Free Speech????

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Free Speech????

Post by Bluestone »

Hey Guys and Gals,

Don't get me wrong, free speech is not limited to this thread. Feel free to start your own posts on any necro-related topic.

I started this thread in response to the playful needlings and challenges of Geno, owner of DeadSkirts, a co-friendly message board in our community. He seems to think that I'm only interested in posts regarding the FF paysite or the Bluestone sites. Well, I'm not, and we have several threads here that have nothing to do with either of those topics.

So, if you've got something that you want to get off your chest, feel free to express it on this thread or start your own. I for one am curious... Does anyone out there feel nervous about posting something here that they would have no problem posting on a message board such as DeadSkirts?

We have a very open board here. There are rules of civility, but we don't try to restrict free speech. Everyone's entitled to hold an opinion here, just as on other message boards that are not owned by webmasters who run paysites. I think Geno is wrong, but you tell me. Can he possibly be right??? :( Are there people out there who really think that I'm going to slam them if they don't tow the Bluestone line? :eek: I would think that if I was going to ban anyone for free speech, it would be Geno :lol:

(I don't bite... I do strangle, shoot and stab though... but only beautiful young ladies!) :lol:
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by Templar »

Don't take it personally.

I have a messageboard that's had maybe 8 posts in the last year.

I set up a messageboard on the very popular Darksites and after months of waiting got no posts. I even suggested that webmasters post there with no one interested. I just took it down last week.

People post where most of the people are - that's the problem. The community has pretty much taken up residence at Deadskirts so that's where they're going to post. Those ticked off at Geno moved on to Poisoned Paradigm. The rest of us are... redundant I guess.

So, nothing personal - I post here. Good luck.
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by elsullo »

Um, lemmie see. Uh, um, uh, no.............I just can't think of any reason to care what Geno thinks, about anything. And I am mystified why he thinks I would care what he thinks. There, I spoke freely about that............................elsullo
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by kevin67 »


Free speech is great, but I do believe there are parameters.I taught i n an inner city high
school for 31 years. Some of the students, when taught about their rights, translated the right to speak freely as being universal. By that I mean they felt that you can say what you
you want, whereever you are and to whomever you want ( yes that included the teacher).
How do you teach them differently? The trick is to know when to speak and when to be silent
and just listen. Ask yourself the question, is what I am going to say really useful to the
discussion or will it be hurtful. I realize that at times we do feel the need to be truthful, even if it hurts another person. I am not perfect, there are many times in my life that I talked
when I should have listened and many times I should have simply shut up.

In answer to your question, I have no fear whatsoever of posting on this board. In my
own opinion, I have a greater fear of my own mouth ,and the effect of what I say has on
others. Geno is wrong because he is a lot like the students I just mentioned.His All Topic
Board is too broad, thus he feels he needs all those rules to control the discussion. The net
result is he is only stiffling free speech because he is not a fair judge of the situation. There
aren't too many people who could run the board under those conditions, certainly not I.
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by shootingmad »

It is usually said that it takes very little to learn to speak, but it is so hard to learn how to shut it.

On a different note: why should there be a "free speech" on a private board?

Free speech is a valuable good thing, and we all thrive for that (most of us I think), but why should this "feature" be a mandatory thing of a private board?
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by dpaul47 »

Its been awhile ago but I think G-man changed the board so only paying members of Femmgore could post........also there were alot of arguments going on.......I think the moderator caused alot of bad feelings too.........I dont know if they were deserved or not but people moved away from here and went to deadskirts
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by Bluestone »

dpaul47 wrote:Its been awhile ago but I think G-man changed the board so only paying members of Femmgore could post........also there were alot of arguments going on.......I think the moderator caused alot of bad feelings too.........I dont know if they were deserved or not but people moved away from here and went to deadskirts

Actually, people didn't move away from 'here and went to deadskirts', they moved away from Femmegore and went to DeadSkirts years ago, long before this board ever existed. In my opinion, it was a mistake to turn Femmegore into a paid members only board. I think G-man would agree with me on that point. That decision was the real impetus for the founding of DeadSkirts. Which only goes to show that, if free speech (meaning in this context allowing non-paying members to contribute as well as paying members) is stifled, a board such as this will become limited and unpopular. That is a mistake that FF will not be making :wink:

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Re: Free Speech????

Post by dpaul47 »

Femmgore and "here" are pretty much the same place in most peoples eyes.......anyway the ones who remember how popular G-mans site was with its chat room. I dont begrudge Carl anything as he had Fatal Females for along time and never charged anything for it.
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by Geno »

That's a lie Dpaul47.

Femmegore has a payside too. In fact, there was one point in the midst of their popularity that one of the admistrators by the name of "Gee-somthing" made the monumental decision to kick all non-paying members of the site. Of course a few non paying puppet members were allowed to remain.

Besides, pior to that guys decision to mass execute more than 1,000 non-paying members of that site, they had summarily executed my membership about 5 month before. Personally it didn't bother me. I was only looking to save my own lovely skin. That is the most important thing around, number one! Another site had been created about 6 months before and I was hanging out over connection with that site was the "deed holder". Thats all. You were welcome to run with me if you wanted too.

Anyway about about 8 months later, they he realized his mistake and re-open the board to the adult public again. However like the old saying goes.....THE LATE BIRD misses THE EARLY WORM. It was too late. FG had become just a lust blog between a couple of admistrators in the middle of a ghost town. Imagine!... someone Capitalizing on a mommental mistake like that. :idea: Who could be so low-down? By the way did I ever tell you, I use to have nickname......Yes Know I remember. snake-belly.

If you only remember one thing Dpaul...keep in mind that to my knowledge there are NO FG clones websites out there. The the potentional for one come into being, does exist. I am keeping my eyes on one Website right now. My fingers are crossed, that particual one does not someday tranform into an FG clone. Let us just say it going to take some strong moral Canadian values to keep that from happening. :twisted:

Sincerely Geno :cool:
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by JoJo »

Just asking :roll:
But I thought he (dpaul47) was making a point of only Fatal Females saying_ " he had Fatal Females for along time and never charged anything for it."
Unless I read his post wrong?
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by Bluestone »

You read it correctly, and Geno read it wrong. Geno, accusing Dpaul47 of lying was completely uncalled for. He was correct... you were wrong!!! G-Man did run "Fatal Females" for years for free. I know. I was there. Obviously, snake-belly wants to use every opportunity to get back at G-Man for kicking him off Femmegore, but by doing so, Geno has called another member of this board a liar! Not a good way to make your point.

That mistake on FG of banning non-paying members will not be repeated here! As for FG banning the Great and Powerful Snake-Belly so that he could start his FG Message Board clone, wasn't there a vote on FG before that ban took place. I remember, because I thought I voted against it :wink:

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Re: Free Speech????

Post by Geno »

Jojo you are 100% correct. Obviously I did misread it. Dpaul said "Fatal Females" :oops:

I though my good buddy, friend , and fellow DS member, Dpaul47 said, Femmegore was around for years and never charged a dime, in which I said the statement was untrue. Dpual know I would never call him out of his name. :cool:

I have never called any member in on any board, in any flame war, a liar.

Don't twist into something that vicious when that was not the intention by any means. :disapprove:

Get you time zones correct. DeadSkirts was built before he decided to kick the non paying members of the FG board. You did not miss anything, because he did not put it up for a vote. Several time during the privous years of 2003 and 2004, he hinted that he wanted to do that. The member got in an uproar, and he backed off the idea. However in 2006, the uproar and protest by his most loyal members was not enough, and he followed though with his threat. After kicking those members off the site, it was so sophisticating called it a "Private Club" :roll:

Kinda of silly move on would think :oops: I mean ....with a new fantasy death site sitting right next door, that was built 6 months pior. :razz:

It was not a clone to the FG board, because it did not even have a "payside". If anything it was much more like the original Fatal Females site only a higher tech version and more heavilly travelled. Can you image 50 members signing up everyday for weeks. Why...It's a enough to make a board crash...and it did, and once again "Snake-Belly" was kicked of another website and all his members where on there butts with him. It took 2 whole weeks to get back up and running again.

Now the statement "Geno has had DeadSkirts for years without charging the his members." is also a true statement. :yes:
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by dpaul47 »

juist a honest question but why are you here Geno?
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by Geno »

I can give you lots of reasons why I am here, my fellow member Dpaul47. :approve:

Just tell me if you have a problem any one this reasons. Here we go...

1. Bluestone and I were compatable friend even before Femmegore was built before 2001

2. Bluestone wants me here on Deadskirts.

3. I want Bluestone on DeadSkirts.

4. I want Dpual47 on DeadSkirts also. (no member of DS is ever going to make legal threats on the open boards against you for innocently posting a clip, Dpaul Sir)

5.. Unlike Femmegore and DeadSkirts, Deadskirts and FF are "co-friendly" boards. Thus I am here for that reason too.

6.. Bluestone has reassured me that G-Man's vicious temper, mass deletion methods, and opposition to free speech. will not be allow to be implimented in the form of enforcement on the any open boards of FemmeFatalities.

7. I'm here because FemmeFatalitles will not become a FemmegoreGore by kicking my other friend and beloved member Dpual47, or me ,off this site, because we have not joined the payside of FF.

8. Finnally, most importantly, my good member Dpual47 who is in excellent standing, that no matter how big and grand DeadSkirts is, it's better if you can add teh success and enjoyment of FemmeFatalities to it! :idea:

Sincerely Geno
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Re: Free Speech????

Post by dpaul47 »

most of the reasons you stated are fine. It just seems like when you post its almost like a accussation or a challange and in response to a comment I made just down right rude. I also dont think much of your latest response as it sounded very condescending and arrogant......again that might just be the way I read it.
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