Uncle Buck's Blog

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


Sophie's Fantasy Art site regains the top of the update list with "No Share", in the Members Bonus section at Sophie's site.
Lena and Natalie have scored big time and so they have an ample amount of cash.
Trouble is ... neither of them wants to split the haul with the other.


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No Share

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Sophie's Fantasy Art Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

AMFIGHT from T.S. Solstice Diane is called upon to do what is essentially a solo performance as she suffers "A Slow Death" in the first of what may well become a series of videos from AmFight.
A beautiful young woman arching and writhing about for your viewing pleasure! What more could anyone ask for? (One of my very own! Yes. I know.)
Amfight at Gumroad or at the shop at Nicheclips await your patronage!


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A Slow Demise * Diane

AmFight Blog Archive

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


"Lara C. - Amazon Attack" pits Talanis in the role of Lara C. against Shemina as the Amazon.
Lara finds herself with her hands full and almost more than she can handle ...
But she can thank her lucky stars for modern weaponry and the fact that she was able t get her hands on it ...
Otherwise this episode may have had a rather different ending.

I still have some difficulty with the names "Lara C." and "Laura Craft".
Of course it doesn't make a particle of difference, but are they one and the same person?
Inquiring minds would like to know.


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"Lara C. - Amazon Attack"

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Amazon Warriors Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


Tommy Gun has posted "Oh, No ..." and I can't say for sure whether the heroine even managed
to utter even that much in the way of dialog before she was plugged.
When you stop to think about it ... Crime could actually pay rather well ...
If only one could come up with a way of getting away with it!


http://unclebucksblog.com/Black_Nylons_ ... deshow.htm
"Oh No ..."

Black Nylons Films at GumRoad

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Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Second Update Today

My guess is that Sophie is not at all averse to taking part in these scenarios if only she can find someone else to "man" the camera. And when Max5s of White Wolf Publications is on hand, the proprietor of Sophie's Fantasy Art is granted an opportunity to take part in the video. In this instance the completed product is "I Saw You Do It" and if you crave a bit more in the way of "plot" to go with your ration of mayhem, may I be so bold as to suggest that you pay a visit to the White Wolf Publications site.


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I Saw You Do It

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White Wolf Publications Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

The Third Update Today is at

Sophie's Fantasy Art site is the third update to the blog today and this will do it for now as the weather is shaping up to be a nice day and I have leaves to rake and fences to mend. Orsi both sees and gets the point in "It Is Payback". And this video comes to you in the Bonus Section merely for being a member in good standing at Sophie's Fantasy Art site.


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It Is Payback

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Sophie's Fantasy Art Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


With this update to the Bonus Section at Sophie's Fantasy Art, I have finally caught up with whoever it is who updates the site over there - for the moment at least. The video today is "Do Not Open" and I don't know whether it was Lena or Natalie who upset the apple cart by opening whatever it was that there were told not to - but I bet they wish that they hadn't whoever it was ...


http://unclebucksblog.com/Sophies-Fanta ... /promo.htm
Do Not Open

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Sophie's Fantasy Art Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


It appears that I've caught up with the posting of new material for the moment so today we return to my project of updating previously released promotions from and for the Amazon Warriors. This is "Baroness Mankiller" which stars Antaris and Morgane as the merciless killer who is more than happy to settle for a woman to slaughter when there isn't a man on hand.


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"Baroness Mankiller"

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Amazon Warriors Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


"Leikh-Sharr: The Superior Race" casts Elysia as the Queen's Guard against Morgane. Alas! Poor Girl! For as we all know, only rarely does anyone stand a chance against Morgane! And that is especially true when it becomes apparent that Elysia is in a contest with one of the Leikh-Sharr - and what appears to be an immortal one at that!


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"Leikh-Sharr: The Superior Race"

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Amazon Warriors Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


Tommy Gun has re-released "T-Men" at his Gumroad shop. And the only reason that I say that it's a "re-release" is because it was produced by the Grey Panther Team and the catalog number also serves to lead me to that conclusion.
You are not to ask me just what "T-Men" are because I honestly don't know - unless it's "Trigger Men" - and that it may well be because a "shoot-er" this most definitely is.


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Black Nylons Films at GumRoad

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Black Nylons Gallery

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


Here we are back again with the third update today. This 'Jewel Collector' harvests a particular item of finery and leaves no witness to her crimes. Someone had better put a stop to her before long else Sophie will have to recruit some new models in order to fill the contracts for the customs she has on tap.


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The Jewel Collector - 1

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White Wolf Publications Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


Today we climb aboard our time machine and travel back to October of 2012 where we find Suri, Russlana, and Mia Mane involved in an Amazon Altercation in a video entitled simply, "Battlefield". Now to be entirely truthful, which we ever strive to be, the action does not take place on a "field" as such. The weather may have been inclement when the shoot was scheduled because it takes place in the sand of the set when we've witnessed several assaults upon the Amazon Temple. But it may be that I have taken too narrow a view of the term "field" because in its broader sense we have a "field" of action as well as various "fields" of endeavor. Olaf did not provide an overview for this release which prompted me to post this blather which you are entirely free to ignore. Let us get on to the business at hand, shall we?


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Amazon Warriors Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


I received an email from Gumroad and let me tell you that the proprietors of that shop produced the snazziest announcement I've ever seen. Far and away fancier than I could hope to produce ... Nice job, people!
I managed to harvest enough of it to update Mayra's page on the blog and I'll share that much with you now ...


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Sexy Latin Amazons Blog Archive

Sexy Latin Amazons Web Site

Buck's Blog
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


Sophie is not about to allow any grass to grow under her feet because here we have the first in another 4-video update to Sophie's Fantasy Art site. This first entry comes to us at the head of the list in the GSG-Members section and is entitled, appropriately enough, "Annica Won".


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Annica Won

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Sophie's Fantasy Art Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »


"Gladiatrix Lesson For The Champion" casts Russlana in the role of the Champion and Saphyra as the Gladiatrix who teaches the Champion a Lesson - one that she will not and cannot forget. This video is available in the "Arena" area at the Amazon Warriors site, and I saw when I updated the menu at the blog that it has been some time since this section has had an addition. With these two warrior women involved it promises to be a good one! I had sort of made a bet with myself that I could hold off until Olaf puts together another Temple Attack, or something of that nature. But it was a bet and not a promise so I've added this video to my collection. May I suggest that you do likewise ...


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"Gladiatrix Lesson For The Champion"

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Amazon Warriors Blog Archive

Buck's Blog
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