will end.

If you want the benefit of the latest graphics fixes, then you should download the whole game and not just the patch.

A few new male sound effects have been added.

Natives now fight with a penalty when using gunpowder weapons. Non-natives now fight at a penalty when using non-gunpowder weapons.

Image 1

Image 2

Its fun to follow your women through a campaign, and their triumphs and tragedies. To help this a little more, new Dossier pages have been added.

The woman's Campaign History has been separated from her image, and is now displayed as a separate page [Image 1 at "A" - this is Page 3]. Cycle the pages with the page button or the 'U' hotkey [Image 1 at "AA"].

Also, the game now archives all wounds that a woman has survived [Image 2 at "B" - this is Page 4.] This is fun to keep track of the various gruesome injuries your women have survived. (This will become even more useful when I implement the critical hit system in a later version.)

Image 3

If you like to run your campaigns using nothing but Teams (minimum or maximum settings with no randomly-selected filler), then it is strongly advised to set the Army Recruit Limits [Image 3 at "D"] at the same level as the total number of combatants on whatever Teams you are using. You can quickly determine how many combatants are on a team by loading the team and checking the summary figures [Image 2 at "C".]

For example, if your Campaign uses Team 1 (20 friendly combatants), Team 2 (15 friendly combatants), and Team 3 (50 enemy combatants), then you should set your Army Recruit Limits to 25 (15+10) for the friendly team, and 50 for the enemy team. This will ensure that when your Teams run out of combatants, the game will recognize the exhaustion of your forces.

License files can be transferred as usual.
Teams can be transferred by copying all of the "Team0X.txt" files and the "Team_names.txt" files from the old version into the new version.

This can be done in the same way as my prior posts. I will honor the sale price through December 31.

Sorry for the hassle of so many patches within a short time - just doing my best to make sure the included features actually work and provide the best game experience possible. Thank you for your ongoing support and constructive suggestions for improvement.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

A couple of quick updates...

First, I've got my energy back and am making good progress on the long-awaited major AI re-do, which includes (among other things) a "god mode" that allows the computer to play both sides while you watch. It's a big job but the worst is behind me, and I'm working hard to get things stable enough for the next release (which will be 1.20). I'm highly motivated to get this done, because this has been a road block to doing a bunch of other fun things with the game for a long time.

Second, I am temporarily unable to accept payments via Schmay-Kal. So anyone interested in a purchase will have to do so by sending me gift certificates via (where I buy 3D models for the game and related artwork). Here are the prices:

$25 for the main license file, to unlock the demo.
$5 for each of the 11 locked combatant sets.
$50 for everything (an $80 value).

Select the appropriate gift certificates here: ... ewsearch=1

Certificates should be gifted to my Renderosity user name: magnum1231

You may need to open an account to buy certificates; I am not sure.

Upon purchase, you should also e-mail me at to make sure I know about the purchase, and especially to let me know what you are buying if it is not clear from the amount paid.

Remember that you need to purchase a particular license only once; the licenses will work with all future versions of the game.

Thanks, and doing my best to keep improving the game! :twisted:
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Just in time for the long weekend, Bizarre Battles Version 1.20 is now available. Get it here: ... 0.rar/file
[2Gb compressed .rar file. Decompress to play.]



After much hard work, the AI has been totally redone. The AI is now smarter and much more flexible. Most anything the player can do, the AI can now do too.
(Some small exceptions, like the AI cannot yet use the heavy machine gun in the trench warfare battle.)

Bizarre Battles is now capable of having the computer play itself. Three settings are available [IMAGE 1 at "A", and IMAGE 3 at "G."]
(a) Player vs. Computer, as before. This is the default setting.

(b) Computer vs. Computer, with pop-up messages to detail certain events, and a full-stop after every Blue team turn to allow the player to check out the status of the combatants. (You will need to press 'F12' to get the game going again.) This setting is especially useful if you are a new player and want to better understand the game in action.

(c) Computer vs. Computer, with no stops or pop-up messages. This is for players who want a fast game and simply watch the carnage. (Also very useful for playtesting the AI.)

This feature is necessary to get the most out of God Mode. If you want to be able to see all of the action (both sides), then turn off limited Line of Sight before starting a game. [IMAGE 1 at "B".] If you want the game to play out more realistically, where you can see only what your friendly Blue combatants can see, then leave limited Line of Sight on.


(a) Reactive Fire Changes. It is no longer necessary to save action points for friendly women to have a chance for reactive fire against enemies. However, the more AP left (together with high initiative), the more likely will be reactive fire and/or multiple reactive fire shots.

(b) Melee Combat Adjustments. Certain AP costs and probabilities have been adjusted to make melee combat more realistic.

(c) Blood Loss. Death due to loss-of-blood is now a little less likely. It now takes an extra 10% damage from blood loss over-and-above normal kill thresholds.

(d) Leg Wounds. Combatants with leg wounds may be restricted from using "run" mode.

(e) Effects of Cover. It is now easier to shoot around adjacent cover without having bullets blocked prematurely. However, the AI is also better at adjusting shot locations to target exposed body areas.

(f) Precision Targeting. Since the focus of the game is on hot women getting killed, the "precision targeting" feature has been disabled for hits to male combatants.

(g) Quick Start Battle Adjustments. Several of the Quick Start battles have been adjusted for play balance and to work better with the revised AI.

(a) Scroll-Over LOF indicator. Whenever you scroll-over a combatant, all friendly combatants with a clear line-of-fire (LOF) are indicated with a small red triangle at upper left of the unit counter. [IMAGE 3 at "F".]

(b) Quick-Reference Morale Indicator. When you press the SPACE bar to show key combatant status indicators, an additional icon now shows the woman's morale status.

(c) Precision Targeting Lower Limit. The player has long had the ability to adjust the minimum To Hit Number at which hits become precision hits targeted to specific body areas, from 125 down to 0, in 25-point increments. The lower limit of 0 has now been replaced with 'none,' so if you select this lowest setting, then any hit is deemed a precision hit regardless of the To Hit Number.

(d) Assigned Weapons. Team Builder has long permitted the player to assign a particular outfit to a particular combatant, which will override all other clothing selection routines. [Hot key "A".] Now, you can similarly assign a specific weapon to a combatant [Hotkey "W"], which will override all weapon-selection routines. Women with assigned outfits or weapons are indicated on the counter in Team Builder. [IMAGE 2 at "C".]


My efforts were not limited to this deep-in-the-weeds programming stuff, and some fun stuff has been added to further spice up the game. (More to follow now that this big AI rewrite is mostly done...)

(a) New "Hotness" Characteristic.
Even woman now displays a "hotness" characteristic at upper left on her unit counter [IMAGE 2 at "D"], repeated on the woman's dossier [IMAGE 3 AT "H]. The scores range from 99 (incredibly hot) down to 0 (lock her in a closet and throw away the key). Most women selected for the game are very attractive (or they would not be in the game in the first place), so an average hotness score is about 75-80.

Hotness is generated by in-game algorithms, based on the woman's characteristics, with some characteristics favored more than others (based on societal stereotypes as well as the writers personal biases). Thus, the Hotness score favors blondes, big hair, youth, initiative, leadership, fitness, slender body types (stamina 7, 9, 11), breast size, and breasts that are proportionate to the body type. Hotness can change if certain characteristic scores change (such as gaining leadership skills or losing fitness from wounds). [Changes in hotness in consequence of game events will be developed further in future versions.]

However, if you don't like the value that the game has generated for a particular woman, you can override that with any value you choose. [IMAGE 2 at "E".] Check the box, and then set whatever value you want (99 down to 0).

(b) Effects of Hotness.
Bizarre Battles being a game about hot women fighting and getting killed, hotness has been incorporated into numerous game systems. These are the most visible:
- Targeting: All things being equal, hotter women will get attacked first.
- Sexploitation: All things being equal, hotter women will get ravaged first (sometimes repeatedly).
- Morale Effects: The game computes an "average hotness" score for live women. Women who are hotter-than-average get a morale bonus, and women of below-average hotness receive a morale penalty.

(c) Death from Above. A "dagger" has been added as a new death-from-above weapon.

(d) Dialogue effects. Added approximately 1,000 (yes one-thousand!) dialogue effects. These mostly constitute an massive increase to "clueless" dialogue, and "taunt" dialogue.

(e) New Images. Added numerous splash screen images, including some from the incomparable Bodak. Also upgraded some dossier images with cuter pictures of the same woman.

(f) Rape Effects. Thrusting speed now builds with excitement. "Cum ooze" graphics have also been redone, including some external slop that builds with repeated rapes.

(g) New Clothing. Added a new Policewoman blouse (top 25) and a Policewoman hat (Hat 13). This outfit has ben integrated into the "Photo Shoot" battle, and is a selectable uniform via Battle Builder.

(h) Strapless Bra Burst. In the same manner as blouses and tie-tops, strapless bras/bikini tops may pop open in reaction to chest trauma.

In order to make room for some new combatant sets that will be coming soon, I will be removing the old sets from Version 1.02 ("Old Custom Women" sets 1 and 2, and "Old Custom Men.") Anyone still using these sets will need to transfer the combatants to the new "Custom Sets" 1 through 4. Use the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-P commands to easily copy combatants from one page to another.

By externalizing most sound effects, the overall size of the game file has been reduced by almost 50%. Hopefully this will improve game stability, and allow me to increase the number of active combatant pages (from eight to ten) in the next version.

Also, I have fixed a LOT of small bugs here and there, so the game should be more stable than ever before.

The demo is free (6 turns playable for any quick-start battle).

I remain unable to accept payments via Schmay-Kal. So anyone interested in a purchase will have to do so by sending me gift certificates via (where I buy 3D models for the game and related artwork). Here are the prices:

$25 for the main license file, to unlock the demo.
$5 for each of the 11 locked combatant sets.
$50 for everything (an $80 value).

Select the appropriate gift certificates here: ... ewsearch=1

Certificates should be gifted to my Renderosity user name: magnum1231

You may need to open an account to buy certificates; I am not sure.

Upon purchase, you should also e-mail me at to make sure I know about the purchase, and especially to let me know what you are buying if it is not clear from the amount paid.

Remember that you need to purchase a particular license only once; the licenses will work with all future versions of the game.

Quite a few people have found these useful...
Video 1 - Basic Gameplay (135Mb .wmv file). ... y.wmv/file
31 minutes. This video is for new players, and teaches the basics: Understanding the various parts of the Intro Screen and Battle Screen, how to start a battle, how to move, how to shoot, how to shoot at more than one square and/or more than one woman simultaneously, how to reload, how to use your in-game avatar to ravage female casualties, how to win the game, and similar basics.

Video 2 - Selecting Combatants (71 Mb .wmv file) ... s.wmv/file
13 minutes. This video shows the four main ways to control which combatants appear in a battle, and discusses related matters such as the loading of sets.

Video 3 - Intermediate Game Play (128 Mb .wmv file) ... y.wmv/file
33 minutes. This video teaches several intermediate concepts, such as interacting with objects; secondary characteristics (e.g. leadership); adjusting position within a square; how to flee a battle; understanding details as to threat, morale, and lust; lust-crazed male combatants; death from above; and more.

It has been a long time since the last update (that big AI upgrade just about killed me), so my continued thanks for everyone's patience and ideas to make Bizarre Battles a better game.

Although I've done a huge amount of playtesting with the AI upgrade, it is such a big project that I am sure bugs will be found. Please help me make the game better by reporting what bugs you find, either here or to me privately at

I expect to have to patch Version 1.20 at least once. Also, with this major AI upgrade out of the way, I can get back to focusing on fun stuff and I expect that the next few versions will be released much more quickly.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

IMPORTANT REMINDER: For anyone purchasing the game, a reminder that you need to send an e-mail to me at to tell me where I should send the license file(s). I get alerts from Renderosity that a purchase has been made, but this does not share the e-mail address of the purchaser. So if you want your license files, e-mail me!
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Happy New Year all! I am excited to announce the release of Bizarre Battles version 1.21. Get it here: ... 1.rar/file
[2Gb compressed .rar file. Decompress to play.]



[1] More Success With "Memory Bug."
To help fight the "memory bug" (where clothing and body parts stop loading after extended gameplay), the game will now do a full internal restart every time you leave the Team Builder screen or the Battle screen. This is a little annoying at first, but you will get used to it and the overall game play experience will improve.

[2] No Limits on Combatant Set Loading.
Memory limits restricted prior versions to no more than eight loaded combatant sets at any one time - annoying as there are 13 sets of women in the game. Version 1.21 now allows loading as many sets as you want!

However, every loaded set will slow down overall loading and Team Builder speed, so it is still recommended that no more than 10-12 sets be loaded simultaneously. Experiment with your computer and see what it can handle.


[3] Reorganized Preference buttons.
The Splash Screen preference buttons have been completely reorganized by function and expanded. [Image 1 at "A".]

[4] New Preference Buttons.
An option now allows the addition of a short narrative to campaign game casualty images, describing when/where/how the subject woman died. [Image 1 at "B."]

Another option now allows for men to be the subjects of precision targeting (whereas Version 1.20 had limited precision targeting to women only). [Image 1 at "C."]

[5] Changed clothing adjust buttons to include all battles (not just Quick Start).
The blouse, bra, and panties buttons (limiting these clothing items) now work for all battles.


[6] Added campaign continuity for personality characteristics.
Where you have added custom personality characteristics to a woman, you can now select whether these characteristics will be used in a battle (sometimes you may want this; sometimes not).

Buttons have been added for Quick Start games [Image 1 at "D"], and Campaign Games [Image 2 at "F"].

[7] Adjusted Quick Start preference buttons to be persistent.
The settings for "battle size," "male %", etc. will now save and do not have to be re-set from battle to battle.

[8] Changed "native" setting to "tech level" setting.
Older versions of the game had a Battle Builder setting indicating whether an army was composed of "natives." This created problems in certain situations.

This setting has been replaced by a new "Tech Level" setting [Image 2 at "E".] Combatants will be able to use weapons from their own era without penalty, but will be penalized when using weapons from a different era (with a bigger penalty for a bigger time difference).

Setting are:
0 dots: pre gun-powder
1 dot: single-shot weapons
2 dots: modern weapons (default setting)
3 dots: futuristic weapons


[9] Reorganization of Team Builder Tool Bar.
A new "hotness" sort button has been added, and all "sort" buttons have been re-done and are much improved. [Image 3 at "H."]

A button has been added for the Prisoner Interrogation module (not yet playable). [Image 3 at "J."]

The Combatant set access buttons have been moved and expanded. [Image 3 at "K".]

[10] Additions to Custom Combatant options.
Your custom combatants now have more options.

(a) Six new female skin tones have been added, including a new Asian skin tone (skin 1.1). [Image 3 at "M".]

(b) Three new hair styles have been added (81-85, 86-90, 91-95). [Image 3 at "M".]

(c) Each woman now has a "face" setting, to reflect how attractive her face is, with five options. [Image 3 at "N".] This setting does not affect game graphics, but has a big influence on the woman's "hotness" score.

(d) Each woman now has an "areolas" setting, to reflect whether she has small, average, or large areolas (relative to her breast size). Women with small or large areolas suffer a small hotness penalty. This setting has a graphic effect on Skin 0.3 (only) for now, but more updated graphics will come over time.

(e) All women in all combatant sets have been updated to utilize these new settings, with appropriate impacts on their hotness score. Hotness can now go as high as 100 (previous maximum was 99).

(f) An updated "Reference" sheet is included in the main Bizarre Battles directory to compare all hair, skin, and breast size options.


[11] Increased Importance of "Hotness" Characteristic.
Hotness now has a greater impact on both threat values and lust values. The game calculates an "average hotness" score for all women in the game, and women who are hotter-than-average will be the focus of even more in-game attention (which may tend to limit their life span…).

Threat Values: Hotter-than-average women have an increased threat value relative to both men and other women. Men see hot women as prime targets for sexual assault, so the sooner the hot woman is incapacitated, the better. Women see hot women as threats to their own status, and are thus more likely to want to kill hotter competition.

Lust Values: Hotter-than-average women will have a disproportionate impact on male lust values. Thus, if the average "hotness" score is 80, a woman with a hotness score of 95 is MUCH more desirable than a woman with a hotness score of 78. This reality is reflected in a new "Uber Hotness" score on the "lust values" summary page.

[12] New Bikini Graphics Effects.
The usual "sliding triangle" bikini top now has a "bra sever" effect similar to strapless bikini tops. That is, a well-placed shot near the center bikini strap may cut the center strap, causing the bikini cups to fly open and reveal the woman's bare breasts.

Bras do not yet have this effect.

[13] "Down" Women may now be raped.
One of the most common requests I receive is for women who are merely down (but not unconscious or dead) to be rape victims. This is now possible.

"Enemy" women who are down must still be in poor condition (lots of damage or shock) to be vulnerable to being raped.

"Friendly" women who are down need not have suffered any injury at all. Presumably this sex is consensual.

[14] Clothing Additions.
(a) ADDED more strapless bikini tops (58-62) and matching high-cut pvc bottoms (62-66). [Image 3 at "L"]

(b) ADDED two new male outfits (viking warrior 31, templar knight 32) and one male helment (viking 15). [Image 2 at "G"]

[15] Clothing Adjustments.
Although the game recognizes very large (E and F-cup) breasts, very few clothing options exist for breasts of this size.

All DD-cup clothing has now been adjusted to be wearable by women with E and F-cup breasts. The graphics are exactly the same as DD-cup, so there will be some "leakage" around the sides, but this solution is better than nothing (and more realistic for your larger-breasted women).

A few of the women in the combatant sets have accordingly been adjusted upward to E or F cup.

[16] Free Combatant Set.
"Base Set 3" is now free and included in the game without the need for a license file purchase.

Finally, I have fixed a lot of bugs here and there, so the game should be more stable than ever before.

The demo is free (6 turns playable for any quick-start battle).

I remain unable to accept payments via Schmay-Kal. So anyone interested in a purchase will have to do so by sending me gift certificates via (where I buy 3D models for the game and related artwork). Here are the prices:

$25 for the main license file, to unlock the demo.
$5 for each of the 10 locked combatant sets.
$50 for everything (a $75 value).

Select the appropriate gift certificates here: ... ewsearch=1

Certificates should be gifted to my Renderosity user name: magnum1231

You may need to open an account at Renderosity to buy certificates.

Upon purchase, you should also e-mail me at to make sure I know about the purchase, and especially to let me know what you are buying if it is not clear from the amount paid.

Remember that you need to purchase a particular license only once; the licenses will work with all future versions of the game.

As always, my thanks for your ongoing interest in the game, bug reports, and suggestions for improvement, which all help make Bizarre Battles a netter game.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update March 26

Post by Jason »

Version 1.22 Version is now available! Get it here... ... 2.rar/file
[2.2Gb compressed .rar file]


Enjoy your COVID-19 time off with a free license file, that gives full access to Version 1.22 (only) (but not the add-on women sets, which must still be purchased separately).

I regret that Version 1.21 was highly unstable, especially with respect to combatant selection. This was an unfortunate side-effect of the complete restructuring of combatant page loading.

Thus, the major focus of version 1.22 is stability. I think all the problems identified on this board and in private e-mails are now fixed. I welcome additional reports and will do what I can.

Image 1

That's right, 660 more young women have been recruited to fight and die your battles. [Image 1 at "A".] The new sets include the following:
- Small Breasts, sets 5 and 6
- Large Breasts, set 3
- Asian, set 4
- Latina, set 2
- Czech, set 1

Purchase price is $5 per set, or $25 for all six. Purchase instructions are detailed below.

Image 2

You can now filter your combatants by their "hotness" score. [Image 2 at "B."]

Also, further adjustments have been made to ensure that hot women get disproportionate attention in a battle. For example, hot women are now even more likely to get shot at, more likely to be the victims of gratuitous overkill, and definitely more likely to be sexploited by lusty male combatants.

Somewhat balancing this increased vulnerability, hot women receive morale bonuses, and less-hot women (and some men) receive morale penalties when proximate to hot women.

Separate buttons exist to enable filters in Quickstart battles [Image 2 at "C"] and Battle Builder/Campaign battles [Image 3 at "D"], with separate buttons for each army (blue/red) so make sure to set the proper buttons to enable filters.

Image 3

Image 4

Often a Team will draw from women from several different combatant sets. With the new "Team" sort button, you can see all of the women on a team at the same time.

Also, the present "sort" selection is now graphically indicated with a purple highlight.

A woman's campaign record now indicates whether she has survived prior wounds and returned to duty. [Image 4 at "E".]

A couple of enterprising players have reconstructed the old sets that appeared with Version 0.63 and Version 0.70 (see "Legacy Combatants" folder.)

You can copy the constituent files into the Custom sets to re-live this blast from the past.

Due to various changes over at Schmay-Kal, I remain unable to accept payments via Schmay-Kal. So anyone interested in a purchase will have to do so by sending me gift certificates via (where I buy 3D models for the game and related artwork). Here are the prices:

$25 for the main license file, to unlock the demo. (As noted, a free license file, limited to Version 1.22 only, has been provided with the game.)

$5 for each of the 16 locked combatant sets.
$50 for all 16 sets.
$25 for the six new sets released with Version 1.22.

$75 for everything, including a base-game license file that will work with all versions (a $105 value).

Select the appropriate gift certificates here: ... ewsearch=1

Certificates should be gifted to my Renderosity user name: magnum1231

You will need to open an account at Renderosity to buy certificates.

Upon purchase, you should also e-mail me at to make sure I know about the purchase, and especially to let me know what you are buying if it is not clear from the amount paid.

Remember that you need to purchase a particular license only once; the licenses will work with all future versions of the game. (You need to copy over old license files into the main Bizarre Battles 1.22 directory.)

As always, my thanks for your ongoing interest in the game, bug reports, and suggestions for improvement. I know Version 1.21 was especially challenging, and everyone's ongoing reporting and support really helped make it easier to move ahead.

This version was mostly focused on bug fixes, but the path is now clear for some new fun stuff, and hope that the next version will be bloodier and sexier than ever before. :twisted:
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Version 1.22.1 is now available! Get it here...

Full Game - a fresh download of the entire game, updated to Version 1.22.1. ... 1.rar/file
[2.2 Gb .rar file]

Patch Only - updates the .exe files only. ... h.rar/file
[46Mb .rar file]
If you have already downloaded Version 1.22, then to patch the game it is necessary only to decompress this file and copy the included .exe files into your main Bizarre Battles 1.22 directory. You can also delete the old Version 1.22 files with similar names as these are no longer needed.



Numerous bug fixes, addressing all known issues.

The "Combatant Assignment" code (the part that determines which women get assigned to a battle once a battle is started) has been completely re-written. This is now both much simpler and much more flexible. A side effect is that the "substitutions" option on Battle Builder is no longer needed and has been deleted.

I've tested this a great deal and it seems to work fine, but if women are not appearing as they should then please report.

The game has several different ways of assigning weapons and equipment to a particular combatant, and now solidly observes the following priority:

Highest Priority: "Campaign Continuity." If this Battle Builder option is selected, then a woman who has already fought will retain her existing equipment from the last battle (new weapon assigned if she lost hers).

Second Priority: "Assigned Clothing/Weapons." If a woman has been assigned a particular outfit (Battle Builder "A" key) or a particular weapon (Battle Builder "W" key), then these will be assigned (if #1 does not apply). [This option is simply a quick way of ensuring that a particular woman is equipped in a particular way, without having to spend a lot of time designing a Team.]

Third Priority: "Team Weapons/Equipment." If a woman is on a Team, and that team has the equipment and/or weapon boxes selected in Battle Builder, then the Team equipment and/or weapons will be assigned (if #1 and #2 do not apply). [Note that every woman on a team can be equipped with a unique set of clothing and equipment, so this option remains very flexible.]

Lowest Priority: "Default." If none of the foregoing apply, then a woman will get new equipment, based on the selected QuickStart battle or the selected Clothing and Weapon options in Battle Builder.

In campaign-style games (anything but QuickStart) where "unlimited ammo" is disabled, loose ammunition is now scattered about the map. This should make scavenging for ammo in those lengthy campaign games a bit less frustrating.

The Arena (Map 37) is ludicrously lethal in campaign games with ranged weapons, and the side moving second has little or no chance. To help balance this, obstacles will now appear on Map 37, in proportion to the number of ranged weapons on each side.

As far as I can tell, Bizarre Battles is now the most stable and bug-free it has been in several versions, which should clear the way for fun improvements yet to come. Of course, I continue to welcome bug reports and ideas for improvement.

Also, here are some game play videos. These videos focus only on the Battle module (ignoring the Battle Builder, Team Builder, and Campaign Game), but will give a good idea of core game play. Keep in mind this is a turn-based strategy game, not an action game.

AI vs. AI #1 (Strip Club - basic shootout) (59Mb .wav file) ... b.wmv/file

AI vs. AI #2 (Tribal War - basic melee combat) (71Mb .wav file) ... r.wmv/file

AI vs. AI #3 (Drug Wars - shooting massacre + sexual assault of several female casualties) (183Mb .wav file) ... s.wmv/file
(Look for an entertaining all-AI-generated sequence at 2:24 - 2:32, where poor bikini-clad Jaclyn gets shot in the uterus by one attacker, then immediately gets machine-gunned across the breasts by a second attacker, hitting both her nipples and ripping open her bandeax bikini top. Later, she gets raped at 12:39 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 14:32. :twisted:)

"Jaclyn's fate" (107Mb .mp4 video) [Excerpted from AI Game 3.] ... e.mp4/file

"Danielle's fate" (150Mb .m4 video) [Excerpted from AI Game 3.] ... e.mp4/file

Player vs. AI #1 - (Strip Club redux) (81Mb .wav file) ... b.wmv/file
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Version 1.22.2 is now available! Get it here...

[Full download with all files - 2.2Gb compressed .rar] ... 2.rar/file

[Patch only for those who already have Version 1.22 or 1.22.1 and are comfortable with copying files from place to place - 46Mb compressed .rar file] ... h.rar/file
Unzip the file and copy the files into your main Bizarre Battles 1.22 or 1.22.1 directory. You can delete the four similarly-named .exe files from the old version.


My apologies to all for the delay and inconvenience while I worked through some campaign-game-stopping bugs. The result should be worth the wait.



Badly broken for v1.22.1 campaigns, this now seems to function properly. This is boring technical stuff, but adds a lot of realism and flexibility to the campaign game. (I've tested this a LOT so it had better...)

Still, I might have missed something so here's the basic idea: Every combatant in the game gets the same starting "assignment value." This value can go down based on lots of things (blacklisted, dead, captured, assigned to enemy team, men in an all-woman battle, on R&R because just fought, etc.), and can also go up too (team members, favorites, etc.). Once all values are determined, the game picks the needed number of combatants for each side, starting with the highest values. Additional filters may filter out high values based on certain user-specified limits (such as 50/50 split between men and women), and will also override those filters as needed (such as not enough surviving women).

So if the game is not assigning combatants to a battle the way you think it should, please be specific as to the combatants it did assign and why you think the filters picked the wrong combatants.

The Campaign Map screen (Image 1 above) is under-utilized, so I'm shifting campaign-specific settings to this screen, and away from Battle Builder (which is intended to focus on battle-specific settings).

Thus, the "Campaign Continuity" button is now found here (Image 1 at "B"). The default is "on" as it is assumed that the player will want the results of prior battles to influence what weapons or equipment a woman has for future battles (takes precedence over team settings and assigned weapon/clothing settings).

The game allows for the optional fantasy of younger-looking women as bearing an in-game age of less than 18 years (high-school ages only; option enabled on the Introductory Screen). These buttons (one for each army) add further control to how (or whether) such women are mobilized in a campaign game. (Image 1 at "A").

The default setting (0 dots) makes no changes to the existing game. Thus, women of all ages may be mobilized as usual per whatever other settings have been made.

The 1-dot setting ("spare the youth") excludes all younger-looking women from the campaign (subject to any team or favorite settings, which take precedence).

The 2-dot setting ("national emergency") imagines a situation where younger-looking women are spared the horrors of war until such time as female casualties have become so heavy that sufficient older women are no longer available to fight. In that event, younger women may be mobilized (probability influenced by age, so that the oldest youth go into combat first). Note that the availability of previously-mobilized 18+ women may be influenced by such variables as having just fought, wounds, favorites settings, and small random factors.

These settings (Image 1 at "D") may be overlooked by many players engaged in a campaign. A campaign can be won or lost in two ways... (i) run out of territory (the colored boxes on the map), or (ii) run out of people, based on exhaustion of the available recruits.

Recruit limits should be set based on the type of campaign that is envisioned. If you like every battle to be epic with 25 or 30 women on a side, then recruit limits should be set higher, maybe 300-400 per side. If you like smaller battles (as I do, for it makes testing easier) then the default limits might be suitable. If you are manually-controlling the friendly team, then the enemy team should get about a 50% recruit limit bonus to make the game fair. If you are watching the AI fight both sides, then recruit limits should be equal. If you've got nothing but terminators on one side, then that side should get relatively few recruits.

Likewise, recruit limits should reflect the way you recruit combatants. If you use teams exclusively for one or both sides, then your recruit limit should be set at the same number as the membership of your engaged team(s). If you like using filters (so one side consists of blondes and the other of brunettes, for example), then set recruit limits consistent with the number of women that the filters allow.

Finally, if you have other special settings, make sure that the recruit limits allow those to work. For example, if you use the "mobilization limit" buttons at the 2-dot setting ("National Emergency"), then make sure that the pool of available women (whether limited by set loading, filters, etc.) is small enough that you can see appropriate effects. Thus, if 1000 unfiltered women are loaded and your recruit limit is 400, the campaign will never recruit any younger women because plenty of older women will remain available at all times.

This is a lot to think about, but setting up appropriate limits at the start of a campaign will make the resulting campaign much more fun.

To help preserve all that work in setting up a campaign, the game now separates a "campaign history reset" (which resets all casualties and battle history) and a "campaign settings reset" (which restores all of the settings on the campaign map to their default values). (Image 1 at "C"). This is similar to Battle Builder, which has a reset setting that is independent of the associated campaign.

Thus, it now makes sense to invest time to set up each of the four campaigns with a campaign name, army names, and recruit limits, for these settings will carry over even if you reset the campaign history.



It is NOT necessary to re-do your custom combatants every time a new version is released. Rather, you simply have to copy over the appropriate folders from the old version to the new version. (Image 2 at "E").

This file structure should be self-explanatory, but here's the short version: Within your old Bizarre Battles directory, look for the subfolder called "Combatant_Data." Within that are additional subfolders corresponding to each combatant set. Copy the four "Custom_Set" folders into the exact same place in the new Bizarre Battles directory. Either copy over the blank files in the new version, or delete the new folders first and then copy the old folders in their place.

Once again, my thanks for everyone's patience while I worked out this latest series of game enhancements. This really should now be a stable and fun version that acts as a foundation for more fun stuff.

As always, I welcome bug reports, questions, and ideas for improvement, either here or at
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Friends, I'm excited to announce that I've created a page at for those who might want to lend ongoing support for my "Bizarre Battles" computer game:


On this page, you can subscribe to help keep me inspired for further game development, with three levels:
1. Supporter ($3/month). Get insider info on recent game developments. I don't want to spam this board by posting too much here, so those of you who want to peek behind the development curtain can see what I'm up to.

2. Subscriber ($6/month). Same as above, plus one combatant set unlock each month (among the 16 included sets or such others as I add).

3. Patron ($20/month). In addition to the blog posts, get immediate access to the full game license, plus monthly access thereafter to either (a) four set unlocks (from the 16 available) or (b) one of my blood-soaked .pdf comic books (3 available).

At any level, your financial support of this little hobby of mine does a great deal to help keep me inspired, especially during times of frustration (and there are many!). Many thanks for your consideration.
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