Review of SuperNova

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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Posts: 90
Joined: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:02 pm
What is your main fetish?: I particularly like films/comics/pics where powerful women are brought low. Death thru various methods, primary of which is strangulation, plus assault and even rape are themes I would like to see. Most important though is that the women involved be attractive. I lose interest fast if they aren't.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To trade ideas and see what others interested in these types of fetish videos are thinking and saying.
Referral: Found it by being part of this community. No specific referral. Might have seen is on Deadskirts or by finding the Bluestone site.

Review of SuperNova

Post by dbud »

Can't believe no one has posted a review of the Supernova short film Bluestone did so I will. I just recently discovered this forum and Bluestone's movies and the Supernova one was the one that really caught my eye. I'll go thru the film below and point out what I liked, thought was okay, and thought could be better. These are just my opinions though and my personal taste might not be what others like.

First off let me say, overall I thought this was great! Really enjoyed it and have watched it multiple times. This and the Wondra movies Blue did have led me to buy more of his stuff and his work is now something I will follow and look forward to. I am really looking forward to the Darkwing/Supernova film he has teased and if it comes close to this, then it was be great to. I would say these are several steps above anything else I have seen from other producers.

Again, for my personal tastes the super heroine aspects really sell the movies. I can enjoy death fetish movies on their own somewhat but get bored so the addition of the costumes and all that really, to me, makes them better.

Few things comments (both good and bad):

Actresses (particularly Danica): WOW! Danica is super hot. I am American so I had no idea who she was. I know in England there are what you guys call, I think, glamour models (or page 6 models). But the fact that you got her into your movies is a real 'get' in my opinion. HUGE GET for this film. One of the main reasons I became interested was her in it. You replace her with a still attractive but not to her level model/actress and you lose a lot. Also, liked Ella. Great performance and very attractive but I think any woman drops a few notches next to Danica. WOW she was hot! Concern though is she going to keep doing these and if not can Blue find other equally quality women to star? He might have set a standard that he can't maintain and end up disappointing some fans. Hope not but a concern. For Danica alone: A+ (Also liked Ella and thought Xander was well cast).

Costumes: Very good quality. Loved Danica's in particular. I think this is an area that most producers could work and improve on. I don't think they realize how important this is. If you're not going to put effort into this then don't do them. Let the actresses simply wear their normal sexy clothes (most women/models know how to dress hot on their own.) But to take them and put them in a ridiculous outfit simply ruins it. Also, the male/villain costumes are usually horrible. Some guy in a Halloween mask just looks ridiculous. Ella's too was good; liked the body hugging black. Only criticism is that they could have been lower cut. Since there was no nudity, some cleavage on Danica would have been great. Similarly, Ella's could have shown more leg or chest. A-

Production/Special Effects: Thought the FX were really good. The flying scenes were well done; little stiff in a few, especially in the from behind shots. You could have shown Danica flying from the side a bit more as that would have shown off her body more. Danica coming up thru the clouds and the missile strike was very well done. One the negative side, the bulk of the movie was shot in one bare room. I get that you can't have elaborate sets but doing something to make the set look more realistic would have helped I think. Maybe an office that is supposed to be where Xander is based out of. Doesn't seem like that would too hard to find/setup. B+

Did I mention how hot Danica was!?!?!

Acting: Xander was very good. Some nuance in his voice and line delivery. Ella too. The metallic voice helped but she, while I think she was supposed to be a bit emotionless, was good at what she did. Danica could have been better in spots. Again, hard to be overly critical as her point was to fill out the costume (did I mention she is super hot!) Some of her initial reactions/lines were a bit wooden. Not sure if this might have been the way it was shot that led to some of this. Perhaps she was shot standing in pose and then Xander was shot doing his lines, as opposed to them going back and forth and both being shot in one scene. Then the two different sides were cut together. So it comes off as Xander is speaking and Danica is simply standing there in response. So she appears a bit flat early on in the vid. Later she does a better job. She really threw herself into the fights though as did Ella as well. B+

Plot/Dialogue: Liked that there was some semblance of plot. The initial set up with the missile while only a minute or so was nice. The idea that there was an actual theme with the alien and her plot and a reason for her and Danica to fight was a good addition. I'm not as familiar with these sorts of movies and what the viewers want so I don't know if they simply want the fight/death scenes or are open to more. Actually, think it could have been expanded a good bit. Maybe 5 extra minutes of Xander and Danica, both separately and together. He explaining his plan and why he wants to crush Supernova and she perhaps in her alter identity (I know she could wear the fuck out of a pencil skirt and white blouse in a reporter role. Have her holding a pencil and chewing on the tip and you might kill half your audience though.) B

Music: Thought was good. The mixing of the ominous heavier tones and the lighter music (I am assuming to show the difference between Supernova and the alien) was well done. Showed some thought was put into it. B+

Fights: Thought they were well done. Only comment would I'd like even more. A lot of these types of films have fairly weak punches and fighting. Obviously it's a movie so it's fake but they seem to take no effort to make it look real. Blue's movies stand out as he has his actresses and actors really go at it. The fights can be really brutal (like the Wondra movies.) Liked showing that the two women were used to being impervious and now could be hurt. Again, the more brutal the better for me but overall I thought they really went all out and showed how hard the characters were supposed to be fighting. A

The strangling: I got the death version so I can't comment on the shooting. I liked the way this was done very much. Again, a lot of this community I know wants specific things and the death is a big deal. So, I think a lot of producers make the death scenes/strangling far too over-wrought; too long and they become almost parodies. I know this is to satisfy the fan base but I thought this one found a good balance. The shots of Danica seated but showing her full body and legs was nice. Danica's struggles were I thought the right level as well. She fought but showed how helpless she was as she couldn't really do anything. Grabbing his hands/arms and clawing at the cord made sense. Again, in some the woman's reactions seem to have nothing to do with the source of her death; she just flails rather than tries to react to the cause and fight to save herself. Thought this was a good mix. Danica's gasping and shaking her head back and forth towards the end was nice too. Nice few close ups of her eyes and mouth and then her face once she was dead. Would have liked some more dialogue though as she died; perhaps pleading with him not to kill her or offering herself to him or simply saying "I can't die like this...I'm Supernova!" would have added to the ending. A

Things I particularly liked:

Showing Danica/Supernova as powerful against the guards. But also liked how easily she was dispatched by the alien/Ella. That she was over-powered so easy was fairly hot I thought. But I have a thing for powerful women getting cut down (what can I say, I'm a perv that way.)

Danica's fluttering skirt showing some bum (to use the British vernacular) when flying and the touch of the blue between her legs under Danica'a skirt when she was dropped by Ella.

While above I commented on her overall acting, I thought several of Danica's reactions were great. Her shaking her head when the guards try to shoot her was nice. Her reaction when Xander tells them to fight and the alien accepts and she's like "Whhhaaaaa!?!?!?" was cool. The slight double take she does was a nice bit. Danica's growl when she leaps/flies back to her feet after being knocked down by the alien I liked and some of her anger when she really had to fight hard also nice.

Supernova's bit of nativity/innocence was a good touch. The way she moved her hands when she flew had an almost childlike quality to it. The way she seemed shocked by Xander and that she didn't want to fight all helped to play into her character.

Those spiked heeled boots! Super hot.

Xander calling her a 'silly bimbo.'

The few seconds of Danica's legs and Ella's ass as she straddles and strangles Supernova was nice.

The back break...and showing that Danica is not only hot but flexible (which is equally important to hotness.) Did I mention she's hot!?!?

Supernova really pouring it on and getting brutal when she finishes off Ella and the after reaction showing her tired and spent.

Xander beating Supernova after he shoots the alien. Loved the brutality of it. Danica's head snapping back and forth and her disheveled hair was nice. Again, I would have liked more. Or perhaps it being shot from further away to show the punches and her reaction and the two off them together.

Xander's upside down finger point to emphasize the word 'SLOWLY'.

How when he lifts her to being seated, he slides her to turn her around. Thought that was sort of funny but also sort of hot that she is so beaten that she is basically a rag doll.

Dislikes (really just things that I thought could have been better/different):

The shooting: Could have shot Ella multiple times. I would have liked her standing up and shot. She staggers back, is shot again, slumps down and he shoots to finish her off.

The actual moment of Supernova's death: Was a bit unclear. Her eyes flutter but they had been fluttering the whole time. She slumps to the side, cut to her laying on the floor. Again, pulling the camera back to show her slump to the side and the fall to the floor with her body going limp would have been a nice addition.

Agree with one commenter that the fights could have been wider angle to show more of Danica's body.

In a lot of Blue's films, a thin cord is used for the strangling. I was wondering what the reason for this is? Seems there could be other better choices. Is this a requirement from the actresses? In any event, him using his tie would have been a nice touch.

Similar to the above comment, Xander used a fairly wide grip during the strangling. A tighter grip, as in hands closer to her neck, would have been more realistic and would allow for a more brutal strangling (jerking and tightening off the hands to show the effort).

If I'd have just bought the Alien Incursion part and not the Powerless part I'd have been disappointed. While well done, without the larger fights and death scenes it was lacking.

NO NUDITY!?!?!?!?! How can there be no nudity? It's not like Danica hasn't shown her tits in nearly every photo shoot she has ever done. Hell, she did live lesbian sex shows on cable in England! How you couldn't have had her top torn open during the fight or by Xander before strangling her is simply staggering! This alone gets a full grade level deduction in overall scale.

One thing that would be nice to include would be alternate endings and or multiple takes of scenes. Doesn't seem too much to shoot several different deaths since you have her already there. Like a strangling, a shooting, a neck snap (a personal favorite of mine), a stabbing, etc. You could either include these at the end of the various versions (would encourage people to buy each edition) or sell as short scenes for a smaller amount (perhaps $3-$5 each.)

So, overall I really liked this and give it an A, lessened to an unofficial B for the deduction for nudity.

Few other comments:

There was discussion of continuity in the Darkwing/Supernova thread; as in how can she die and then be back in another film. Personally, my advice to Blue is to ignore this issue. I see no reason why each movie can't be treated as stand-alone separate stories about the same character. If you say that all the films have to string together you end up pigeon holing yourself to make the continuity hold up and you can't do what you want. In the third Wondra vid for example, she is clearly killed. Are we to believe that we can never have that character (played by Emma or another actress) ever again? Just don't see it as a big deal.

PS: as an American, the English accent on Supernova/Danica was incredibly sexy.
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