My review of "The Expedition"

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My review of "The Expedition"

Post by dark_moon »

The Expedition - Beheading

After reading the producer's write up on this video it sounded like it was going to be pretty awesome.
Crime House claim to have "One of the most professional and complex decapitation scenes in horror-fetish industry!"
The description made it sound like a must-buy.

Unfortunately, after buying this and watching it, to say it did not live up to expectations is an understatement.

Half of the video time is actually taken up by a guy awkwardly struggling to remove the girls clothes and 2 minutes for the end credits!

These so called "professional" effects consist of a guy swinging a blade at an off screen girl. then the screen switches to the "headless" girl with what looks like some blood FX that have been drawn on microsoft paint and then badly animated onto the video. Basically giving a very poor blood spurt effect of 3 or 4 repeated graphic frames... which also has no actual blood going anywhere.

If you are a fan of decapitation scenes. look elsewhere and do not waste your money on this.

I'll be generous and give it 1 out of 10!
Very very poor!
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