Uncle Buck's Blog

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

A "Clarification" Posted: Feb Thu 27, 2020 10:23 am
Well, the good news about DeadSexyClips is that John Marshall finally communicated with me after the site finally communicated with him
that the issue was that they migrated their server and had a (very long) problem with the DNS data base.

Anyway, it does seem to have been corrected, so they (and Black Nylons) are back on line at DeadSexyClips.com
and their companion sites like Kinky-Clips.com.

Things have a habit of "disappearing overnight" when they pertain to the internet.
But after tangling with one computer or another for nigh onto forty years I know that they have minds of their own
and can be downrght cantankerous cusses at times ...
Which times often occur whenever you set about changing, reorganizing or relocating any of its data
for which the machine seems to take a proprietory interest.
Let's hope that "All's Well That Ends Well" - For the present at least ...

Oh! I almost forgot! Take another look at the slideshow for "Once Upon a Time". Tommy Gunn emailed me another half dozen pictures ...

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Black_Nyl ... deshow.htm Once Upon a Time

ClipSite: http://www.DeadSexyClips.com/0001128 Dead Sexy Clips
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Black_Nyl ... nylons.htm Black Nylons Films at the Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sexy Latin Amazons February 27,2020

New Video SLA - Foxxy Comand: The Kidnapping - Part 1

In looking back over several of the videos produced by the Sexy Latin Amazons,
I can't help but think that Mayra must have grown up watching a copy of the motion picture
"Set It Off" toward the end of which Queen Latifah gave a splendid rendition of
a woman being pretty much shot to pieces in and around her '63 Chevy.
Mayra's Amazons seldom have a soft spot to land as most often the performers
work out of doors and automobiles play a significant role in the videos.
A nice "touch" as it makes the "gun play" a bit different and gives the Amazons
something to duck around while not having to go to the trouble and expense of a
collection of "props" of another kind.
Well, let see what Mayra has to say about this kidnapping caper - shall we?


Hello friends how are you!
I come to invite you to the premiere of the new video "COMMANDOS FOXXY - The Kidnapping Part 1"

The Valkyrias return to the attack commanded by Gabriella,
they manage to kidnap an important security agent while carrying valuable information,
but the cost of the Valkyria's attack is high casualties on both sides.
This is the first part of this Foxxy Command story.
Here is the link for the video trailer:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMZFfVkKHX0 Trailer: "The Kidnapping Part 1"

And also I want to invite you to visit the blog.
I have put a new entry relating to this premiere chapter with new photographs.
During the next 24 hours I will be uploading more photos to the blog,
because unfortunately I have problems with the internet connection,
that makes me sad because it does not allow me to upload all the photographs
I would like to share with you, but I will upload them a few.
Thank you all for your collaboration and please ...
Leave your comments, good or bad as they help me improve productions.
Hugs and Kisses


https://sexylatinamazon.blogspot.com/20 ... -part.html Mayra's "Kidnapping" Production Blog

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/SexyLatin ... -index.htm Sexy Latin Amazons @ Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors February 28,2020

Day by day we have worked our way down to what would ordinarily be the final day in the month of February.
Except in years that are evenly divisible by four (4) we have a "Leap Year" to make up for the time that we have been ... What?
Gaining during the course of the three preceeding years.

Anyway ... Olaf has released a custom from the environs of Titaneia Productions entitled "Vengeanace Visits the Mistress - Part 1"
and since Thyarmis has been cast in the role of the "Mistress" I guess we can well imagine what will become of her in "Part 2".
Thyarmis had to take a dose of tonic marked "Mean Medicine" prior to playing this part
because to my way of thinking, Thyarmis and Shemina are two of the more "innocent" looking Amazons on the Team.


But then it was Groucho Marx who said at the time he stood accused of one thing or another:
"Me? I'm as innocent as a babe!
(Even more so. Some of the babes I've known weren't so innocent!)"
And with that we shall proceed apace to the preview ...

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 1/list.htm "Vengeance Visits the Mistress - Part 1"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Fantasy Art February 29, 2020


I was stumbling around over at Sophie's Fantasy Art site to see if anything had been added while I wasn't looking.
And yes, I came up with no fewer than eight titles that didn't appear on my menus.
I am going to pass along links to the menus I updated rather that to each "promo" individually.
You'll find the new videos (new to me at any rate) listed at the top of each menu.


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... embers.htm GFG Member Menu


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... embers.htm GSG Member Menu

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... -index.htm Sophie's Fantasy Art
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Fantasy Art March 1, 2020


Either Sophie posts "Unadvertised Specials" or I simply haven't learned where to look.

The big news today - and it is - is that there are no fewer than seven (that's as in 7) videos topping off Sophie's Bonus Section ...
Which means, in other words that they are Free To You simply for having a membership at Sophie's Fantasy Art site.
For those of you who are "On the Ball" this may not be new to you but it came as a welcome surprise to me.
So access to the Bonus area will top this list of links followed by the pages that I've updated but are not new titles.

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... -Bonus.htm
Bonus Menu for Members

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... Asphyx.htm
Asphyx Menu

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... Arrows.htm
Arrows Menu

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... anging.htm
Hanging Menu

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... -index.htm
Sophie's Fantasy Art
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Warriors in Reprise March 1,2020


Back in the bygone days of VHS and "Video Shoppes" - does anyone remember them?
One of the things the proprietor complained about was that although he had an inventory of over 3,000 titles,
all that anyone ever looked at was the section marked "New Releases".

And I have a sneaking suspicion that it still holds true today.
What to do about it?
Well, for one thing it has been only recently that I began using a "slideshow script" to display Olaf's preview previews.
So for the sake of consistency if nothing else, I intend to go back and "install" the slideshow in the earlier Titaneia releases.
It's not at all difficult but at the same time it is a fairly large order. So I'm going to tackle the project a little at a time.
That way I'll get my updates made and at the same time give the members of Olaf's Teams a bit more "exposure" -
at least as much as they were exposed in the earlier videos.

So look for this message string to "pop up" every so often as I install my modifications.
Here to kick things off are Talanis and Mia in "Abandoned Spies"


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... s/list.htm
"Abandoned Spies"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Warriors in Reprise March 1,2020


I am seeking to lend an excuse for posting what is "old news" while attempting to draw some attention to my "blog" and what promises to be a considerable undertaking.

If all goes well this time you will treated to images of Mia Mane, Talanis, Saphyra, and Ninea in "A Bloody Day" … But it seems that only Saphyra and Talanis will put in an appearance.


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... y/list.htm
"A Bloody Day"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors March 3, 2020

Shemina, along with a capable assist from a kitchen knife, treats us to a bravura performance in "This Is For You".
Can you just imagine a webcam girl doing something like this?
The entire internet network would either jam up or melt down - I don't know which.
If there are any "copycats" afoot let us hope that they are all confined to our little "niche market".
And I would expect that Shemina is Olaf's entrant in the "Writhing Woman Contest" that is sure to come about one of these days!


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... u/list.htm
"This Is For You"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

White Wolf Publishing March 3, 2020

White Wolf Publishing has posted "Not Even In Your Dreams" to his website.


No! I'm not the White Wolf!
So what's it to ya!
Hey! Tonight's the Wolf's night to howl so he asked me to fill in for him!
And if you can just hold your horses for a second, I have some pictures of the girls starring in this video!
Okay! Now here's Orsi!


And now where's the other gal?
Oh, yes! Here she is!
This is Nikki!


Have I got you attention?
Then let's get on to the preview!

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/White_Wol ... dreams.htm
"Not Even In Your Dreams"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/White_Wol ... -index.htm
White Wolf Publishing
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Warriors in Reprise March 4,2020


"A Bloody Plan" was released comparatively recently but the easiest way for me
to go about these modifications is to do them in the order that the videos are listed in the "Archive" -
and that is more or less alphabetical.

The Amazon Team is well represented in this video that features Averia, Shemina, Saphyra, Saramis, Morgane, and Elysia.


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... n/list.htm
"A Bloody Plan"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight March 5, 2020


T.S. Solstice of AmFight has posted "Amazon Sacrifice" to Gumroad.
And he emailed an uncensored edition of the collage he put together
which I have proceeded to cut up for the slide show
you have access to below.
And so as promised. this is the improved version.


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/AmFight/. ... deshow.htm
"Amazon Sacrifice"

AmFight Index at the Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors in Reprise March 5, 2020



"A Cowgirl's Dream" was released a while ago and now the slide show
has been implemented and the text font enlarged.

It seems that the more recent browsers tend "shrink" the size of the text ... Or is that just my imagination?

The cast this time out consists of Thyarmis, veria, Saphyra, and Saramis.


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... m/list.htm
"A Cowgirl's Dream"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive[/quote]
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Fantasy Art March 6, 2020
Image Image

Sophie has added a pair of videos to the "GSG Members" section of her site ...
I can't tell you what GSG or GFG Members stand for literally
but I can tell you the titles you're looking for are

"Attack on Jenny"
"Hope is Bad"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... embers.htm
Menu for GSG Members

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... -index.htm
Sophie's Fantasy Art
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors March 6, 2020

It's always a treat when Russlana steps in front of the camera and "Paid in Bullets" is no exception.
For those of you who are averse to bloodshed this video will be of particular interest to you.
And I rather imagine that Russlana didn't mind not being doused in stage blood.
If that stuff gets in her hair then there's the Devil to Pay.
Blood or no blood the woman did not avoid having her body punched full of holes
so you need have no fear on that score.


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... s/list.htm
"Paid in Bullets"


And for his second video release today, Olaf has Thyarmis and Averia rushing the season a bit with "Catfight in the Water"


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... r/list.htm
"Catfight in the Water"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors in Reprise March 7, 2020
Image Image

"A Deadly Trap"

Starring Saphyra and Mia Mane

I thought (all on my own, mind you) that it might be a good idea to retain access to the still photos from which the slide shows are made.
So now you will notice a link atop the "moving pictures" that will yield the still photography in its original "static" state.
And, using the "back" link at the bottom of the screen, you may proceed to go "back & forth" to your heart's content ...


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... p/list.htm
"A Deadly Trap"

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm
Amazon Archive
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