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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by EvilBilly »

This is all extremely disappointing.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by shootingmad »

Again, I havent known Bluestone for a long time and I might be wrong cause you never get to know people. But from the time Ive read him on the forums, both here and DS I cant really say anything bad about him. And I have to be very skeptical about this matters.

I think it is more of a misunderstanding. Mostly a misunderstanding generated in a moment of heat.
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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Mkkb »

I too have to chime in about Bluestone. He has always proven to be a gentleman and an all around good guy. I seriously doubt that he has any bad intentions or axes to grind.

I honestly think that perhaps there was a little selective editing and deleting of some of the members posts over at that other site. I would not trust what was posted over there. A certain moderator/owner of that site seems to feel he is very clever and can get away with anything. Don't allow it to happen. Ignore it all!

Personally I think we should just put it all behind us. Start on new ground and allow a healthy distance to grow between here and all of the hostilities in that thread on the other site.

Please..... :yes: :yes: :mrgreen:

Let's talk about future work! What do you guys have on the horizon?
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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Bluestone »

Mkkb wrote: Personally I think we should just put it all behind us. Start on new ground and allow a healthy distance to grow between here and all of the hostilities in that thread on the other site.

Please..... :yes: :yes: :mrgreen:

Let's talk about future work! What do you guys have on the horizon?

I agree with you entirely, Mkkb, and with the other posters, and I thank you for your support. I don't know what happened beyond Paul being, probably honestly, mistaken about the post that he thought he saw or was told about. People make mistakes. He was wrong. That post never existed. I have no evidence to support the theory that anyone edited one of my posts on DS. All I know is that I made no such post, and that should be the end of it.

Now, Paul started this thread, so I'll let him respond to your question about future work, assuming that he is still in the building. As you know, I try to post info on future projects on the 'Silken Thread' and other similar threads on this forum. So, no need to take up space here when Paul is quite free to let his fans know what future projects he is working on.

Paul, your work has always been well received by many on this site, including me. Would you care to respond to your public?

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Geno »

Hello Everyone Just Passing By

KHP (Paul) There something you and everyone else need to know about PHP Message board. DeadSkirts has a PHP 2.0 board, and FemmeFatalities has a PHP 3.0 board. Everyone passcode is encrypted. Bluestone is a member/advertiser on DeadSkirts.

Does Geno Know Bluestones Passcode?
No...he never gave it to me and he can change his code 24 hours a day.

Can I take over Bluestone Account and post in his name?
You darn right I can take over! I can do by over-writing his unknown code.

What happens if I do that?
Even is the post is deleted. Bluestone would not have is orignal pass code, and would know someone tampered with his account, because he couldn't log it. Bluestone can verify he has never given his code to DS management ...nor have I ever given my code to FF managment. So lets cut this talk about me taking over Bluestone account without his knowledge. It is electronically impossible.

Also Mr. KHP (Paul). You need to learn to relax. You need to learn to forgive when someone offers you and you actresses an apology. You can't ride this to the ends of the earth. For someone who saids he does not have enough time for this, and for time that, you sure do waste a lot it Mr. KHP (Paul). You've got all the time in the world KHP , and you know it.

Now let's get down to a deal making.., Paul you can e-mail me, or post it publically if you want too, that you will never make a legal or criminal threat against me , or DeadSkirts on any open forum within my view, and I will let you back on DeadSkirts. I am not running from liablity. You have a legal issue, you want to charge me with a crime?, fine..then e-mail me, or take action without making the verbal threats in public. That is all I am concerned about.

Of course if you do take me up on that offer KHP, a new account will have to be created for you from scratch, your original one was deleted. That offer only applies to you. Either way I will be very sastisfied, knowing I gave you an offer, after I kicked you off because you guys really scared me. I am sorry but I can't take a chance with Dennis. In my opinion he is far to dangerous for DeadSkirts.....I think he egged you into making those serious threats against my site! :mad: You are much more of follower.. than a leader KHP. But Don't worry about it, just take a look at my offer.

Now if you will excuse me KHP (Paul) I want to talk to some of my friends here.....


EvilBilly--- You are a delightful little heckler on DeadSkirts. You have never been suspended and you account is valid and working. I don't know who gave you any information to the contrary. All joking , aside I would vote you for the Prime Minister of Canada. You are a sweet little rascal. :approve:

Max5s--- Another valid DS member. I want to thank you for all your help. I know it does'nt seem the way, but you really do get me to think when you express your opinion strongly about something. You most powerful statement on the subject of allowing DS member blank check to trash any actress who is not a DS member, need a second look at. That could be used as a loop-hole to harass other member, especially producers.

Mkkb--- All I can say is, that is a during a debate, you give a person a good run for his money. You don't play around, do you Mkkb. You kick some but. The toughest lurker around! However, Really some of the things you said about taking over account...they really could not be , even I wanted too. Now when it comes down to hidden encrypted passwords.

Last edited by Geno on Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by shootingmad »

Now let's get down to a Deal, Paul you can e-mail me, or post it publically if you want too, that you will never make a legal or criminal threat against me , or DeadSkirts on any open forum within my view, and I will let you back on DeadSkirts

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Bluestone »

Well, well, well, I go over to PP to challenge Paul on the comments that he made there, I finally got him to respond to my emails, and I come home to find that he's returned, and Geno with him. Well, Geno's willing to bury the hachet, I've offered an olive branch to Paul publicly and privately. I guess it's up to you, Paul.

Now, let's clarify for the record:

1. I agree with Geno that, if his board works like this board, which I believe it does, then Geno cannot hijack my account and post under my name on DS without me knowing about it.

2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a board administrator and often a moderator can edit any post by anyone. I think that's the allegation that's been raised here by parties other than myself, Geno. Perhaps you can respond to that point.

3. Paul is right that he has no reason to make trouble and accuse me of something like this. There is no benefit to him at all, just as there would be no benefit to me in trashing a guy who I welcomed to this board, who was offering freebie videos for our members, and who I have only had good things to say about.

4. Those on this board know that Geno and I have disagreed on many things right here on this board. I respect him as a member, but it is ludicrous to think that I was part of a plan to kick Paul off of DS. I have made my free speech policy quite clear here. That would be completely out of character for me to do.

5. The bottom line: I DID NOT MAKE THE POST IN QUESTION, and no one will ever be able to get away with circulating this lie here or anywhere else. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Paul is simply mistaken. If he will admit same, this tirade will end. If not, I am prepared to defend my good name here, or anywhere else that he chooses to post. It's that simple.

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Bluestone »

Your choice, Paul, not mine; but, you can't really expect me to lie down and play dead when you're assassinating my character!

As I said on PP and in my personal emails to you, I'm willing to drop this silly argument, now that we've both firmly stated our positions. Moderator Sandi of PP very nicely suggested that, since we have both stated our positions, that we move on. Here is the response word for word that I just posted there:


As usual you have cut right to the quick (although it took you several pages of cyber paper to do it ). Of course you are 100% right!

Paul was upset, because he thought I posted something against him.

I was upset because I didn't, and because he didn't email me to discuss the issue, but assumed that I had made that remark, and accused me of same in public.

As Sandi quite rightly said, our cases have been stated again and again. We are both firmly convinced that we are right, and feel betrayed and attacked for no reason. If I was in Paul's shoes, I probably would have reacted the same way. I hope that he understands that I pride myself on my integrity, as does he, and that he would have reacted much the same as I did if I had made those accusations of him.

Paul is not a liar. He is a very fine upstanding member of this community and a top producer. I regret that this spat ever took place, and this will be my final word on it on this forum.

Paul is still a member in good standing at Femme Fatalities that is NOT a sister site to DeadSkirts. I believe Geno calls it a co-friendly board, meaning that we are not at war with one another. Geno owns DS and I own FF. There is no cross ownership. FF is a friendly neighbour to both PP and DS. We don't play favourites. We prize free speech above all. Paul has posted on FF tonight, and is free to post there whenever he wants. There are no hard feelings whatsoever... and I'm prepared to move on.

Thank you all for listening, and for your tolerance while we both ranted and raved. I will visit now and again. You have a very nice board here


Paul, hopefully, you will discontinue this negative topic also. No one needs to hear a continual rehash of he-said-she-said type banter.

See you on the boards, Paul!


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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by kevin67 »


I agree it is time to get back to work - death fetish work that is, but I doin't believe
I am doing it with a smile.

I don't believe that Blue wrote the said post for a nanosecond on the basis that he had no motive to write it. He invites Paul to the board and within a day or two goes to DS
to tell him he was glad that Paul and Den-CNB were banned. This was not even done in
an email. This is bovine excrement of the highest order.

My mother use to s ay that if nobody else done it, it weas Mr. Nobody My question is who took it offv the board and why was it bdone so quickly? Who removed it & what were rthere reasons?Mr. Nobody. I might point out thatthis happened on his site, uh huh.

I also find it suspicious that Geno bans Paul for as long as Geno is around, and
he says he didn't do the post. However Paul ,you can come back if you want, all is
forgiven. Tell me there's no ulterior motive here, I need one leg longer than the other.
This is the shortest lifetime ban I have ever seen, but it is no surprise because it comes from
a man who talks from both sides of his mouth.

Another point I discovered is the motive of PennPaul joining the fracus on Geno's
side. You no good Paul, hey Geno can I have his advertisers spot. Let me throw more gasoline on the fire. I am not saying he wrote the post, but it does exemplify why I am
unhappy. The boards have become places for several people to push their own agendas,
especially Geno.

Let's admit it, Geno will never change, he will continue to make the same mistakes
like his stupid cyberediting tricks, uncouth language regarding women and phoney
apologies. I think we should think long and hard about what to do with this man in the
future rather then sit here with you know what kind of grin on my face. History teaches
us that toleration accomplishes nothing (think Hitler and Germany) .

Blue, I know this will probably bring the beast over here, but I really don't care.
You may delete this post, or send me to your jail in the basement, which I will go
willingly. A three day suspension or more, fine, but I will have a satisfied grin on my
face and there will be no tape over my mouth.

Sincerely Bad boy Kevin67
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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Bluestone »

Hi Kev,

I suspension? What's that? Never happened here, and hope it never will.

Edit or delete your post, even though I have your permission? I don't think so. Not unless a post puts someone in danger or offends the rules. I have protected actresses before by asking a member if I could delete a post, and I have received their consent. Those are the few exceptions. Don't you think that if I was going to delete any post, it would have been Paul's unfounded and hurtful accusations? That's not how we operate here though. Paul's comments can stay up there forever. I don't remove what I don't agree with, or because I think it will not be agreed to by others. That's what Paul failed to understand, thinking I made a post, then hurried back to remove it. Yes, that was his mistake. He doesn't know me, and he hasn't come to grips with his own paranoia.

Now, I'm getting back to my work. I've lost quite enough video editing time over this stupidity.

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by EvilBilly »

from Geno: You are a delightful little heckler on DeadSkirts. You have never been suspended and you account is valid and working. I don't know who gave you any information to the contrary. All joking , aside I would vote you for the Prime Minister of Canada. You are a sweet little rascal.
If that's true why was I informed on Sunday that my account was suspended? And I tried logging in after reading your post and am unable.

I may have mentioned that I am a bit of a newbie around these parts. What does PP stand for? Is it another forum which serves our fetish?
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Bluestone »

EvilBilly wrote: I may have mentioned that I am a bit of a newbie around these parts. What does PP stand for? Is it another forum which serves our fetish?

Hi EvilBilly,

Let me combine an answer to your question with an announcement on the closure of the Blue-KHP(Paul) debate:

I wish to publicly thank the lovely and brilliant Sandi of Poisoned Paradigm for settling the aforesaid debate and assisting Paul and I to bury the hachet and make peace. Her efforts are to be applauded! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Paul and I had both posted on this thread and on neutral ground at Poisoned Paradigm. I posted my response to Sandi's peacemaking overture above. I didn't notice at the time that Paul had also posted, and agreed to a cessation of hostilities, and to drop the issue. I also applaud Paul for agreeing to end this very unproductive debate. It was necessary for both sides to state their position, agree to disagree, and move on with the positive, creative contributions that we both want to make to the larger erotic death fetish community.

Thank you, Paul.

Thank you, Sandi.

Thank you all for putting up with our ranting and raving, and for all of the support that you have given both of us over the years. It is my fondest desire for Paul to return to FF and become a contributing member of this fine community.

Now, there's some video editing and a day job that I'd better get back to.

'Later, people! :D

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by EvilBilly »

Praise the Lord (and Pass the Ammunition)!! Glad to see that the air has been cleared. I was really hoping that this business wouldn't spoil this community.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by EvilBilly »

I must rescind the earlier statement that I had made about my DS profile being deactivated; I was able to log in. Apologies to Geno.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Tkiller »

Hopefully, this will be the end of the affair. Whether one person likes another, should have no bearing on a public forum like this where we all come to share our private fetishes, and come to learn either through other members or producers, what is available to us.
Paul.. first thing I want to know is when I will be able to purchase your latest clip with Britton at any other place than Niche Clips. I had not bought from them for a while and now I see that I have to actually mail them the cash to fund my account.
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