Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

GraveDancer wrote: No-one can choose what turns him on and different people have different fantasies.
That is not true. If you have the desire and will, you can change anything about your behavior and fantasies.
Going after the consumers is therefore futile.
He attacked your reasoning...your logic...or lack thereof. This has proven to be it appears by your intro and opology.
And if you believe in free speech and a free market, then going after the producers who satisfy this demand is hypocritical.
Who's going after them? It was a friendly warning from John Matrix and I might add the majority here agree with JM. So it has nothing to do with hypocracy.

And as I already said, freedom of expression does not mean you are free to do and say whatever the hell you want without having any regard to the freedom, safety, security, and well being of other you understand that?
We're not talking about real snuff. We're not talking about child porn. We're not even talking about hard BDSM with real pain, blood or actual (non-fatal) asphyxia. We're talking about fantasies and the artistic expression of these fantasies, including the depiction of sexual acts, done by consenting adults.
So what? You still don't get it. How many times do you need to be told? I did not have one...NOT ONE sexual act....and I had plenty of special effects...which is ART....not simply running a camera with no regard to editing later and how the continuity of scenes would work out. I had plenty of ART....but none of that mattered for me in a what the fuck do you think will happen when a jury sees that shit you are defending? The producer will get the legal shaft right up the fucking yin yang. The other point you keep missing is the loss of CC service because of watchdog groups and governement pressure on the CC companies and 3rd party processors....whithout will have NOTHING to view.
If you think that there's anything wrong with that on an ethical level, then please consider that almost everyone who isn't part of this community will think exactly the same about your own products.
There is a GULF between what JM is referring to and Peters materials....stop trying to blur the line between the look stupid doing it.
You can't set boundaries on artistic expression, even if it means that your world get turned upside down like the world of music because of this vile and tasteless little dissonant chord f-b-d#′-g#′ (Dalila should recognize it - and hey, it's even on topic, given how that opera ends). haven't got a clue WTF you are talking about. The LAW does set boundaries and limits on artistic expression.....that's what the obscenity law is all about...go read it and shut up with this stupid bullshit.
But I apologize for not respecting your absolutely justified and understandable concerns on a practical, legal level. I can see the illness, I only criticize the suggested cure. And yep, maybe I'm doing so for selfish reasons, and for that I deserve your disrespect.
You only criticize the suggested cure? There is a lot you said before your opology that tells me you ain't sincere bud. There is no cure suggested....YET. But I will suggest a CURE for you......the cure from my perspective to that sites like FF and DS stop allowing producers who make that trash to advertise on their sites. Another cure is that nicheclips do the same...because if we don't police ourselves a tiny little bit, then sure as hell the authorities will step in and it is just a matter of time.
However that be, what I would expect from the producers who are worried about hardcore content is to separate themselves as clearly as possible from those who produce all that vile and heinous stuff. Not just by talking about it, but by taking action: Gather the concerned fantasy death producers of America, set up a family friendly NicheClips clone where everyone who dares to produce explicit sexual material (and not just the material itself) is banned, open a forum where the moderators will delete every mentioning of a possible connection between sex and death and ban members they've seen posting on other, dirtier forums. Do everything possible to make it very clear that you're the good guys who have nothing in common with those evildoers like JohnM.

If you want to change something, start with yourself. I did by not buying any non-explicit videos anymore. So can you, by not allowing any explicit material and those who produce it anywhere near your own products. For a start, stop posting preview pictures on a board where producers like PKF, CC and PT do advertise. Or get Bluestone to ban those other producers.

Of course I hope that you don't do any of this, because I have nothing but the highest respect for you as a person and as a producer. I really love how you've turned the minimalistic vignette into a form of art and judging from the pictures I've seen, you're clearly one of the best photographers in the biz.

I hope that doesn't shock you, coming from someone like me. :-)
Oh, so it's ok for you to call for discussion now...and to make suggestions....but John Matrix calls for it and I support him and you come out with all your bullshit stirring things up....then turn around and do exactly what you criticized us for doing, and then you go even further by making all these suggestions. Are you for real? are embarassing yourself.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Blue: with your policy being stated, it's now imperative to pull out the case law and decipher what is illegal. We know about child porn, but what is illegal in the adult context. That line has to be drawn.

And I want to make myself clear...I don't have to respect anyone's opinions or fantasies. I respect a persons right to have an opinion. What a person fantasizes about is their business, until it effects someone elses autonomy or liberty......but I do not have to respect other people's fantasies....especially if it involves the shit John Matrix is referring to.

I would like to see this discussion center on what the case law says is illegal....not what some mouth piece thinks is legal or illegal.

AND I don't want a lecture about freedom of expression from people who have never had to spend their life's earnings, and loose every fricken thing they ever owned to fight for Freedom of Expression for 9 fucking years in courtrooms like I have.....those who attempt to lecture me on that are just plain ignorant A__holes. There ain't one person here that is qualified to sit on a perch and tell me what freedom of expression is all about. They can save their lecture for themselves and the other members of this community, or throw their support my way.

I know enough about what freedom of expression is to also know enough about what it isn't, and it AIN'T a licence to do whatever you want without any regard to the peace, safety, security, autonomy, and liberty of others...or without any regard to the LAWS that protect our freedoms.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dalila di Capri »

The chord Grave Dancer spells out

F-B- D # G#

Is a half diminished 7th chord.

It does not often appear in 18th century music, but is a very important chord in 19th century music, particularly the music of Wagner.

I think is is very pretty, personally.

So I am a bit baffled as to what it has to do with things mentioned in this thread.

I am also a bit unclear as to which opera Grave Dancer has in mind.

Is it Madama Butterfly??

Madama Butterfly ends in B minor but the last chord is a a G major over B minor pedal, thus leaving the feeling that the story does not end with Butterfly's death.

The half diminshed 7th is used in Butterfly, but not in the final chord.

(In college I was the singer that the other singers asked for help in music theory ;-))

Again I am curious as to what this has to do with the subject at hand.

Baci :X
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

I don't talk down to anyone that doesn't come from a low blow position in the first place. You want me to be nice, then be nice.

I see you are the expert on DrDon. I also see you rely on the local media for your information, or is that a judge's sentencing decision?

Whatever, now you are more full of shit than than you were the last time we chatted.
:yes: :D

There are three kinds of judgement there sonny.

One is Good judgement. This is where one uses logic and reason to enter into a process of evaluation. This is how you become a person of good judgement and good character.

Another form of judging is to evaluate by negative emotions that are charged with bias, prejudice, hatred, ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, malicious intent, greed, etc. People motivated by these traits become people of BAD judgement.

The last form of judgement is Judgement in the Judicial Legal sense, which involves condemnation and punishment.

I engage in the first method, and it's obvious what method you choose.

Last eve I thought....maybe I was too hard on you.....but today...I see that you still need your fucking ass kicked to drive some respect into your moronic skull.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Reading your bullshit some's obvious you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Your assumptions, conclusions and rhetoric are indicative of a raving adolescent minded immature lunatic. Your attempt to undermine my legal battle with your little bullshit case is absolute lunacy. You would have tucked your tail and run off to hide behind your mommy's skirt a long time ago.... like the coward you are..... if you had gone through even half of what I have. Then you try to blame it all on me and speculate about, "if it was Blue it would have been done in three months and bla...bla...bla".

I respect those who treat me in a respectful manner. I respect the Law. I don't respect those who use their positions of authority to advance their careers at the expense of innocent people, and I don't respect any judge that throws the Laws, Charter, rules of evidence and rules of the court out the window. I suffer for my stand too....but I would rather take the stand that I do, then be a moron and a coward like you. Few people have stood up to TPTP in our history......but I have....and that's a fact whether you see it or not.

The sad part is, people like me pay the price by fighting for freedom while ungreatfull ignorant assholes like you end up benefiting from it.

If you don't want the responses I'm giving you, then show some respect, and you will get it in return. But when you act like a hypocrite low life punk ass moron that thinks he knows it all, then expect to be treated like any ignorant juvenile delinquent deserves to be treated.
Paul-KHP wrote:I'm a bit baffled myself. I find so much of Don's posts to be so arguementive and abusive. According to your local newspapers, this is the attitude you took into court and is what set so many locals against you. It wasn't your work. It was how you acted like you were above every one else. And I think we are all seeing that played out here as well. You talk down to every one. You threaten, you belittle, you degrade and then you threaten a little more. Your whole aim seems to be to lower others around you to raise yourself up only it is not working. At least with me. I find you to be an arrogant bloat who is the most wise of morons. I know if you go to court to defend yourself, you don't do it with a baseball bat. I some how think if it was Blue this happened too, it would have been over in 3 months and no where near the outcome. You are not the only person who has spent a lot of years in court. Myself and I'm sure a lot here have too and we know a bit about how it works and how it doesn't work. It doesn't matter how right you are, you always show a high level of respect. You have no respect for anything or any one. If you loose an argument, you back off, regroup and came at it again. I can just see you telling every one around you just how stupid this judge is or that prosecuter. Hell we have all read it in your "online for every one to read including these people" statements. The legal system has a personality too and once you piss it off, you are pretty much shit out of luck whether you are right or not. They will allow the prosecution to do every thing and you to do nothing. I can read between the lines enough here to know what happened. And I say to the doctor, "heal theyself!".
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dalila di Capri »


That is the last time I will make a comment about music theory :lol:
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Paul-KHP wrote:Every time you speak, you just make my point for me. I highly doubt there is a nice side to your personality.
You won't find out until you break new ground and start showing respect instead of mouthing off like a delinquent moron.
I've seen two side here so far and they are mildly abusive and overtly abusive. And highly threatening.
Oh....piss off. You wouldn't know a threat if it slapped you in the are too ignorant.
All I've done is expressed my opionon on what I see and this is the Don I get. One can only imagine the Don you see when actually prosecuting him.
Well, maybe you should get out of your imaginary world once in a while and live in reality. Then you might stop assuming and speculating like an idiot.
Though we all supported you in the case, I don't think one of us adviced you to show a lack of proper respect or to make online statements as you did.
Ya, well that was then and this is now. Hind sight is great. That's why you should shut up and listen to me and start showing some respect. I have hind sight and experience that you don't...and I'm older and wiser than you. I learned at a young age to respect those people who are older, wiser, and are willing to teach me. I learned to show respect for people, and if they don't show respect in return, the they can you should GFYS.
Every lawyer I've ever had told me to speak to no one about the particulars of a case and I'm sure that included online blogging. Calling a judge stupid online is a sure way to loose.

Who did that? You talking about JAFA's commentary.
.....that's not what happened there but seems possible. That is some of my friendly advice.
So you go into your foolish speculative rant and then end by saying maybe that's not what happened here. Anyone with half a brain who reads your bullshit can see how utterly stupid you are.

Then you say that's my friendly advice? Are your insane? You never gave any friendly advice, all you did was make ignorant judgements and assumptions. You sure have a lot to learn about what friendly advice consists of.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Mr. KHP:

You are not qualified to lecture me on the way respect works, or on the merits of showing respect.

On the other hand, when you are ready to show me some respect, I will respond in the same way.

As it is, I have already shown you more respect than you deserve by my dignifying your comments with a response....which is probably a mistake on my part, but hey....I am not perfect....and I know it. Neither are you perfect....but you obviously don't know that or accept it yet.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Paul-KHP wrote:As a producer in this industry I have a lot of interest in this case for obvious reason and for a good outcome in the end but it's my own personal opionon you are not doing us any favors with your handling of it. Your running around and banging a wooden spoon on a pot and yelling and screaming I don't fine impressive at all and a very poor approach. You call me a coward but I don't find that brave at all. As I stated before, I think posting on the net that the judge and every one else involved is stupid blocked you from having a fair trial and thus actually doing this community any favors. I hope if any others get arrested for their work that they use a different approach to this.
I have said very little about my case publicly for fact....some people gave my friend John Matrix some criticism because he was speaking for me....and they wanted to hear from me. But I have laid low for a long time. The reason I lay low is because I have a lawyer that believes in my case and I have complete confidence that he is handling things very well.
So all this talk about banging a wooden spoon is pure bullshit from your foolish imagination and your fantasy world.

Have you even read the grounds for appeal?

So once again your attempt to belittle me backfires on you and makes you look like an idiot.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Max5s »

I think Paul has given you more respect than you deserve. While one would not be inclined to call Paul timid in his way of expressing his opinion, your suggestion that he is a moron, has a thick skull and needs to have his ass kicked reflects more about you than him. Furthermore, I don’t think it reflects the kind of person you are at the core.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by smudger »

I am sure that everyone who has followed Dr. Don's case will have the same low opinion of the conduct of the prosecution that he has.

But I think Paul's point is valid- if it is right that he published disparaging comments on the judge and the prosecutor whilst the case was still proceeding, then it is not surprising that he was singled out for special treatment. If it was done, then it was naive, as no-one who read the comments would be in any position to help or influence the result of the case; while those complained about certainly were in such a position.

There is a hierarchy about the legal system that it does not tolerate being accused of stupidity or of bias by... the accused.

That, in my opinion, is the only reason it has continued for such an unbelievable legth of time- because Dr Don tried to make them look small. That's why the playing field was so far off level.

To attack the system that is prosecuting you whilst you are still within their power will NEVER work, organisations like Legal, the Police, the Government, close ranks and you DON'T get a fair trial.

Keep a low profile, leave the talking to the lawyers, bide your time until you are out of their clutches.... then go in with all guns blazing about how stupid the prosecution was.

My comment is of course based upon Paul's assertion that it was done, which I don't know from my own knowledge.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by GraveDancer »

Dear Dalila,

O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Sondern lasst uns angenehmere
anstimmen. Und freudenvollere!

in other words, while the children are playing (or fighting, as every good family does at Christmas time), let's talk about music.

Yep, Wagner it is. To quote Wikipedia: "Notably from Tristan und Isolde onwards, [Wagner] explored the limits of the traditional tonal system that gave keys and chords their identity, pointing the way to atonality in the 20th century. Some music historians date the beginning of modern classical music to the first notes of Tristan, the so-called Tristan chord."

Exploring the limits, even if it means to destroy the established system, that was the context.

I said vile and tasteless because that's what some people thought of it back then (though it was not nearly the scandal another vile, tasteless and barbarian piece of ballet music caused some times later - and that's also on topic, given that it ends with the death of a virgin sacrifice). Though I'm not a Wagner fan (more into Schubert, Bruckner and Mahler; or, when it comes to opera, Puccini), I love Tristan and Isolde, especially the Vorspiel and the Liebestod.

And I agree with you, it is a beautiful chord, but I also love to hear Strawinsky's Sacre, Berg's violin concert or Ligeti’s Atmosphères, so I guess my taste in music is as sick as my fantasies.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dalila di Capri »

GraveDancer wrote:Dear Dalila,

O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Sondern lasst uns angenehmere
anstimmen. Und freudenvollere!

in other words, while the children are playing (or fighting, as every good family does at Christmas time), let's talk about music.

Yep, Wagner it is. To quote Wikipedia: "Notably from Tristan und Isolde onwards, [Wagner] explored the limits of the traditional tonal system that gave keys and chords their identity, pointing the way to atonality in the 20th century. Some music historians date the beginning of modern classical music to the first notes of Tristan, the so-called Tristan chord."

Exploring the limits, even if it means to destroy the established system, that was the context.

I said vile and tasteless because that's what some people thought of it back then (though it was not nearly the scandal another vile, tasteless and barbarian piece of ballet music caused some times later - and that's also on topic, given that it ends with the death of a virgin sacrifice). Though I'm not a Wagner fan (more into Schubert, Bruckner and Mahler; or, when it comes to opera, Puccini), I love Tristan and Isolde, especially the Vorspiel and the Liebestod.

And I agree with you, it is a beautiful chord, but I also love to hear Strawinsky's Sacre, Berg's violin concert or Ligeti’s Atmosphères, so I guess my taste in music is as sick as my fantasies.
How appropriate that you start out by quoting the Schiller text that was used by Beethoven in the last movement of his 9th Symphony.

We are not exactly seeing an "Ode to Joy" in this thread at the moment.

I came to enjoy German music later in my career, after having the pleasure of singing some Wagner roles live on the stage. (My favorite being Venus from Tannhauser)

Ironically to me Wagner and Puccini both sound more modern than the atonal composers from the start of the 20th century. I know the Berg Violin concerto and find it to be very beautiful.
Webern leaves me cold, and Schoenberg just sounds angry at the world.

Stravinsky's Sacre is of course a great masterpiece, perhasp the single greatest "modernist" work.

Interestingly enough your musical comments bring up the entire concept of taste: What one person finds beautiful another may find ugly or disturbing.
As it is in fantasies so it also is in music.

Thank you for your intelligent post.

baci :X
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Max5s wrote:I think Paul has given you more respect than you deserve. While one would not be inclined to call Paul timid in his way of expressing his opinion, your suggestion that he is a moron, has a thick skull and needs to have his ass kicked reflects more about you than him. Furthermore, I don’t think it reflects the kind of person you are at the core.
Do ya think it reflects my being a bit pisst off with his disrespectful attitude and ignorant moronic assumptions about me and my case?

When is enough enough Max5s? When does the point come when a person can say enough of his bullshit is enough?

It's always easy to step in from a position of comfort....where you are not the one on the receiving end of the disrespectful and prejudicial lies of a fool.

Jesus himself would have called him please....don't you preach to me.
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Re: Is 'Hardcore Sex' Coupled With 'Violence' Illegal???

Post by Dr Don »

Paul-KHP wrote:I was never arguing the particulars of the case. The judgement is clearly wrong. No one is arguing that. Despite your abuses here and against every one who disagrees, I have always hoped you would eventually win. I still do. But your blogs early on were very clear..
So stop living in the past and throwing it in my face all the time....that was 10 years ago.

Show some respect and you will get some back in return. That's the bottom line.

Since you claim to know so much about me and my case, you should know I won't back down from a fight....I mean sheesh....the evidence of that is stretched over a 9 year battle that's made history. So you picked a fight with the wrong person if you think you and a few of your cronies can make me back down....good luck.

You get the respect and attention from me that you deserve....nothing more and nothing less, so stop whining about me picking on started usual.
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