Uncle Buck's Blog

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 24,2019
"The New Bodyguard 2" in this follow-up to Part 1, Shemina should have known better than to try another woman's magic.
There's an antique expression that says, "What's Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander", meaning, I suppose,
that What Works For One Will Work For Another.
But like most all old sayings, it isn't necessarily true in every case.
And besides, there is nothing that can pass for a "gander" in this video ...
The cast is made up entirely of women!
You will find the video in the Amazon Warriors section at Olaf's site.

And as Olaf said earlier,

Merry Christmas Everyone!

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 27,2019
"Antaris - The Messenger" has just been released and has "our" marvelous Antaris starring in a solo performace.
Olaf doesn't say whether Antaris' ill-fated messenger is the result of a custom or not.
But if it is, he may be playing it safe and trying to keep some of the other members of his team from finding out about it.
Because one fine day there is going to be an Amazon Uprising for real ...
Thyarmis, Saphyra, and perhaps either Shemina or Russlana are well fed up with these New Kids On the Block
cutting into their screen time and hence their paychecks.
And the upshot is that a "catfight" develops to end them all.
Now if Comanche or someone who knows how to make custom requests were to write up a "script"
then we might all come away with something.
Even the ladies who survive the brawl!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight's Latest: December 28,2019
T.S.Solstice has posted another of his early efforts on his site at Gumroad "Amazon Arena: Verena vs Mona".
Unless you've been kicking around for at least as long as I have it is quite likely that this video is new to you, so be sure to give it a viewing.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest December 31,2019
""Vanquished Warriors 6" is a photoset from and of the Amazon Warriors Team and, as Olaf has noted in his promotional remarks,
it is in tribute to the women who neither he nor any of us can well do without.
I can't say just why it is but regardless of how much I enjoy the action presented in a motion picture
I still find myself taking screen shots of favorite poses.
I guess that there are others that have a similar habit ...
And here we have over 150 of them presented to us on a platter as it were.
So, enjoy!
And Happy New Year Everyone!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest January 4,2020
"We're Fucked Up" stars Thyarmis and Averia and what with the title he chose for this GunFun outing
I fear that Olaf has blown his chances for a "G Rating" for Pontus Media on the first shot out of the box.
Hey! But it's good to see Thyarmis still whooping it up!
Now if Raven can be coaxed to return to the Team one day I'll have about all that I could ask for.
This video appears several rows down in the GunFun section at Olaf's site
and this one comes replete with "out takes" so have at it!
And enjoy!
And Happy New Year Everyone!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Black Nylons Latest: January 7,2020
Tom Gunn has been working on what I thought would be a reworked version of the script that was used in "Lady Scarface's Last Stand", a video that he released in 2015.
As it turned out, that was what is called in the industry a "working title" because when the new video was finished it was released as the "Call Girl Massacre".
And it is well that it was renamed as the plot bears no resemblance to the original "Lady Scarface" at all,
other than to have a cast of seven women each of whom is granted the opportunity to have her turn at being gunned down on camera.
The images are all "crystal clear" and I can't help but think what an improvement in technology has been wrought since the rather "grainy" days of VHS.
Sony's BETA system was far superior to VHS but who could afford it?)
Tom Gun must have put in many happy hours assembling his Black Nylons videos because there are always a number of different camera angles and the scenes shift "seamlessly" -
which is a term I picked up back in my days as a computer programmer when a "seamless" system was most desirable.
The wound makeup used is superb and would serve to give me the "Horrors" if I weren't assured that it was all being done in "good, clean fun".
And I was particularly pleased to see a model of "mixed race" included in the cast. Given a little practice those ladies can "die" as well as anyone else and look just fine doing it!

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Black_Nyl ... deshow.htm Call Girl Massacre Slideshow

which has been included along with the Black Nylons Catalogue as well as other sundry goodies ...

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Black_Nyl ... nylons.htm Black Nylons Films
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest January 8,2020
"The Queen's Murder" stars Morgane as the assassin and Saphyra as the unprotesting victim in a new video
from the Amazon Warriors that is also titled "The Murder of the Queen" and, as the expression goes,
"You Pays Your Money and Takes Your Choice". The video will be one and the same.
So much for the disclaimers.
And now for "The Rest of the Story".
According to the revealed script, the Queen's servant, Morgane has been waiting years for the opportunity to murder her Queen which she proceeds to go about in fine style.
The audience that witnesses this crime is lead to believe that the assassin acted entirely on her own.
And while it is true that she was left to "hang out to dry" as it were, the fact is that she was put up to her crime by another woman who wishes to be "Queen for a Day" - or for however long a Queen may reign in Amazonia.
Candidates for the role(s) are Russlana, or Antaris if you want someone capable of playing "fiendish" looking schemers ...
Or perhaps Shemina or Thyarmis if what you desire are somewhat more "innocent" appearing conspirators.
In any case you can readily see that there is room for a sequel to this current episode of murder and mayhem.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight's Latest: January 8,2019
T.S.Solstice has posted "Rapier Fight" which in this instance is a freshly produced contest between two of Sophie's models.
Unlike some productions where neither contestant survives, under normal circumstances Solstice prefers to have a winner.
I more than half suspect that the other producers figure, "Why pay for a model if she doesn't "die" for us?"
Here you will have a winner ... At least for now ...
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/AmFight-index.htm AmFight
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest January 10,2020
"Trespasser's Demise" stars Raven who approaches Shemina hoping to collect a debt that is over due.
Failing to come to a negotiated agreement the two resort to armed combat
in which Raven secures her "pound of flesh" in true Amazonic fashion.

Now I suppose that like most of us, I sat gaping at the collage that Olaf provided in his message publicizing this video
and immediately leaped to the happy conclusion that Raven had returned to the fold.
Olaf's message promptly disabused me of that particular fallacy.
According to what he wrote or, to be more accurate - typed, Olaf produced this video at some time during 2018
and I guess that it had been tucked away off-line on a hard drive somewhere and so came to light only recently.
"Once Good Always Good" as the old saying goes ...
So have a look as there are a good many more pictures available at Olaf's Amazon_Warriors site.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... e/list.htm Trespasser's Demise
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sexy-Latin-Amazons New January 12,2020
I've put together a page for Mayra's Sexy-Latin-Amazons site as a new member of Buck's "Family" at the blog.
Mayra makes full use of trailers posted to YouTube and as I can think of no better way to promote her videos,
I've simply presented a list of the links with the hope that they will reach a potential customer or two who hasn't visted her site as yet.
I will decorate the page with screen captures to liven things up a bit but what we have should be enough to get us started.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/SexyLatin ... -index.htm Sexy Latin Amazons
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

January 13,2020
I've put up an entire series of the eight Fighting Dolls picture sets and I see that I have only duplicated my efforts once
and that is with the set titled "Stolen Victory". Well ... No harm done.
I want you all to pay particular attention to "Fighting Dolls 5: Prisoners' Execution" - picture #6.
Look at it quickly and you are apt to think that Olaf slipped in an image of one of his live models!
I did. But then, I was working in sort of a hurry at the time.
And while I was admiring one or another of the Body Piles he created, I couldn't help but think of "Bodak", was it? And the work he did in that medium.
I would think that Olaf would find that his Dolls come in handy when he has to work out the strategy
and what I think of as being the "choreography" for his next cinematic endeavor.
But then, the living women may not always be as "pliable" as are the latex figures and he'd have to bear that in mind!
So now we have a collection of eight photosets of the Fighting Dolls available at Olaf's Amazon_Warriors site. Have Fun! I did!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 8/list.htm Primary Target
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 7/list.htm Stolen Victory
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 6/list.htm Archers' Superiority
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 5/list.htm Prisoners' Execution
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 4/list.htm Massive Battle
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 3/list.htm Miscellaneous
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 2/list.htm Swords vs Spears
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 1/list.htm Knife Fight
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

White Wolf Publications Latest: January 14,2020
White Wolf Publications has posted "Will It Hurt?" to his website.
And I should think that well it might had I had a gun pointed at me! And doubtless you would too!
And it would appear that once again Orsi gets away with murder. But the day will come when she gets hers I'm sure!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/White_Wol ... -index.htm White Wolf Publications
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Latest: January 14,2020
There are at least a pair of producers who are keeping Sophie busy these days, they being T. Solstice of AmFight and White Wolf Publications.
That being the case, and the penchant I have for not being able to leave well enough alone, I decided that since the "Guns & Knives" section on Sophie's site had been absorbed into other subgroups that I would fill the vacant slot with a full alphabetic index of the titles available at Sophie's Fantasy Art site.
Keep in mind the fact that your aged uncle is an old-fashioned guy and that the pages on the blog are all prepared manually and you will have a fair idea of ... Well ... Anyway ...
Sophie and whoever it was who preceeded her must have kept a video camera running continually for at least twenty hours a day for a number of years to produce the library that Sophie has on site and available.
Find the title you prefer then go to Sophie's Fantasy Art site and key it in the search area ...
Or simpy send an email to Sophie as her site is not set up for direct downloads.
According to my count you will have Two Thousand Six Hundred and Two (2602) titles from which to make your selection.
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... entory.htm Sophie's Inventory
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... -index.htm Sophie's Fantasy Art
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Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon-Warriors Latest: January 15,2020
If the Amazon Warriors don't have a Writhing Woman Award then they ought to, By Golly!
The fun part is of course for we the viewers of these informal contests
but the winner will be entitled to Bragging Rights until such time that she is dethroned -
or defrocked which would be even better.
And the prize this week goes to Antaris for her performance in
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... n/list.htm "Death of a Barbarian"
"Who says so?" You may ask.
Olaf does ... And right in his promotional remarks for this video.
And who should know but he?
I'm sure that he was on hand behind the camera -
unless he has turned that duty over to someone else recently.
And I doubt that very much some how.
He may be a Man of Business but he is entitled to some fun, isn't he?
And you Navel Stabbers will be too when Antaris the Barbarian encounters an unfamiliar new weapon
but is finished off in what appears to be a most traditional manner.
Click on the title!
See how easy I make things for you?
And Have Fun!
I did!
I always do!
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by Max5s »


You do an amazing job. Many thanks. :clap: :clap:
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