The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

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The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

After I started a "Vintage Paperback Covers" thread in the Video and Image Share Forum, I was inspired to start another thread here dedicated to one specific pulp novelist of the 1960s/early '70s: Clyde Allison (real name William Henley Knoles, 1926 - 1972), a prolific writer of the sex-paperback industry (although the sex scenes of these novels aren't especially graphic, they were pretty daring for their time, and Allison's writing still packs an erotic punch). He's best known for his "0008" spy-novel spoofs, featuring Trevor Anderson, ruthless secret agent working for the organization SADISTO; Allison took the spy-story trope of frequent female deaths and ramped them up to absurd levels. Was Allison simply satirizing the sexy death scenes of James Bond and Matt Helm, or did he share our interests in them? Probably a bit of both, I'd speculate...

Many years ago, back in the days of Vicki's Necrobabes and the original Fatal Females board, I first learned about the 0008 books and spent a small fortune on eBay collecting them (I don't have the complete run of all 20 books, but I do have most of them)'s been so long, I decided to revisit them, rereading them and sharing each book's "bodycount." I'm not going to put the books on my scanner and risk damaging the spines, and I don't really have the dedication to manually transcribe the death scenes, but I figured the least I could do is give a brief listing of them.

The first book, "Our Man from SADISTO" (1965), has Agent 0008 investigating a villainous scheme that implants women with mind-control devices that turn them into unwitting sleeper agents, that can be manipulated into performing specific actions by different settings on a remote-control device. Here's the books bodycount, listed by the page of the death scene (though the lead-up to the death may have started on previous pages):

Page 20: An unidentified nude blonde is killed by 0008 using the mind-control device, driving her into such an intense frenzy of passion that her heart gives out during sex with 0008.

Page 25: 0008's superior officer, The General, demonstrates the security measures in his office, instantly lowering a bulletproof shield surrounding his desk--carelessly forgetting Lucy, the nude blonde SADISTO agent who was tanning herself under a sunlamp in his offce; the shield cuts her in half.

Page 30: SADISTO's firearms instructor Dahlia Derringer engages in target practice with a nude brunette prisoner, shooting her in the heart.

Page 59: The General demonstrates the mind-control device by compelling a blonde and redhead prisoner (both nude, if you've noticed the pattern) to engage in a vicious catfight, then finishes them off by shooting both of them.

Page 62: (Flashback, described in dialogue) a mind-controlled woman was captured and interrogated by Melanie (SADISTO's Torture and Interrogation agent), then finished off by being stabbed.

Page 64: (Flashback, described in dialogue) Agent 0006, after having sex with the General, attempted to shoot him and was dropped through a trapdoor to her death; the autopsy showed that she'd been captured and had the mind-control implant.

Page 68: (Flashback, mentioned in dialogue) Agent Lyda (Head of the Secretarial and Strangling Division) casually mentions that her predecessor Theda "accidentally" got her neck caught in the strangling machine.

Page 83: (Flashback, shown in film footage that 0008 watches during his briefing) A test of the remote-control on one of the captured sleeper agents, to determine which setting causes which action. The first button compels her to take off her clothes, and the second button causes instant death.

Page 84: (Flashback/film footage) Further tests on a second mind-controlled prisoner; after testing the third button (induces passion) and the fourth (induces violent rage), the fifth button causes her to stab herself.

Page 97: Agent Marghanita McLane (Research Division) starts flogging a nude blonde prisoner to death, after demonstrating that the mind-control device can make the victim enjoy it. 0008 leaves the room before the prisoner actually dies.

Page 138: Redhead Vicki Jones, after making love with 0008, is shot in the stomach and chest by the evil mastermind Silas Greystoke.

Page 139: (Flashback/dialogue) Greystoke mentions that he made one of his mind-controlled girls step in front of Marghanita's car as part of his scheme, allowing him to plant a listening device on Marghanita.

Page 144: 0008, now mind-controlled himself, is compelled to shoot a nude woman repeatedly, finishing her off with a shot to the heart.

Page 155: Two of Greystoke's mind-controlled women (both nude) are shot by Greystoke's henchwoman Selene Stanton before she double-crosses Greystoke and shoots him as well.

Page 157: (Dialogue) 0008 reports to the General that he managed to overcome the mind-control and shoot Selene in the heart. (Even 0008 isn't sure whether he really did that, or whether Selene is still controlling him and has made him believe he killed her.) The 250 female "recruits" slated for mind-control implants were all killed when 0008 blew up Greystoke's headquarters without evacuating them first. ("I KNEW there was something I forgot!")

I'll be posting more "bodycount" reports on the 0008 series (and other Clyde Allison books as well) as I continue to re-read them...
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

What a movie that would have made! Pity!
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by jgutierrez50 »

Damn, wonder if someone uploaded any of this series to kindle or some other digital format! Sounds like an epic read!
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by Ric delCampo »

I looked it up on Amazon. A single copy of this book costs several hundred dollars.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

Got inspired to some artwork by page 144. Agent 0008 feels compelled to fill a nude girl with bullets.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Excellent work!
circum95 wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:04 am Got inspired to some artwork by page 144. Agent 0008 feels compelled to fill a nude girl with bullets.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Finished my re-read/note-taking of Clyde Allison's second 0008 book, "Our Girl from MEPHISTO." In this book, 0008 goes up against a sinister organization called TATU: Teen-Age Terrorists' Union, a conspiracy of teenagers plotting to overthrow the older generation. (This may be a little problematic, but I'll assume that the "teenagers" we encounter are 18 and 19.) He's joined in his mission by a Soviet agent, Galina Baronova, putting aside their differences to face a common enemy. The leaders of TATU are a popular German rock band, The Cool Ghouls, consisting of three sisters and a brother whose stage costumes consist entirely of gold body paint and tiny G-strings (a major factor in their popularity).

Incidentally, I think it was skipped over in the first book (or I overlooked it when I skimmed the first book for this thread), but this book says what SADISTO stands for: "Security and Administration Division of the Institute for Special Tactical Operations."

And now, onto the bodycount, by page number:

Page 6: Enemy agent Rina is strangled by 0008 during sex.

Page 18: 0008 mentions that he named his knife "Mia" after its previous owner, a Rumanian agent from whom he stole the knife and then "gave it back to her, blade first."

Page 28: Brunette TATU agent Delilah is garroted by 0008 while she's lying face-down after sex.

Page 32: 0008 hits two women with his car when they run into the street after 0008 starts a panic to cover his getaway.

Page 41: The General and 0008 are viewing footage of some SADISTO agents trying to communicate with marine animals for espionage purposes. Redhead Agent 0033 (nude except for her scuba gear) gets eaten by an orca.

Page 63: 0008 views a film clip of Agent Tanya Thompson (Torture and Interrogation Division) interrogate a nude blonde TATU prisoner, finishing her by stabbing her in the heart with a cattle prod.

Page 95: 0008 mentions a previous mission where he shot a Soviet agent in the chest; from his description, Galina recognizes 0008's victim as her colleague "Big Boobs Balonova."

Page 96: Female SADISTO Agent 00055, not realizing that Galina is a MEPHISTO agent, starts telling 0008 about her latest mission where she defeated a female MEPHISTO agent, stripped her (to search for hidden weapons and/or microfilm, of course) and started to torture her to death. 0008 cuts her off before she can finish her story.

Page 109: 0008 and Galina have a "target practice" training session where they are put into a "Combat Room" and pitted against some East German prisoners (all of them, 0008 and Galina included, are nude; the prisoners have guns that shoot painful but harmless wax bullets, while 0008 and Galina have live rounds). 0008 shoots a blonde "target" in the buttocks, then the stomach and chest when she turns around.

Page 112: Galina shoots the remaining "targets" (four women and one man) in the back, after claiming to be a fellow East German prisoner.

Page 130: 0008 tricks a rookie SADISTO agent and that agent's redhead girlfriend into taking a flight in one of SADISTO's private planes, knowing that the plane will be blown up to make it look like 0008 and Galina were killed in the crash. (It's an "off-screen" death, but I'll mention it anyway.)

Page 135: 0008 and Galina are trying to figure out how to infiltrate The Cool Ghouls' operation when they encounter two reporters (male and female) about to do a story on the band. 0008 and Galina take the reporters aside, and return with the credentials they need to get inside. It's not actually STATED that they killed the reporters, but considering how ruthless they are, it's a safe assumption.

Page 153: 0008 and Galina both stab the first of the nude, gold-painted "Cool Ghoul" sisters.

Page 156: 0008 and Galina both shoot the remaining "Cool Ghoul" sisters in the heart, after the sisters surrender and plead for mercy (since a heart-shot IS their idea of mercy). They then shoot the brother, as well as the siblings' father, the REAL mastermind behind TATU...the elderly fugitive Adolf Hitler.

Page 160: The end of the book implies that 0008 will kill Galina now that he's finished the mission, saying that he's "earned a vacation...but to come back alone."
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Finished my re-read of the third 0008 novel, "Nautipuss." In this one, 0008 goes up against a gorgeous Middle Eastern pirate calling herself "Captain Demo," basing her name and m.o. on Captain Nemo from "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." Captain Demo commands an all-female crew on her submarine, The Nautipuss, raiding ships and undersea research facilities, slaughtering the men and capturing the women to force into her service. 0008 is taken prisoner, with Captain Demo telling him that he will remain alive only so long as he "entertains" her, and she forces him to join in her piracy.

Here's the bodycount by page number:

Page 10: In a Parisian nightclub, 0008 shoots the nude singer Monique in the belly during her act. As she collapses, he sees that her 20 back-up dancers had all been lined up behind her, and his shots went all the way through them, killing all of them. (Sounds like a Ric delCampo scene!)

Page 29: 0008 poisons Chinese agent Moon Flower by biting her lip and breaking a capsule of rattlesnake venom during a kiss, leaving her writhing in agony. 0008 persuades Moon Flower's servant girl to defect to SADISTO, not mentioning that she'll be used for target practice once she's there. (In the next chapter, the General reveals that Moon Flower survived the poisoning and escaped; the General berates 0008 for not making sure she was dead before he left.) Even though Moon Flower survives and the servant's death is only mentioned as something that WILL happen, I'll list the scene anyway.

Page 59: One of Captain Demo's crew is executed for a minor error (breaking a coffee cup during dish-washing duty) by being made to stand naked on a platform over a long sharp pole; the prisoner herself pulls the lanyard that drops the platform (serving as her own executioner) and is impaled on the pole, sliding down until the point protrudes from her open mouth. (A very Dolcett-ish scenario!)

Page 63: Captain Demo's new prisoners are warned to stay in line by being shown film footage of several previous executions of nude female prisoners: the list includes 8 impalements, one dropped into a tank of moray eels, one eaten by an octopus, one electrocuted by an electric eel, and one killed by explosive decompression.

Page 81 through 85: In a flashback chapter going back to 0008's training for SADISTO, he has to prove he's capable of resisting the impulse to rescue innocent damsels in distress (because risking your own life to save the girl is a good way of getting yourself killed). 0008 has to focus on playing chess with the General and ignore the nude female captives being killed nearby. First a blonde is dropped into a quicksand pit; then a redhead is also dropped into the quicksand. Five more executions follow: "Snake bite--rat bite--mad dog bite--crocodile bite--and the sadistic application of a red-hot poker." Finally, his resolve is put to the real test when the final captive is revealed to be 0008's high-school girlfriend Audrey, who is struggling to hold on to a greased rope above a pit of hyenas, until she eventually loses her grip and is devoured.

Page 92: In another flashback scene, the General informs 0008 that he needs more training, and 0008 responds by listing several of his successful kills: stabbing an Albanian spy, strangling a Vietnamese agent (while in free-fall with a parachute), countless moving targets, killing a South American subversive with a blow-gun, blowing up several nude Chinese agents underwater with a depth-charge hand-grenade, and killing some Bulgarian beauties with a flame-thrower. (Before he can continue with his list of kills, the General explains that his killing technique is fine, it's his seduction techniques that he needs to work on.)

Page 107-108: 0008 is forced to join Captain Demo's crew in a raid on a cruise ship; during the massacre, he kills a fashion-model type (because she's too skinny for his tastes), cutting off her bikini and then stabbing her with his cutlass. He then slices a tourist and his wife to pieces.

Page 135: Captain Demo brings 0008 to her secret hideout in an Antarctic glacier, and he notices the bodies of 20 women who had frozen to death during the excavation/construction of the headquarters, and had simply been left frozen in place where they died.

Page 140-141: Captain Demo demonstrates her spear-gun by shooting a random nude crew member in the belly and chest, then invites 0008 to try it out himself. (He considers shooting Captain Demo, but decides against it since she has her own spear-gun trained on him.) He shoots a second nude crew member in the belly and chest.

Page 157: In the final chapter, Captain Demo has 0008 join her crew on a raid of a Polynesian island; while the island's men are away on a fishing expedition, Demo, her crew, and 0008 will use tranquilizer-dart guns to knock out the island women and capture them to join her crew. After a long sequence of 0008 "hunting" nude girls (and contemplating the commercial possibilities of opening a "hunting lodge" on these lines), he returns to the beach and discovers that, while he was away, Captain Demo's unwilling crew and the island women overpowered Demo and Demo's six loyal officers, and executed them by hanging them from the palm trees. 0008 is rather surprised by this anticlimactic turn of events, with the villainess being defeated in his absence, but he's more than willing to take the credit for it when the General arrives.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by JIMBO »

I remember his HOT cover too (posted a good while back).

Thanks for the detailed death descriptions, DeMan! :clap:

Are there many more Clyde Allison books like this? Are you going to cover The Destroyer series?

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

JIMBO wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:58 pm I remember his HOT cover too (posted a good while back).

Thanks for the detailed death descriptions, DeMan! :clap:

Are there many more Clyde Allison books like this? Are you going to cover The Destroyer series?

I do have a few of Clyde Allison's non-0008 books (some of which I haven't gotten around to reading yet), so I'll mention any death scenes I come across in those books. Here's one, from a book called "Malay Mistress," about an American pilot living in Indonesia who gets roped into a smuggling operation and other intrigue. Most of the book's focus is on the sex scenes between the protagonist and three different women: his Chinese mistress Toy Min, an Indonesian nurse with whom he has a no-strings-attached "friends with benefits" relationship, and a blonde "French" journalist who turns out to be a Dutch impostor who's searching for a hidden fortune in diamonds. There is a female death scene at the very end of the book: At the end of the story, the pilot and Yvette (the Dutch treasure-hunter) have found the diamonds and have celebrated by making love. With both of them still naked the next morning, Yvette gives the pilot some coffee, and after drinking it, he realizes that he's been poisoned. He throws up before the poison can kill him, but he's still weakened and incapacitated as Yvette (still nude) picks up a gun and starts searching for him. Just then, Toy Min arrives and starts a shoot-out with Yvette. Toy Min shoots Yvette three times in the stomach, then finishes her off with a shot to the breast.

I don't have any of the Destroyer paperbacks, unfortunately...
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by JIMBO »

That's a great cover! I presume the blonde is the devious treasure hunter who was shot at the finish. :razz:

I have several of the Remo, the Destroyer books. I should try to describe the female deaths like you do. Right now, I'm working on a new page at the Female Villains wiki for Coel (Lana Clarkson) in THE HAUNTING OF MORELLA. If I can figure out how to upload the pics. (They changed the format since I last used it.) :roll:

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by Sdcasd »

Wow, these seem quite interesting! It'd a pity that these books are hard to find nowadays. Perhaps you could consider taking pictures of some select scenes? It shouldn't put the spine under more strain than just reading normally.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

0008 executes another hostile agent.

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

Got inspired by the catfight of the mind controlled MEPHISTO agents, with the general observing. Sorry, two brunettes. Not a blonde and a red head as in the book. To be continued.

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

Driven by the mind control chips in their brain, the two MEPHISTO agents engage in a violent catfight.


After some moments of this, the general hollers 'HALT!'.


The sight of the gun in the general's hand finally breaks the lock of the mind control chip. The women realize too late what is in store for them.


The general expertly puts bullets through their hearts.


He leaves the cooling MEPHISTO carcasses for the janitor.

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