The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Nyghtfall »

bellystabs wrote:And prior to that it was a single-producer website called Orgasmagoria.... may have started in the late 90s.
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Sandi »

Again, thx to everyone for continued contributions. We ARE building a 'history' that some of you know, but most of us out here do not know. Thanks to Gary also, because I had no idea 'who' WAVE was nor where it fit in the timeline,and it turns out it was way ahead of any curve. Thanks to Max, whom I've known just as 'an onliine friend' for over 10 years, connnecting originally with our mutual love for the Charlotte role in 'I, The Jury'.

Thanks again to Peter, slave-driver that I am...LOL....hey, I've died enough times over the years, more than any actress for any of it's fun to be the Driver for a change, Peter. :lol2:

Thanks to Nyghtfall for the 2005 Nicheclips factoid. I had no idea it went back that far, but then, as for many of us I guess, the years seem to go ever so much faster and it all just blends in with regard or even paying attention to which specific years that things occurred. Heck, I can't even place my own first forays, and I keep saying '13 years', but with the estimate of when Fatal Females came into being, it's probably 11-12 years. I don't even know how many Members FF had when I found it.

But as Max said, it's rather obvious who the original movers and shakers were (and thx, Peter, for all the Dolcett history also; I only tangentially paid attention to SOME of the drawings after I came online, but the history with Karyn and such helps a lot also).

And then there are all the 'side' contributors who did their own thing and later became 'known' by this 'new community' Jim McQuade, for example, and Other artists and such.

Peter, it is also interesting to read your editorial comments about Governments and how they affected things, with horrid treatment of Dr. Don and also the credit card things and so forth.
It might be difficult to separate emotion from fact there in the end, but for now I surely 'accept' what you say about it all. I don't in any way mean to imply that you are not accurate, Peter, but I think you know where I'm coming from, that I'll attempt to organize this eventually and 'write' some document, but that document will really simply be re-arranging all that is said here, and using the words of each of YOU when forming pieces of it all and trying to tie it together.

I'll add my own editorial comments at that stage,as a 'reader' and 'sometime story-writer' and such.

I don't even remember where it was now (at which site) but this all reminded me of a story by a guy calling himself 'Gunsmoke' (he may be one of YOU for all I know) that I still SEE today, so vivid were his words and was his imagery,though the story was unaccompanied by any pictures.

I don't even recall the name of the story, but would not be surprised if someone here did, SO vivid were the ones that really 'hit' each of us...they did, in the mind, turn into 'movies'!

A man and a woman entered some warehouse type facility, having accomplished some diamong robbery or something. And the Bad Bitch was waiting there, supposedly on the side of the other woman who came in with the man. The briefcase or suitcase of diamonds was laid on a table, and the Bad Bitch ordered her female partner to double-cross the man.....which, very reluctantly, and almost with tears in her eyes (because she had fallen for him and suddenly did not want to go through with the original plan), she did so, shooting him.....only of course to be double-crossed herself by the Bad Bitch and shot herself.

But after she fell, the Bad Bitch turned back to the diamonds and was running her hands through them and picking them up and the other Woman suddenly, while dying, made eye contact with the dying man she had shot...who, appropriate to such stories, still loved HER and understood why she HAD shot him....and he somehow managed to slide his gun across the floor to her,and she shot the Bad Bitch in the back...and then again after she turned, and the image of the bad bitch falling over the table, upsetting the briefcase of diamonds, and falling dead to the floor with the diamonds falling all over her body is an image I LOVED then and STILL see today and have used in personal role play more than ONCE (unfortunately not with real diamonds,

Anyway...just had to speak of how one little piece of all that all of you have contributed, can and does stay with a "user' or 'reader' for years and years, and remains just as vivid as upon first reading!

Thanks, Nyghtfall, also, for adding the 2001 to the Orgasmagoria timeline. That was another site that I never spent much time with because it seemed 'more extreme' than my simple and relatively narrow personal preferences, but I want to be able for all of us to include all of its, because the fantasies are broad in scope (NO to be sure.

You might have made more money writing in other areas, Peter, but I doubt you ever could have had more fun, even amidst all the travails you've gone through financially and otherwise. You stayed committed to it all, for a variety of reasons and the Community is never where it is today without you...DUH! Again, I reference the 'sounds' under the 'Sundry' link on your Peter's Art and Erotica pages....sounds that are still used today, I'm sure, by more than

This is incredible, just as a 'read' right here at this thread, it really is! And Bellystabs and Max are cool to hear from since they know and lived so much of the history, and Max is still doing 'stuff'. Somewhere along the line, hopefully we can put Suzy Gabrielle and BigJohn in there as to 'who they are' or if they were also 'someone else' earlier in 'our' history here.

By the time 'we' are finished, if we ever are, any document put together will be by ALL of us, and Sandi will no longer have to be accused of War and Peace in her regular posts only.....

thanks fo Blue for suggesting this format; it sure as heck is working and generating the Interest, at least from we old ducks around here. Will probably mean little to the newer Members, but it's always 'neat' to see where people began, and how they got from there to the present. Now, Users in the community, as the Youngers in our societies, probably are concerned with little other than 'I want it now' and are used to having it 'now', but this all shows, from bandwidth and money issues and servers kicking off Sites (as Yahoo killed our Yahoo Groups!!!), that it is not nearly as simple as it appears to the Newbies, and that there was a lot of real pain and hardship along the way, and that only through continued commitments for a variety of reasons by many people, did the whole thing survive the early and then the formative years. It will all be here now anyway, sure, but without the Pioneers, it surely would never have 'started' then nor continued to be able to give so much pleasure to so many over the first 10 'real' years or so that it did.....and continues to do.

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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Bluestone »

Well, I am far from one of the founders of this community, but my story does touch on some of the network that was in place this past decade. I would entitle this chapter, "Evolution of a Video Producer". Well here goes:

1998 - My first novel was accepted for publication

1999 - My novel was published and launched, selling quite well for a first time author. Unbeknownst to me, Fatal Females was launched on the necrobabes server.

Circa 1999-2000: While surfing the net, I found an on-line magazine article entitled, "Do You Like Dead Chicks?", which I eagerly read. I discovered for the first time that there were actually others who shared my strange fantasy. The article took me to Roxxi's site, then to Fatal Females. I then went crazy, visiting many sites, downloading like mad, and becoming a necro junkie. I learned about Wave Productions, and fell in love with Debbie D and Tina Krause. I watched a "Shoot the Girls" clip, and was amazed by Dr. Don's f/x mastery. Soon thereafter, I donated to the Dr. Don Defence Fund. In all of this, the glue that bound it all together was the Fatal Females message board. I began to post there, along with Eugene (now Geno) and many others who are still around today.

Feb 6, 2001 - G-Man launched Femmegore, a paysite which would replace updates to his free Fatal Females site. I immediately signed up for membership.

March 16, 2001 - G-Man announced that the Fatal Females Message Board had merged with the Femmegore Message Board.

2001-2002 - I made my first contribution to the community in the form of a text story that G-Man accepted for publication on Femmegore. It was entitled "Drop Dead, Gorgeous", and was written under the pen name 'Bluestone'. Soon thereafter, I used this story's initials coupled with my pen name to obtain the hotmail account that I still use today,
- In email discussions with G-Man, he challenged me by asking, "What are you going to contribute to the community?" other than the stories that I was writing. With this in mind, I took particular interest in an FG discussion about what TV show had the most sexy babe deaths, "Silk Stalkings" or "Mike Hammer". I researched 'Silk Stalkings' and used the message board to gauge whether there would be sufficient interest in purchasing such clips on CD. There was, so I searched out episodes of this series that contained female death scenes, and made video clips and stills of these scenes.

April 2002 - "The Silk Stalkings' Review" was launched with Volume 1, featuring clips and stills
from Silk Stalkings' episodes as well as reviews. I sold this volume with the intention of
re-investing the sales profits into obtaining more episodes and putting out further volumes.
Eventually, I produced 5 volumes, during which time I learned website building, video editing, and ecommerce.

Circa 2002 - The free CashTV site, as hosted by CNB, became a paysite and went into competition with Femmegore. It's message board featured ads by producers such as KHP and Snuffing Annabelle (later Annabelle's Fantasy and now Anne's Dreams). Suddenly, I was exposed to the next generation of necro producers. KHP's f/x was amazing and his actresses, such as Nina and Sloan, were very sexy. AF started doing regular videos for its members site, using models other than Annabelle. "Meanwhile in Gangland" was the video that convinced me to join this site. It featured a new necro actress, Petra, and I immediately fell in lust... er, I mean 'love' with her!
- I was approached by Cash to contribute to his site. He provided FTP access, and I built a mini-website within his paysite, featuring downloadable Silk Stalkings' clips, other video reviews, and stories illustrated with photo manips as well as my rudimentary poser artwork. It was my pleasure to join forces with Anon, a fantastic poser artist, to produce a poser epic entitled, "Eve of Destruction".

mid-2003 - I was approached by a customer who wanted me to do a custom video for him. I didn't even know what that meant. I told him that I would assist him to get one made, and approached Paul of KHP with a script that I had developed from the customer's outline. We negotiated for a while, but never came to terms.

late-2003 - With the idea of a custom planted in my brain, I approached Dlister of AF to order a custom for myself starring Petra. 'The Hotel Strangler' was filmed October 2003, but didn't meet my standards. Dlister agreed to keep this video for his site, and re-shoot my custom.

August 2004 - 'Slain in Silk' starring Petra was completed by AF for me, and hosted on CashTV's new PPV site. This video eventually became Episode #1 for my current "Silk 'N Blood" video series.

Circa 2004-2005 - Cash closed his site with the dreaded UK legislation fast approaching, and
sadly retired from the community. I really miss that guy.

May 2005 - I built and launched my own Silk Videos site.

June 2005 - The customs customer resurfaced asking for my help. He had located a blonde in New York who had agreed to do a custom for him. The initial video had some fatal flaws (no pun intended), so I negotiated with the blonde and customer through email. With my help, his film was re-shot and my payment was the copyright for the film as well as a second custom of mine which was shot at the same time. Thus, Suzi's first two Bluestone videos were produced, "The Intruder" and "Late Date". I later commissioned "Blood Money" from Suzi and we continued to produce videos together through email communications without having yet met.

August 2005 - I consulted with Dr. Don regarding f/x techniques and video cameras, and he kindly recommended a highend video camera, assisted me with purchasing and using video editing software, and helped me to develop shooting f/x techniques that I still use today.

Sept 2005 - I contacted Jessica, the first model/actress who I ever worked with in person. Over the next two months, we shot a dozen videos together. I now had sufficient videos to start my Silk Videos membership site. I then sought out more actresses, and started to film with Meredith and others on a regular basis.

February 2006 - I flew to the States to meet Suzi and film with her in person. Her bodyguard and fellow actor was Dean Paul of Wave Productions fame. It was only then that I realized that Suzi was Suzi Leigh of Wave Productions fame. We shot "Caught in the Crossfire" and several other videos during that shoot. We have now had close to a dozen shoots together.

Circa 2007 - Femmegore (now under the ownership of Big John, who had purchased AF from Dlister) lost its ebiller, its paysite was shut down, and the FG message board became a ghost town.
- AF ran into difficulties and had to shut down their UK production facility. I supplied content to AF to help to keep them afloat. In appreciation, Big John supplied me with Petra's contact information. She had retired from filming, but I was determined to shoot with her as I was convinced that this would be one of the ultimate thrills of my filming career.

Early 2008 - I was approached by G-Man with a proposal to built a Femmegore type site to be incorporated into my Silk Videos site. I accepted this proposal, but decided to build a separate site with the help of G-Man and BrianTK which would recapture the glory of the heyday of Femmegore as well as the good feelings that I remembered from the more intimate CashTV message board.

March 2008 - The Femme Fatalities website and message board was launched.

May 2008 - I met Petra in person, fell in love all over again, and have filmed with her twice more since then. She enjoyed filming my Silk Videos so much that she agreed to come out of retirement to film with me on a regular basis.

September 2009 - I filmed with Suzi and Petra together.

October 2009 - I met and filmed with Debbie D.

April 2010 - I met and filmed with Dalila, as well as Suzi, Petra and Tina Krause. I had now completely come full circle, meeting and working with all of the lovely actresses whose video images I had admired from afar on the Internet over the past decade.

Well, my involvement in this community has not ended, but continues stronger than ever. My story thus far demonstrates that fantasy and dreams can indeed come true, and that the Internet is not the impersonal and unrealistic place that many people think it is. This cyber world is a vibrant, wonderful and very real community, and I wouldn't trade my experiences with this very special community over the past ten or more years for anything.

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by HowardB »

Great idea and a great thread. A wonderful trip down memory lane for us all.

Here's my contribution speaking for us at CnB.

In 1998, four people came together with a common interest. They all were interested in the erotic horror fetish. And they each brought their own skills and interests to the genre. The two founding ladies, Carol and Teri were courgeous because they broke with tradition. They were just two ordinary ladies living their lives and following their careers. They were not models or exotic dancers. They were the ladies that lived next door to you or worked in the office with you. They just happened to like "playing dead".

It is just one of those unexpected things that happens in people's lives that can not be explained. Call it destiny. Carol and Teri hooked up with Dennis and Howard. Dennis provided financial support and business direction. Howard provided the internet and web design expertise. Together, they launched in February 1998. By today's standards some of the material was crude. But the individual attention and love of the genre came through. It began as a hobby and still is a labor of love. Granted the site has become larger and branched out in other directions, but the basic elements that started this great project are still the driving force behind it today.

Cuddlynecrobabes from the start provided a safe haven for all those who had an interest in this subject matter and wanted to share their talents either throught their art or writings. Consequently, there are over 45 contributors providing members with a wide variety of art, photo manipulations and stories. In addition to the contributors, where their work is featured in individual galleries, there is also another group who have web sites of their own that are hosted on the CnB Members' Site. Members also get free access to these sites. And there are member pay sites hosted on the CnB servers.

A few years ago, cuddlynecrobabes became CnB. CnB opened FemCan, the first web site devoted to men as victims of women.

CnB has sponsored and helped develop individuals in their desires and dreams of having their own web sites. CnB has provided server space and resources for Desiree, Raven, and Steely Blue and Dalila di Capri to open their own web sites. Talented individuals like DT of Bodybag, Cash TV and Tricky Dicky's Surgery have used the resources of CnB to create successful web sites.

CnB Members' Site is the flagship of the CnB family of web sites. This is the site that started it all. CnB Members' Site covers all of the erotic horror interests - strangling, drowning, hanging, shooting, stabbing, dismemberment, beheading, and more. This site began featuring photosets produced in house starring our two original cuddly necrobabes, Carol and Teri.

CnB Members' Site from the very beginning encouraged and provided those within the community a safe place to display their artwork and stories. Today,

The most infamous and original site that started it all was the Black Plague. During its notorious history, this site has been banned from numerous hosting servers. CnB provided server space when no one else would. Consequently, CnB has a mirror site available to its members. It is like a time capsule for members to explore.

CnB Members' Site is the only site that provides movies to its members as part of their membership. Other sites usually offer movies as either a member only pay site or as a Pay Per View Site. CnB posts three movies a week, including an original movie on Friday's produced by some of the best in the genre. Among those who have or are contributing movies are Club Dead, Bella Morte, Rachel Steele, Annabelle's Fantasy, Necro Porn, Necrovids, PKF Studios, Catharsis Erotica, Susy Fight, Killher Productions and Deathlust of Sir Bruce.

If you would like more info Sandi, you can email me at
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Bluestone »

Here is a thread from 2010 that also explored the origin of our community as FN is now currently discussing. Please feel free to add your contributions to this thread to update it to 2013-14. :D

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by JohnM »

JohnM wrote:I will use Nyghtfall's timeline format.

1996 - Got Engaged. Discovered WAVE. Got Married.

1997 - Found Vicki the Necrobabe site, as well as Blackplague, Peter, et all. Necrobabes was launched and I contacted them about offering my services. They put me in contact with a local photographer Hank. We made some photo sets for the new site, one of our most memorable called, "The First Thanksgiving". Necrobabes named our production company Club-Dead.

1998 - Launched to host our first Club Dead video, Roxxi's Nightmares.

1998 - Launched Cyber-Sinema, the first downloadable site for death fetish videos.

1999 - Launched Club-Dead Members site which had similar movies as Cyber-Sinema, just different partners.

2000 - 2006 Over the years, sites came and went. Club-Dead eventually changed to Ruemorgue Entertainment. Club-Dead Members eventually closed. Cyber-Sinema Eventually closed. Together Hank and I produced some 600-800 movies and shorts. I left Ruemorgue fall that year.

2006 - Launched Peachy Keen Films.

2007 - Renamed PKF Studios.

2010 - Still going strong with almost 500 released titles.

At one point, I sent an uber detailed account of things to someone who, at the time was making an official history of our community, but I can't remember who that was and I cannot find the original text of that, but it was pretty good.

I have some addition history to add.

In 2010, moved from small 1200 sqft studio to a 6000sqft studio. Also complete switched to HD format by years end.

In 2013, in addition to the studio, have a 3000sqft house to shoot in and provide lodging for traveling models.

Today, PKF has produced over 2500 movies, around 800 of those customs.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!

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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Grace X »

Blue, this is fabulous! Thank you for linking to this thread over at FetNoir, where we are working on a History of our community as well.

As to my own small contributions I was a lurker for the longest time (since 2000) on the various death fantasy sites, usually making friends behind the scenes and indulging in roleplays and e-mail exchanges...I "came out" on the boards back in 2008 using the online name Concetta Maria, and got into public RPs for a while with that identity. With my utter love of fetish films I gravitated toward scriptwriting (usually with writing partners, including the marvelous writers Nighthawk, Moon Shiner, Othello, Eyes and Fade) and reviews. I became a regular at Chris' Corner, DS, Nyghtfall's fine Deadly-Dreams board, and the Psycho-Thrillers forum. I learned about Femme Fatalities around that time as I had missed you for so long I surely don't know, Blue! But I am glad to be here now.

The first of the paperback Grace X Anthologies appeared in 2011, and there have now been four books published in the series, showcasing some of the finest writers in our death fetish erotica genre. The most recent book was over 300 pages long, with a fabulous photocover by our very own Thrill Killer. The next paperback collection is due out in the upcoming year, with no end in sight for the series. Profits from the paperbacks all go to charity, which I am very proud of.

In 2012 I got the opportunity to co-host the FetNoir board with Kelli, and we ran the board as a team until the following Spring, when she went on hiatus from the community, and I took over the role of sole hostess at FN. It's become kind of a "girl hangout" for the ladies of the community, which is marvelous fun.

I am so delighted that our community continues to grow and deepen with the passing years. It is a joy to be among you all.

XOX Grace
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by xj900uk »

Don't 4get AJ (think Nyghtfall will know him), he had a great site back in the late 90's lots of drowning info, video & pix. It was called 'AJWIP' if my memory is correct
Also about this time there was Professor KillJoy (or PKJ as he was more widely known) who was into a lot of early versions of what eventually became Deviant Art, lots of home-made pix of girls biting the bullet.
Around the year 2000 I think it was Pychothrillers started started up, a bit different to what it is now (then there was no or very little necro-porn, it was more of a homage to Alfred Hitchock's Frenzy than anything else) - Nyghtfall do you remember that one?
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Bluestone »

Well, by way of update and more community information, a couple of years ago, I started to do co-productions with UKSG who had been out of the public domain for a while, and ended up marketing their older videos as UKSG Classics at my store sites. What I learned about them is very important for this history. I learned that the necro community didn't start with the Internet.

In the 80's, United Kingdom Strangle Girls (UKSG) was producing underground custom fetish strangle movies for the underground UK death fetish community. When the Internet arrived, they started selling clips from their movies on-line. Eventually, piracy caused them to refocus again away from the public domain, but they continued to produce strangle videos for their private clientele.

Just like my interaction with Dr. Don assisted me with adding shooting f/x to my productions, my co-productions with UKSG opened my eyes as to how much better my productions could become if filmed with a full crew. Once our co-productions ended, I hired a crew and started to produce higher quality productions, mostly in the Superheroine and Spy death fetish genre, such as Supernova and White Angel 6 & 7 starring Danica Thrall and the revived Wondra series starring Emma G. In the New Year, I will be continuing to expand these upgraded Superheroine and Spy series alongside my regular crime productions starring Suzi, Petra, and all of my other lovely Bluestone cast members.

This year, I also launched the Genre Videos site featuring some of the best producers in our community in a video mall that concentrates on quality and not merely quantity. There has been a huge expansion of content for our community over the years, but it's my firm belief that all producers, new and old, should continue to push the envelop and get better and better, so as to offer the best productions possible for our growing community.

Well, that's the update to my own production company's evolution as well as further information about UKSG, one of the founders of our community in the early days.

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by Sandi »

I think the person JohnM is referring to that 'he sent a lot of history material to' is Bailee Arnett, who requested, here I believe (I have not gone back to look for threads yet), such material when she was working on her PhD thesis...

She had promised all contributors a 'final copy' of her work, but I never received one and I am not certain whether anyone else did. So hopefully that is another avenue that can be explored or someone who knows Bailee better than I did (only an email contact during that period, between her and I) could ask her if she completed it and has anything we could have or use.

Here is a copy of an email I received from Oceans Entertainment, which was the address Bailee was using then for submissions; the title of her thesis is included here and some of the questions to which she was requesting answers. I have NOT yet reviewed any comments HERE when she was on that quest, but I found this email 'interesting' and a possible/probable link to 'more information' once a really clever one of you gets ahold of it and figures out how to get more information yet!

Oceans Entertainment Group
Feb 2, 2011

Bailee here. I have sent this email to you as you are listed as one of the participants for the survey – I Love Dead People: A Phenomenological Study of the Online Death Fetish Community. The deadline for your submission (and completed consent form) is this Friday, Feb. 4th.

Should you need another copy of the consent form, please don’t hesitate to email me and I will be happy to send it out ASAP.

Thank you again for your participation!


Bailee Arnett, Ph.D.(c), DHS

Survey Questions:

Answer each one as completely as you like. The longer the better.

1. How old were you when you discovered you had a death fetish?
2. How old were you when you discovered the online death fetish community?
3. How did finding the death fetish community affect your perception of yourself?
4. How do you feel about being a participant of the death fetish community?

I'm not sure how or where we lost contact, but hopefully some of you did not and have more information about what Bailee was putting together, looks like VERY interesting STUFF, to which I know I also sent some lengthy (surprise!) replies.

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Re: The History of 'Our' Online Fantasies Community

Post by JohnM »

Sandi--that was a different thing. It was something she was doing for her masters degree.


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