Review: Cold Kills - The Necktie Strangler

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Review: Cold Kills - The Necktie Strangler

Post by Skeebo »

Synopsis: A man rapes a girl bound in a shed, then strangles her to death with a tie and screws her again.

Summary: At 0:18, Alan chats on a cellphone. At 1:40, we see Karli dressed in business ware and tied by her hands, in a sitting position, inside a metal shed. Alan walks in and at 2:30 unbuttons her blouse and fondles her. At 4:00 her panties are off, and at 4:45 he starts to rape her. He’s finished by 5:30. He taunts her a bit as she weeps and puts his tie around her neck at 7:00. At 7:40 he starts to strangle her. At 10:15 he lets go of the tie, and Karli is just twitching. She's dead by 10:30 and he loosens the tie. At 11:00 he screws her body, and finishes at 11:30. At 11:45 we cut to Karli lying on the container floor, with a pool of urine flowing. At 12:54 the film ends and there is a brief outtake of Karli running off naked down the driveway.

Strangulation: Karli is a helpless and weepy victim in this video. She had no chance of escaping and doesn’t do a terrific amount of struggling. She gives an emotive performance and dies well, though I think she could have kicked and squirmed a bit more. One thing that must be mentioned about the strangulation is that it is extremely drooly. Long and thick strands of saliva hang off of Karli’s face and cover her chest for the majority of the strangulation and the aftermath. Not being a fan of drool, this was a big turn-off for me, so be advised.

Sex/Other: Karli is screwed before and after her death, both from the same position, sitting with her back against the steel door of the container with her hands tied at floor level. Both scenes are brief but decent. Karli whimpers during the live rape and has good expressions, and looks nicely dead during the post-mortem. There’s no post-mortem handling at all. After a cut, Karli is simply lying in her final state. During the final body pans, Karli is urinating, and the camera shows some nice full-body shots during this time rather than just extreme-close ups of a stream, which I appreciated.

Production: The camera is mostly unobtrusive. The live rape starts with a shot behind the back of the killer and doesn’t provide a good view, but most shots keep Karli in frame and there aren’t any annoying camera movements. The sound is sketchy during Alan’s phone call, but it doesn’t add anything to the video anyway. There is one very noticeable eye blink during the post-mortem necro scene, in the middle of a shot. Overall, it’s pretty clear that this was a quick and simple production, but the quality is still fairly high.

Overall: This was the first of the “Cold Kills” series by the Psycho-Thrillers producers that I bought. I must say that the straight content of the video, which includes a live rape, a strangulation, and necro sex, is well worth the $9. For me, however, the video was a bit sabotaged by the drool, which permeates the meat of the video. If you like (or at least don’t mind) drool, then this is a great video, especially for the price. Personally I wish the drool had been limited enough that I could have ignored or edited it out. My only other gripe is that the intro was completely pointless and adds nothing. The video really should have started at around the 1:40 mark. I’m looking forward to more Cold Kills videos, so hopefully others will be a little more up my alley.
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Re: Review: Cold Kills - The Necktie Strangler

Post by neceros »

What I liked about this one was the totally nude but disheveled clothes presentation.

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