Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

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Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »

(note: it is at Blue's suggestion that this be posted at this Forum. We don't know where this is 'going to end', exactly, but Dalila and I will build our own verbal...Duel at the Pool....with a series of interchanges here at this board. Of course, if I had any brains, I'd blow hers out right away, but.....I'm blonde, so I wait...so I can do it RIGHT...and take out this bitch slowly......very slowly.....as my sex overcomes hers....I WILL be 'the MAN' here...the PENETRATOR.....but.....Dalila is convinced that she will be The Man, also. So we shall see what happens! This was planned before I knew anything about the fanTAStic Dalila-Paola duel....so please do not compare the two! This is what it is....and what it will become.)
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Date: September 1, 1951

Background: The Family controlling all mob operations on the West Coast of the United States is in turmoil. Big Johnson Gambino, the Capo, has been assassinated and everyone knows it was either Dalila or Sandi who was responsible for the end of the Big Johnson era, and the dawn of the Female Mob era on that Coast.

Dalila di Capri, obviously of Italian descent, is a short, currently blonde, green-eyed beauty whose passion matches her lineage, and she assumes that her heritage will make her the next Capo. Sandi Manning, natural blonde and blue-eyed American of Irish and German descent, is the interloper here who has different ideas.

The Castle, formerly owned by Big Johnson, still sits on those 240,000 acres overlooking the Pacific, and Dalila and Sandi waste no time in meeting to decide just which will indeed ascend to ownership of the Castle.....and leadership of one of the world's top Crime organizations. He has only been dead for 2 weeks, but each woman wants that Castle and all that comes with it....and wants it now.

They decide to settle their differences 'womano-a-womano'......to coin a phrase. Woman to woman.....one against one.....in the Duel at the Castle.

Every part of me is on full alert. Every neuron, every stimulatable part of my body and my mind is screaming with passion, awaiting more stimuli. My nipples, large and hard even 'at rest', are like ROCKS. I feel an early orgasm building....and I'm touching no sexual part of my body. It's so wonderful being a woman, sexually. We don't need anyone else, or any touches, even, to reach initial orgasms. Just the thinking about it, the mental masturbation, if you will, is enough. For each of us, I'm sure, because this is one passionate and DRIVEN Italian bitch I will meet this morning.

Danger is such an aphrodisiac.

The day has arrived. The bitch will be here. The appointed hour is arriving.....for our Duel at the Pool.

We have both finally removed that Big Johnson from in front of our faces...'standing', if you will, in the way of our ascension. One of US will now ascend, as Big Johnson limply exited the scene 2 weeks ago. The Mob doesn't need another Big Johnson, it needs one of us.

Even as I dress, every part of me becomes more and more excited. It's sexual...of course it's sexual....to both of us. I know her and know her background. I know what she likes.....and one thing Dalila di Capri likes....is to KILL......especially when it's another woman in her way, or of whom she is jealous, or with whom she is competitive for a Man, etc.

And I, especially as a former athlete, absolutely LOVE the pure competition. One winner. One loser.

One very dead loser.

As I towel after the sauna and whirlpool and shower, every touch to my skin is beginning to excite me, because a duel is classic....for both of us.

One Winner. The Winner obviously the better woman, the more desirable woman, the more sexual woman. That's the way we both look at it....my sex against hers......and my Mind against hers. Who is more clever? Who has more 'staying power', even, possibly, after being hit with a bullet....or two....or more? Who can 'last' longer? And of course....who is.....more beautiful.

It's all part of it, part of the whole 'thing', for both of us. She wants that top spot. I want that top spot.

And only one of us can have it.

And only one of us will.

To be decided very, very shortly.

Which one of US....will end on....On The TOP?

She'll never forgive the Petra killing either.......ah, but my Suzi (Suzi Leigh, to any who may know her) was so perfect on that one. I wanted to really anger Dalila. I know she's afraid of me, so I needed to goad her into this Duel.

Suzi was very effective. Suzi is my protegee and Lover.....Petra WAS Dalila's protegee and Lover.......until Suzi plugged her six times in her belly and in those magnificent breasts. Suzi made it slow.....VERRRRY slow.

Suzi was excellent at following orders. She learned quickly. And she took the pictures, so I saw the result, and watched the 'replay'.....many, many times. Ah, to WIN.....is so exciting!

And Suzi finished her off just the way I required....smiling, lying directly ON top of Petra's writhing, weakening, surrendering, magnificent body....leaning her sex ON Petra's....as she shoved the barrel DEEP into Petra's navel....for the kill shot. OH, what a thrust....and reaction from Petra. I certainly saw what Dalila saw in Petra.....wow.

And Dalila swore revenge....and agreed to the Duel at the Pool. I wondered how she would be dressed. I wondered where Suzi was, matter of fact.....it was getting time for me to sashay down to the beautiful Roman Pool here at the estate, and meet....Dalila. Alone.

Every article of clothing I don, has a purpose....and a feel.....and a mood to it. Black lingerie.....garters on each leg.....the 3 inch heels, making my 5'10" tall enough to TOWER after the short green-eyed one. Doesn't she know the world loves tall women? Small dangles of pure diamonds from each ear, and just a small silver chain around my neck....with the name SUZI in pure, uncut diamonds, spelled out at the end of the chain. My Suzi.

Dalila will soon discover what every other has discovered who ever dared to challenge me.

She will soon find out.

The white silk robe barely remains closed in front with the belt loosely fastened. The feel of my .45 against my bare belly, sitting in my waistband and very visible when I open the robe, is electric! And the barrel reaches down and brushes my sex as I walk.....oooooh, yes.

My blonde hair cascades in full down below my shoulders, long and straight, not exactly the style of 'the times', but, then, I always am ahead of my times. That's how I have ascended, as a Woman, as highly as I have in the Mob.
And the same is true of the other bitch, Dalila. Oh, I know she's good, so though I am always supremely confident in my own abilities, I do know this will be my most difficult fight ever. She is one, tough bitch, and no one bullet will stop her.

But, hell, without challenge there is no achievement, so the only ones I look forward to are these tough bitches. Anything less....is just too easy.

I look in the full-length Mirror....and smile. "Top THIS, you Italian slut", I think to myself. Tall, blonde, confident, beautiful, rich and competitive.....and never lost, ever, in any competition. Never.

This will be fun. The build-up is so erotic, the preparation.....yes, the foreplay, as it were. Because it was building to a 'sex' of a sort, and the Winner, and also the Loser, would likely have multiple orgasms during our Duel.

As I reach the pool area, I STOP!

My eyes widen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right there....right THERE.....floating toward me....legs spread wide....splayed on her back in the water, floating.....her 'sex' seeming to float slowly toward me as I stand at the end of the pool......is my Suzi....in her gold bikini.


I see all six holes, six red roses in her bare belly and in the sides and middle of her breasts...and the blood still runs from each wound into the water.

Her eyes are wide open...as if staring at me....shocked eyes.

I'm in shock myself.....though in our business, surprised by nothing. But Suzi was the fastest I ever saw with a gun....and she always carried it, even down to her morning swims here.....so I cannot imagine how anyone could have beaten her.

But obviously, as I look toward the other end of the pool and those shadows under the archways....and the totality of the Pacific far below....

I know 'she' is there. She has to be.

And she is.
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Dalila di Capri »

Suzi was quick.

I have to give her that.

I had taken her by surprise and put the two .45 slugs on either side of her sexy little navel.

Blood dribbed out of the wound, over her bikini bottoms, through her fingers, and she just stood there doubled over, staring at the glock that she had just dropped on the the marble floor.

She stared down at herself, moaning seductively like a cat in heat over the ache in her gut.

Then she stared back up at me. Her mouth worked itself open and closed a few times like a gutted fish gagging for oxygen on the deck of a boat.

Her bright eyes glowed with pain and disbelief.

They looked deeply into my own and I saw how she tried to consider her options. She knew herself to be dead, but as the bee stings she fought desperately in her mind's eye for a way to take me with her.

I smiled a wicked sneering smile back upon her. I dared her to do something about her desires.

Her eyes left mine and found the lonely glock again.

She would use the remainder of her strength to go for that weapon.

How delicious. She had plenty of fight left in her for a dead woman.

As quick as a cat she moves for the gun. I shoot, but miss and she dives face first upon the marble to come up with a desperate shot of her own.

The bullet strikes the hard surface and bounces back up to find its target.

I feel a hot dull familiar ache just the right side of my bare navel.

A freak accident, but perhaps not. Bullets are found of me. This isn't the first time a lead lover would find a way to rape me in mid combat, and if I have anything to do with it will not be the last.

I shoot again and shatter the glock.

Suzi knows that her last desperate attempt to kill me has failed, but...

She can see the pink flesh at one side of my gut start to churn out the tiniest bit of crimson.

Somehow, someway her shot hit home. That pleases her.

She starts to laugh, which sends her into a fit of orgasmic pain.

She flops over from her belly to her back and claws at the wounds. The agony amuses her and causes her to laugh again, which creates more pain, more squirming, more ironic orgasmic pleasure.

My wound starts to bite just a bit harder.

I bring my fingers upon it and push into it. The ache causes me to orgasm within a matter of seconds but I hide the pleasure form my victim.

This is her show, her moment. Far be it for me to upstage her.

Her belly, soft sensual inviting, quivers before my hungry green eyes.

Those two bullets need some company.

I oblige.

The impacts echo softly through the space of the pool, louder than the hushed hisses permitted by te silencer.

Suzi's quick sultry grunts are followed by sustained moans of agony.

The slugs have pierced her stomach and liver, and I prepare for one of my favorite sights in all the world.

Blood starts to trickle from the left side of her sweet smiling mouth.

Suzi knows that there is no purpose to cupping her wounds and futher.

She lets one hand slide to her bikini bottom and the other to her right breast.

Slowly sweetly she starts to rotate her fingers against her clitoris, right through the fabric of her swimsuit.

She looks up at me again and smiles through a slender crimsom stream.

"Right in the breast ...bitch...right here"

I place the 5th bullet just above her nipple.

The impact causes her to arch back suddenly. She reacts by moving her other hand underneath the fabric of her bikini bottom while she messages the freshly wounded right breast.

She insists upon using her sexual delight to dull the pain.

I taste the sight of her agony and silently, wihtout ostentation, push my fingers deeper into my own wounded gut in order to make myself orgasm again.

"One more" she grunts, just at the moment of climax.

I place the 6th shot through her left breast.

Her eyes stretch wide in surprise and delight. She writhes more furiously than before. I have managed it perfectly.

Suzi dies coming.

Her eyes, so beautiful, stare desperately, passionately, sexually into mine. They see nothing and I see everything.

I must reload. I let go of my wound, and reach into my coat for a new clip.

I am dizzy for a moment but I regain my equilibrium.

I have taken revenge for Petra.

Now I must take revenge for myself.

One more to kill before I die...If I die.

Being a cat with a thousand lives has its strengths...and weaknesses.
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »

I cannot take my eyes from Suzi.

My Suzi.


As dead as Petra.

There are always costs in the rise to success, but sometimes they hurt more than others.


My mind, knowing how Suzi and I played gun fantasies all the time together, and how she had always told me that she knew that someday, she would die from a bullet, imagined what her final throes must have been like. I knew her, her every emotion, her every reaction when penetrated, on her rise to her finishing moments.

Judging from the amount of blood I could see on the deck, the process had been a slow one. Of course. Dalila would have done it no other way.....but very.....very....slowly. Asserting her dominance, more and more with each bullet.

I wonder if Suzi even got off a shot. Or had a chance to recover after first being hit.

I'll probably never know.

I'll bet she made Suzi beg for the last one. Yes....she must have, because that is exactly what Suzi would have done, in the end, was ask her to finish it as she reached her own climaxes. Suzi never had single orgasms.....never. That was one of the many joys of our relationship, since both of us were insatiable. Just could never get enough.

This time, Suzi got enough.

I could see the first one, or maybe two....I would guess two, from Dalila at first....just to see the reaction, to hear the grunts from impact, to see the shock on Suzi's face....all part of phase one.....of the sexual cycle. My eyes closed, and I imagined Suzi thumping up and down, holding her bare belly, beginning to rise sexually. We'd played this type of scene in fantasy many times at this pool area....many times.

I'll bet....no...I know...she finished her in the breasts. It's just Dalila's style.

And, I have to admit, this is all stimulating my own libido....it is foreplay.

And she is here.

I look to the far end of the pool....and I see a shadow, leaning against one of the pillars.

It....is Dalila. I can tell by the hair, by the body shape, by her height.

Strangely, there is a black coat draped over her shoulders, but otherwise she is dressed very similarly to me.....again, no surprise. We are very, very different, but when I read of her 'kills', the details mirror my own, so I am sure she takes intense sexual satisfaction from penetrating others on her own way to the Top.

That much is obvious from the clearly slow and agonizing throes she put my Suzi through.

I stare at the shadow, but she does not move.

Slowly, I extract a cigarette from the gold case in my robe pocket, flick the solid gold lighter, and very slowly take a long, deep, drag.....hold it.....stare at the shadow.....exhale just as slowly, blowing rings in that direction....and begin to walk very slowly down the right side of the pool, toward the other end. That exposes the shadowy figure into more sunlight, with miles of open Pacific Ocean far below and beyond her, as far as the eye can see.

Halfway down the side of the long, crystal clear pool, past now the body of Suzi, still floating spread-eagled on her back as if staring up at the sun, I stop. Another slow drag. So erotic....so sexual.....to suck on a long cigarette....inhale what comes out of it, and suck it all the way down my throat......so phallic.....so wonderful.

And Dalila's right hand goes to a pocket in that coat, and extracts and lights her own cigarette.

Neither of us says a word.

We just.....stare.

I begin to move closer....closer.....and then I see two things that stop me as I reach a point about 15 feet from her, still leaning against the column.

First.....her fucking arrogant smile. It's a superior smile, an "I got her" smile...a smile of deep, deep satisfaction.

I begin to boil inside, but instantly quell the emotion. She wants me upset and off balance. I will not give in to her...on any level. Ever. I control the sex here. And I will continue to do that. "You're the 'bottom' here, Dalila", I think to myself. And it's going to be orgasmically fabulous to be on top for your finishes.....and my own. This is one passionate woman staring at me.....in a different life, we would have been all over each other already sexually.....but it's not a different life. She turns me on. I can see that I turn her on.

That all is just adding to the foreplay for both of us.

I smile myself, because of the second thing I see....and the reason Dalila has that coat draped over her shoulders with only her own black lingerie underneath.

Suzi got her. She is bleeding. She tried to hide it, but I see the blood on the beautiful tiles, and she has lost more than I think she knows she has lost. Her left hand holds her bare belly, and there is still a small stream of flow through her fingers....down her legs....and on to the tiles and marble.

I smile at her.

"You walked right into it, Dalila. Suzi softened you up, and I'll finish the job. And it's all mine (as I sweep my arm across the front of me, indicating ALL is mine). I win, Dalila....and you lose. I should just let you bleed out, but we both have to know....who is faster. Don't we, Dalila?"

I laugh with a cackle. She'll never compete now...never.

"Six for Petra, six for Suzi. Nice touch, Dalila. And six more.....for you."

"So much for your Italian 'connections', my Dear. They can't help you now."

I open my robe slowly, reaching my left hand to the belt and letting it fall open. Let her look...let her WANT.....I can see the instant attraction in her eyes, so I continue, and slowly slip that left hand up to my shoulders, and let the robe fall to the deck. It slides into the pool.

And there I am, tall, erect, athletic, confident. SURE, as a matter of fact. And this time, it is no false arrogance. I've got her. And she knows it. I feel like a goddess in heels, a Roman goddess, a sculpted woman. And I am. And she knows that, too.

Those green eyes burn with the envy of what she sees....and can never have, nor be.

My .45, with no silencer, rests in my waistband. I can feel the barrel getting hotter as my sex is reacting below. This is excitement. This is danger. This is competition.

This is the ultimate competition. And I've got her.

(last post by me today, Dalila!)
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Dalila di Capri
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Dalila di Capri »

Sandi has it wrong.

They all get it wrong, every one of them.

None of them understand. My wounds don’t weaken me. They give me strength.

Something takes me over, perhaps lust, perhaps excitement…or perhaps the dull aching burning pain itself…but something inexplicable drives me forward when I take a bullet.

Yes I have lost blood. Yes I stand here with a jagged hole ripped through my belly just off to the right of my navel. My guts are being raped by a slow ravishing agony that works its way to my clitoris.

And I love it.

There is no explaining that fact. I learned to accept it long ago. I smile because I know my love of pain to be a gift. My masochism is my greatest weapon in combat.

So of course I smile. It is my pleasure to take one right in the sweetest spot. So many are all too happy to oblige because they have no idea.

Sandi is nothing short of breath taking: A towering vision of cool cream opulent femininity accented by black lace. How beautiful she is.

Sand has something else wrong. She thinks my green eyes to be those steeped in Shakespearian Jealousy. Not so. I admire a beautiful woman. I see her perfection and I long to ruin it ever so slightly by spitting a few hot ones into her soft creamy belly.

There is no hatred involved. It just…looks right.

I see her staring at me, confident that I will be an easy mark. Let her think that.

See looks down at my belly and sees the wound. She has stared at it just a tell tale bit too long. She wants to know how it feels. She wonders, as virgins often do, if the agony leads to ecstasy

She deserves to know the truth

“That’s right Sandi it feels just like a good fuck.”

She is stunned by my honesty. Perfect.
Now it’s time to do my job.

Now it’s time to lie.

“You stare at this little wound and you assume me to be weak, don’t you beautiful.”
Very well then: I’ll let you in on a little secret. You have me. This gut wound has slowed me down. I’m enjoying it too much to give you any trouble.”

I dig my fingers ever so slightly into the wound. I make myself moan. The sweet pain causes me to undulate ever so slightly and double over. I come ever so quietly, and she smells my excitement. It unnerves her.

I continue my lie.

“Your Suzi really put on a sexy little show for me. She didn’t quite see me in the shadows up there on the stairs. The first two bullets hit hissed through her soft belly with such hunger. They needed to find her, and she needed them.”

I read Sandi’s face. Yes she loved her Suzi, but... she couldn’t help but fantasize about how it felt to Suzi when my angry gun spat out its lusty little cargo. She wants to hear more.

“She doubled over and dropped the gun. How sweet and wonderful it was. She stood there, doubled over staring at me in disbelief. Her eyes bulged, her mouth stretched.
After a moment or two she looked at me with the strangest expression. She did what all virgins do. She wondered why the first two slugs hadn’t killed her yet.”

Sandi is lost in my story. I have her.

I dig my fingers deeper into the wound and bring my pistol up to my belly just above it. I double over a bit more and bring myself to climax again, all without ever touching my clit. Sandi starts to take slow languid breaths as she waits for my next words.

“Then I saw it. In her eyes, there it was.
She liked how it felt. I saw the pleasure upon her face plain as a clear blue sky. She was afraid to show to me. She became embarrassed and then angry. She made a sudden move for her gun and…well that’s when she gave me this little gift. I returned the favor with two more slugs. It was then that she gave in. She realized that she was a dead woman. It would just be a matter of time, and know one would know her dirty sexy little secret but me. She started to writhe like a snake on hot sand. She touched herself and moaned all for me, all to thank me for introducing her to the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced.”

Sandi is lost in my story. She has drawn her pistol but it points helplessly at the concrete below her pumps. Her left hand is nestled underneath her panties. She rotates her fingers as she devours my description of how her precious Suzi died. She loved the girl, but she loves my story because she must. She knows it to be true, or at least she wants it to be true.

Little does she know that I have merely described what I myself experience when I take a few in the right spot.

The lie has worked.

I move in the wink of an eye. It is nothing to remove my gun from my belly and fire.
Two shots hiss from the barrel and find their easy target.

Sandi’s belly was so soft, so creamy so fair. Now it is home to a pair of hot lead rapists.

Her face, just a moment before a study in orgasm is now strained with surprise. He eyes bulge, her mouth stretches, and she doubles over in reaction to the sensation.

Her left hand slides slowly from her clit to her gut in order to inspect the damage. The fingers are brave and stoic, but Sandi herself refuses to look down. She stares at me instead in disbelief and denial.

It is the same expression that Suzi wore.

I smile and I come yet again. The sight is far too delicious not to enjoy.

“Congratulations Sandi. I just took your virginity.”
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »

Dalila toys with me. I know what she's doing, exactly.

What she does not know, is that I am no virgin when it comes to bullets. She probably assumes that Suzi always was 'the loser' in our fantasies..... :lol2: ....hardly the case.

Yes, I am caught in her story, but not because it is something 'new', but because I see and feel more every moment just how similarly my mind and libido work to those of Dalila. Staring at her belly? Absolutely, I have from the moment that coat fell from her shoulders.

She's purposely showing a bare navel....as I am. She's purposely wearing a very skimpy half-bra....as I am. All.....foreplay. She KNOWS I want her.....she knows I want to TAKE her....and not just to win the competition....not at all.

I want to give her sex, and feel her sex. And enjoy my own as my clit rubs hers as I force her down.

We both are focused on the sex of it, the stimulation, the pain, the ultimate surrender....for at least one of us.

Amazing the POWER of sexual attraction...and stimulation....even when our very lives are at stake. We're more into the sex, than the Victory. Amazing power, indeed. No wonder kings and queens and kingdoms throughout the ages have fallen.....because of the POWER....of sex.

We are in the same place, but Dalila does not know it yet...mentally. Oh, it has NOTHING to do with 'hate' or anger....I'm an ex-athlete, an ex-Olympian! For me, it's ALL about....COMPETITION. PROVING just who the superior woman is. Winning. And watching someone else in the agony of defeat.

Yet...how different is a picture of ultimate VICTORY....from a picture of ultimate defeat?
They can be so close....as to take the either emotion from the same picture.

Yet....yes....without a doubt, there is always a tingle...and more.....for me during competition. The danger is a large part of it, it's just....exciting, it increases the stimulation to all the sensory organs of the body and tells them 'be on alert'.....and they are....and they react....it's just....exciting. Exciting to anticipate.....and, yes, with someone as good as Dalila, exciting to compete, because victory is no certain thing.

For me, the excitement is in The Reversal....yes, when I am certain that I have won, and then be forced to eat the lead.....and my victory......first with shock, then with pain....and, finally.....after many rushes up those waves to the crest....and to PEAKS.....then slow drifts downward....before the inevitable NEXT wave washes over me....and my stimulation rises again to an even higher wave...and peaks.

I'm a woman. I'm built to be penetrated. And I love it. Some women never understand the joys of sexual surrender, but playing gun games with Suzi taught me the turn-ons.....and the beauty.....and ultimately, the BLISS.....of total....absolute...OUT OF CONTROL....


To Dalila? Sure. But more to mySELF....to my emotions....the ones SO many women are so hung-up about that they never express, because they never allow themselves to FEEL those stimuli. Many women 'fear' sex, fear not being 'good enough' for their partner.....and I guess the traditional female roles in society lead to a sort of fear of not being able to keep that partner....because there may be another woman 'better at sex'....or more compatible with that partner, male or female.

I'm growing more and more excited. Thinking of the fantasy plays, my mind realizes that I almost WANT to 'get it' myself...just to FEEL....just to BE....in that lost, glorious, fabulous, reLEASING state.....

of surrender.

To a cock....to a dildo....to a vibrator....to a tongue.....to a bullet. Same reactions for Sandi.

And it surely takes more than one of all of them....to satisfy Sandi.

I'm strong....and very, very tough in terms of determination NOT TO LOSE. That's why THIS fight is so, so exciting, because I'm facing a woman just as determined as I am. That first bullet only drove her higher. She LIKES the pain, I realize.....and I smile inside.....because I do also.

Pain is simply a natural part of 'surrender'. It always 'hurts'....or causes a deep intake of breath or grunt......when something passes over my lips and enters me. It's the same for every woman.

I think Dalila and I both absorbed long ago that we also enjoyed that part of the sexual cycle, because it was and IS a part of it....every time.

But...my reverie......though I see her....I see her hand moving.....of course I am on alert when she doubles over, I know that silencer is only a nano-second away from levelling up at my belly....which is beginning to quiver. I see her looking.....yes...I CAN feel it......

she won't start me in the navel....but that will come. Unless....

But...it's too LATE for 'unless'!

The fatal mistake.

waiting.....too long. I cannot have made that mistake, and gotten that lost in her sexual story that was designed to divert me.

But I did.

Even as I see her barrel rotate toward my naked belly, my right hand FLIES to the handle of my own .45.....FLIES.....and I feel the comfort of the trigger beneath my finger....

I pull it from my waistband....begin to raise it toward that belly.....one more to the left of her navel to balance it, then the next one right THROUGH the MIDDLE of that gorgeous, soft, DEEP navel.....into her most inner parts.....of body.....and soul.

But my barrel is still pointed at the ground when not one...but TWO.....silenced slugs......delivered in the stone-cold silence up there in the hills....with the soft....and very sensual 'phutt....phutt'.

It's as if time has slowed into frame-by-frame mode. I see BOTH slugs....I see both bullets.....ride the flame......exiting the barrel......and then..

FEEL THEM.......



Both SLAM into my naked skin, just below my belly button an inch or two...into that soft, vulnerable part of the belly.....so soft....so sensual to hold.....I've gone crazy watching Dalila's fingers DIG into herself...into her belly.....and down below.

I gasp audidbly, the only sound I make.

My body goes RIGID.....barrel still pointed at the tiles.....at my feet......my eyes BULGE....with SHOCK...

the mind screams...."NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"......yet the body...and the mind....already know....that it's 'yes'....she got me.

There is NO thought of losing at this point..NONE. She has no IDEA what a competitor I am. I have...NEVER LOST...except in fantasy play.

But....she 'beat' me....even though she drew first.

She out-smarted me....and THAT level....the mental one.....oh, LORD.....THAT is where SEX is the strongest! Where the feelings, the surrender...become total. Beaten physically, beaten mentally....complete defeat.

But I am not...defeated.

As the shock begins to turn to pain...my hands FLY to my belly, from their shocked position frozen at my sides....my .45 still in my right hand. I have only grunted....not screamed...at those first impacts.

But the Game....has just begun. Time to even the score...and give her more.

As my body begins to come upward from being doubled, my left hand remains on my belly.....as my right falls slightly downward.

Dalila is only focused on my belly...on what SHE has done.....and this is the delicious time.....her own barrel drops as her smile broadens......

but I see surprise in her eyes as I smile myself.....weakly.....with small streams of blood beginning to run from both sides of my mouth.

She's looking at my BODY....my reactions....she knows I'm turned on by the penetration and the pain and now it's HER turn......SHE makes the fatal mistake.

And I quickly raise my barrel, with all 6 shots remaining inside......and the early morning solitude and complete quiet is shattered forever.




RIGHT on the left side of her navel.....then right BELOW it.....and then...

the third RIGHT through the middle of that beckoning symbolic love-hole....right through...and DEEP into her GUTS, goes that third bullet.

I shudder, taken by a wrack of pain, as the shock is wearing off....and I dig my OWN fingers of my left hand HARD into the softness of my belly.....my right hand slips unconsciously between my legs, just in reaction to my movements.....

the HOT barrel....WITH smoke still wafting from the barrel.....slides against my CLIT....not on purpose...but it does!

the heat....sends me over the top! I arch my back, moan DEEPLY, close my eyes....and my legs reflexively pull together and SQUEEZE that long, hard HEAT against my sex....and I almost ride it.....a few times....slowly......I'm in no 'final stages' here.....and the inner 'ahhhhhs' feel SO delicious....

but I have to finish the job. My eyes open as my back arch completes and my upper body comes forward again....to TOWER over her....in triumph.

She is now only 5 feet in front of me....still trying to use the column to support her weight.....but it won't be enough.

And she knows it.

As I CLUTCH in a wrack of pain with my left hand, my smile becomes almost evil...very sinister.....as my barrel slowly rises again.......those magnificent breasts of hers are calling....and I know from the MO of her 'hits' that she loves to finish her victims in the breasts.

She's about to get some of her own medicine.
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Dalila di Capri »

I see myself in front of me in my mind's eye: Eyes bulging just as Sandi’s did the moment before, mouth gagging open and shut like a gutted fish on the deck of a boat.

Three more right in gut!

I’ve taken too many of these on separate occasions. I know that I am too small despite all of my bravado, to take four .45 slugs to the belly and survive. I am dead, though I still keep my feet.



After so many duels.

I am doubled over again and feel the heat of my pistol against my ravaged belly. So hot, so good, so sensual. The silencer dangles between my legs and rubs in the perfect place as I stumble slightly forward and then back again like a drunken whore after a night of debauchery.

My guts ache so furiously that I can only moan, though I long to talk. I force my mouth to close just a bit, so that I can again smile at my adversary.

Sandi is so much stronger, so much larger. All the while it is pure lust that has kept me in the fight. It is the pleasure I take in the pain that drives me forward. Sandi is an athlete. She will die from the slugs, there is no doubt, but as it stands she will take twice as long, if not longer.

I owe it to her to bring the peace of death just a little sooner. She is too fine an enemy to deserve less.

I taste my own blood at the back of my throat as I watch it dribble from her mouth.

Finally as my smile brightens I too enjoy the flow of crimson as is gushes from my full lips.

My smile turns to a writhing orgasmic laugh. The slugs the silencer, the hot gun all force an even more powerful orgasm out of me.

Sandi sees my pleasure and approves. She digs her left had hard into her low belly and comes on her gun barrel. I start to boil yet again.

She knows. Or at least she thinks she does.

I will try to go for her breasts to finish her?

No. Not so.

She isn’t ready to be finished just yet.

She stumbles forward still coming but now aiming her gun at my right breast.

I look at her as if I have no fight left in me. She is well aware of how her hollow points have destroyed me. I can’t possibly survive. I am too injured to raise my gun.

I don’t need to.

Just as she approaches I let myself turn sideways.

The barrel of my gun is just clear of my flesh.

I fire three more times: One for her pert tight puckering little navel, one up high under her left rib and one at the right.

Sandi lets out a massive moan that rings through the moist sea air.

She doubles over and drops her pistol.

I am dead, but I am victorious.

Just at that moment my thighs give way and I slide down the column to the cold marble floor.

I smile, not because I have won, but because death will finally come to have its cruel phallic way with me. Come death and fuck me forever.

Sandi staggers over. The tall powerful blond still insists upon keeping her feet.

I have one bullet left and I know where I will put it.


There I said it. So many women have trouble with that word but not I.

Cunt. I said it again and I have no trouble shooting a woman in that very word.

Sandi has lined herself up for the perfect penetration shot.

I aim just to make sure that my last bullet will lodge low, perhaps in her diaphragm or rib cage but not through her heart. I want to make sure she dies a slow glorious fitting death.

The gun hisses out its last slug.

Sandi grabs herself with both hands cupping her sweet wounded cunt.

My pistol is empty. I let it drop from my hand and grab my belly tight to keep the little shredded pieces of gut from slipping out of the holes.

And Sandi, Amazon that she is, keeps her feet.
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »

Slowly, inch by inch, I move, clutching....closer....closer....closer....to that column....to the obviously dying Dalila....she's ENJOYING it.....and she's accepted....defeat! My pain feels HOT...wonderful....erotic.....it is WORK to 'win'....there is always pain involved with TRUE success, if one has worked HARD enough and dug DEEP enough into one's own determinations.

She's doubled....she's about to slide DOWN that column....LORD, is that one of my favorite images......sliding down....her back sliding down......BEATEN.....past the HIGHEST of her peaks, she is.....the MOST intense pain being past......and just the ultimate defeat realization AND....the ultimate and FINAL surrender (!!!).....to come....for Dalila.

The two in my belly are almost welcome, signs that I HAVE been in a fight...that I HAVE overcome.....because she's beginning to fall....and I am NOT.

I'm directly in front of her...a foot away, maybe two.....when.....her body turns....and.... her BARREL.....her PENETRATOR......before I can stop it....


Three in a row! Her third bullet RIGHT into the MIDDLE of my own navel....again shock...again eyes WIDE....again, brain not transferring message to fingers to FIRE in response......fourth bullet into my upper ribcage....then the first into the other side, same height......the shock of the third....turns into the PAIN of the fourth.....my hands....one at a time.....FLY to my breasts, the underside....

the .45 slips from my hands and clatters on the marble, sliding toward the pool, but not in....a few feet from her sliding body.....I can't even control WHERE my hands go, they don't even go to cover the wounds. I KNEAD each breast.....fingers DIGGING into the softness of the underside, pushing each one UP......breasts not as large as hers.....but breasts standing straight out, at 42.....and enGORGED with heat....passion....pain. I stagger.....she's sliding down the column against her back.....HITS the marble with a THUMP.....I stagger.....want to get the gun.....cannot.....stagger...AGAINST the column...the SAME column....she is sliding down.

Her ass hits the marble. I am standing DIRECTLY over her.....but my hands are against the column now....holding me....need the support......not finished....have to finish HER....


my eyes drift downward as I am losing my grip on the column.....and I SEE.....




the bullet slams RIGHT into.....yes....my CUNT. No more symbolic love hole....this one hits me....RIGHT THERE.

IN.....my GOD...DEEP.....to my DEPTHS....deeper than anything ever.....complete....AGONY!

My GOD......I've...NOOOOOOOO....I...I

My scream peaks......I am still on my feet, staggering, falling now against the column.....spent.....I....I.....I have.....LOST.....she....GOT ME....

As her eyes want to close down below me, my blood....and my juices......slide from my soaked belly....and pussy.....slide down me.....drip onto HER......her mouth open....even some of my droplets fall into her mouth......that god-awful SMILE still on her face...contorted in pain, but the bitch is smiling! I begin to slide....

down the column....my clit PUSHING against it, as if to keep me UPRIGHT....HARD against it.....body tries, multiple times, to keep its feet, but that only causes my clit and breasts and nipples to RUB hard against the column as I go up and down....up and down.....until it all gives way....

my eyes...LOCK with Dalila's. Her legs slowly begin to spread apart, below me.....she will die first......YES...there is THAT satisfaction......my knees HIT the marble....my sex right over her bleeding mouth......my knees on the outside of her thighs.....and as I am spasming in my own death throes and final PEAKS......some HARD...some softer....coming down from the HEIGHT....of the final wave....what a PEAK....what PEAKS.....

One final smile.....as I reach slowly behind my back......and slip the stiletto from my rear waistband.....my final surprise.....for the Italian bitch.....it won't be mine....but it won't be HERS, either.....with final, shuddering, gasping breaths...BUT with that bloody smile....I raise the stiletto...PUSH my clit against hers...push HARD...GRIND hard...PUSH DOWN....and PLUNGE the stiletto HARD down into the very MIDDLE of Dalila's left breast.....it's time for her finish.....it feels HOT as my hand causes the nipple to collapse, the entire breast to collapse, before springing back up......her eyes FREEZE....she shudders....VIOLENTLY....my knees pull IN to SQUEEZE her thighs.....but....lord, where does this little bitch get her staying power??? She BUCKS....my clit SLAMS down every time hers slams UP....bucks...bucks...bucks.....and finally SLAMS upward SO hard in her final move.....that my body is THROWN off of her....back on my haunches.....on my knees....body BENDING back....back...back.....until my very HEAD is at the pool's edge.....my long hair falling INTO the pool........I spasm.....the death rattle.....my legs twitch...twitch.....then suddenly JERK....

and my right foot encounters my own gun on the deck......and, somehow....as I TWITCH and those legs just quiver and quiver...under NO control.....my final push shoves the gun....

right across the few feet to Dalila's right hand that has fallen from her belly......she's STILL not dead.....brain dead, yes.....but somehow.....as my numbed mind sees the horror in slow motion.....she is able to slide a finger over the trigger, even with no strength to raise the gun....and with her final BREATH.....the finger reflexively fires.....and as I see HER eyes close....the gun discharges.......and her bullet flies directly into the middle of my forehead.

There is a brief moment.....where she dies......and my dead body......having risen to my knees almost from that reverse "C" arch.....slowly.....gracefully.....as my own arms fall uselessly to my sides and outward.....my back SPLASHES down into the pool......tits up....

leaving three of us....on our backs....the only one holding herself still is the dead Dalila....with indeed still a smile on her face that is now frozen forever.....

as the my body and Suzi's, spread-eagled in the water.....slowly begin to twist, due to the wave motions my body SLAM into the water caused.....and slowly begin to turn....almost in small circles.....slowly working their way toward each other......

the eyes of both of us....staring straight UP....and seeing nothing....

but about to be united again....forever.

and the still and solitude are returned to the morning...and to the pool.

The pool has won. The duel....is history.
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Storm9 »

You know ...... saw other thread listing Petra, SUzi, and Dalila .. not sure if it meant filming at same time ....

If so would only need one extra sexy lady .. to make something like this VERY possible .. to enjoy live and in color .. maybe not with the pool possible.. still could have 4 of the most breath taking in the world.. all dying in the same video ...

Mmmmmmmm think if all 4 of the ladies involved in this .. actually did get together for one impressive summit/ meeting ... I think this could be a all time selling record waiting to happen .. Just have to figure a way, to tie Sandi up, and drag her along .... he he he

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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »

Storm....Sandi enjoys being 'tied up' sometimes. You might not have to work very hard to 'drag her along'. :excited: :excited: :cool:

And I believe it's in April, but YES, Blue is shooting a video WITH all 3.....Petra...Suzi.....Dalila. Actually, I'm phrasing it wrong. They are getting together for a 'session', out of which I would imagine we'll all get to see various 'methods'....and 'endings'.

sigh....if only I could make it a 4th....LOL.

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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Dalila di Capri »

I am re-incarnated, as usual, and I say Sandi...with all passion and sincerity.

There is ALWAYS room for one more ;-)

Baci :X
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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by shootingmad »

This was suuuuuper hot, thanks for sharing. I hope this sort of interactions become more regular among our female members. Men love to watch :mrgreen:

Being a pro breast-shooting guy I just wish Sandi got riddled in the end in the breasts. Oh well, will recreate that in my mind :mrgreen:

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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »


....thx much for the kind comments. I have duly noted your disappointment in the lack of breast shot(s) to finish off Sandi, and you can be sure that error will be corrected in the future. Machine gun bullets, something else you like very much, might just also be used in any 'next one'....lol.

Blame Dalila....she surprised me, even shocked me, for real (LOL!!!) when she did NOT finish me off in the breasts! That's why I grabbed them anyway in the end, even though the final two shots before the last one were to either side of my upper rib cage. I wanted to hold my breasts, damn it....so I did....lol.

Yes, SM....as with Other similar 'live' and unscripted role plays elsewhere with Other women, Dalila is just the perfect partner. She sets up her partner magnificently for her next post, because of her ability to vividly describe a scene as if one is seeing it on screen.

That's what 'we' were pretty good at doing before, and of course, as you say, the men loved it.

Unfortunately, SM, as you well know, the Active Posting Women left DS almost en masse, and have never returned, nor ever gathered again at another site for similar play, though as you know, PP's heaviest activity is among the women sharing stories...personal stories involving us, real people whom we all 'know' and can 'see'.

Part of that is that over time, many will drop away from the community, as I have at times and will do again. Any of those formerly active women, as you also know, are posting at PP in many stories involving many of the online 'women of fantasy'.

So what develops, at a clearly sexist site such as DS where there is fear of confident women by Management, OR at an open site like FF that welcomes us, is a lack of women posting. And there has not been any influx (which is needed!!!!...go recruit!) of new women into our community who become consistent posters. Some come....but they do not remain to become a vibrant part of the 'everyday life' at a Site, as 'we' did in the past. Kristin, Alice, Paola, Jill, Ash, Victoria, Karin, Steph, Gabriella, Jessica, Katja.....to name a few of the 'old guard', if you will, with Kristin and Alice being younger members of the old guard.....lol. And I have not even mentioned Larion (male) and Cathy, who played with us at those old Yahoo Groups....and they met at a Group....and played against each other in one of the Sandi-created-and-organized role play Competitions....one from Norway, one from the Phillipines......and their death scene together led to them emailing a lot....then phoning a lot....then having a 'first date' in Norway where Cathy had never seen snow....a date that lasted 3 weeks....and they were married a while later!

So, to those of us INTO it then, it was very, very REAL.

But the Community needs a constant influx of Newbie Women, because the rest of us will continue to drop away slowly. The old guard will not return, so 'we' need new....'blood', as it were!

One of my motivations in doing this was to hopefully bring more women out at FF. Has not happened yet.

My favorite type of site, and I think this is true for the other women who are or want to be active, is one with a mix of men and women. "We" don't want our own site, but we do enjoy it more when the female element also is present. And that is no 'shot' against men, of course!
It's just 'who we are', as women...in my humble opinion from the experiences I've had and watched over 13 years.

thx again....hope you saw the repeat of the Jill/Sandi story also, posted here purely for Dalila to read to get a sense of my style in these things.

I also note that that thread...and this one.....have generated almost zero Replies, so that says a lot about whether Members like those same things that you do. But we tried, and it was not done to generate replies, but to have fun, which the two of us did, just as any other female two-some did, at every 'live" role play we ever did.

If the men don't like it, that's fine, but the women sure had fun. Most DS members and, probably, FF members, are not just into the format of the role plays as being as titillating to them as discussing what women they do not know, do on the silver screen.

Personally, I've always preferred listening to real women, but that's just me, and I am a woman.

To each his own and I have no problem with that.

But it certainly dulls the libido to want to post anything else similar.

You have NO idea, SM....LOL.....how many hundreds were played out in IM those 'many years ago', and never posted...just for our personal enjoyment.

And that's what fantasy is all about. The men like it when real pictures are there, yes, but the verbal does not do as much for the majority of the FF/DS crowd. Yes, 'we' had quite a following of 2000-3000 at sites designed for role plays and interactive female things, but not here.

That was then. Yahoo Groups are dead. Time goes on. But I would love to see a totally new group of women enter who want to post, want to get involved. But it has not happened in years now.

That also says something about the 'appeal' of a FF or a DS to emotive women, versus the appeal of prior Yahoo Groups where that was the purpose of the Group.

Women like it personal. Most men at the Sites don't care about that, in ways, though threads discussing what 'we' do in our real lives,for fantasy, do generate Views and responses.

And experience from 13 years says that, in general, men will stick around for years and years, but the women move on, eventually, from these sites, or tend to more than the men. Very few women are 10 year veterans or whatever....lol....whether we grow tired of it, or whatever, I simply do not see the same women I saw 'years ago'; some stay, as they have at PP where women are comfortable and there are NO flame wars, ever...we hate flame wars, ShootingMad, hate 'em.

Women do come to these sites for fun, not ego or chest-beating, either....lol. Very rarely, probably never, has a true flame war been caused and kept alive by a woman. Wish the same was true for men in that regard....lol.

Just explaining for anyone reading how women think and feel; take my opinions or leave 'em, but if one quizzed all those women mentioned above, I'm confident they would agree with me...which is why all left DS....LOL!

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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by nekosan »

It was very fitting that everyone held their comments until the performance was over. And a spectacular performance it was. Ok. It was not on film,but, admit it. We were all able to see every single frame.
An excellent peice of work,and entirely adlibed by two artists.
I hope I did not slight anyone else that may have contributed to this artwork. If so I apologize.
Great work ! I would too would love to see more of this. It was very exciting,and creative.

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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by Sandi »

Nekosan...thank you as always. You've always been a very active and vocal supporter of these things, going back to Yahoo Groups at which we met. It's just that at a FF or DS, most men are not as into this format as we were at the Yahoo Groups.

Glad you enjoyed! It was super fun to do, because we each had a partner who flowed seamlessly from the prior post in the ad-lib format. Dalila is a gem to play with, because of her ability not only to feel and see it all, but to describe it in ways that put me THERE at that pool, and seeing and feeling it all.

And I know why you waited to post at this thread, and that was VERY thoughtful! I do not think comments would have hurt the flow, but just your thinking of US is very warming.....and why we developed an online liking for each other a few years ago!

But face it, Nekosan....and I'm laughing and not angry or upset at this....but 3 of you have replied at all....and all 3 date back years with the love of the real women doing real things through role plays and stories. Rather obviously, the bulk of the membership is not as turned on by this format as you are....LOL.

Messages get delivered online, by responses or non-responses....and I'm fine with that, as it was done for our pleasure, and we each had fun!

Thanks again!

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Re: Dalila and Sandi---Duel At The Pool

Post by LadyAsh »

Look, blondie, I would have posted before but have only just joined. But you know how I feel about these things as it was you who got me hooked years ago. Oh, I just got it, that was what you were saying, wasn't it? Some things never change. like Sandi and words.

This is what I enjoy. I have from the beginning, even back when I was writing, I acted all the scenes out in my mind and then put it down on paper, er the screen. Isn't it true that men are more visual? They prefer to see what is happening. Don't ever think that I bash men, I don't, I love them, frequently! But the most intense role plays I have done have always been with other women. Only one man has come up to that level and I won't name him.

Anyway, well done, great story. It almost makes me want to get back into it.

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