Reviews of Susy Gabrielle's films, including Gabrielle's Fighting Girls (mostly stabbings, shootings) and Gabrielle's Smothering Girls (only strangling). Formerly known as Susyfights and SGA Fantasy Art. Reviews of all of these brands should be posted here!

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Post by Storm9 »

This video really pushes my buttons nicely. In many ways.

It stars Crista, Orsi, and Victoria.

Crista is the dancer/ stripper.
I have to say, she does get VERY naughty with Orsi, as Crista is down to panties. Orsi in the chair, as Crista rubs against her, front to front, then ends on Orsi's leg, then lap, as she dances.

Orsi has some fetishes, she wishes to explore.
This moves her to the bedding, set on the nearby floor, for some fun. Orsi stripping herself full nude, as she gets excited.
She gets her body caressed by looks like an peacock feather.
Then a knife.
YES Orsi begins to be stabbed by Crista as she writhes on the bed.
Some of it looking very erotic.

Crista moves away, as Victoria comes in.
This is the guard, that was not in right place at right time.
She sees client naked, bloody and dying. Crista holding the bloody knife.

Yes soon Crista is jerking, as Victoria shoots her.

Crista soon dying laying different way on bedding.

Victoria losing client, killing dancer. Her only way out. To kill herself with the knife.

The scene ends with all 3 fully nude, laying piled or close together.
Bloody, and dead. As we are given a few pans of the scene.
Two different angles.

So you have 3 very stunning ladies, Dying 2 by stabbing. 1 by bullets.
With views of all 3 laid out together.
I think the fact Crista looks very close to if not skin on skin, when dancing for Orsi.
Ads that extra NAUGHTY to he list for me.
I have to go with a 10 out of 10 on this one for me.

It simply hits all my likes, in one video. The ladies themselves, and the irony no one lives through it. Also death by more than one method.
Stabbing, shooting, and a self impale.

It is available in the PPV at Susyfight home site, for $11.99
Did not see it at Niche store.

I did put up some screen caps this video, should have url for, my free group, in shared item forum.

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