Uncle Buck's Blog

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

With most of his server problems behind him, Olaf has posted two new videos: "Once Upon A Time" is under the Lethal Cowgirls banner while "Unexpected Guest" resides with the Amazon Warriors. I invite you to view his previews at the Amazon Archive
I say most of Olaf's recent difficulty may be behind him, but I'm still hanging about to give him a headache or two now and then. I have to be good for something and besides, someone has got to keep the Man on the ball.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Another July 4th has passed into history and I sincerely hope that everyone involved in shooting off the annual fireworks displays has kept all their fingers.
Good to see that Olaf Winter and the Amazon Warrior Team are back on track ... And speaking of which, Olaf has released "Sword Fun 2" featuring Shemina and Talanis.
Morgane is on hand once again and I suppose it will fall to her lot to gather the discarded weapons and perhaps to finish off one or another or both of the fallen contestants.
My habit is to slip on over to a neighboring message board to 'harvest' the several (4 or 5, actually) extra photos that Olaf habitually posts there. Only this time he crossed me up and didn't post anything extra. So while Olaf wasn't looking, I slipped on over to Titaneia and purloined the pictures that you will see when you access the Amazon Archive at

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf is now back on track as he has posted "Once Upon a Time - Part 2" in the Lethal Cowgirls realm of his site.
For the most part, I don't believe that any of the girls make out any too well when they venture into indian territory - and yet they persist ...
See the Amazon Archive at http://unclebucksblog.com
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf has just released the 7th video in the Amazon's Nightmare series.
This one is a "Double Header" of sorts in that Jenesta and Safo both have a turn at getting "offed" in one way or another.
The video is a Titaneia Custom production and may be found in that area of Olaf's Amazon_Warriors site.
Olaf's preview photos, of which there are six, may be viewed here at the Amazon Archive

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

If you were to take an episode of the 'Amazon's Nightmare' series and place it in a modern setting, what would you have?
A 'Daydream' or an entire series of them, am I right?
And that's what we have in the latest video release from Titaneia Productions in which a knife-wielding Thyarmis is pitted against Antaris.
And if that doesn't make for one fine match-up then I don't know what does!
Now by rights I suppose it should be one of the guys in the crew doing the 'daydreaming'...
But Olaf won't have any of them mooning around when they should be lugging the lights, camera, and whatnot around to set up the next shot.
And besides which all that they are likely to accomplish would be to clutter up the scene and perhaps block our view and that would make for a tragedy that no one would purchase.
Enough of this nonsense! Just drop me a line and let me know what kind of nonsense you'd like ...
Olaf's preview photos, of which there are five, may be viewed here at the Amazon Archive

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf has been on a serious roll ever since he got his site's technical glitch resolved.
This is no less than the seventh video that he has released this month!
"More Than Expected" certainly is that ... There are no fewer than eight women stacked up every which way in this video!
No dual roles this time around - No sir! Well - maybe. It's just possible that a few of them got mowed down more than once in this Girl Gang War!
Olaf's preview photos, of which there are five, may be viewed here at the Amazon Archive

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf has returned to the fold after the weekend and has posted "Together Forever" which features Nemesis and Talanis as a pair of star-crossed Amazon lovers.
Now then ... Were these women in a different walk of life - either past or present then I expect that they would be left to do whatever it is that women are inclined to do together.
But never forget that these are Amazon Warriors - and neither Nemesis nor Talanis are allowed to forget it because their sanctuary comes under attack of a barbarian horde!
Or are they their 'conservative' neighbors who are upset with the shenannigans that are going on within the walls of the castle?
Who knows? But we come away with an interesting blend of character development as well as the action inherent in a Tribal War video.
And by the way, while this is a custom video, it appears under the Amazon Warrior Banner at Olaf's site.
Olaf's preview photos, of which there are five, may be viewed here at the Amazon Archive

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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Right on the heels of "Together Forever" Olaf has released "Tough Girls Don't Cry" in which Morgane convinces Talanis that isn't quite as tough as she thought she was.
Olaf has provided us with a thorough synopsis so I will let you all get right at his latest video release.
Olaf's preview photos, of which there are five, may be viewed here at the Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf has released "A Bloody Plan" under the Amazon-Warriors banner at his site.
Olaf makes mention of the leading ladies in his promotion which I invite you to view by accessing the Amazon Archive at http://unclebucksblog.com
Except for fire-arms of any kind, this video contains all the elements that make for 'Amazon Entertainment'.
The women aren't called upon to mount a charge of any kind but other than that the ground is pretty well covered - both figuratively and literally. Highly recommended!
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

I've been watching the message boards 'like a hawk' so as to be sure not to miss Olaf Winter's latest posting.
I haven't missed anything and Olaf more than makes up for the 'delay' by posting not one - but two videos at once this time.
There are a few (as in 'two') fewer photos in the previews in the "Archive", but rest assured there are a good many posted under each title at the Amazon_Warriors site.
Not to 'let the cat out of the bag' - and perhaps it is I who have missed something - but it appears that a new Amazon has or is about to join the ranks ...
Take note of the 'slide-show' to the right of your screen when you visit Olaf's site - and say 'Hello' to "Sotar".
I don't believe that I have seen her play a role in a video as yet? But could one be coming in the near-distant future?
As Olaf has written, "With a bit of delay here´s the release for "DAYDREAMS Vol. 2" - a sexy custom video with ANTARIS and THYARMIS shooting each other in highheeled boots and silk blouses. Please note that the short trailer for "DAYDREAMS 2" does not yet work, but the download files are ready!
The 2nd video is "BLOOD BOND VICTIM" with SAPHYRA being chained against a wall and fighting for her life against MARIGO, while queen RAVEN is just watching..."
And of course previews for these and countless other videos are available at the
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

The subject of "vocalizations" has been brought up on the message board and it "inspired" me to add a new "wrinkle" to the blog.
This is in the nature of a "Trial Balloon" and I've not added "Audio" to the "Bill of Fare" quite yet.
If this notion has any "legs" at all, please let me know?
And if anyone has any audio files (mp3) to share, I'd be glad to start a new "collection."
http://unclebucksblog.com/Audio/4shots.htm Four Shots
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

I've received an enormous contribution of WAV audio files from an individual who must be an ardent collector of "Fatal Female Vocals" as he has sent me nearly 200 files that will give me something to keep picking at for some time.
And so the "Audio Repository" gains entry to the Bill of Fare with three files to get the ball rolling.
I couldn't resist finding a photo from here or there to sort of "get you in the mood" (if you require anything to get you there.)
And when the Amazon Warriors Team is involved, you'll want to allow a "pop-up" so that an entry from the "Amazon Archive" can be dispayed.
Make your way to the "Breaking News" on the Bill of Fare to see what your "Uncle" is playing with lately.
Posts: 1143
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What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Modern Amazons: "Femmetroopers-Enemy Soil" has been released by the Amazon Warriors Team.
Things must have settled down somewhat in Olaf's Amazonia because he saw fit to release a single video this week.
And that's probably just as well because the "allowance" can be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d only just so far
and it's Bad Business to have a video's sales suffer because one lacked the "points" in his account ... and ...
Well ... you get the idea, I'm sure.
And speaking of Bad Business, it's sure a comfort to know that Saphyra and Raven are Friends in Real Life!
Or at least they were at one time ... But after this video? I don't know - I can't be sure ...
See for yourself at the
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf has posted two new movies for us!
"LEIKH-SHAAR BUSHMASK MASSACRE" is a classic mass battle with 6 "Leikh-Shaar" characters getting slain in several scenes.
This time it´s not a quick slaughter, but we put a bit more focus on the agony of the dying "Leikh-Shaar".
There are several deaths by arrows, impalements by spears, and brutal slashing with swords in the close combat...
RUSSLANA is even getting impaled by 2 spears at the same time. A really hot scene ...
(IMO: If Talanis thinks she's a "Tough Girl" it can only be because she's taken acting lessons from Russlana!)

"JEALOUS RIVAL" is a custom production with TALANIS showing off her perfect muscular belly and encouraging MORGANE to impale her belly with a spear...
At the end we see the very first death scene of MORGANE!
(And did I or did I not state (in print) that I was waiting for this?! It simply had to be! And Morgane is to become a featured Amazon in her own right.)
"TALANIS is a fitness model who just won an important contest.
But one of her rivals is jealous about her success and sends a killer to get rid of her.
The killer (played by MORGANE) has the order to impale her belly with a spear.
But Talanis´ reaction is extraordinary:
She doesn´t beg for her life, but defiantly encourages her killer to just try to impale her with the spear.
She even helps Morgane to stab her all the way through!
The killer is impressed by her toughness, but she doesn´t give up and stabs her again through the back..."
Previews for these latest video have been safely tucked away at the
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... e-Archive/ Amazon-Warriors/~Amazon-Indicies/amazon-message-archive-index.htm Amazon Archive
Posts: 1143
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm
What is your main fetish?: arrows, knives, pointed objects, guns (shooting), etc.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Nyghtfall hass advertised a video clip site that he will be administering
Referral: fetnoir.com message board

Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf hs posted "Lara C. and the Cave of Pain" beneath the banner of the Modern Amazons at his site.
It is a custom with Talanis in the leading role and Russlana as one of her persecuters.
One of us will have to count up just how many customs Talanis has starred in at Amazon-Warriors.
She may be due for an honorary title of one kind or another!
Russlana is capably assisted by Paul who was included in the cast because he knows how to throw and I hope pull a convincing punch.
Now if yours truly were to give one of those gals a good licking he would prefer to use his tongue!
(Ahem!) Well, be that as it may, the preview for this video may be found at the
http://www.unclebucksblog.com/Olafs_Ama ... -index.htm Amazon Archive
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