Uncle Buck's Blog

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 11, 2019
"Temple Assault 7" has just been added to my collection of videos from the Team of the Amazon Warrors. There are no fewer than eleven (11) players involved in this production and my only wonder is that neither Saphyra nor Raven are among the cast. The inclusion of either one would have made it an even dozen. And had Jane or Zahray - who hasn't put in an appearance for some time now been there - we would have been treated to a real Mob Scene. As it is eleven is a fair number and in releasing this video I more that half suspect that Olaf is "testing" one of the queries on his poll and if this particular video is not downloaded a sufficient number of times then we may not see many (or any) more of them. There aren't quite enough of them as it is to my own way of thinking and I believe that I own a copy of every one of the productions involving a larger cast. That being said, I'd go for anything that Russlana does were she performing a "solo". I have a soft spot in my head for that woman and the antics she is capable of performing. They all make a fine job of it but I expect that we all are permitted a "favorite". She and/or Raven would be mine but Raven has not been featured lately to any extent. I guess that Thyarmis and Averia are among the better actresses in the troop as they seem to draw the roles where anything like a character portrayal is involved. As much as I favor Russlana, it would seem that her strength is in taking falls and "agonizing" for us. At any rate I have my copy of "Temple Assault 7" and so now it is up to you to secure your own copy and I urge you to do so. Should you need further enticement, there are no fewer than forty-seven (that's 47) still images available to you in the Amazon Warriors section of Olaf's site.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 13, 2019
Olaf reported earlier that Morgane is leaving his team but that there were two videos featuring her in the pipe-line and "The Sadist 2" which was released today is one of them. It would appear that Morgane was attempting to crack the company safe, so there may be a good reason for her taking leave of Olaf's video production enterprise and it could have been that she left feet first. She apparently was not adequately prepared for this gig because it seems that she fell into the now familiar trap of "bringing a knife to a gunfight" as the expression goes. Methinks it likely that she was "set up" by one or another of the other women who probably told her that the job was a "piece of cake" and then hastened to tell Olaf what was going on. Russlana was the first to fall victim to the Sadist and hers is a tough act to follow but Morgane bore up "under fire" wonderfully well.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 18.2019
Olaf has released "Killing for Fun" starring Leandra and Talanis. And you know when I stop to think about it, that title could easily be applied to all his productions and I dare say to that of all the other producers of this "genre". There is one effect that Olaf has "down cold" as we say. And that is of multiple images of the same actress. This isn't merely a "dual role" but here we have Talanis appearing "cloned" as she is appearing on the screen before us several times at the same time. Now other producers may have blood and wound make-up effects, but I have yet to see multiple images of a player appearing anywhere. (So okay ... I've beaten that point to death) ... Leandra might have known that one or another of the Talanis "machines" would get out of whack in one way or another and give her trouble. As a matter of fact, I guess that she did know as she probably had a copy of the script ahead of time. And as a final note, I've decided to rearrange the index pages so that all the new videos released during the calendar year appear at the head of the index with the same title taking its place somewhere in the alphabetic lists. A tad easier to work with for me the way I have such a difficult time recalling names and titles these days. Oh! And did I make mention of the fact that this video was produced with all of you Belly-Stabbers in mind? Well I'm sure that it must have been. So go and have a look.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 21, 2019
"Counterstrike - Part 1" is Olaf's latest video release. The cast is a trio that includes Kataya, Averia, and Safo. Kataya is new to the Amazon Team and you might think that either Averia or Safo would tip the kid off as to what was quite apt to happen to her around here and maybe affored her the opportunity to beat a hasty retreat. But do you think that either of them would? Not a chance. The new girl is going to have to learn the hard way the same as they all did. Now with Part 1 in the title you would naturally expect that Part 2 will soon follow. It may but I'll believe it when I see it as I am still awaiting the arrival of a Part 2 or so that has yet to appear. But you never know. Counterstrike 2 may be well in hand even as we speak.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 23, 2019
Tommy Gunn, he of Blacknylons Films has released several editions of his latest catalog and Yours Truly has been working at his site all morning in order to present it to you. I have the feeling that I'm likely "Too Little, Too Late" on this as TG has posted his updates in various messages. Here at least you will have them all in one place. Blacknylons Films has been quite active of late and judging by the Coming Attractions it would appear that they will continue to be busy for the better part of the summer. So Shooters Unite and let's lend our support to Blacknylons Films.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Black_Nyl ... nylons.htm Blacknylons Films at Bucksblog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 25, 2019
"Laura Craft - Even Heroes Can Die" is the latest release from Olaf's Modern Amazons division. Talanis and Morgane star in this episode of female derring-do and from what we've been told, I guess this will be one of last opportunities to see Morgane in any new Amazon Action. And by rights this will be the last time that Talanis has the opportunity to reprise her role as Laura Craft ... But then I see that I have a 'Sarah Craft' named among the video titles. But it could be that I have it wrong. It happens every once in a while. Morgane heals Talanis of an arrow wound as she wants her in fine fettle for a sacrificial rite that she has in mind. One of my own fantasies was to be a healer of the Amazons. That way the producer would be entirely justified in knocking her down again and again while yours truly enjoyed some 'hands-on' experience - or at least as much of it as he could get away with. Good luck, Morgane! And meanwhile, we'll see you in the movies!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

June 28, 2019
"Counterstrike - Part 2" has the trio of Averia, Safo, and Kataya take up the action pretty much where it left off with the Amazons in what is an essentially hopeless situation. Two of her companions cover for her and by rights Averia could have made an escape but she chose not to do so. The video awaits you in the Amazon Warriors section of Olaf's site.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 2, 2019
It is a day short of a month that Olaf kicked off a custom video series entitled "The Perfect Couple" starring Antaris and Thyarmis.
And here the duo returns in "The Perfect Couple 2" and I missed my guess because Antaris does not prove to be the 'villain' of the piece. At least not this time around. What with Morgane having departed recently, Olaf may have thought (for all of 7 seconds) that he was going to be short a Resident Killer. No way. What with all the times that Thyarmis has been slaughtered in one way or another it took no time at all for her to volunteer for the role of plugging Antaris. And plug her she does! It will be interesting to see just what they have in mind for Part 3. Olaf's ladies have a habit of reviving during the course of the video but Antaris appears to have been rather thoroughly 'demolished' this time so we will have to wait and see. You don't have to wait at all for this episode as Part 2 has been posted in the Modern Amazons section of Olaf's site.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 9,2019
Olaf has released "Treasure Hunters - Part 1". It is a custom produced by Titaneia Productions but posted in the Modern Amazons section.
Antaris, Safo, and Thyarmis star in what you may want to think of as 'Laura Craft times 3'. As advertised, this trio will do anything for money - and I guess that's true if they're willing to risk being shot, stabbed, and strangled in pursuit of their quest. Now about the only significant difference between this production and what you would see in a Mummy Movie on Netflix is that Olaf's Lost Tombs are generally populated by live guards rather than by something that has been dead and dormant for thousands of years and has to be awakened one way or another. Olaf would probably have done a 'mummy' episode by now except that so far no one has requested one and he can't get any of his team to even pretend to be thousands of years old.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 13, 2019
Olaf has posted "Death in the Wild 3", the latest in the series of solo efforts put forth by 1) Raven, 2) Nemesis, and now 3) Zahray. Olaf offered a clear explanation as to why we haven't seen Zahray of late and unless Olaf has another video in which she plays a role tucked away somewhere, I don't expect that we will see her again any time soon unless someone wants her to star in a custom.

And while on the subject of Amazon Warriors who we haven't seen for some time, I'm wondering whether Suri is planning to return?
She appeared in one video after taking a year off but then there has not been another appearance since.

For now lets settle back and enjoy watching Zahray taking her shafts.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 16,2019
Olaf has released "Treasure Hunters - Part 2" which is a custom produced by Titaneia Productions but has been posted in the Modern Amazons section. Antaris seems to be missing in this episode so I guess that her character was killed off back in the first part. With Olaf, you never can be certain as there have been times when his actors take a hard hit - only to pop right back up again in the next scene to be put down again and again. (Russlana is a master at this!) At any rate, Safo, and Thyarmis are still very much alive and well - at least at the onset of this episode. But Safo receives a 'hot tip' informing her that Thyarmis is not to be trusted so Safo sets her mind at ease by doing away with her partner. The question arises: Was Safo's 'tip' the real deal? Or was it only intended to put one of the Treasure Hunters out of the way and to throw the survivor off guard? Only the author of this script knows for certain.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 20,2019
Talanis inadvertently steps into "A Lonely Trap" in Olaf's latest release. To keep her from becoming too lonely she has been cast in a dual role - but I suspect that was only so that there would be the opportunity to kill her twice. No 'clones' this time as this episode takes place during the days of the ancient Amazons. The lyrics to an old song come to mind if I may paraphrase them to a certain extent: "Don't you ever shoot me once - Shoot me twice - Treat me nice!" Anyone here old enough to recall that one from Elvis? Does anyone remember Elvis these days? You needn't admit to anything. Just get on over to the Amazon Warriors section at Olaf's site and scope out this latest from Olaf and Talanis.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 24, 2019
"Arena Deathmatch" is the latest video release from the Amazon-Warriors. As Olaf has said, there is not a great deal of storyline involved in this ... Just two Amazons going at one another as they seem inclined to do quite often. I remember querying Olaf concerning Saphyra's whereabouts as of late and so it is good to see her back in action teamed up with - or in this case against Averia. The video is available in the Amazon Warriors section of Olaf's site and since there is an "Arena" in the title, I've placed it on the "Amazon Arena" menu of the Archive as well as along with the Warriors.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 27, 2019
"Guardian at the Gate" is the latest release from Olaf's Amazon Warriors division.
It is supposed to be both an honor and a privilege to stand guard before the Amazon Temple. But the site was so ancient that no one alive quite knew what the place was supposed to commemorate nor which goddess its builders paid homage to. All that Saramis knew for sure was that this was about the most boring assignment that she had drawn in some time. No one ever came here. Why would they? She found herself almost wishing that something would happen to liven things up!
Be careful of what you wish for Saramis!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

July 30, 2019
The updates to Olaf's Amazon-Warriors site are coming thick and fast these days. And this is another custom from Titaneia and posted in the Amazon Warriors section of the site. "Dance of Death" stars Talanis and Leandra who as of late are the undisputed "Queens of the Amazon Customs". But then it may well be that the title is disputed at that. Aren't 'disputes' of one kind or another what this site is all about? And perhaps one or another of Olaf's customers for customs will choose his favorite Amazon to contest either Talanis or Leandra for the right to assume the aforementioned title? Or maybe it would be better to have the matter settled between these two principle players - Talanis and Leandra? In the meantime we have this dance to keep us amused.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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