Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

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Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

A suggestion for a death scene!

Sensing the source of her mortality surging from her, our victim sits up strenuously in woeful desperation - instinctively seeking assuagement from the sky - and with wretched unadulterated despondency suddenly screams; the sound seized from her lips in seconds. The corpse collapses; a silent shriek sketched upon its frozen face.

That's it, folks!
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

Sketch conception possibly worthy of development?

Having opened her apartment door, a sexy professional woman stands in the threshold placing the key back in her handbag. Appearing from behind, a tall dark stranger sticks a syringe in her neck. He casually walks off. The woman enters, closing the door behind her; kissing her partner when he appears to greet her. She coolly explains about being poisoned by an enemy agent, and has little time left to live. Triggering a secret signalling device on her keyring, she speaks of fellow operatives appearing within the hour to remove her corpse. Sincere apology to her partner for all necessary lies; she genuinely loves him. He must strip her body in preparation for the disposal team, and leave before they arrive. On his return to the apartment, she and most of her belongings shall have gone.
Report to the police a missing person; giving the name by which he knew her. It wasn't her real name.
She dies!
He strips her body - just as she'd told him to do - and leaves her there for the disposal crew.

There's a lot of wiggle room here!
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

Here's a thought:

Man searching an apartment. Someone knocks upon the door. A girl shouts through that it's only his new neighbour opposite. Hesitatingly, he opens the door and lets her in. She apologises, and claims to have run out of sugar for a cake she's baking. As he goes off to the kitchen, she bawls out to him about being a model and new to London and knowing nobody in the city and how important it is to be friendly with your neighbours in case of a crisis. All the while he's sneaking up behind her with a garrotte. He leaves her dead on the floor as he continues his search, and then moves her into a sitting position before leaving with whatever maguffin he was searching for.

Personally, i'd love to see Krystal do this in a little flimsy white t-shirt and denim shorts. No bra, no shoes.

Just keep things simple as myself! :roll:
Posts: 4336
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:37 pm
What is your main fetish?: Death fetish especially drowning
Why do you want to join this forum?: So I can chat to people about simulated and depicted death scenes in movies
Referral: Heard about it from a fellow contact

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by xj900uk »

Krystal in a T-shirt? I was thinking more one of those sleeveless vests, tank-tops or whatever they are called. Oh, in white, of course... I do agree with you about the denim shorts. Should be very short, cut-offs or something similar.
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

My rule of thumb, regarding murder set pieces -

I cannot abide straying from the unyielding concrete path of conceptual conservative realism. It bothers me, beyond belief. However! I do happen to glimpse the occasional sighting, on an adjacent towpath or cycle lane (metaphorically speaking), that gets the old blood flowing in the right direction (literally speaking). This is one such observation:

In the midst of verbally modifying some seemingly important contentious point, a bullet hole appears in the middle of an argumentative woman's forehead. She gives the person with whom she's debating - her killer - a contemptuously cynical smile; as if to say, 'Two can play this game!'.
Her death pose is a sarcastic smiley face. :D (Not quite to this extent.)
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

This is suitable as either a 2 actress play + Bill ( I know you will eventually get around to them again, Blue ), or as a single female version with Bill composited.
I'll write it as a double :

A student arrives home in her too cool for school uniform. Sweaty and stressed, she tosses aside her school bag, coat and shoes, and heads straight for the bathroom to run the shower; unbuttoning her white blouse as she goes. When the water starts to spray, someone knocks at the front door. Sexy 'D.I. Whoever' explains that though the killer the teenager reported is securely in custody - thanks to her crucial eyewitness statement - it's become evident that he has alliances within Scotland Yard; she must have protection until his conviction and incarceration. The schoolgirl continues with her shower as the D.I. makes herself at home.
Another knock at the door; Detective Bill enquiring about the witness. Sexy 'D.I. Whoever' tells him that she's in the shower, and all's well. Producing a silenced pistol, he shoots her dead and strolls into the bathroom. The girl has her back to him in the shower. He shoots her between the shoulder blades as she washes her hair. Hands on her head, she turns to face Bill. He casually points the pistol at her forehead. Her mouth widens as she fills her lungs to capacity, preparing for the loudest scream her fragile frame can formulate. A muffled thud sends a bullet into the centre of her brain. Facial contours contorting in confusion, she remains standing until the incontestable certainty of death collapses her tiny corpse.
Returning to the sexy body of 'D.I. Whoever', Bill tears open her shirt to check that she wasn't wearing a vest.
He uses his mobile to report the double homicide.

This plot occurred to me when i first saw the photographs of Drew Alder. That's how my mind operates! :frown:
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

First off, i apologise for the clumsy crudeness - clever implication may lead you to misinterpret the purpose of my point.

This is a directorial suggestion. I'll try to be as delicate as possible. It's simply one particular shot that i think should always be included; and to be fair, it often is. I'm referring to the 'one-quarter horizontal/vertical headshot' of the corpse - bust included, topless or not - with a clean, clear, crisply focused view of the face. Of all the angles, this is the one i jerk-off to most.

Sorry, but this is some important shit!
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Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by winner134 »

Bad gangster tries to kidnap agent D'arcy on orders from his boss to bring her to obtain valuable information. After she puts up a good fight, he loses his temper. He stabs her in the stomach. He then tries to restraint her but she keeps fighting. She gets away and tries to reach her phone to call backup. He catches up to her then he slits her throat. He flees the scene as he failed his mission. D'arcy tries to stop the bleeding from the neck with her hands, but she slowly bleeds out.
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Posts: 1221
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What is your main fetish?: Strangulation, Squeezing, Contrast making energy and feeling of pleasure...
Why do you want to join this forum?: For my personal arts collection, and discussing about the arts of dead fetish.
Referral: A link in the superheroineforum website.

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by Totallibertarianism »

Hi, I have a great story in my mind with Yvonne, a suggestion for an upcoming SYCC...

"SYCC, A Gift for a disabled boy"

A very beautiful actress and celebrity from Hollywood (played by Yvonne) is living like a princess, very wealthy, she is still not married and many men around the world are dreaming of her. One day, a man from the poor neighboorhood of London succeeds to penetrate in her luxury London residence without being detected, he kidnaps Yvonne with chloroform and bring her to his home.

The man is a father of a mentally disabled young man named Willy, he brings Yvonne as a GIFT for his sick son Willy. Willy has never got a girl friend in his whole life but he has many dolls and puppets of women playing with them all the time in his dirty bedroom, Willy had always a huge crush on Yvonne, since the first time he saw her playing in a movie and many time on TV.

The father brings Yvonne still unconsious in the dirty bedroom of his son. "Hey my nice son !!! I brought you a great gift today !!! The best gift of all your life !!! A real young beautiful woman !!! And she is still alive !!! Guess who is she ?!" "YVONNE !!!" "My beautiful wanted superstar Yvonne, YEEEEESSSS !!! Goood Job PPAPPY !!!" says Willy now very excited and happy.

Willy squeezes harshly Yvonne with his arms and Yvonne wakes up suddenly because of pain. "Hey where I am ? What happened ?". Seeing her aggressors, she screams of fear. "Someone help meee !!! Heeeelp !!! Help meeee !!!". "Whao !!! She screams as a real woman, not as my dolls !!! Thank you Pappy to give me that Gift for my birthday !!!" says Willy. "Have a nice date my son !!! A real great date !!! I give you the right to do whatever you want on her and on her beautiful, gorgeous body, she is yours, play with her as your broken dolls !!! I will close the door in that way nobody will hear her scream and yelling.". He gets outside and closes the door.

Yvonne panicking for her life tries to flee through the windows but all are closed with walls. Willy the disabled boy jumps on her and catch her with his arms and squeezes her very harshly, Yvonne screams painfully as a hell. "Please don't kill me ! Don't kill me ! I have many money if you want and I will do anything if you let me go ! Pleeease !". "Anything I want ?" says Willy.

He puts Yvonne on his dirty bed and begins to slash her body with a little knife... Yvonne bleeding, screams as hell. "Shut up ! You are too noisy !!! Shut up !!!" says Willy. He mounts on her and starts to strangle her with his hands, Willy doesn't stop and morever he is enjoying a lot strangling her in his own dirty bed. He strangles her harder and harder painfully, Yvonne her legs kicking the ground, debating as a crazy, can not free herself from this psycho disabled boy !!! Finally she dies with tongue out and eyes open. Willy continues to strangling her until he sees no sounds emitting from her mouth. So he plays with her dead soft body until he is enough and calls his father "Papy ! I'm hungry ! I wants some cheeseburger and soda !!!"

Months later after the putrefaction of Yvonne's body, the father throws her body in the trash near the Thames of London. End.
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

Viewing the photos of "Stellar: A Star is Born", I'll conclude that the "Cold Case" crowd will soon be consolidated in crying out for the cute corpse of Cameron Drew. I know I am!

Support the superheroine subscribers in selflessly sharing their spoils.

You know it makes sense, Blue! :yes:
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What is your main fetish?: strangulation
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Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by Bluestone »

consigni wrote: Thu May 06, 2021 10:42 pm Viewing the photos of "Stellar: A Star is Born", I'll conclude that the "Cold Case" crowd will soon be consolidated in crying out for the cute corpse of Cameron Drew. I know I am!

Support the superheroine subscribers in selflessly sharing their spoils.

You know it makes sense, Blue! :yes:
We will certainly ask her if she's up for it...

or we will simply chloroform her, cradle carry her to the set, and have our way with her...

Did I say that out loud? :eek:

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
Posts: 4336
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:37 pm
What is your main fetish?: Death fetish especially drowning
Why do you want to join this forum?: So I can chat to people about simulated and depicted death scenes in movies
Referral: Heard about it from a fellow contact

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by xj900uk »

I have an idea that you could simply shoot, BLue and Director B.

Guy breaks into girls apartment, he attacks her, chloroforms or chokes her unconscious, and then ties her up in a chair unable to move. He then puts a small remote video camera across the room, so that someone on the other end of it can see what is happening, and puts in an earpiece. Then, listening to the unseen watcher, he carries out instructions as directed.
He relays that the girl stole from his boss, who is now watching and although he can't be present because of work commitments, is going to watch remotely her being killed. The unseen boss instructs the bloke to slowly strangle her, but take his time as he really wants to enjoy it.
The hit-man obliges, and there is a long slow sexy strangle until the girl is almost but not quite dead. However then the unseen boss tells the hit-man that he's going to have to cut things short, as he has an emergency business meeting to attend. So he instructs the hit-man to get out his gun and shoot her in the head.
Hit-man gets out his silenced gun, and although the girl weeps, pleads and cries, he levels it at her and shoots her straight in the head. THen he grabs her hair and holds her head/face up for the camera, so that his unseen boss can see that she is definitely dead. He then thanks his boss for the employment and trust, and also wishes him well in the forthcoming business meeting.
Hit-man then calls for a cleaning agency and just leaves the apartment. Close ups on dead girls body, legs and face etc before role credits.

There you go, BLue and Mr B. One hitman, one helpless victim, and one off-site boss watching things on a remote camera and directing operations. Should be fairly simple for you to choreograph and shoot.
Anyone else up for this plot? Whom do you think should play the part of the helpless girl?
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What is your main fetish?: strangulation
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Referral: Bluestone, of course!
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Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by Bluestone »

Well, I'm looking for some ideas for our next SYCC shoot, but most of what I see on this thread are full storylines that are more suggested customs than suggested elements. Just to be clear, we will not be making free customs. If the post is more than 3-4 lines, it will probably not be incorporated into a SYCC script. I've said it before, but I guess I have to repeat myself. I am looking for elements that I can incorporate into a script. That means posts such as the following, which represent some of the ideas that I ran with for previous episodes, just to give you an idea of what I'm looking for...

1. What about a repeated tasering of Yvonne while topless?
2. What about a sexy spy who fails to assassinate her target and after a fight is stabbed to death?
3. Can we see a girl strangled in minidress and nylons?
4. Can you kill a model in the middle of a photoshoot?
5. Please have the victim lifted off the floor by the neck and strangled.

In short, I am not interested in script summaries. A one-liner as above; however, does stand a chance of being incorporated into one of our scripts.

I will be writing 3 SYCC scripts next week. I will check this thread before writing them for element ideas such as those above. Hopefully, you will see your elements incorporated into one of these scripts, assuming they meet the above criteria.

Looking forward to receiving your ideas and requests.

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Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
Posts: 817
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:35 am
What is your main fetish?: quick silenced shootings and stranglings.
Why do you want to join this forum?: To write brief fantasy scenarios about murdering women, with the hope that one or two may eventually be filmed (I rather doubt that will ever happen, but it's all quite fun and theraputic.).
I'd also rather like to correspond with women who also have this particular fetish; of course, they're playing the victims. I do love women and am very much opposed to violence in real life.
Referral: I saw a clip from 'scotland yard cold cases' somewhere, and have since been collecting these short downloads. It would be good to see these particular murder set-pieces evolve. The whole english concept seems somehow innately sexy.
Location: northern ireland

Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by consigni »

I'd like to see a busty, braless babe strangled; flaunting flimsy fabric - big boobs battling beneath.

Exposed ensuing expiration. (This has never occurred in SYCC.)

And not adorned in yet another red lounging robe or black anything!
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Re: Fan Suggestions for SYCC series

Post by simomarke »

I would enjoy to see a slow garroting in a nice outfit including stockings :)
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