Uncle Buck's Blog

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 18, 2020




"Agent Saphyra - Bulletproof"

And now allow me to harken back to the year 2015 when Saphyra took her turn as a "Bulletproof" Agent.
This could not have been her first outing in her role as an "Agent" because in his promotion
Olaf refers to this as Saphyra's favorite role.
We will have ample opportunity to determine when Saphyra first appeared in the guise of an Agent
because this is the first of nine videos in which she played the part.


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"Agent Saphyra - Bulletproof"

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 19, 2020


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"Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 1"

When you see that Olaf has released a video under the Titaneia label, we know that a custom movie is in the offing.
This is the first of two in which Saphyra plays a clone.
Her mission appears to be on the brink of success
in spite of the fact that she has used nearly all of her supernatural powers of regeneration
to withstand a considerable number of bullet wounds.
But then Morgane appears on the scene and that of course is quite apt to be too much for almost anyone.


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"Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 1"

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AmFight March 19, 2020


This time I harvested the material for this update from an AmFight message string.
"Revenge For My Sister" doesn't turn out so well for the girl who seeks retribution.
I guess that the Amazon Jane was simply too tough a customer and not one to be picking fights with.
At least not this time.
As they say, "Live and Learn."
If you live, that is ...


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"Revenge For My Sister"

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors March 20, 2020


Olaf doesn't expound upon the plot that motivates this video ...
Suffice it to say that the two women get into a ferocious gun battle.
Talanis is readily recognizable ...
But Shemina and that Red Hair-Do! Wow!
Her own mother wouldn't recognize her ...
But then - that could be the general idea, couldn't it?


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"Agent Talanis vs. Semira"

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Fantasy Art March 20, 2020



Sophie habitually adds videos to her site in batches - most often three at a time.
New material is made available to both "GFG and GSG Members".
Older videos appear to shuffle down the list and when they reach the bottom
they are migrated to the appropriate menu where they become an entry in Sophie's "inventory".
This is all guess work on my part but it seems to "hold water" ...

Now then, Sophie has added three videos to the "GFG" menu and I haven't checked for the "GSG" entries as yet.
I am going to publicize Sophies videos one at a time ...
And this is due to the fact that henceforth I will be adding a "Slide Show" to each new promotion.
To judge by the view count of the "Reprise" promos I've been doing lately they appear to be fairly well received.
The first in what will be a series of three is "The Secret Info" ...

GFG Members

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"The Secret Info"

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Sophie's Fantasy Art
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Fantasy Art March 21, 2020

Image Image

This is Sophie's second of three additions to the GFG Members section of her site.
The "Slide Show" code enlarges the images to fill the screen.
And this can at times distort the picture to some extent but not too badly so I expect to let it stand.
And so here we have a rather "ambitious" project in which Orsi is to be quartered.
An ambitious undertaking if ever there was one ...

GFG Members


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"Four Pieces"

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Sophie's Fantasy Art
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 21, 2020


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"Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 2"

This is the second custom video that Olaf produced for this particular customer.
Saphyra reprises her role as a clone
and if I'm not mistaken, Morgane puts in an appearance as well.
The remarks Olaf makes with this release do not shed much light on the plot of this episode
so my advice would be to settle back and see for yourselves.
What else can we do as we collectively hold our breath hoping that this virus will pass us by as it runs its course.


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Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 2

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 22, 2020


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"Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 3"

Here is the third video that casts Saphyra in the role of a clone.
I don't know for certain whether this video was produced for the same customer that requested the first episodes,
but since it comes to us under the Titaneia banner, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
Olaf takes a turn at playing opposite Saphyra in the role of Aeric.
(Could Aeric be the producer's middle name?)


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Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 3

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Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Sophie's Fantasy Art March 22, 2020

Image Image

And here I thought that I could coast along posting "my" promo for one of Sophie's videos each day
but I find that I'm quite apt to fall behind if I do that so today we have a "double header" of sorts.
The third entry in the original list stars Angie and Orsi in "Compunction" in which Orsi murders Angie
and then is overtaken by a fit of remorse and proceeds to stab herself to death.
Angie may have been disposed of rather quickly as she hardly makes an appearance in Sophie's preview.

GFG Members

http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-F ... /promo.htm

And if for some reason Orsi somehow failed to sate your thirst for breasts and blood,
we now have Chrissy and Diane matched up in "Diane's Private Session".
And a word of advice ... If you were to hire a Dominatrix to beat you up for fun and profit,
you had best be prepared to pay for your session.

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"Diane's Private Session"

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Sophie's Fantasy Art
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 23, 2020




Saphyra's 4th romp as a cloned agent was released in October of last year and so the promo had the "slide show" installed at that time.
I've given access to the still photos and enlarged the font for the text but since these are small adjustments,
I've put up modified promos for both "Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 4" and "Agent Saphyra - Over My Dead Body".


http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... 4/list.htm
"Agent Saphyra - Clone Force 4"

This second video features a rather large cast that includes: SAPHYRA, AVERIA, LEANDRA, TALANIS, and CLADI.


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"Agent Saphyra - Over My Dead Body"

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors March 24, 2020


Olaf has Jane taking a turn in the "Super Soldiers" series.
You don't suppose that she asked for it, did you?
Well, perhaps she did.
She'd be taking a turn at dying in good company what with the ladies who have bitten a bullet or two before her.


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"Super Soldiers: Jane"

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Amazon Archive
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 24, 2020

Image Image


Thank you JohnG and Olaf for the "applause". This venture began as a simple update to existing files ...
But I figured that it couldn't hurt to "publish" the modifications as I go along.
And JohnG, I know that I "said" before that Olaf is one of those people who can remember every photograph he ever took.
His answer to your query is a case in point.
Perhaps we can "stump" him later - But I doubt it.

So Aeric and Saphyra participate in a second video that plays on the phrase often uttered with somewhat incredulous sarcasm,
"Over My Dead Body". And I'm sure that there is a counterpart for the expression in the German language.
Here of course it's taken quite literally, and here then is "Agent Saphyra - Over My Dead Body 2".


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"Agent Saphyra - Over My Dead Body 2"

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 25, 2020



We will wrap up the last of Saphyra in her role as Aeric's ill-fated agent with "Agent Saphyra - The Price For Silence" ...
Aeric figures in the plot in an uncredited role. Someone had to weild the knife, didn't they?


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"Agent Saphyra - The Price For Silence"

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Amazon Archive (Where all video promotions from Olaf's Amazon_Warriors are available)
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Reprise March 26, 2020




There are several other agents lurking about so it is best that we keep our eyes open and be ever on the alert.
As thing's transpired along about September of 2016, Shemina was called upon to take a turn at the role of one of Aeric's ill-fated agents.
I don't believe that Aeric figures in the plot other than to appear as the arm and hand that pumps lead into his victim.
It's a good trick being able to control a video camera in one hand and fire a gun accurately in the other.


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"Agent Shemina - On Her Own"

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Amazon Warriors March 27, 2020


The year 2013 is revisited as we find Antaris sneaking around in a deserted film studio.
She, unlike her predecessor has not been lured here.
Antaris has arrived seeking to avenge the death of her sister, Thyarmis.
But Aeric is still on the job in his role as head of Studio Security ...
So we needn't spend too much time in idle conjecture over what is to become of this interloper.


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"Dead Meet 2 - Slasher Time"

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