Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

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Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Bluestone »

Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

You'd almost think this was the case, if you've been reading posts here and on other necro media boards. There have been some major personality clashes, sides are being taken, division is being encouraged, and rumours are circulating like wildfire!

I am imploring all parties involved to rise above the pettiness and overreactions that are all so very apparent over the last few days, not just on this board, but on the other message boards in the wider death fetish community. I will NOT name names here. Gossip, name-calling, and the blame game are not my thing. I love a debate, but such things do not constitute debating. True debating, I.M.H.O., requires maturity and mutual respect. Anything short of that is simply a negative flame war, and should be avoided at all costs. Why? Because the general community suffers as a result. In general, we are here to exchange thoughts, ideas, and experiences, so that like-minded individuals have support for their fetish which cannot in general be found in the world beyond the walls of this and other erotic death fetish sites.

This board was created as a meeting place, a friendly place, a wonderful sand box in which everyone could play and enjoy each other's company. As a sandbox moderator, I'd like to see us all play nicely and respect each other's opinions. Please do not throw sand in each other's eyes. Please play nicely. Have fun. Don't make war. War is not the purpose for which this wonderful sandbox was created! It's as simple as that, my friends.

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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Mkkb »

:clap: :clap: :clap: Bravo!

I agree, let's put away all the hostilities and get back to the business at hand.... All those wonderful productions being created by the amazing producers and the occasional gems Hollywood throws at us.

These are the good times. This community has never had so many choices when it comes to available movies. There is simply tons for everyone to enjoy, no matter what specific method you like best.

Thank you Blue for such a great place. Now, back to the killing! :idea: :idea: :mrgreen:
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by shootingmad »


this sort of things will happen from time to time. Its a cycle and happens in life as well as with economy. We are humans, humans come and go, and personalities will harvest opportunities for disagreement. And most of the time disagreement is not politely expressed. Specially on boards.

Hopefully this little incident will be forgotten in the short term. And then in the future a new incident will explode for a little time.

Kind of a Malthusian opinion I know :mrgreen:
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Geno »

I wouldn't make light of it Shootingmad. :disapprove:

You know I been around longer than you have, and I have never seen the level of turmoil we are seeing nowadays. People are taking actual infractions, and blowing them up to felony levels. He called me name, so I have to plan out my revenge and gossip to get back at him. Divsion are being created. Line are being drawn in the sand. Tension and disrepect are existing between members on a level never seen before. Sh*t-list are being written and some of most well names in our community are being put first and second on this list. It's having a wide ripple effect. It happens from "time to time" foot! :shake: You know how they are on the PP board.

They gang up on a site owner over there and ride him hard, not realising that they are hurting the owner and their ownselves, in the long run. That can't see that "ever reaction has an equal and opposite reaction". I would not label any of what has happened over the last few weeks anything less than serious Shootingmad. How many times have you tried to use your calming qualities in the middle of a mob, and they don't even listen to you, Shooting mad. Not good, I tell you. :shake:

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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by shootingmad »

You`ve been longer than I, thats for sure.

but dont you think that from that very beginning up to now, the whole "necro" community world has grown a lot?

the more people a community has, the more likely issues will ensue. You cant controll everything and we cant expect every issue to be resolved in the proper manner. Fights will ensue, discussions will arouse, lines will be drawn, things will change and so they`ll adapt to a new equilibrium.

But hey, thats just my point of view. I study Economics, I like to thing about equilibriums and cyclic catastrophes.
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by chton »

It's funny when you look at nearly all the incidents one party always seems to be involved. What does that tell you? Either lots of people are going crazy or the one person is the problem. It's pretty easy to tell when lots of different people have the same issue with the same person where the problem is. When multiple people accuse the same person of dishonesty it begs the question..are all of these people lying or is it more likely the one person is the liar?
Anyways, consider that when discussing the "issues" in the community and you see them resolve themselves to a single person rather than many issues.
I await a poorly written typo ridden personal attack to follow just to prove my point.
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Geno »

Well Mr. chton you don't think you are going to get away that which you can never back up. :disapprove: I am not the making threats to anyone. I am holding no grudges. Bluestone and I made a sincere effort to make smooth out all the concerns of the the subject guy at hand, right up to offering him his advertisting slot back. He rejected everything. He broke his word to post some free videos right here on FF. I did not break my word. What do you think would have happen if he would have just relaxed and accepted both our offers. All he had to do it take us up on his offers and everthing would be just fine.

Now back to the question at hand..Is the community emploding. First of all one man could never make that happen. All I am saying is that people are responsible for their own actions, and as a group if they choose to fight amoug themselves, it may not implode , but there will be some rough roads ahead.

In the old days of the internet it was considered good etiquette not to bring flame from one website to another. However the first thing KHP did when I suspended him, was go to other board to show his discontent with me. He was in effect soliciting for flame warriors to jump on DeadSkirts and my case. At at minimum he should have just forgoten all about me, and moved on.

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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by kevin67 »


I cannot agree with you that one man cannot have a profound effect on a situation.
History teaches us a different lesson. Think of people like Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr
and Abraham Lincoln who have made significant contributions to mankind. On the other edge
of the coin you have Hitler, Mussolini and Starlin who have managed to give the human race
significant examples of madness.

Now I am not comparing any of these people with you Geno, but let's look at some facts.

!) Who called Britton a "crazy cunt"? You did Geno. Now you are going to tell me that is
how you call Paul to your board. Have you ever heard of email or simply calling him
personally on the board. You claimed he ignored you, so what, we all have had that
happen before. I can't prove it but I do recall that he posted on your board that he
not answer certain questions. Do you bother to read your board. Fact.

2) Next the case of the missing message in which Blue wrote that he was glad you banned
CNB and Paul. This occured on your board sir. Why was the message posted just in time
for Paul to read it? Why was it removed so quickly especially since it favored your
position? Who was responsible for removing it? We lost an advertiser and I would like
to know why. Blue could have easily put the said message on his own board and deleted
it. Why would he put it on DS? Fact: Your explanation has cleared up absolutely nothing.

3) Then there is the time you came on this site to post a review, saw one negative state-
ment, and started a five page flameup over here. You left and never posted the review
anywhere that I could see. If you didn't at least send that review to Blue by email,
then you should be ashamed of yourself. If you still have it in you back pocket, get rid
of it. Milena is now a grandmother living in Atlanta.Fact.

4) I could go on and on but I will make one last point. Paul says he is leaving DS but you
refuse to terminate him granting him a two week cooling off period. A while later you ban
him for life, and then soon after you try to entice him back provided he does not
threaten to sue you.Which cornor of your mouth are you talking from at any one time.

If you ask me ,Chton is right because all of this and more refers to only one man, you Geno.I am not a moron, you can't piddle on my leg and try to convince me it is raining.
The point is that you did these things and you can't refute it by using some stupid excuse
for some rather bad behavior. This is not Geno-bashing, this is merely pointing out several
irrefutable facts and posing some very significant questions. In addition, what are you
going to do to correct this behavior in the future?

I do believe the fantasy community is imploding ,but I also believe we can weather the storm.The question is how do we pinpoint the key problems and correct our behavior? All the boards must work together to reach a common understanding to ease the tensions we
now witness.

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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Max5s »

I'm not inclined to think that this community is imploding. Instead, it seems to be dividing into factions where support is aligning with different producers. I'd say someone has developed a certain skill at manipulating the drama and shifting the battleground away from where it originally resided. I'm more than a bit annoyed at the fact that the history book was re-written, and very few seemed to care or worse, even notice.

I think I'm joining the camp occupied by kevin and chton if they'll have me. They have a certain perspicuity I can admire.
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Nightposter »

The above postings have shown, even here, which should be neutral ground, why I no longer post in certain groups. It is often futile to try and make a point, or defend your feelings, when persons, or groups of persons, override your postings, somehow claim to know how I really feel ,or what I really meant.

So, as a growing number of people seem to be doing, I've stopped entering into discussions in those places where free thinking seems to be regulated, inspected, edited, ruled on, and sometimes punished.

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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Bluestone »

Nightposter wrote:The above postings have shown, even here, which should be neutral ground, why I no longer post in certain groups. It is often futile to try and make a point, or defend your feelings, when persons, or groups of persons, override your postings, somehow claim to know how I really feel ,or what I really meant.

So, as a growing number of people seem to be doing, I've stopped entering into discussions in those places where free thinking seems to be regulated, inspected, edited, ruled on, and sometimes punished.


Hey Nightposter,

You are free to express your opinions here. No one will be overriding your postings, especially me. I love to hear differing views. What do you think we can do to improve the situation here and on other community boards? I'm all ears... really. No one should feel that their opinions don't matter, or be frustrated in expressing them.

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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Geno »

Nighposter--- When you are on a free speech board, like DeadSkirts, your opinion is not going to be over ridden, however is subject to being countered by any one of your co-members over there. I would assume the same thing is true on this site.

Max5s--- You know good and well those inexperienced moderators on the "other" board are allowing a blank check to bash Geno. All that garbage about Geno hates women. The they don't realize you can not take aim at webmasters like us with lies like that, and not get a lot of other people hit in the crossfire. As hard as you are on me Max...even you will give me that much..that I do love women.

Kevin-67-- I am going to brief with you this time. Bluestone already has told you, he did not write anything to the effect that he was glad I kicked him and Dennis of DeadSkirts. I have not only told you, Kevin, that I did not do it , but have explained it's electronically impossible for me to that. Finally, that troublemaker ended the the allegation by saying, "it does matter if you did not say that Bluestone. You clearly has aligned himself with Deadskirts Geno, and Dr. Don"..
KHP's Sh*t list = Bluestone #3, Dr. Don # 2, Geno #1.

KHP is responsible for he own actions. Like it or not...that is the end it. KHP will not return to DeadSkirts because I am gong to withdraw the offer today for him to return.

I don't break my any of my promises, if can possibly help it. A couple of days ago, just as a passing thought, I apologized to Bluestone for the delay in posting Melina's pussy shooting video. KHP broke his promise. There will be no KHP videos free for you here, Kevin67, because KHP has broken his promise. He will never put any of his videos on this site. I have only delay my posting my video review. I have to prepare and handle business before I post those video reveiws. I have also promised to get and build a a new Deadskirts..that has not happen either. It will happen, but with a delay. You'r e KHP videos Kevin will never arrive.

Finally Kevin67 take your twisted one liners you got from movie "The Outlaw Josey Whales" (1976), about "pissing and raining" and you super exgerations about Melina aging to the level of a grandmother, in the two short months since she did the pussy-shooting video, and shove it :roll:

Chton Hey Chton I noticed you have gotten quiet all of a sudden. Well, when you come back, ....if you come back, I am not going rehash this case with you, but I have do have one question. Do you think that Geno is responsible for the actions and behavoir of KHP, and if so then please explain how? If not, then just zip it.

Last edited by Geno on Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Nightposter »

Bluestone wrote:

Hey Nightposter,

You are free to express your opinions here. No one will be overriding your postings, especially me. I love to hear differing views. What do you think we can do to improve the situation here and on other community boards? I'm all ears... really. No one should feel that their opinions don't matter, or be frustrated in expressing them.

The situation here, is fine. You do a good job running things here. Most of the posters here are respecting others, in spite of an occasional agitator or two, but I just ignore them.
Lately I'm just not visiting these boards as often, when I do, I see one poster trying to "run" several boards, even tho he's having trouble at his own board. I guess I'm getting too old or tired to be bothered by the nonsense anymore. Just remember that you, and your moderators are doing fine no matter what some others think. There is no mayhem going on here ( except in your vids!)
BTW, my $25.00 is sitting here on the desk, waiting for the Petra vid to be edited....

I just haven't given you the opening to change anything I have said - because I do not now, and am not planning to post at your forum again. I know you will comment on this (because you have to get final say on anything) but I will not reply on this again to you.
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by kevin67 »


I am going to be brief with you Geno and to the point. I know Blue didn't post that
stupid message on your board and you claim you didn't. My question is ,who did post
the message and who removed it? Is that too much to get into you thin brain. Would
you please stick to the subject and answer the question. I didn't see anything you wrote that addresses what I wrote except your Milena comment. Even that is a bunch of pure crap.
You came over here to post it eons ago and you saw some comment about you and
went off on a tangent. That should not have stopped you from taking a little time out
to post it, unless of course it never existed.

Finally, I never mentioned Paul or Dr. Don in my posting so why are you even addressing those remarks to my post.Also, explain this statement that you wrote, "You'r e KHP videos Kevin will never arrive". What does that mean?

P.S.- I happen to like that rain remark, and it does fit you extrermely well. Your shove it
remark also shows ,as you would put it ,that you are out of ammunition. Stay well.

Sincerely Kevin67
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Re: Is the Death Fantasy Community Imploding???

Post by Geno »

Kevin--- I know a lot of editing methods, but I do not know how to take over and account without a person's knowledge unless they give me their passcode. Where did this post go, ....I honestly believe is never existed. KHP made up just prior to his Anti-Femmefatalities campain, which we help put and end too,....for the most part.

Nightposter ---- Awww...I am really that impressed with your plans not to post on DeadSkirts. :roll: Tell me that you ARE going to post on DeadSkirts instead and see how happy that would make me and you co-members. I remember when Femmegore.Com was around and doing great after the 911 attacks at is peak in 2001 - 2003 even way back there I can recall you saying this about that fantasy board. "Eugene I can take this site or leave it, makes no difference to me"--rough quote from Nightposter. All that tells me Nightposter. Is that you are not that dependant on using websites as I am ,to get my erotic gratification from killing women in fantasy. :idea:

Here's what I expect you to do Nightposter, if you don't feel up to posting on DeadSkirts right now. I will be building and entirely new site. Still called Deadskirts. It will have a new high tech board, superior to this one. I would be impressed if you are one of the first people to join it, when it opens Nightposter. Of course, you can wait and see how things are running before you join. It will have the same sections of board,..and a new section..our SUPER MOVIE LIST Board! I with the help of Deman will put up title and review put up my members over the last 8 years!..including some by you.

You don't have to post on the NEW DeadSkirts if don't want too, but you must sign up if you want to see Super movie list boards, because the general public might not be allowed into that section, because of CPU and power consumption. Just like the movie clips section here FF. You have to sign in to see it. :yes:

P.S. Nightposter...I like that comment you made about me runing 3 boards! :clap: Naw I am just a little guy stopping of here and there just to hello and good-bye. That last visit to PP Hey don't blame me... :eek: ... me they were in a full 3 PAGE FLAME before I made the first post over there. They were villifing both webmasters (FF and DS) over there. So even Blue has to stop by and straighten out the KHP manure! KHP was on a rampage. He had to be stopped. Have you notice, he has not been heard of on any of the 3 boards since then. :yes:

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