My Review of "Bullet-Proof Bra"

Reviews of Susy Gabrielle's films, including Gabrielle's Fighting Girls (mostly stabbings, shootings) and Gabrielle's Smothering Girls (only strangling). Formerly known as Susyfights and SGA Fantasy Art. Reviews of all of these brands should be posted here!

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Ric delCampo
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My Review of "Bullet-Proof Bra"

Post by Ric delCampo »

Review of “The Bullet Proof Bra.”

Video By Gabrielle’s Fighting Girls/ SGA Fantasy Art

Did you ever want to see one of my cartoons performed by live actresses. I certainly have. (So this is my present for today. J ) (Review written on 25 December.)
This video is based on a series of animated movies I did a while back and I wrote the script for this video: so I am certainly biased in favor of the this video. (Please buy lots and lots of copies, so I will be invited back to write again.)

A female scientist has invented a ‘Bullet-Proof Bra’ in order to save women from being murdered by being shot in their breasts. She conducts a series of test with female test subjects to prove the effectiveness of the Bullet-Proof Bra. As is expected, there is a series of errors and the Test Subjects keep dying off.


Crista: As the Scientist

Test Subjects:

Jessica, Cintia, and Caroline.

What I like:
1st. The girls speak English. Not only that, they keep pretty much to the script. There is a running joke through-out the video, as error builds on error, which would not been as effective if the girls had not spoken English, and/or if they had not stayed within the script.
If you like the dark humor I use in my animated movies, it is present here.

2nd. Multiple Actresses. I wrote it in such a way that if they wanted to go cheap, they could have done it with as little as 2 actresses. Instead they decided to go with four actresses. That gives us a greater variety in death scenes, rather than one actress dying over and over. It also gives us a body pile at the end. As each dead girl is left in the succeeding scene. This also gives us more sexy dead bodies for the camera to pan over during and at the end of the video.

3rd. In the previous video they did, based on one of my scripts, I criticized Crista’s acting. She didn’t act at all the way I wanted, she seemed bored and uninterested. In spite of that, they decided to give her the main role here. She does a better job for me here. There is a part where she does seemed bored; but it may be her struggling to get through her English lines. But at a certain point in the video she does express some emotions at how the test is proceeding. Including some improvisation which is not in the script. Her facial reactions to some of the failures are good.

4th. The other girls are pretty and do a decent job of acting and dying. There’s a part where Cintia enters the room. She also improvises something that was not in the script; she keeps looking over her shoulder at a dead body and giving a “What the Hell did I just get myself into” type of look. I appreciate the fact they all speak English, so the running joke can be understood; and perhaps the video can reach a wider audience.

5th. Effects. The gunshot sound and visual effects are good. The gun looked real. There is another essential sound effect which is timed just right. I like the blood effects. Not gory, not copious amounts of blood smeared all over the girls’ bodies. I think gory and excessive blood detracts form the girl’s beauty-- and we all want a beautiful dead girl, don’t we? I also don’t believe a lot of gore and blood work well with humor. But for those who want blood effects, there is just enough blood to show the girl has been shot and is bleeding.

6th. Costume. Over all I was satisfied with the costuming, especially Crista’s ‘Lab Coat.”
That was creative! The use of bras followed my script exactly. If it hadn’t, the running-joke would have been ruined. There are plenty of short-short skirts, and a couple of examples of skirts riding up so we can see the girls’ white panties. You will see bras. However, the ‘Bullet-Proof Bra is a large white bra, not necessarily sexy; but that is how I wrote it. I wanted it to stand out from the sexy bras.

7th. Body striping. The dead girls are each partially stripped, for those who want to see boobies! It was an essential part of the script and not totally gratuitous nudity. Also, for those who like one woman stealing clothing off a dead woman, there is one example of that also. Also an essential part of the script and story.
Of course, I worked those two aspects of the fetish into the script in order to please fans of body stripping and clothing stealing.

8th. Facial expressions. One of the things I can’t do in my animated movies are facial expressions. I really like close ups of the actresses’ face as she expresses some reaction; especially when she has been shot. (or stabbed.) I prefer an orgasmic facial express. But I really can’t do that with animated actresses. While I didn’t get everything I wanted; I did get some close-ups and some good facial reactions. Crista gives some good facial reactions as things go wrong. (Also, see spoilers below.)

What I didn’t like:

1st. Acting. I guess I didn’t make it clear enough that I wanted the girls to be excited about participating in the test. I wanted them to be more vivacious. An exception is Cintia; while she wasn’t acting how I wanted, she did put her own spin on the story, by constantly looking back at a dead body and reacting with a worried look. I liked that improvisation. Again, Crista wasn’t as into it as I wanted. But part of this I blame on the fact all her lines were in English, not her native language. I believe this is essential for the video to reach a wider audience and for the joke to work for a much wider audience. So I forgive any short-comings in her acting. Crista also had the largest role and the most lines.
Crista (or the director) left out the final line of dialogue I wrote; but I guess it was obvious.

2nd, Dying. The death scenes were a bit too quick for my tastes. Especially the third death. But this is a long video and I suppose they had to hurry it along to get it all in. At least two of the girls had ‘comical’ lines to deliver while they were dying that didn’t come off as well as I had hoped. But, again, they were not speaking their native language, but rather English. And this may have added to their difficulty in delivering their dying lines. So I forgive them and thank them for making the effort to speak English.
I also wanted the deaths to be more orgasmic, more sensual, and more theatrical than they were. But that is my taste. Perhaps if I really want orgasmic deaths, I need to convince Susy Gabrielle to film some version of ‘Orgasmic Bullets.’

3rd. Costuming. Some of the costumes weren’t as sexy as I would have liked. The white Bullet-Proof Bra is definitely not sexy; however, that is how I wrote it. So that is my fault. But it was part of the script, and (Spoiler Alert,) I made it white on purpose. Of course, exceptions to this are the very short skirts, Yum-yum, and therefore, the white panties. Yum-yum, again. And I loved Crista’s sexy Lab Coat.

Overall, this was a very special treat for me and I liked it. If you like the dark humor I put in my animated movies, I think this will work for you also. I tried to include other aspects, such as body piles, body stripping, clothing stealing, multiple deaths, to appeal to a wider audience. I would also again express my appreciation for the girls speaking in English in order to reach a wider audience and make my running joke available to a wider audience.
I hope you all will enjoy it and buy many, many copies.

Sample Pics:

1. Jessica:

2. Cintia:


3. Caroline:


This is the Famous Bullet Proof-Bra!

4. Crista:


I liked their choice of White Lab Coat-- not what you expected, is it?


Oops! Here Crista is showing her tight, white panties. ;)
She also shows a bit of cleavage, as her blouse is partially open. She is one sexy scientist.

No pictures of dead girls-- to see them dying and dead, you’ll have to buy the video. Also, I didn’t want them deleted by some censor offended by pictures of partially nude and/or dead girls.


If you don’t want to read spoilers- STOP HERE!

Spoiler One:
I wrote that I didn’t want the scientist to die in her Lab Coat, because Lab Coats aren’t sufficiently sexy. Well, this lab coat is sexy enough to die in; but she doesn’t. I like Crista’s reaction when she realizes she’s been shot. One of my favorite scenarios is where the woman presses the muzzle of her weapon deep into her own breast or belly. Here Crista presses the muzzle to her own breast. I wrote that because I enjoy that. I hope some of you do too.

Spoiler Two:
As you may expect from one of my stories, I don’t want to waste any opportunities for a death scene. So all four actresses die. Three shot in the breast, one shot in the belly. All the actresses do a good job of playing dead. Often, when there are multiple dead bodies in a scene, one of the dead bodies may move or blink. None of that here. As we see scenes of the dead bodies, they all remain dead. Caroline may be my favorite dead body; she is really sexy, she lies on her back, tits up, her skirt has ridden up to show her white panties. Her blouse is open, and her hand is clutching at her belly wound. I like it when the dying girl clutches at her wound, especially if it is in the breast or belly. But in way too many videos the actress won’t clutch at her wound-- probably as to not mess up the wound make-up-- rather she clutches around the round, if she clutches at all.
As I said above, I like close-ups of the actress’s face. There is a close-up of Crista’s face as she shoots herself, and then realizes she’s dead.
The missing line is, just before she dies, Crista was supposed to look to the audience and say: “I guess it doesn’t work!” Then she dies. But perhaps the line is too obvious?
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.
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