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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight's Latest: November 25,2019
The Amazons are always ready to play a "Dangerous Game" and this involves 'sword play' which is always going to be dangerous.
Heretofore the 'Wolf' has been using the personnel at Sohphie's Fantasy Art Site but I don't recognize his victim in this video.
I'm willing to bet that most of you will know who she is.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest November 29,2019
"Gladiatrix Arena 22" was released today which pits Safo against Antaris.
It's not always safe to assume that there can only be a single loser in these contests.
But in this case it appears that is the case.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight's Latest: December 1,2019
An Amazon has been taken prison and when you witness what happens to her you will perhaps understand why that occurs so infrequently.
"Amazon Prisoner: Chrissy" is the latest video release from AmFight.
This is a fresh endeavor rather than a rerelease of previous efforts so be sure to give it your attention.
The personnel of Sohphie's Fantasy Art Site are certainly being kept busy these days!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 3,2019
"The Last Photoshoot" has Shemina and Antaris mixing it up with Aeric in all probability stepping in to see that there are no survivors.
Either that or Shemina turned on him because it was he who withheld her pay for this gig wasn't it?
Whatever the case may be you will find this video at the top of the list in the Titaneia section at the Amazon_Warriors site.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight's Latest: December 4,2019
AmFight has been making his early work available at his new site on the Gumroad server.
"Eve" was perhaps his first Amazon to appear regularly which is as good a reason as any for either having or assuming that name.
"The Demise of Amazon Eve" is actially a series of videos that are solo performances in which our Amazon is skewered in various ways.
In the first episode, Eve finds herself on the business end of her assailant's sword.
This clip was shot from what some would call the "Point of View" - of the assailant in this case since it is he who holds the camera as well as weilding the weapon.
I point this out because I recently had a query concerning some old clips shot from this perspective and so I thought I would point this out.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

White Wolf Latest: December 5,2019
White Wolf Publications has posted "The Wrong Girl" to his website.
Chrissy has been commissioned to do away with Diane and all would likely have gone well except that Chrissy had the feeling that Diane was not the target her employer had in mind.
To her mind Diane was the wrong girl. All would probably have gone smoothly if Chrissy hadn't decided to check in with her boss and Diane hadn't overheard part of their conversation. But since she did, as things turned out the <i>Wrong Girl</i> did in fact come to an untimely end.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/White_Wol ... -index.htm White Wolf Publications
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 6,2019
"Massacre of the Savages", the "crowd-funded" project that was spear-headed by Comanche has just been released.
It is available in the Lethal Cowgirls section of the Amazon_Warriors site and is quite apt to rate as the most ambitious
project that has come down the pike in quite some time. In terms of the size of the cast it certainly is.
Olaf hasn't said one way or the other but it seems that we may not see many (or any) of the players put in more than a single appearance.
Being the blood-thirsty old codger that I am I will miss the blood make-up effects but the time that would have taken in "post-production"
was likely to make the entire project undoable. So what we have here is a monumental "Gun-Fun" project.
There are no fewer than twenty-one (21) women performing in this video. I didn't realize that Olaf's address book was as thick as that.
It could be that he had his "regulars" beat the bushes to come up with this many girls willing to take a fall for a worthy cause as it were.
Now then, I want someone to get an accurate count on the number of "kills" that there were on each side,
and someone else to come up with the number of times we see each actress.
(Perhaps it is "safer" to refer to the performers as "models" but it certainly is an "act" that they lend us, isn't it?)
Have fun with this video and perhaps one fine day we will all muster the strength to put another one together!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight's Latest: December 10,2019
Diane has loosed her clones upon an unsuspecting populace and it is up to Natalie to put them down.
"Amazon Clones: Diane" becomes the latest video release from AmFight.
This is a new video that stars two of the women from Sophie's Fantasy Art Site.
Natalie was cast in the role of the Amazon Clone in the first video and now we have Diane playing a similar part in what may become a series.
Which two of Sophie's Ladies will be paired off next time do you suppose?
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 10,2019
The "Massacre of the Savages" has got to be one tough act to follow but follow it he must and so Olaf,
not being one to "rest upon his laurels" for any length of time has released a "double-header" for us
even though it is quite some time yet to the next baseball season.
This release consists of both a video produced by Titaneia which means that it is a 'custom' entitled "Hard to Take - Part 2".
The video takes up where Part 1 left off which was released sometime during October if I remember correctly.
It stars Zahray and Acanta and from what I can see neither of them would be too "hard to take" at all from my perspective
but they had to have a title and so there we are.
I have as yet to sign the praises of the photoset which is "Fallen Amazons 18".
You won't want to miss this one - or at least I won't.
There is an Amazon pictured laying there with an arrow protruding from her chest and her eyes rolled up in her head
that sells the entire set all by itself as far as I am concerned.
I took the sample pictures from Olaf's site because I was somewhat comfused by those at my usual source
and splitting what was there in two would have left both of these previews rather skimpy.
If I can get away with it I may continue the practice. Now that our 'crowd-funded' effort is behind us
I'll be on the market for more of these productions myself and it's a good way to obtain a thorough preview.
And appropo of nothing, I'm going get a pencil and paper, cue up the "Massacre of the Savages",
keep one finger on the pause button, and make pencil strokes to account for each "kill" in the video.
I considered doing it by actress but I get them confused at times so it'll be by "cowgirls and redskins" only ...
And don't those girls have the "shirts and skins" basketball teams from my high school gym class beat all hollow!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

White Wolf Latest: December 11,2019
White Wolf Publications has posted "Soft Target" to his website.
One employee decides to do away with another when she learns that a co-worker has been offered the promotion to which she herself was entitled.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/White_Wol ... -index.htm White Wolf Publications
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 13,2019
Casual Interrogation" introduces what is essentially a "first" at the Amazon Warriors website.
It features bellypunching and while the ladies have been stabbed and shot in and around the area of the belly any number of times,
I'm quite sure that this marks the first time this method of torture has appeared among the Amazon Team.
And who do you suppose either volunteered or what is more probable - was elected to be the victim?
Why Saphyra, of course. If you will remember, Saphyra was the first and as far as I know the only Amazon to roll down a bank after being struck by an arrow.
This was back during the period when a number of Olaf's videos were recorded out of doors but with the advent of his studio it has become a rather rare occurance these days.
The interrogation apparently does not go well and I shall leave it up to you to learn just how it plays out.
You'll find the video in the Modern Section at Olaf's site and for some reason it appears a ways down the list.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 17,2019
"Sisters in Death" stars Russlana who has ever been one of my favorite players on Olaf's team of Amazon Warriors.
I guess that one of Olaf's recruits got "cold feet" at the thought of an arrow bristling from some part of her body because she failed to keep her appointment at the studio.
That being the case, Russlana was called upon to do a solo performance which was just as well as far as I personally am concerned.
This cave setting reminds me of a video in which Russlana appeared to take a most convincing fall -
so much so that it rather worried me for a while, but since whe fell out of the range of the camera my guess is that her fall was cushioned somehow.
Now I don't know whether I have that video or not but if someone can pass along the name I would appreciate it.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

White Wolf Latest: December 18,2019
White Wolf Publications has posted "Good Morning" to his website.
And it well might have been a good morning for these two hit ladies if a representative from White Wolf Publications hadn't pitted one against the other.
As things turned out it really wasn't such a good morning for either of them.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/White_Wol ... -index.htm White Wolf Publications
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Latest: December 18,2019
Sophie has been kept busy lately as to my understanding she is doing the camerawork for both AmFight and White Wolf Publications and it has to make one wonder where she finds the time time come up with an update to her own site.
Well she has and appears to have involved her entire team of players and is quite an extravaganza.
First of all there are the updates to her member areas:
"Gunfun With Chrissy and Lena"
"Bellybox(ing) With An Axe"
"Chrissy's Confession"
Then there's the "extravaganza" I mentioned:
"Sherry's Catfighting to the Death"
I have some futher adjustments to make to the two member menus but I wanted to have Sophie's updates "On the Air"
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... m>Sophie's Fantasy Art
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 20,2019
"The New Bodyguard 1" stars Shemina and Zolitha in a knife battle that has been ordained by their Queen.
This comes as something of a surprize to the two participants, nonetheless they comply.
There is no apparent reason for this killing contest, but then, does an Amazon Queen have to have a reason?
It may well be that she is making an attempt to winnow out her "staff" to a certain extent in an effort to select the best of them
to have the priviledge of serving as a Queen's Bodyguard.
You will find the video in the Amazon Warriors section at Olaf's site.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive


AmFight's Latest: December 20,2019
T.S.Solstice has added a gif file to his current promotion for "Amazon Queens - Dance of Death".
And since that type pf image is quite portable, I've included it along with the latest slideshow.
Also there is a 24-image slideshow of "Assassins Vs. Spies" which was previously released in two parts but has been reissued as one clip.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
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