Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

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Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Dear Friends:

I am pleased to announce the release of Bizarre Battles version 1.0. Get it here:

(419Mb compressed .rar file - good for 1 week)
This file is locked to the DEMO version, but it also contains the FULL GAME. So EVERYONE should download (even those people who have bought, or intend to buy, the Full version).

You now have to buy a license to unlock the "Full" version. A $25.00 payment gets you full access to this version and all future updates. (An exception lies for previous donors, who only need to bring their donation to a minimum of $20.00.)

Please email me at for details.
Once I confirm the payment, I will send you a small file called "license.txt" to unlock the full version of the game.

***Install the "license.txt" file in the MAIN "Bizarre Battles" GAME DIRECTORY (the same folder as the big .exe files used to play the game). OVERWRITE the "dummy file" with the same name.***

Because I have to send out the license.txt file manually, there may be a delay. I will get that out to you as soon as I can, but it might take 12-24 hours, depending on my schedule.


First, the Demo version has a very restricted campaign game -- a campaign is limited to three battles (the normal default is 20, and the maximum is 50). Second, the demo version severely limits the number of maps and female clothing options that are available in the Battle Builder module.

The Battle module is fully-functional, however.

You can quickly tell whether your license key is working: the Demo version says "DEMO VERSION" on the Intro Screen; the Full Version does not.

With the release of this update, all the major features I intend to include in the game are complete. While updates will continue from time-to-time, future updates will simply improve existing game systems -- AI, terrain, graphics, etc. -- rather than add major new game systems.

So the game will evolve; but don't expect to see any major new features.

Lots and lots of new features...


The Introductory Screen has a few new elements.

"A" = "Death Stare" Toggle.
Set this preference to enable death stares among dead women. If set, 2/3 of women will have a death stare; 1/3 will have a regular closed-eye expression.

"B" = Navigation Buttons.
Quickly jump back-and-forth between game screens. Note that the individual "Build Team" buttons are gone. Use the single Navigation button to start Team Builder.

Note too that the "Clothing Builder" is not operational yet. (When complete, "Clothing Builder" will separate out and expand the "Uniform Designer" aspects of Team Builder, and also allow custom outfits to be saved for use in "Battle Builder."

"C" = Splash Screen Art.
Because I am now charging for the game, I will not use the art of any other artist in our genre. Accordingly, all Splash Screen art is my own, or screen captures from theatrical movies. All others have been deleted.


This powerful screen allows a nearly-infinite number of battles to be quickly set up with just a few mouse clicks. All selections are automatically saved to the selected campaign ("H").

Use of Battle Builder is strongly recommended for Campaign play.

Column One - Select Combatants.
The "Size," "Difficulty," and "Male/Female" ratio buttons are the same as have long existed on the Intro Screen. No explanation needed.

"D" = "Insufficient Type"
What happens if a Battle requires (for example) 5 mutants but only 2 are available (the rest having been killed, captured or blacklisted)? These buttons determine (separately for each side) how these empty slots are filled.
- 0 dots = no substitutions -- play short.
- 1 dot = missing slots are filled with women, if available.
- 2 dots = missing slots are filled with other types of males, if available.
- 3 dots = missing slots are filled with anyone available, male or female.

"E" = Use of Pre-Built Teams/Stuff.
These buttons import "Teams" that you may have built using Team Builder. If selected, any active (not dead, wounded or captured) members of the team will be included in the upcoming battle, in precedence to any random selection. Selecting the "Team" included the people only -- not their equipment. Team members will receive the same equipment as otherwise generated by Battle Builder. However, if you ALSO select the "Stuff" button, the Team will be imported with all of its pre-selected weapons and clothing (which will override the normal clothing/weapon selection buttons).

"F" = Miscellaneous Settings.
Combatants can be given "coked up" status (high on cocaine). 0 dots = no one under the influence; 3 dots = everyone significantly under the influence. set separately for each side. Combatants who are coked up attack with less accuracy, but have higher morale and greater resistance to injury.

"Assigned Uniforms" sets the probability of importing assigned uniforms set via Team Builder. 0 dots = no chance that assigned uniforms will be used; 3 dots = 100% chance that assigned uniforms will be used. See below for details on Assigned Uniforms. This setting overrides the normal clothing selection buttons.

"G" = Reset/Start.
- Reset all Battle Builder settings (for the selected campaign) here. Start a battle with the indicated settings here.

"H" - Set Campaign.
Four completely independent campaigns that can be played simultaneously. Use these as you see fit. (By way of random example, Campaign 1 might have a WW2 theme, Campaign 2 a post-apocalypse theme, Campaign 3 a space theme, etc.)

Each uses a different campaign save file, Battle Builder settings, and Team Builder favorites settings. Switch among them here.

Column Two - Select Map and Battle Type.
Left Click to set your desired map here. A mini-map will display as you scroll over the buttons.

"I" = Random Map.
The "Random Map" buttons are especially recommended for Campaign play, to inject additional unpredictability into the upcoming battle. Randomly select from all maps, or a subset of the maps (small/medium, or large/very large).

MAP BLACKLIST. It may be that certain maps don't work well for your desired campaign (like the Starship map in a Western-themed campaign), and you want to eliminate them from any chance of random selection, if so, RIGHT CLICK to BLACKLIST a map. Once blacklisted, that map will not be subject to random selection.

"J" = "Campaign Zone Override"
This button is highly-recommended for Campaign play.

The Campaign Map will record (and display) the last tactical map used at that location (see "V" below). For increased continuity and realism, it may be desirable to use that same map whenever fighting for that Zone. Thus, if Zone 5 is the "Strip Club," you may fight for that map repeatedly as the campaign rages back-and-forth. Use of the "Campaign Zone Override" button will this override the normal map selection and use the map for that Zone.

"K" = "Select Battle Type"
For now, only "Meeting Engagement" are available via Battle Builder. (A "Meeting Engagement" is when two relatively-equal forces start in relatively-equal positions, and advance to contact. It is a "fair" battle situation.) NOTE THAT ALL MAPS have been re-worked for Battle Builder to be playable as "Meeting Engagement." Thus, while "Drug Wars" is a "surprise attack" as a Quick Start battle, use of the Drug Wars map in Battle Builder will result in a much more balanced Meeting Engagement with both sides in similar positions.

In the future, "Attacks" and "Surprise Attacks" will be selectable. Also in the future, the game will generate a battle type automatically depending on certain data. Thus, it might be that you expect to fight a meeting engagement, but unexpectedly find your forces on one side or the other of a surprise attack.

Column Three - Select Weapons and Ammunition.

"L" = "Select Weapons"
Select separately for each side. Probabilities here are done differently. The probability of being assigned a particular weapon (or category of weapons) depends on the number of "dots" selected for that side. Here, four (4) dots are selected for the Blue team. Thus, for each combatant, there is a 1-in-4 chance of any dot being selected. Accordingly, 50% (2-in-4) of the combatants should receive an Uzi, etc. You can select an unlimited number of dots; the probabilities will vary with the number of dots selected. At its simplest, 1 dot selected means 100% selection matching that dot.

"M" = Shields and Ammunition.
Only combatants will melee weapons (knives, swords, spears) are eligible for a shield. ) dots = no shields at all; 3 dots = everyone gets a shield.

As to ammunition, the default setting (2 dots) equals a "normal" ammunition load. 1 dot = scare ammo; 3 dots = plentiful ammo.

Column Four - Select Clothing.
Clothing works the same way as weapons; assignment of clothing depends on the number of dots selected.

"N" = Male/Female toggle.
Only female clothing is shown on this page. For male clothing, click this button to switch to the second page.

"O" = Clothing selection.
Here, Blue has selected 4 dots, one of which is "denim miniskirts." Accordingly, blue women have a 1-in-4 chance of wearing a denim miniskirt-based outfit (with matching top and footwear).

"P" = Naked Torso Override.
This applies to women only. Sometimes your girls want to go into battle wearing just their footwear and stockings. For example, an army clad in nothing but black boots, or stockings and high-heeled pumps. If so, these buttons are your friends. The number of dots indicates the probability that a combatant will discard all non-footwear clothing; 0 dots = no chance (keep clothes on); 3 dots = 100% (everyone in footwear only).


This screen appears at the conclusion of a battle, summarizing time-dependent occurrences between battles.

"Q" = "Wound Recovery and Disabling Injuries"
All wounded combatants, except for those who fought in the battle just concluded, will get one battle closer to being completely healed. Note that captured combatants suffer a 1-battle healing penalty, as it is assumed that they are receiving a reduced level of medical care.

Combatants who just fought may, depending on the seriousness of their wounds, suffer a "disabling injury." If so, their "athleticism" rating permanently drops by one point (from a high of "athletic" (1) to a low of "disabled" (-2)). These scores affect physical activity in a battle, especially moving over obstacles.

"R" = "Promotions and Leadership"
The campaign tracks kills and battles fought for each combatant. These factors, with minor adjustments for leadership and initiative, will result in promotions over time. All combatants start as "Recruit" (level 0) and may eventually advance to "Captain" (level 5). Higher ranks have a number of in-game bonuses, including morale, accuracy, action points, etc.

Sometimes, a promotion can also result in a non-leader developing leadership skills (green initiative score). Leaders can rally friendly forces (including themselves), and thereby reduce the impact of negative morale influences.

Combatants who are captured do not receive promotions.


Although most of the information can be found other places, the Campaign Map is a nice visual display of the status of a Campaign.

"S" = Army Status and adjustment buttons.
From here, you can change Army names, and also Army size. Beware of making Armies too big, especially if you have blacklisted lots of hard-wired combatants, because there may not be enough available combatants to complete the Army. The game contains 218 hard-wired women, plus slots for 109 custom women, plus 20 of each type of male combatant.

"Active" combatants are those who have been selected as part of an Army (favorite or conscript), and are healthy and available to fight. "Recruits Remaining" shows how many combatants can still be activated.

"T" = Campaign name change.
Each Campaign can be named, to make them easier to differentiate. "Amazons vs. Mutants," for example.

"U" = Battle Summary and Limit Adjust.
A listing of all battles fought appears here. The maximum number of battles can be adjusted. The default is 20; the maximum is 50. The Demo version allows only 3.

"V" = Zone Status.
Zones change hands with battle wins/losses. The Yellow square is the "front line" where the next battle will be fought.

The name of the last map fought over in that zone will be displayed. If you want to use the same map each time for battles in that Zone (useful for campaign continuity), select the "Campaign Zone Override" button in Battle Builder ("J" above).

Finally, little headstones will appear to show the number of people who have died fighting for that zone (differentiated between friend/enemy, and male/female).

"W" = Prisoner Quick-Reference.
Same as the "captured" statistic for the other Army. This is a reminder that you hold prisoners, which can be released/exchanged via 'P' on team Builder.

"X" = Battle Start.
Once Battle Builder settings have been set at the start of a campaign, you may never need to change them. Thus, you can skip Battle Builder and start the next battle with this button.

"Y" = Campaign Reset.
The selected campaign can be reset here. This cannot be undone, but has no effect on 'Favorites' (which are re-set separately via Team Builder, if desired). (F12 at Team Builder or Battle Builder also works.)


"Z" = Alternate Campaign Summary.
Toggle with the 'F8' key.

"AA" = Combatant Status.
A combatant can now be both captured and wounded, as here. Also, the indicated combatant is a 'CONSCRIPT', as indicated by the outline star. A 'CONSCRIPT' is any combatant who is not already a "Friendly Favorite" ('D') or an "Enemy Favorite ("G"), and is selected by the computer from the available pool of combatants to complete a force for a battle. Once selected, the Conscript fights loyally for that army (and is selected randomly to the same extent as any 1-star favorite).

"BB" = Prisoners Held.
Another reminder that prisoner exchanges should be considered. Release/Exchange prisoners via the 'P' key on whatever terms you think fair.

"CC" = Combatant Campaign History.
Toggle with the 'F7' key. This displays a brief history of major events for that combatant...
- Rank
- Battles fought
- Kills
- Rapes (suffered or inflicted)
- Status (Dead, Wounded, Captured)
- Time (battles) remaining until healed
- Total battles wounded
Here, Carisha is not currently wounded, but has been wounded (and out of play) for 1 battle total.

"DD" = Rank Indicator.
Carisha's counter, like the dossier, also indicates her rank.

"EE" = Navigation buttons.
Quickly jump between screens.

"FF" = Set Campaign.
These work just like the others. Once again, you can run four completely-independent campaigns simultaneously, each with completely different favorites, campaign maps, battle builder settings and other statistics.

More stuff...

[1] TEAM BUILDER now has a "hotkey" display ('F2') just like Battle.

[2] ADDED a new "hold fire" level ('X') to stop all reactive fire, regardless of hit %. This is useful if you want to avoid shooting prisoners during reactive fire. Access this via "C" (all friendly combatants) or "V" (selected friendly combatant only).

[3] POST-BATTLE SAVE. Once a battle is over (and saved to the campaign), it is often desirable to shoot prisoners, etc. Normally these post-battle atrocities are not saved. However, you can save these post-battle events (and overwrite the existing save) via 'F11.' Note that no credit is given for post-battle kills.

[4] KILLING PRISONERS no longer results in a "kill" credit. Let's be sporting!

[5] If one side is clearly winning, use F11 to end the game. The game will ask if you want to "force" the victory; that is, give credit to one side or the other for the win.

[6] At the end of a battle, all "active" combatants on the losing side automatically escape (and live to fight another day). Also, "panicked" combatants may escape, depending on how close they are to winning team forces (guards) and how badly-wounded they are.

[7] Whatever side moves first in a "meeting engagement" now suffers a 50% AP penalty for the first turn, for play-balance.

[8] ADDED support for 1280x1024 "medium resolution."

[9] ADDED "assigned uniform" campaign option.
An "Assigned Uniform" is clothing that the combatant wears in preference to any clothing assigned by Battle Builder. The idea is that, in the mind of the player, certain combatants may be associated with certain clothing. Perhaps an elite squad, or a boss character. This is faster than building a Team (where you can specify everything); this is just a quick tie to the list Battle Builder clothing.

From Team Builder, scroll over a combatant and press 'A.' The enter a number of the outfit that the combatant is to wear, keyed to the "Clothing" list on Battle Builder (separate lists for men and women). Thus, if you want a particular woman to always wear a "Schoolgirl Uniform," press '5.'

Remember that "Assigned Uniforms" work only to the extent enabled via Battle Builder. ("F")

[10] ADJUSTED AI to assess threats instead of just distance. It used to be that the AI would automatically focus on the closest enemy. Now, the AI computes the "threat level" of each enemy, and reacts accordingly.

[11] TEAMS can now be NAMED via TEAM BUILDER. The name will also appear in Battle Builder. Use "1" through "5" to name a team. "0" clears all team names.

[12] LEADERS may now self-rally. That is, when a leader uses the 'Rally' ('R') command in a battle, resulting morale bonuses snow apply to that leader as well.

[13] The in-game help/documentation (F1) has been significantly re-written and expanded.

[14] UPGRADED about 20 hard-wired women with cuter women, including (for the first time) several non-white women. (The game lacks an "Asian" skin for now, so Asian women still have Caucasian features.)

[15] Battles now have a time limit. 20 turns for "small" maps, and longer (up to 40 turns) for larger maps.

All of these new features look complex, and may be difficult to know where to start. But they have been designed to be very simply and quickly, and will with a little practice.

Remember that there are now four different campaigns, and you can take totally different approaches to each.

First, you might want to specify a bunch of "Favorites." "D" for friends, "G" for enemies, and "F" if you don't care which. Blacklist anyone you can't stand to see on either side (although don't blacklist so many that insufficient combatants are available to complete each army).

You do NOT have to "favorite" anyone to start. You can jump right in and start a battle, and the game will select enough combatants for the battle. Anyone selected who is not a friendly/enemy favorite is deemed a "Conscript" (denoted by the "hollow star"), and will loyally fight for your army thereafter.

You might also want to build some Teams via Team Builder, and/or set some "Assigned Uniforms" via Team Builder. (In this way you can, for example, build your "Swedish Bikini Team" of elite commandos.) This too is optional.

However, you should carefully review Battle Builder before starting a new Campaign. Although you can change these settings at any time as a Campaign proceeds, it can be rewarding to leave the settings unchanged, so that every battle has the same balance of forces and uniforms. (Once that is done, all future battles can be quickly started from the Campaign Map.)

Also optional at the start are any adjustments you might want to make to the Campaign Map: Campaign name, Army names, Army size, Maximum Number of Battles.

There are now FOUR ways to start a battle, via Quick Start, Battle Builder, and Team Builder (2 ways).

It is STRONGLY recommended that any battle you intend to use in a Campaign be started via Battle Builder. This has been designed specifically to take over virtually all battle-start functions from Team Builder.

If you just want a quick game and don't really care about the Campaign for now, you can still use the "Quick Start" buttons. Some of the Quick Start battles are one-sided massacres or other special situations, so you will need Quick Start to get to those. (You can still save the results to the Campaign if you want.)

Finally, the two methods of starting a battle from Team Builder are still available, but strongly discouraged for campaign play.


Well, it's just a game, so go with it and have some fun! But if you really must re-write history, there are several ways to do so...

[1] Simply quit a Battle early (Escape key).

[2] Don't "save to campaign" at the end of a battle. The data is written to the campaign only if you specifically tell it to do so at the end of the battle.

[3] Revive a dead/wounded combatant ("R" via Team Builder) or free a Prisoner ("P" via Team Builder).

Yes for custom women (and men). Just copy all files in the Women_Custom folder to the same folder in the newer version (and overwrite the empty files you will be replacing).

No for Preferences and Favorites. These have different architecture, so you will need to re-do those.

Enjoy the game. Please post or e-mail questions or comments.
Last edited by Jason on Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Hi everyone. The epic scale of Version 1.00 was bound to include a few glitches, so I am now releasing a slightly-updated Version 1.01 with some bug fixes. I am grateful for several e-mail reports as well. Get Version 1.01 here:

Download link
(430 Mb compressed .rar file. Download good for one week.)

Once again, this is the DEMO version. To unlock the DEMO, you will need to purchase a license for $25.00. Please email at for details.


- Several small-but-annoying bugs have been fixed. In particular:
(1) I think I have fixed the "game start freeze bug" that sometimes happened when starting via Battle Builder or Campaign Map. If you still experience this bug, PLEASE let me know and advise of your Battle Builder settings.

(2) The "map blacklist" bug in the Full Version has been fixed.

- Some play-balance issues have been addressed.

- I have added back all Splash Screen art by talented artist "Suleyman," who kindly consented to the use of such art in the game.

- If you quit a game early via 'F11' and also 'assign' a win/loss, badly-wounded, non-surrendered combatants on the losing team may be captured. (Previously, this was a semi-cheat as they would all miraculously escape.)

Version 1.01 uses the same "UNLOCK" license file as Version 1.00. So if you bought a license, re-install the license file in the new Version 1.01 main directory.

Presumably, everyone wants to save their campaigns and custom combatants. There have been no changes to any of those files, so you can preserve your campaigns with this update.

The ONLY files to change are the three big game/application files (hi-res, etc...), and the addition of more splash screen art in the Splash Screen folder (images 101-128). So, if you are clever with copying files, it may be easier to copy these few files into your old game folder.

Otherwise, to copy-forward to the new version, ALL of the ".txt" files (including the license.txt file, especially if you have paid for and installed a license) should be copied from the old "main directory" to the new main directory, overwriting the existing files. (Do a "type" sort to quickly gather all of these files.) Likewise, the contents of your old "Women_Custom" and "Men Custom" folders can be copied from the old game folder to the new.

Included in the download file is the entirety of my old DOS-based "Gotcha" game. The game files are in a compressed .zip file, and the rules are in a separate .pdf file. I attach this more as a curiosity, but some of you might find it entertaining. I'm no expert, but I expect that modern computers will need "DOS-Box" or something like that to play.

Also attached is the .pdf guide for how to create custom images. This is helpful, but is old and clunky. I am now more sophisticated in my creation of images, and use the following technique:

1. I still use GIMP to grab the images, because GIMP has the ability to set a ratio for a screen grab (0.7:1 for the big image; 0.725:1 for the small image).

2. Copy and paste the resulting image into PAINT (the free application that comes with Windows).

3. Within PAINT, use Ctrl-W to re-size the resulting image. Click "Pixels" rather than "Percentage." Make sure "maintain aspect ratio" is checked. For the large "dossier" image, "Vertical" should be set to 380 ("Horizontal" will automatically set to something around 265). For the small "counter" image, "Horizontal" should be set to 66 ("Vertical" will automatically adjust to somewhere around 91).

4. Save the resulting images where you can find them. Load into the game as needed.

Quite a few people have been very generous in their praise via comments along their purchases.

I am humbled by these very kind and supportive comments from so many of you. Knowing that I am working with a truly-appreciative group of players, much more than the money, really helps keep me motivated to continue. Thank you all!!
Last edited by Jason on Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Good news - Bizarre Battles version 1.02 is now available! Get it here...
(467Mb as compressed .rar file - good for one week)



[1] REVISED Battle Builder team equipment and selection buttons.
Use of pre-built teams (created by Team Builder) has been much improved. You can now create an entirely custom team and insert your team directly into a Battle with just a couple of clicks.

- Use the "TEAM" buttons ["A" at first image] to use the PEOPLE from your team.
- Use the "CLOTHING" buttons ["B" at first image] to also have your team use their pre-set clothing (previously selected via Team Builder).
- Use the "WEAPON" buttons to also have your team use their pre-set weapons and ammo (previously selected via Team Builder).

This allows maximum flexibility. It may be that you just want to ensure that certain people are part of a battle. The first button allows that. But you might want some randomness in the clothing and/or weapons. If so, Battle Builder will use the regular semi-randomization from the "select Weapons" and "select Clothing" columns.

- When using BATTLE BUILDER to start a game (as is highly recommended), TEAMS will be limited to the number of people appropriate for the Battle. So if you've selected 50 people as part of a particular Team, and the Battle requires only 10, the game will randomly select 10 people (not dead, wounded or captured) from your team to participate.

- TEAM ONLY buttons ["C" at first image] take this one step further, ensuring that ONLY people from your selected team(s) are utilized. This is to make sure that no random people are assigned to your team to fill up any vacancies if (say) your Team has five members, but the battle requires eight. One man (or woman) Teams are also possible. [There is a possible game crash risk here, if you use the "Team Only" buttons but the selected teams do not have enough of the right people, so use with care.]

NOTE that the BATTLE BUILDER save files have been modified from the prior (v1.01) settings. So it is best to start with clean Battle settings for each campaign (the Campaign save files have not changed). If things look weird, use the "Reset" button ["D" at first image] to restore everything.


[3] ADDED image archiving of end-battle status for dead and wounded combatants
- IF you save a Battle to a Campaign, then an image of each wounded or dead person is archived, and displayed via TEAM BUILDER. ["E" at second image.] This is a "snapshot" of the persons condition whenever a Battle is saved (or-resaved, as may be the case.) If the Battle is not saved to a campaign, then no image is archived. The picture ("E") is a screen-capture image only, and is not interactive the way it is in a Battle. (Of course, this works only on a going-forward basis; it is impossible to re-create such images from Battles already fought.) Images are deleted whenever a campaign is reset, so if there is an image you really like and want to save, copy it someplace before you reset the campaign.

[4] ADJUSTED favorites/conscripts conversion to enable only after successful campaign save.
- This is to stop "Quick Start" games from contaminating a Campaign Save with unwanted "conscripts" generated by the Quick Start ["F" at second image], which can skew future Quick Start and Campaign Games. (You might want to consider setting aside one entire Campaign Slot for Quick Start games only.)

[5] ADJUSTED map selection routines so that "Team Builder" starts still use "old" maps (including surprise attacks as applicable)
Although it is recommended that the Team Builder "start" buttons be used rarely if ever (use the Battle Builder instead), if you must use these buttons, they will use the "Quick Start" start positions (including surprise attack maps), rather than the Battle Builder "meeting engagement" maps. (At a later date, Battle Builder will set up surprise attack battles as well.)


[6] ADDED multi-square targeting for automatic weapons.
- This is a feature I've been wanting to add for a long time. Automatic weapons now may target multiple squares, within a limited radius from the main square, showing the expected allocation of bullets across the affected squares ["G" at third image].

- Very easy to use, with the same "two right clicks" that you are used to. The only difference is that the "first right click" is in the "start" square, and the "second right click" is in the "finish" square. (The start and finish can be the same square.)

- As it is assumed that the shooter is spraying across the squares, hits will use a "linear" hit pattern even if you have designated a "group" hit pattern.

- If you want the "spray" pattern to "let go" (as may be the case after your first shot), either press "backspace" (to release the second target) or "right click" an empty square (to release both the first and second targets).

- At present, the AI does not use this ability.

[7] ADDED multi-shot capability for all modern and laser weapons.
- Another feature I've been wanting to add for a long time. Most fire weapons (excluding bows and "Old West" weapons) can now fire multiple shots in succession; think of this as "emptying the clip" before the other side can react and shoot back. There is an accuracy cost, but the results to the enemy can be devastating (particularly when used in combination with a multi-square attack).

- Very easy to use. To make a "multi-shot" attack, simply make the "second right click" on top of the small "M" icon that will appear on the lower left corner of the target ["H" at third image].

- Precise control over the number of shots is not possible (this is intended for realism and simplicity). Instead, the shooter will keep on shooting until the earlier of ammunition being exhausted, or available action points being used up (although the extra shots are at reduced AP cost).

- The AI will use this feature when it feels very threatened.

[8] REVISED loaded pistols to utilize fire combat at range 0, in both primary and reactive fire.
- This feature gives pistols a greater "close combat" capability. Instead of using the pistol as a club at Range 0, now you can shoot the pistol and more quickly take out the enemy.

[9] ADJUSTED "group" hit pattern to better focus hits on target.
- This can now really blast a lot of holes in a target, especially when used in combination with a multi-shot attack.

[10] ADDED buttons to disable precision targeting.
- If you find the "Precision targeting" feature not to your taste, it can now be disabled for one or both sides. ["J" at third image.]

[11] ADDED toggle to minimize "Dead" legend on dossier while in a battle.
- A couple people were annoyed that the "Dead" legend was too big and (for example) covered up a woman's breasts.
- Now, use the "Keyboard period/dot" key to minimize the "Dead" legend ["K" at third image.] (Make sure to enable your keypad).


[12] REVISED precision targeting interface and effects.
- The "Precision Targeting" feature has been significantly revised and simplified. The old data files have been completely replaced and upgraded, so you will need to start over with setting your hit patterns.

- Ten (10) hit patterns are now available, with separate patterns recognized for multi-shot fire weapons, single-shot fire weapons, and melee weapons. There is no "Save" button - everything you set is saved automatically.

- Left click to select a pattern ["P" at fourth image]. Once selected, left click on the target (as before) to set the hit pattern.

- Right click to clear. Right click the button the clear the whole pattern (to start over); right click on the pattern to clear all after that impact (if you make a mistake).

- If you want just a "one time" attack, use the "None" pattern ["O" at fourth image]. This automatically clears after each attack.

- Each hit pattern (optionally) can designate one or more "location" flags ["N" fourth image]. These are extremely helpful in ensuring a realistic hit pattern on secondary targets. For example, if a "chest" pattern is selected for your primary target, any secondary targets will (to the extent flagged) be much more likely to also suffer from a "chest" pattern. You can set more than one flag if (for example) the hit pattern (in your judgment) affects more than one body area (commonly chest/abdomen or abdomen/pelvis).

- Used in combination with "multi-square" and "multi-shot," a precision attack (with hit pattern flags set) can, for example, sweep across the chest of several women in different squares. In one test, I had one clip-emptying attack kill seven (7!) women in the swimming pool map.

- Toggle between "selected" and "random" ["M" at fourth image]. "Selected" will use the specified hit pattern for the primary target; secondary targets will still be selected randomly. "Random" will use a randomized hit pattern, but be influenced by the user's "target preference." Thus, if you have selected a "chest" target preference (menu bar), and set some "chest" flags among the hit patterns, then even random selection is more likely to pick a chest pattern.

- Toggle the "variance" button ["L" at fourth image"] to allow for some small (one hit zone) possible variation in precision targeting attacks (so Marisa's "nipple-sternum-nipple" pattern at the fourth image may, for example, result in a "breast-sternum-nipple" actual hit result).

[13] ADDED 12-turn limit on battles in Demo Mode.
To encourage a few more purchases from casual users, Battles in demo mode will end after 12 turns.

[14] UPGRADED about 25 women.

- If you have already purchased the game, your "full game" license file should be copied into the main game directory (and overwrite the existing dummy file).

- Your custom combatants should be transferred from the old "custom" folders to the new. The format has not changed, so if you are clever you can delete the new folders and copy the old ones in their place.

- To preserve your campaign games (format unchanged), all text (.txt) files in the main directory can be transferred over from the old main directory to the new. For best results, omit the "singlehit" and "multihit" files (which are no longer used) and the "battle_builder" files (which have been re-formatted). If you copy over the latter, you will need to re-set each via Battle Builder before starting a new battle.

Upon receipt of the $25 payment, I will send you the license file for the full game. As to payment, there remain two options:

Option 1: Please email for details.

Option 2: Send me a $25 gift certificate via, using this link: ... ate/21208/

You might have to set up your own account in order to do this. My Renderosity user name is "magnum1231". The website should notify me automatically that the gift certificate has been received, but seems not to be doing this lately. So if you pay via, please send a separate e-mail to me at to alert me about the gift certificate purchase.

Thanks for everyone's continued support. And special thanks to a couple of trusted beta testers, who continue to provide invaluable support and insight.
Last edited by Jason on Fri Dec 02, 2016 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

After a great deal of hard work, I am pleased to announce the release of Version 1.10 of my “Bizarre Battles” computer game. Get it here...(permanent "mediafire" link) ... .10.01.rar

or here...("we transfer" - one week only)

(643Mb as compressed .rar file - need to uncompress to play the game.)

How To Transfer License If You Already Bought The Game
If you have already bought the game, simply copy over your old “license.txt” file into the main directory in the new game. The “dummy” license file no longer exists, so you don’t have to copy over anything.

I still accept donations from those who have already paid but still want to support the project. :-)

How To Buy The Game
The download above gets you the “Demo” version, which limits battles to 8 turns, has severe limits on the Battle Builder, and limits Campaigns to three battles. You have to buy a license to unlock the "Full" version. A $25.00 payment gets you full access to this version and all future updates. There are two ways to pay:

First, send $25 to Please email for details.

Second, you can buy me a $25.00 gift certificate at (Renderosity is a website for purchase of 3D models. ... ate/21208/

The gift certificate should be “gifted” to my Renderosity account, "magnum1231"

You will still need to provide an e-mail address for me to send the license file. So after you buy the gift certificate, e-mail me at

Once I confirm the payment, I will send you a small file called "license.txt" to unlock the full version of the game. Install the "license.txt" file in the MAIN "Bizarre Battles" GAME DIRECTORY (the same folder as the big .exe files used to play the game).

Because I have to send out the license.txt file manually, there may be a delay. I will get that out to you as soon as I can, but it might take 12-24 hours, depending on my schedule.

How to Transfer Old Files
It is recommended that you start over with your campaign and team files. The data structures have changed and probably your old files won’t work.

For custom combatants, copy over all files from the Version 1.02 “women_custom” and “men_custom” folders into the same directory for Version 1.10, replacing the existing files. These data structures have not changed and the custom combatants should work fine.

What To Look For
Although the game looks mostly the same from the outside, much of the game has been completely re-written to make it more efficient and better able to handle new features. I have done my best to playtest everything, but it is inevitable that I missed some things. So, once enough bugs have been identified, I will follow up with Version 1.11 soon.


Introductory Screen
[1] ADDED "face shot" toggle preference (“A”). Some people (like me) don’t much care for shots directly to the face. This button allows face shots to be turned off (forehead shots remain).

[2] ADDED campaign quick start button (“B”). Starts a battle using the existing campaign situation and settings for the selected campaign. (If you want to change campaigns, you still have to go to Team Builder, Battle Builder or Campaign Map.)


Team Builder Module
Team Builder has been significantly revised to simplify unnecessary features and better tie into the Campaign Game.

[3] REMOVED “Start” buttons. These artifacts from the early days of Bizarre Battles have finally been eliminated. Either play a “Quick Start” game from the Introductory Screen, or play a Campaign Game. You can still build teams, as explained below.

[4] REVISED menu bar and added ten (10) team save locations. “Teams” are simply groups of combatants that like to fight together, that can be added to a battle via “Battle Builder.” To build a team, first ‘left click’ to select a team save slot (1-10) (“C”). Once a team slot is selected, all changes you make are automatically saved. As before, left click to add friendly combatants (dark blue), and right click to add enemy combatants (dark red) (“F”).

If desired, add clothing and equipment as before. (Press “Q” to bring up the clothing builder interface.)

Right click a team button (“C”) to name the team.

All selected team combatants (dark blue, dark red) can be cleared (“D” - “clear all selected”) or all data associated with the team (including all clothing and weapon selections) can be cleared (“D” - “clear team”).

[5] ADJUSTED display to reflect "assignment" designation. Combatants who have previously fought in a campaign battle are now permanently assigned to that army (“G” - light blue and light red designations). This can get confusing as we now have “teams,” “assignments,” “favorites” and “conscripts.” Here’s how it works...

- “Teams” (“F” - dark blue and dark red color stripe) simply keep track of who has been placed onto the designated Team (1-10). Remember that teams are simply groups of combatants that like to fight together.

- “Assignments” (“G” - light blue and light red color stripe) keep track of which combatants have fought with the friendly or enemy army in the selected campaign.

- “Favorites” (“E” - solid stars) are combatants that you especially like, and are thus more likely to get randomly assigned to the friendly team (blue stars), enemy team (red stars) or either team (yellow stars).

- “Conscripts” (“G” - hollow stars) designate combatants who are not favorites, but got randomly selected to “fill in” empty army slots at the start of a battle. They will loyally fight for that army throughout the campaign.

[6] ADDED "lucky/unlucky" (“H”) characteristic and effects. “Luck” is a new characteristic, and is set with keystroke ‘L.’ Combatants can be designated as “Lucky” (green clover) or “Unlucky” (blue sad face).

Luck affects various battle circumstances in small but sometimes significant ways. “Lucky” combatants may avoid a wound altogether (for example, a shot to the heart misses), or have the wound be less serious than otherwise (for example, heart hit grazes breast instead). Other battle functions are similarly affected (breast bounce is less severe, etc.). However, luck can get “used up” such that the lucky combatant may become more vulnerable (for example, near miss becomes a hit directly between the breasts); luck can rebuild over time.

“Unlucky” combatants are the opposite - things always seem to go badly for them.

[7] ADDED “combatant history” and “campaign summary” buttons (“J”).

[8] ADJUSTED page-select buttons (“K”). Eight pages are selectable (but no one is on Page 8 for now).

[9] ADDED 330 new combatants, including about 200 custom locations (split male and female).

[10] ADDED indicator to identify "in-use" custom combatants. Any custom combatant who has been modified is surrounded by a yellow square. This helps identify combatants who the game thinks are “in use” so that you can clear the data if necessary.


Battle Module - Game Play
[11] REVISED terrain handling and line of sight mechanics to vastly increase realism. The entire terrain-handling and line-of-sight system has been completely re-written. The game now recognizes terrain elevations (“L”), which can be displayed as measured in feet (‘F5').

Cover is now realistically calculated based upon relative heights and distances. Here, Kathy can see Miela, but the large rock in the way provides good cover for Miela (“M”).

All obstacles (even rocks) can be climbed if sufficient AP are available. Elevation differences affect AP costs; the higher climb the more it costs. To make difficult terrain a little more accessible, an unwounded combatant to move one square at cost of all AP, if AP cost<=30.

[12] ADJUSTED doors/windows/breaches so that adjacent object does not block Line of Sight or Line of Fire. An adjacent window or door is now “ghosted” and will not block sighting or firing, thus providing a much greater cover benefit. Enemies at a distance don’t get this benefit, so being behind a window or door is now a much greater advantage.

[13] ADDED tracking of bullet height. Intervening terrain can block bullets. You can also shoot over the heads of kneeling or down combatants.

[14] ADDED “Lean” feature. Combatants can now choose their position in the square; either the middle (default) or leaning in one of eight directions. After you select a combatant, a ghosted circle with 8 buttons will appear; click on one as desired to “lean” in that direction (“N”). Click on the same button to “un-lean” back to the middle. Cost is 3AP to lean or un-lean. Moving will also result in the loss of the lean position.

This permits looking (and shooting) around corners, and even better views through windows. You can even hide behind a doorframe, and shoot around trees.

[15] ADJUSTED friendly-fire checks to make AI friendly-fire casualties less likely.

[16] ADJUSTED reactive fire to make relative initiative more important. Initiative is now more important than ever; your high initiative combatants have a good chance of being able to shoot first when rounding a corner against a lower-initiative enemy.

[17] ADJUSTED low THN shots for potential automatic miss. Those “negative hit number" shots are now less likely to hit (although they can still cause morale loss).

[18] ADJUSTED Lust Check to occur only at beginning of turn. This eliminates the “back and forth” lust status changes sometimes seen when battles get complicated.

[19] ADJUSTED combatant numbers and morale when deep in campaign zone. When deep in friendly territory, the number of available combatants in a battle will increase, as “reserves” are mobilized. Also, experienced troops get a morale bonus when defending the homeland. However, inexperienced recruits receive a morale penalty as they fear the war is lost.


Battle Module - Interface
[20] ADDED keystroke ('keypad 0' - make sure “number lock” is on) to display important information as to all combatants simultaneously (“O”):
- remaining action points (thick colored border - green, yellow, orange, red - friends only)
- weapons (icon)
- loaded ammo (colored border around weapon icon - friends only)
- reserve ammo (dots on weapon icon)

[21] ADDED "defense" and "rally" buttons to selected combatant (“P”). These buttons make these useful features more accessible (left click).
- “Defense” is useful against melee or hand-to-hand attacks.
- “Rally” affects all friendly combatants within the rally radius (green circle), which varies by initiative and rank. Rally effects have been simplified to an immediate morale boost.

[21] ADDED "morale detail" display (“Q”). This shows exactly how each combatant’s morale score is calculated. Press “0" (zero) on main keyboard area to toggle this display.
- Note that exact enemy morale is now a mystery (her expression still provides important information). You can use this feature to check exact enemy morale, but that is not recommended.


[22] ADDED new "quick access” targeting buttons atop each targeted combatant (“R”). When you target a combatant (right click), the following buttons will display as applicable (right click to use):
- Fire normal shot.
- Fire “multi-shot” (as many shots as you can, as quick as you can).
- Toggle “indiscriminate targeting.” (With regular targeting, you are trying to shoot this particular combatant; with indiscriminate targeting, this combatant gets no special preference and anyone in that square is equally-likely to get shot).
- Aim.
- Toggle ‘Precision Targeting’ display (see below).

[23] REVISED completely “precision targeting” interface to improve usability. This feature had caused many people much trouble, so this new interface attempts to make it as simple as possible. Just follow the steps.

First, set the “precision targeting threshold” (‘S”). This is the minimum “to hit number” necessary for a shot to trigger the precision targeting rules. This applies to all shots. Because the AI does not aim, it is recommended that the AI have a lower threshold than the human player.

Second, set up all of your “hit patterns” (“T”). The game recognizes different patterns for single-shot weapons, automatic weapons, and melee weapons. Left click on a number (1-10) to select a pattern. Left click on the woman to set hit zones (maximum of twelve impacts for automatic weapons); right click to clear individual impacts. Right click on a number (1-10) to clear that pattern entirely. All hit patterns save automatically. If you want just a “one of a kind” pattern that does not save, use “none” for the hit pattern.

Third, set the “pattern variance” toggle (“U”). This controls whether precision hits strike exactly where you say every time, or have a possible one hit zone variance.

Finally, set the “random” toggle (“V”). The “Auto” select means that the computer will select an applicable hit pattern among those you have previously set and saved. The “manual” select means that you have to specify the hit pattern you want to use for that shot. (Note that even with manual selection, a hit pattern is now “sticky” and will remain in use until changed.)

The old “hit zone” buttons (head, chest, abdomen, pelvis), which help for hits on secondary targets, are no longer needed, as the computer will determine this automatically.

[24] ADJUSTED combatant image display to reduce clutter (“W”). Buttons now appear only when mouse is in the graphic area.

[25] CHANGED numerous hotkeys (press F2 for list).


Visuals/Eye Candy
[26] ADDED four new maps and upgraded several old maps with new features. A few maps need special explanation.
- Map 22 (“Dude, Where’s My Car?”). You can climb into the back of the pickup trucks, but you cannot climb on top of the vehicles.

- Map 23 (“Western Front”). Your team has access to one Maxim heavy machine gun in a fixed position. Press “O” (oh) to see the firing arc of the machine gun (“X”). To use the machine gun, you need to be in the square behind it, and standing, and drop your weapon so that you are unarmed. Then, scroll over to the graphic area and the “use machine gun” button will appear (“Y”). Click to use the machine gun (which then functions like a normal weapon). Click this button again to disengage. Some trench squares have a ladder. Ladders make it significantly easier to climb in and out of the trench.

[27] ADDED new female skin with Asian features. This is accessible via Team Builder custom combatants as “Skin 1."

[28] ADDED “jacket” clothing item. This is accessible via Team Builder clothing designer, and constitutes a new outer layer (outside of bra and top). Also, when a jacket is hit, a “flying feathers" effect will appear (the intent is to closely model Jennifer Gray’s death in “Red Dawn”). The jacket also appears in Quick Start Battle 21.

[29] EXTERNALIZED all wound graphics, allowing easier modding. These will be found in the “SFX” folder. A few notes for you modders:
- To work properly, any “replacement” graphics should be the same image size and centered in the same place. Otherwise, they won’t appear where you want them.
- The nine different “splatter” images deserve some explanation. Images 1-5 are generated randomly in response to any wound, with a more serious wound generating more splatter. Images 6 and 7 are special splatter graphics used for breast hits. The white and yellow flecks are intended to suggest viscera being blown out of the breast upon impact. Images 8 and 9 are similar, but apply to women with breast implants, and are meant to suggest silicon goo being blown out of the breast upon impact.

[30] ADDED five custom clothing slots each for tank top (“top” 20-24) and blouse (“top” 25-29). These are accessible via the Team Builder clothing designer in the usual way. To mod, simply use the base “white” graphic in the “clothing” folder. Each item (20-29) has twelve associated “custom” files (one each for six breast sizes and in an up/down position), and each file has nine images, so it is a lot of work to change things. (I hope to make this easier when I re-do the clothing graphics.) However, you no longer have to have a separate mod in the “singles” folder as these are ignored for newer clothing items.

[31] UPGRADED numerous female combatants with cuter women (to my eye). I like a certain look, and my hard-wired selections favor this look. However, with 218 custom women slots now available, you can add just as many of your own. Note that all women who have been removed from the game can still be found in the “Women” folder, with a “zz” prefix. So anyone you like who is missing can be added back in as a custom woman.

[32] ADDED numerous transition images between various game modules, as appropriate.

This is, of course, just the “big stuff.” Lots of little details have been adjusted here and there, as I attempt to make the game as much fun as I can.

Thanks for everyone’s continued support, and I look forward to constructive feedback. Post here or e-mail me privately at
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

(Deleted by author)
Last edited by Jason on Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

(Deleted by author)
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

I am pleased to announce the release of Version 1.11.01 of my “Bizarre Battles” computer game. Get it here... ... .11.01.rar
(675Mb as compressed .rar file - need to decompress to play the game.)

What To Look For
In addition numerous small bug fixes, Version 1.11 adds several new features to increase both realism and fun. Most of these new features add depth to the Campaign Game.



[1] ADDED ability to flee battle.
It’s no longer “surrender or die.” Any friendly combatant who is within 1 square of a friendly rally point [Image at “A”] may flee the battle at a cost of 10AP. Hotkey “F” to flee. (The “reset” key has now been moved to “R”... use this when things get stuck in a battle.)

[2] ADDED ability to bandage wounds.
Any wound can now be bandaged by any combatant. Right Click on the subject wound; if you are successful, a bandage will appear on the wound. [Image at “B”]. A bandaged wound no longer bleeds, and so will help prevent the wounded combatant from bleeding to death.

To bandage a wound, you must be in the same square as the wounded combatant, in a complimentary stance (standing can’t help down and vice versa), and expend 20AP (or 12 if you are a ‘medic’ - see below). Success is not automatic; the more serious the wound, the harder to bandage (the % chance will be displayed). Medics have a better chance of success, and high initiative helps too. A combatant can bandage herself, if she has enough AP.

[3] ADJUSTED morale to reflect leader/bitch proximity.
Simply being near a leader or a bitch/asshole friendly combatant now has an effect on morale (these combatants only affect others, not themselves). This is also reflected in the morale detail display (‘0' when scrolling over a combatant).

[4] ADDED error checking to Precision Targeting to stop accidental deletion of hit patterns.
A VERY common complaint I hear is that Precision Targeting is broken because it keeps demanding that hit patterns be set. After some testing, I realized that the most likely cause of this is the accidental deletion of a PT hit pattern: left click selects, right click deletes, so very likely people are accidentally right clicking on a pattern. A warning message now appears to reduce the likelihood of this happening.

[5] REVISED goading comments and methodology.
The comments encouraging sexual assault have been totally revised to be more flexible and mod-able. A new, external data file (goading.csv) contains all of the goading comments and condition flags necessary to trigger each. This is a work in progress, and now works well only for a human attacker and victims of gunshot wounds. This will be expanded over time.

[6] ADJUSTED battle end to restart game automatically.
Another very common problem is the transition from a battle back into the other game modules, sometimes resulting in game crashes or other problems. ‘End Game’ in the same manner as before, but you will experience a short ‘black screen’ delay while the game quickly restarts and loads the proper module.



[7] ADDED "medic" ability promotion.
Upon bandaging sufficient wounds, a combatant can be promoted to “medic.” The unit counter and dossier will reflect the promotion. [Image at “C”.] A second promotion level to “master medic” is also possible. Medics bandage wounds faster and with a greater chance of success.

[8] ADDED medic skill assignment.
From Team Builder, combatants can be designated as “medic” (hotkey 'M'). This is for the impatient among you; it is better to let a combatant earn the medic skill. Only the first level promotion (“medic”) can be assigned; the second level (“master medic”) can be earned only in battle. The medic skill is connected to a campaign, so medic skill will reset to zero when the campaign resets.

[9] ADDED new "prisoner exchange" interface.
[Image at “E”.]
This new interface entirely replaces the old “prisoner exchange” mechanism. Open the new interface with the button [Image at “D”] or hotkey “P.”

Each prisoner has a value, based on numerous factors, such as characteristics, experience, rank and wounds. You must offer combatants (captured enemies) of at least equal value to the value received (captured friends). When satisfied with a trade, click “exchange prisoners” to complete the trade. This is the only way to get prisoners back.

[10] ADDED experience point display to Team Builder dossier.
[Image at “F”.]
Experience has always been tracked by the game, but now the value is displayed. Experience needed to advance in rank is as follows:
Recruit = 0
Private = 1
Corporal = 5
Sergeant = 10
Lieutenant = 20
Captain = 40
Also, rank advance is limited to one rank per battle. So it is possible to have enough experience points to qualify for a higher rank, but not enough battle experience to earn the promotion.

[11] ADDED new experience point modifiers.
Experience points can be lost too, resulting in possible rank reductions. Fleeing from a battle, being captured, and being raped all result in experience point loss. (Male combatants gain experience points following a successful rape.) Being a leader provides bonus experience; being a bitch/asshole is an immediate negative.

[12] ADDED male hair for custom combatants (9 variations).

[13] ADDED "nurse" top (Top 30) and hat (Hat 4).



[14] ADDED Battle Builder option to set exact force size.
Normally, you can adjust “Size” and “Difficulty” and the game will design a battle with an appropriate number of combatants. [Image “G”.] However, you can now set the precise number of combatants per side. [Image “H”.]

[15] ADDED Battle Builder option to use entire team regardless of force limits.
For even more control over a battle, use Teams plus the “Limit to Team(s) Only” buttons. [Image “J”]. These settings will override the normal force selection settings [Image “G”.] Here’s how it works:

When zero dots are selected, selected Teams will be used, but the game will make adjustments to match the expected size of the battle. Thus, if a side is supposed to have 10 combatants but the selected Team has 12, then two Team members will be randomly discarded and only 10 will be used. If 10 are needed but the Team only has 8, then the game will select two more to fill in the needed combatants.

When one dot is selected [Image “J”], a battle will be limited by the size of the teams selected. Thus, if a side is supposed to have 10 combatants but the selected Team only has 8, then only 8 will be used.

When two dots are selected, the Teams will be used in their entirety regardless of the expected game limits on the battle. Thus, if a side is supposed to have 10 combatants but the selected Team has 12, then all 12 will be used.

[16] ADDED equipment continuity option to campaign games.
[Image “K”]
With this option enabled, combatants will use the same weapons and equipment from battle-to-battle. This is really cool for people (like me) who like each battle to connect to the next as much as possible. Here’s how it works:

With zero dots selected, campaign games play as now... new clothing and equipment is generated for each combatant for each battle (subject to whatever clothing/weapon selections have been made for that campaign).

With one dot selected, each combatant will start a new battle with exactly the same clothing and weapons as were used at the end of the last battle.

With two dots selected, each combatant on the winning team will attempt to LOOT better weapons and equipment from those abandoned on the battlefield. Also, “higher status” combatants get to loot first, so your better combatants usually will get first pick of the good stuff.

[17] ADDED new Female Clothing Page 2 to Battle Builder.
[Image “L”]
The second page features only a single new (nurse) outfit for now, but more will be added over time.

How To Transfer License If You Already Bought The Game
If you have already bought the game, simply copy over your old “license.txt” file into the main directory in the new game. The “dummy” license file no longer exists, so you don’t have to copy over anything.

I still accept donations from those who have already paid but still want to support the project. :-)

How To Buy The Game
The download above gets you the “Demo” version, which limits battles to 8 turns, has severe limits on the Battle Builder, and limits Campaigns to three battles. You have to buy a license to unlock the "Full" version. A $25.00 payment gets you full access to this version and all future updates. There are two ways to pay:

First, you can send money via a well-known third party payment site that I can’t mention here, to an e-mail address that is the same as the one I use for private correspondence.

Second, you can buy me a $25.00 gift certificate at (Renderosity is a website for purchase of 3D models. This is especially useful for people who don’t want their PayPal account directly associated with the game purchase.) ... ate/21208/

The gift certificate should be “gifted” to my Renderosity account, "magnum1231". You will still need to provide an e-mail address for me to send the license file. So after you buy the gift certificate, e-mail me at (which is the e-mail address I use for private correspondence).

Once I confirm the payment, I will send you a small file called "license.txt" to unlock the full version of the game. Install the "license.txt" file in the MAIN "Bizarre Battles" GAME DIRECTORY (the same folder as the big .exe files used to play the game).

Because I have to send out the license.txt file manually, there may be a delay. I will get that out to you as soon as I can, but it might take 12-24 hours, depending on my schedule.

How to Transfer Old Files
It is recommended that you start over with your campaign and team files. The data structures have changed and probably your old files won’t work.

For custom combatants, copy over all files from the Version 1.10 “women_custom” and “men_custom” folders into the same directory for Version 1.11, replacing the existing files. These data structures have not changed and the custom combatants should work fine.

Many thanks for everyone’s continued support of the game. Questions/comments may be posted here, or sent to me via my private e-mail at
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Good news - Version 1.12 of my "Bizarre Battles" computer game is now available! Get it here... ... _v1.12.rar
(686 Mb as compressed .rar file that needs to be decompressed before it can be played)

Version 1.12 focuses mostly on bug fixes and user-friendly features as I set the game up for the next big round of improvements to the AI. I also added some new transition images and sound effects here and there. You should find that the game is more stable now than ever.


[1] ADJUSTED Lust settings.
Remember that the "Lust" button controls whether male combatants can become "lust crazed," go out of player control, and sexually-assault the women on their own. The old settings were "on" and "off."

This has been replaced with five different settings. ["A" at first image.] The lowest level is still "off" (the men will never go crazy on their own), followed by 1/4, 1/2, regular and double. These adjust the "lust scores" calculated by the game, so if you think the men are too slow to go crazy, pick a higher setting and vice-versa. (Note that the lust settings automatically increase as a battle goes along... 10% at turn 1, 50% at turn 5, etc., until full settings are reached at Turn 10.)

The default setting is now "normal," so male combatants may go lust-crazed unless you turn this feature off.

[2] ADDED campaign game indicator at Introduction page ["B" at first image.] This is a quick reminder which campaign is set (which can be changed at Team Builder, Battle Builder or Campaign Map.)

[3] ADJUSTED Battle Size settings. The game is optimized for about 20-25 combatants. More than that really slows things down. Accordingly, the default battle sizes are now slightly-smaller than they used to be.

[4] ADDED several new sexy clothing combinations to Battle Builder list (Female clothing page 2). No new clothing; just some combinations of existing clothing that I find attractive.


[5] REVISED completely calculation of Threat values and Lust values.
"Threat" and "Lust" (along with "morale") and key factors tracked by the game for each combatant. These have been completely re-worked to make them more realistic and consistent.

The details are interesting, and can be accessed via hotkey [2] (threat), [3] (morale) and [4] lust. ["C" at second image.]

You can dig down even deeper and get data on the other combatants influencing a score ["D" at second image] by scrolling over the combatant's game counter, or the information button ["?"] next to the combatant's name.

[6] REVISED completely sequencing of Lust resolution. Whether a male combatant becomes "lust crazed" (or loses "lust-crazed" status) is now checked only once per turn, at the beginning of the turn. If the male goes lust-crazed. he will immediately resolve all lust-crazed activity and then be done for the turn.

Lust scores are checked at numerous points during the turn. If a male has a score sufficient to become lust-crazed but at the wrong point in the turn, he will display the legend "blue balls" instead.

[7] REVISED completely Battle hotkey allocation. ["E" at second image.] The hotkeys were becoming very random and confusing. They have now been completely re-allocated, with many changes intended to make them more consistent and user friendly. Press "F2" for new hotkey listing. A hard-copy list is also available here, showing the changes: ... y_List.pdf
(200kb .pdf file)

Some of the most important hotkey changes:
(Space Bar) - Shows summary status of all friendly combatants (AP remaining, weapons, ammo), and enemy weapons. (Used to be keypad 0)
(Alt) - Toggles dossier visibility (used to be space bar)
(F12) - End Turn (used to be T)
(0) - turn off all information displays (new)
(2) - show threat details
(3) - show morale details
(4) - show lust details

[8] ADDED stumble/fall possibility for running combatants. The worse the terrain and/or footwear, the more likely a combatant is to stumble (immediate AP loss) or fall (end turn in that square in down status).

[9] ADDED reload quick-access button on top of combatant counters. Your selected combatant now has a "reload" key right on top ... no need to press the reload button way over by the image.

[10] ADDED possible weapon loss/destruction at conclusion of campaign battle. This is to cull some older weapons... otherwise the winners will eventually be armed solely with the best possible weapons. Anyone whose weapon is lost will get a replacement weapon before the next battle, as determined by the Battle Builder weapon settings.

[11] ADJUSTED "nipple/areola" hits to distinguish between "nipple" and "areola" hits.
The game now tracks exactly how accurate those nipple/areola hits are... close enough to the exact center is now a nipple hit; farther out is areola; very far might even be reclassified as a regular breast hit. For now, larger breasts are assumed to have larger nipples and areolas (although this will change in later versions). Nipple hits have a higher shock and morale impact than an areola or breast hit.


[12] ADDED campaign option to return wounded combatants to active duty status, at permanent loss to athletic skill. ["F" at third image.]
Currently, wounded combatants cannot fight at all. This can become critical at the end of a campaign when you are trying to mobilize everyone you can. Now, wounded combatants can possibly be returned to the fight, but only at a permanent reduction in the "athletic" skill. (hotkey "Y" at Team Builder)


[13] DELETED "singles" folder. Team Builder now uses the same multi-frame graphics as Battle. Clothing modders rejoice - you no longer have to edit a separate "singles" image to have the clothing appear in Team Builder. All images are now contained in the regular 9-image sequence used for the Battle module.

[14] EXTERNALIZED all data for "hard wired" combatants. Modders rejoice again -- you can now manually edit an external data file to adjust or even replace ALL of the hard-wired combatants. (My thanks to a couple of contributors for help in setting up this data file.)

The file "HWcombatants.csv" is editable by Excel, and is found in the main Bizarre Battles folder. These values are read by the game when assigning the hard-wired combatants, so edit as you see fit. Change names, values, or even replace the current combatants with entirely new images and data. ["H" at fourth image.]

A little guidance by column....
"Z reference" - this is the universal identifier for each combatant, which should never be changed. ["G" at third image.]

"Type" defines which graphic set and special abilities are triggered.
1 = woman
11 = man
13 = mutant
15 = reptilian
(The Goblin and Alien are not yet playable, but can still be edited into something else.)

"Folder" is the sub-folder where the images for that combatant can be found. This lets to create your own folders and point to them.

"Dossier Image" and "Icon Image" should reflect the EXACT file name, with proper capitalization and extensions. For best results, use only .jpg images.

"Breasts/Libido." This column is used by both women and men, as applicable. As to women...
0 = "AA" breasts
1 = "A" breasts
2 = "B" breasts
3 = "C" breasts
4 = "D" breasts
5 = "DD" breasts
Don't bother trying to use different values, for the game will not recognize them.

As to men, Libido (sex drive) ranges from 1-8, with 4-5 being average, and 8 being extremely high.

"Areola Size" is not yet incorporated into the game, but will be in the future when more graphics variations become available. For those wanting a head start...
1 = areolas are relatively small for the size of the breasts
2 = areolas are average for the size of the breasts
3 = areolas are relatively large for the size of the breasts

"Initiative" is on a scale of 7-14, with 10 being average and 14 being extremely high. Values outside this range are likely to crash the game.

"Stamina" is on a scale of 7-12 for women, with 10 being average, and 10-16 for men, with 12 being average. Values outside this range are likely to crash the game.

"Age" is open-ended, but the game is designed around an age range of 18-30. Younger ages will not be recognized unless the "age" restriction button is disabled. (First Image.)

"Hair" uses the same values from Team Builder.

"Leader" is on a scale of 1 (Leader), 0 (normal), -1 (asshole/bitch)

"Implants" affects women only; 1 means she has breast implants, 0 means she does not.

"Athletic" is on a scale of 1 (Athletic), 0 (normal), -1 (sedentary). Further, a -2 score can apply to a combatant who becomes disabled due to wounds.

"Skin" is the skin color graphic set used by the game. As to women...
0 = Caucasian
1 = Asian
2 = Ethnic
More variations will follow upon the graphics re-write.
As to men... (no Asian skin)
0 = Caucasian
2 = Ethnic
More variations will follow upon the graphics re-write.

No variations exist for mutants or reptilians.

Finally, certain identified rows (existing custom combatants) should not be edited under any circumstances, or you will mess up your custom combatants.

As usual, this update is free to anyone who has already purchased the license file. Just transfer the license to the new game folder. The same with your existing custom combatants.

I also want to thank several players who continue to make donations to the game, even though they have already purchased a license. I am truly grateful for this ongoing support.

The download above gets you the “Demo” version, which limits battles to 8 turns, has severe limits on the Battle Builder, and limits Campaigns to three battles. You have to buy a license to unlock the "Full" version. Two purchase options:

First, you can send payment to me at the following e-mail address,, via a large, well-known third party payment site that shall remain anonymous here.

Second, you can buy me a $25.00 gift certificate at (Renderosity is a website for purchase of 3D models. This is especially useful for people who don’t want their third party account directly associated with the game purchase.) ... ate/21208/

The gift certificate should be “gifted” to my Renderosity account, "magnum1231"

You will still need to provide an e-mail address for me to send the license file. So after you buy the gift certificate, e-mail me at

Once I confirm the payment, I will send you a small file called "license.txt" to unlock the full version of the game. Install the "license.txt" file in the MAIN "Bizarre Battles" GAME DIRECTORY (the same folder as the big .exe files used to play the game).

Because I have to send out the license.txt file manually, there may be a delay. I will get that out to you as soon as I can, but it might take 12-24 hours, depending on my schedule.

I remain grateful for all the support and assistance. I welcome comments and bug reports, either posted here or sent to the e-mail address above.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Okay, with over 100,000 lines of code, some things are bound to get overlooked from time to time.

[gratuitous attention-getting image...]

I've discovered a sometimes game-stopping bug in the "lust-crazed" routines that is serious enough for an immediate patch... I assume no one wants their lust-crazed lads having their fun interrupted!

If this matters to you, here is updated Version 1.12.01: ... .12.01.rar
(670Mb as compressed .rar file)

The only changes are the .exe game files, so if you have already downloaded Version 1.12, you really just need to copy the new 1.12.01 .exe files into your existing directory (you can even delete the old 1.12 versions). My apologies for the inconvenience.

Finally, some have asked how to use the "move combatant" cheat. This lets you move any combatant anywhere on the map (enemies too).
1. Make sure no one is selected.
2. Right click on the subject combatant. This will bring up the "magnifier."
3. Move the yellow cursor to the new location.
4. Press 'Keypad 5' (or 'A' if you don't have a keypad) and the combatant will immediately teleport to the new location.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update September 4

Post by Jason »

After much hard work, I am pleased to announce the release of Version 1.13 of my “Bizarre Battles” computer game. Get it here... ... _v1.13.rar
(1280Mb as compressed .rar file - need to decompress to play the game.)

For those new to this game, a quick explanation: “Bizarre Battles” is a turn-based strategy game of individual combat (anything from bare hands to laser rifles). Once you download and decompress the game, click on one of the three .exe files to start the game (the largest files in the main directory.) (The 1280x1024 resolution is most likely to work on newer monitors; the other resolutions are now less-common.) Although men are available and can be included, the focus of the game is on hot-looking women fighting and getting killed (and possibly sexploited). The game, though complex, has been made as user-friendly as possible. The most basic controls are these: left-click to move; right-click to shoot. Press “F1" for a detailed in-game rule book; press “F2" for a list of hotkeys.

Version 1.13 focuses on lots of new combatants, radical changes in the way combatants are stored, new clothing and new maps. Also a few new gameplay options, and essential bug fixes.

PICTURE 1 - Introductory Screen Changes Part 1

[1] New Game Play Options.
- Male Damage Resistance. (“A” in Picture 1.) Can be adjusted to reduce damage to male characters by up to 90%. (Note that Reptilians already take 50% less damage even without this option.)
- Unlimited Ammo Clips. (“A” in Picture 1.) Allows player characters to always have one ammo clip in reserve, so there is no need to forage for ammunition when clips are expended. (The computer AI has always had this capability.)
- Discard Bra/Discard Panties. (“B” in Picture 1.) Allows adjustment of frequency that female combatants wear bras and/or panties; can adjust downward by 50%, or 100%. (Lust-crazed male characters rejoice - can get down to business faster with women who are asking for it!!)

[2] Campaign Toggle. (“C” in Picture 1.)
- Switching Campaigns now takes more computer resources; it could take 5-10 seconds to load all the new files. So be patient. Also, too much switching may overload and crash the game, so do this sparingly, or re-start once in a while.

[3] New “Load Combatant Sets” Tab. (“D” in Picture 1.)
- The Introductory Screen just became a lot more powerful. Left click to switch back-and-forth between these two tabs (“D” in Picture 1 and “G” in Picture 2.)

[4] New Maps and Quick-Start Battles. (“E” in Picture 1.)
- Map 25 (“Killer Workout”). A health club massacre. And check out those very-80's aerobics clothes!!
- Map 26 (“Kappa Kappa Die”). A late-night sorority massacre.
- Map 27 (“Pripyat Marshes”). Its Russians vs. Germans in a swampy forest.
- Map 28 (“Road to Bastogne”). Its Americans vs. Germans in a snowy forest, bisected by a key road and bridge.
- Each of these maps is also selectable in a campaign setting. (“T” at Picture 4.)

PICTURE 2 - Introductory Screen Changes Part 2

[5] New Custom Loading of Combatant Sets (“H” at Picture 2.)
- The player may now choose from 25 themed sets of combatants (each set a ful page of 109 combatants), with more sets expected to be added later. Up to EIGHT sets may be loaded at any one time.
- Each Campaign (1-4) can have its own collection of combatant sets, depending on your ideas for that campaign. For example, Campaign 1 might be all women; Campaign 2 might be a mix of Germans, Russians and women; Campaign 3 might be mutants or reptilians against women, etc.
- Left click on the selection buttons to load or omit a set. The “default” sets for all four campaigns roughly corresponds to the sets hard-wired into Version 1.12.
- Changes will save automatically. But to re-load the pictures, you have to left click on the “Reload Sets” button at bottom (“J” at Picture 2.) Make all your changes first, then reload everything at once. This takes about 10 seconds to reload, so be patient, but will happen automatically the next time you start the game.
- Note that, for Quick Start games, combatants are selected from the loaded sets for the loaded campaign. So make sure that the proper sets are loaded, or not loaded, for your Quick Start games. Maybe allocate one Campaign just to Quick Start games.

[6] New Female Sets.
- SIX new sets of female combatants (each of 109 women) have been assembled and are available for inclusion into your campaigns:
* Small Breasts Set 1: All have breast sizes of AA to B, and have a younger look.
* Small Breasts Set 2: All have breast sizes of AA to B, and have a younger look.
* Large Breasts: All have breast sizes of C to DD, and tend to have a more mature look.
* Base Set 3: I tried hard to sort the cutest caucasian women into the “Small Breasts” and “Large Breasts” sets, but I still had a lot of worthy leftovers. These are assembled into “Base Set 3,” which features a full range of breast sizes (AA-DD) and ages.
* Asian: All have an asian look, from a variety of nationalities.
* latin. All have a latin look, from a variety of nationalities.

- Most of these women are new, but some (especially the Latinas) have been recycled from Base Sets 1 and 2 (and replaced by new caucasian women). This was necessary to include enough worthy females in the Asian and latin sets.
- You can load these sets (and look at the pictures) for free, but the women are locked (“K” at Picture 2) and can’t be included in an actual battle until a license fee of $5 per set has been paid (details below).

[7] New Male Sets.
- ADDED a new base set of 109 men.
- ADDED six themed sets of WW2 Germans (2 sets), WW2 Russians (2 sets) and WW2 Americans (2 sets).
- For Quick Start games, you can “override” the normal male clothing with these WW2 combatants and uniforms (“F” at Picture 1). Thus (for example), you can set “100%” male “Germans” for any Quick Start battle, and have men with German names in German WW2 uniforms doing battle instead of the normal Quick Start combatants. (See Picture 6 below.) Bizarre battles indeed - make sure that the appropriate sets are loaded!!

[8] New Custom Sets.
- Four new empty pages are also available, in addition to your old custom sets (which may be transferred over and used... see below).
- You can name these sets to keep track of what is in them. (Right Click on the selection buttons - “L” at Picture 2).

PICTURE 3 - Team Builder Changes

[9] Editable Combatants.
There is now no such thing as a “hard-wired” combatant. ALL combatants from ALL sets are now fully-editable. Want to fine-tune someone (name change, etc.)? Go right ahead. Want to get rid of some of those men and add more women instead, or vice-versa? You can do that too with the “type” change button (“Q” at Picture 3.)

[10] New Hair/Clothing/Equipment.
- ADDED ten new hair styles, color variations for each (51-80, 101-140). Styles 101-130 deserve special mention. The most common hairstyle has been the “Pretty” style of long straight hair (1-5). Styles 101-130 greatly expand the variety of “long straight” hair – a revised version with ten color variations (101-110), an extra-long version, also with 10 color variations (111-120), and a “swept back” version, also with 10 color variations (121-130). All existing women have been adjusted to include these new hair styles, as appropriate. Also, because of the large number of hair styles, a button has been added (“R” at Picture 3) to rapidly cycle forward, 5 hair styles at a time.
- ADDED three new female skins (1.4, 1.5, 3). (“R” at Picture 3.) Skin 1.4 and Skin 1.5 are intended to be a tanned caucasian look, one with tan lines (1.4) and one without (1.5).
- ADDED new male asian skin (1). Long-overdue is a male asian skin. Some of the “Base Set” men have also been changed to reflect asian names and this asian skin.
- ADDED three new male outfits (20-22) and headgear (7-9).
- ADDED eight new female hats/helmets (4-11).
- ADDED seven new tank top color variations (31-27).
- ADDED six new pleated skirt color variations (39-44).
- ADDED six new high heeled pumps (14-19).
- ADDED four new business skirt color variations (45-48).
- ADDED new female bra (sports bra) with eight color variations (12-19).
- ADDED six new shorts color variations (25-30).
- ADDED new female bottom (yoga pants) with eight color variations (31-38).
- ADDED new female bikini bottom style (high-cut) with seven color variations (14-20). Also, the crotch area of this bottom can be pulled aside for easy access, rather than taking it off completely.
- ADDED new female top (crop top) with five color variations (38-42).
- ADDED new female top (halter top) with five color variations (43-47).
- ADDED new weapon (PPSh sub-machine gun)
[Picture 3 at “P”.] Also, these new clothing and weapon options have been incorporated into existing Quick Start battles as appropriate, and certain new combinations are available in Battle Builder for campaign clothing options. (“V” at Picture 4, for example.)

[11] New Characteristics.
- ADDED new occupations
- ADDED new interests and "skip 10" buttons to rapidly cycle (“S” at Picture 3.)

[12] Team Data (“M” at Picture 3).
Team data storage has been completely revised to match the new combatant selection and storage. All team data (team members, equipment, clothing, and team names) will have to be re-entered. Short-term pain, long-term gain.

[13] Extra Page (“N” at Picture 3).
Eight full pages (of 109 each) are now available, for a total of 872 simultaneously-available combatants.

PICTURE 4 - Battle Builder Changes

[14] ADJUSTED and simplified several Battle Builder options. (“U” at picture 4.)
- These options now have a “pop up” box explaining the significance of each option.

[15] Other Campaign Adjustments.
- ADJUSTED campaign saves to exclude Quick Start battles.
- ADJUSTED Campaign force limits to maximum of 500 per side, with addition of rapid-cycle buttons.
- ADJUSTED battle selection so that it is harder for a combatant to get selected two battles in a row. This is to allow more of your army to get experience, so that your experienced survivors don’t keep getting used and killed off too quickly.

PICTURE 5 - “Pripyet Marshes” Map

[16] New Battle Options.
- Maximum Aim Indicator. (“X” in Picture 5.) A new display on top of the “aim” button shows at a glance how may more times you can aim at the targeted character and still preserve enough action points for an attack.
- Ghosted Tree Tops. (“W” in Picture 5.) Tree Tops default to a “ghosted” appearance. Press ‘T’ for fully-visible tree tops.

PICTURE 6 - Male Nationality
As noted., national uniforms (German, Russian, American) will override Quick Start settings if selected.

Updated to reflect all new female hair styled and skins.

[17] Bug fixes/work-arounds.
- FIXED several graphics bugs, including blue eyes bug on darker-skinned women.
- FIXED game-crashing "Lust Off" bug.
- FIXED same-square multi-target targeting bug.
- ADDED work-around for "height bug." In all of my months of testing, I have encountered the “height bug” only once, and have not been able to find the cause. I have added a “work around” – the player will get one message, but can then continue to play the battle. It won’t play properly, but it will play.

All of your old custom combatants (female and male) can be used again, and can be selected via the “set selection” feature detailed above. Simply copy all of the files from your old Version 1.12 “Women_Custom” folder into the identically-named “Women_Custom folder in Version 1.13, and overwrite all of the files. Same for your “men_custom,” if any.

If you have previously purchased the full game, your old license file will transfer. Just copy into the main “Bizarre Battles” game directory.

However, all other data – teams, campaigns, etc. – is not compatible and will not transfer.

The Demo is available for free, but has limited functionality.

The full game can be unlocked as follows:
- $20 paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Scmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $25 paid to my via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

The locked combatant sets can be unlocked as follows:
- $4 per set, or $20 for all six sets, paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here(it rhymes with "Scmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $5 per set, or $25 for all six sets, paid to my via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

Once I receive payment, I will send you via e-mail the appropriate license files. The license files should be installed/copied into your main “Bizarre Battles” 1.13 directory. Make sure you tell me someplace what you want to purchase ... full game, which sets, all sets, etc. You can contact me directly at

The "Small Breasts Set 1" is an update of the old "Nubiles" set. So if you have already purchased that set, let me know and you can get the new one for free. (Yes, I know who has purchased...)

If you are among those you have already been promised a free set, or have donated sufficiently, please contact me directly and let me know.

This game has been a work-in-progress for six years, and gets better with every new release. I have been helped greatly by many of you with great ideas, technical knowledge, gracious support, license fees and even the occasional gratuitous donation. All are much appreciated and help me find the time and motivation to continue developing the game.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Hello all. Version 1.13 had an unacceptable number of bugs, so I'm releasing a patch (version 1.13.1) that should resolve several annoyances. Get it here: ... e_only.rar
[.EXE FILES ONLY - 91Mb as compressed .rar file] ... 1.13.1.rar
[FULL DEMO PACKAGE - 1.2 Gb as compressed .rar file]

If you have already downloaded Version 1.13, then all you need are the updated .exe files. Copy into your main game directory and run those (1.13.1) when you play the game.

If you have not yet downloaded Version 1.13, then you will want the "full demo package" version.

Lots, but here are the highlights...

- Fixed dead/wounded/etc. being selected for team battles.
- Fixed missing data in several quick-start scenarios.
- Fixed "always-panic-never-surrender" bug.
- Fixed "Maxim gun damage" bug.
- Fixed "identification of male killer" bug.
- Fixed "prisoner exchange" bug.
- Fixed PPSh firing sound bug.


Also a few handy new features.

[1] Copy-and-Paste Combatants. ("A" in image above.)
Some of you have expressed concern that eight pages does not allow enough freedom to get all of your favorite combatants into the game. (I really tried to expand the pages to ten, but it totally crashed the game. Eight is the best I can do.)

You can now easily copy your favorites to an empty Custom spot on another page. Scroll to your favorite, press "C" (copy), then scroll to an empty (or even not-empty) spot -- even on another page -- and press "P" (paste).

In this way, you can consolidate your favorites onto fewer pages, and free up more pages for loading other sets.

[2] Adjusted Team Loading/Saving. ("B" in image above.)
These buttons now have different and more powerful functions.
"None" - this will clear all loaded teams, but not affect any saved teams. Teams will not clear unless this button is pressed, so you can (for example) load one team on top of another.

"Save Team" - the loaded team will save automatically any time any changes are made, but if you want additional control, press "Save team." This is useful if (for example) you have loaded Team 1 and Team 2, and desire to save the combination into Team 3.

"Erase Team" - this will reset to zero all aspects of that team, including combatants, team stuff, etc.

[3] Added "No Weapon" Option to Battle Builder. You can now deliberately choose to have some (or all) of the combatants start with no weapon. This will put the AI at a severe disadvantage as the AI is not yet smart enough to pick up weapons, so use at your own risk.

NOTE - This will likely cause certain existing weapon and clothing selections to be "one box off." Make the fix, and the next time it should work fine.

[4] Added "Extra Underwear" Option to Introductory Screen. I've received lots of positive feedback about the "less underwear" options, but some of you actually want more underwear!! Here's your chance ... same buttons, different options.

The game (and combatant sets) can be purchased as detailed way up at the start of this thread. Enjoy and keep those comments coming... they really help!
mikedark wrote:Hey Jason, been meaning to ask this for awhile: I notice in the splash screens a bunch of images for an amazons vs. ogres story, but I don't think I've ever seen the accompanying story itself, beyond the 2 parts I know you have posted on you Sexyamazons page. Did you ever develop the rest of this story, and if so, how do I find it?
I refer to this as the "Dark Forest" story, and the bad guys are goblins. I never quite finished it, but most of the best images are already part of the "Splash Screen" art. Maybe someday...

By the way, the next version of the game will include both Goblins and Terminators!

Naturally the Goblins will be sex-crazed and will gleefully ravage helpless female combatants at every opportunity. But what about the Terminators? Should they simply be cold, ruthless killers like the movies, or should they be fully-functional, sex-crazed ruthless killers who spread further terror by sexploiting the helpless female victims? Let me know. Post here or write privately at if you wish.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Hello all. Good news - Version 1.14 of my "Bizarre Battles" computer game is now available. Get it here: ... _v1.14.rar
[1.62 Gb compressed .rar file. Decompress first to play.]


Version 1.14 is a "variety pack" of new battles, clothing and weapons. This should help keep everyone entertained while I work on the long-awaited AI upgrade.

[1] Added Lots of New Clothing. Lots of fun stuff, including twenty-seven new bikini variations (I like bikinis....:twisted:) All those Renderosity gift certificates actually get used...
- ADDED national flag bikinis (20 variations, 21-40)
- ADDED new strapless bikini and seven color variations (45-51)
- ADDED wedding dress and veil.
- ADDED strapless bras (4 colors, 41-44) and matching panties (41-44).
- ADDED "gloves" clothing category and 6 glove options (4 long, and 2 short).
- ADDED new "space babe" outfit and six color variations. (leotard 4-9)
- ADDED new female "confederation" outfit (dress 6-7, in red and blue)
- ADDED five new male outfits (gray suit, black suit, klingon, red shirt, stormtrooper) (23-27)
- ADDED new male helmet (stormtrooper)


[2] Added Two New Space-Themed Weapons. Three laser weapons are now available; the Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, and "Alien Blaster."

The Laser Pistol functions much like the old Laser Rifle - single shot with burst capability. The Laser Rifle is a more powerful weapon that fires three shot bursts and can multi-shot too. Finally, the Alien Blaster uses the old Laser Rifle graphics, but is MUCH more powerful. This thing now sprays an intensive stream of laser shots and is by far the nastiest thing in the game.


[3] Added Five New Maps and Quick Start Battles
- Battle 29 (Beach Photo Shoot): Gunmen attack a SI-style photoshoot at a tropical beach, populated with supermodels in skimpy bikinis (tops optional).
- Battle 30 (Wedding Chapel): Gunmen attack a wedding, messing up the bride's special day.
- Battle 31 (Ballroom Blitz): Inspired by the amazing work of artist "Glove Comix," rich society women in fancy dresses and adorned in jewelry blast each other with machine guns (see image above).
- Battle 32 (Outpost): It's Federation vs. Klingons, battling for control of a critical supply outpost.
- Battle 33 (Landing Party): A landing party gets into trouble when the local primitives decide to attack. (Unique for assymetrical battles, this battle allows you to play as either side, lading party or primitives.)

[4] Adjusted Several Existing Battles
The new bikinis, space babe outfits, and weapons have been worked into several existing battles. In particular, Battle 18 (Star Whores) has been upgrade with all-new clothing and weapons.

[5] Upgraded Wound Graphics.
Thanks to "Plato" for his work on new wound graphics, which have a nice depth-effect and look much more realistic. Likewise some new arrow graphics.


[6] Added Extreme Breast Sizes
Women can now be assigned very large "E-cup" (size 6) and "F-cup" (size 7) breast sizes.

This is purely for fun - no clothing has yet been provided for these extremely large breast sizes. (I may add a few items at a later date.) I figure anyone who wants these large sizes is likely to want to see them nude anyway...

However, in all other respects these large breast sizes are recognized by the game: breast bounce is affected, male lust is definitely affected, and wounds to the breasts are modified by these larger sizes.

[7] Added Battle Builder Options.
Note availability of new maps (top image at "B"), new weapons (top image at "C"), and new clothing combinations (top image at "D").

Additionally, "exact" battle size settings are now persistent; that is, they save from game-to-game (top image at "A").

Finally, a new "topless" option has been added, and the "naked torso" option has been adjusted (top image at "E"). These can be set to override normal clothing assignments by eliminating all upper body cloth, or all torso clothing. This is useful when (for example) assigning bikinis, but you want everyone to be topless.

These option can also be used to automatically assign extreme breast sizes (three-dot option).

[8] Bug Fixes
Among other things, the annoying "logging hit" message has been eliminated (this was a test code that I forgot to remove the last time).

All of your old custom combatants (female and male) can be used again, and can be selected via the “set selection” feature detailed above. Simply copy all of the files from your old Version 1.13 “Women_Custom” folder into the identically-named “Women_Custom folder in Version 1.14, and overwrite all of the files. Same for your “men_custom,” if any.

If you have previously purchased the full game, your old license file will transfer. Just copy into the main “Bizarre Battles” game directory.

However, all other data – teams, campaigns, etc. – is not compatible and will not transfer.

The Demo is available for free, but has limited functionality.

The full game can be unlocked as follows:
- $20 paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $25 paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

The locked combatant sets can be unlocked as follows:
- $4 per set, or $20 for all six sets, paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $5 per set, or $25 for all six sets, paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

Once I receive payment, I will send you via e-mail the appropriate license files. The license files should be installed/copied into your main “Bizarre Battles” 1.14 directory. Make sure you tell me someplace what you want to purchase ... full game, which sets, all sets, etc. You can contact me directly at

Question for Everyone
As long-time players know, the game has added many new features over time, and has a great deal of depth. I suspect that many potential players are deterred by the seeming-complexity, and that even existing players may not have fully-discovered all the game has to offer.

Accordingly, I'm considering producing a series of tutorial videos, to go over various aspects of the game. For example: (1) gameplay basics for new players, (2) Splash Screen Options/use (including set loading); (3) Team Builder usage; (4) Battle Builder usage; (5) Best ways to design a campaign; (6) How to set up precision hit patterns; (7) how to dig into much data embedded in the game (such as the extreme detail available as to threat and lust scores). This would be a lot of work, but might be helpful to many people.

Before I invest that time, I'd like to know how helpful something like this would be. Kindly post here, or write to me directly ( with your opinions, please.

MikeB wrote:Happy New Year, Jason! For future versions of the game, have you thought about secondary or backup weapons for our battling bimbos? i.e. in addition to her rifle, a girl can carry a pistol or maybe a knife as a fallback in case she runs out of ammo, etc.
Great idea - will definitely work something into a future release.

Thanks for everyone's continued support!
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by jimpet »

Jason, what do you think about silenced guns? Will it appear in game?
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

jimpet wrote:Jason, what do you think about silenced guns? Will it appear in game?
Thanks for the feedback. I like silenced guns, and they will become part of the game someday. But the current AI is not up to the task; silencers are pointless unless the AI respects them!

A major AI re-write is in the works and the next big thing.
Posts: 116
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Good news - Bizarre Battles Version 1.15 is ready! Get it here: ... _v1.15.rar

Or here (one week only) ... 227/3c9eac

(1.72Gb compressed .rar file)

Version 1.15 is mostly about game stability and customer service updates. But it does have some cool new features too.


[1] ADDED Terminators!
Yes it's true... both human-looking terminators ("Terminator-H") and the mechanized kind ("Terminator-M") have been added to the game (Image 5). Be sure to select the newly-added Terminator page (Image 1 at "A") to use them.

Add to Quick-Start games in the usual way (Image 1 at "B"). Terminators can also be included in campaign games. (Image 4.)

Terminators are VERY tough (go back at watch the movies if they seem too tough), but are much more vulnerable to laser weapons. Also, one terminator defaults to ten humans to keep the battles somewhat fair. Also, because different campaign combinations will play differently (it depends on the weapons used), it is possible to adjust the Human-to-Terminator ratio to try to make things fair. (Image 4 at "F").

Terminators default to having no lust scores, but human-looking terminators can be adjusted to have normal male human lust interaction. (Image 4 at "G").

Finally, if Terminators are in the game, the battle will not end until (a) everyone on the opposing team is DEAD (not merely panicked, surrendered, or unconscious), or (b) all flags are captured. If a battle ends with the Terminators capturing all flags, then it is possible that still-live humans will be taken prisoner.

[2] ADDED Two New Maps.
Both of these are "small" - the game definitely needed (and still needs) more of those. Quickstart games are selectable (Image 1 at "C"), and also via Battle Builder in the usual way.

The new maps are a convenience store/bodega (Image 5) and a basement storage area (Image 6).

Also, the Strip Club (Map 1) got a partial graphics upgrade and looks better now.


[3] ADDED Ability To Save New Custom Clothing Combinations.

Using clothing already included in the game, you can now design new clothing combinations and SAVE these new combinations to Battle Builder. [Image 2 at "D"].

The newly-saved combinations are selectable at Battle Builder the same way as any other clothing -- and two whole pages are empty save slots are available. [Image 4 at "H"] Unneeded combinations can be deleted at Battle Builder too. [Image 4 at "h"]

This feature will make Teams less essential, as Teams are no longer necessary to get the exact clothing combinations you want.

[4] CHANGED "Revive Combatant" Button.
"F3" now allows you to revive a combatant who is dead or otherwise unavailable, restoring her to your army.


[5] ADDED Archived Battle Images.
As a campaign goes on, it can be hard to remember the details of earlier battles.

The game now images the end-of-battle maps. This is accessible at Team Builder, by first enabling the "Campaign Summary" button, and then scrolling over the "?" icon next to the battle listing. [Image 3 at "E"] As I was completing the game, I realized that this feature seems to work only when the first page of combatants is selected. Will try to fix in a future version.

In this image, a single humanoid Terminator has easily defeated several women. So sad.



[6] ADDED New Quick-access Buttons for Stance.
The selected combatant will now display two additional buttons, allowing stance changes to be made more easily.


[7] IMPROVED "Ravage Her" Access.
Additional hotkeys have been added. First, hotkey "P" functions as the "Spread Her Legs" button. This should avoid some unexplained crashed reported by several players.

Second, I have simplified access to the "Ravage Her" features. The game recognizes three ways to ravage a woman. First, a male combatant may become "lust crazed" and ravage a woman without any player involvement. Second, a player could realistically (but tediously) maneuver a male combatant into the same square, get on his knees, remove clothing, etc. all at a cost of action points, eventually ravaging her "by the rules." Finally, the player can skip the "realism" limitations and just start ravaging the bullet-riddled babes without any rules limitations.

I strongly suspect that the last option (no limitations) is the most popular. So the game now defaults to this without any other settings required... you can immediately ravage any vulnerable woman without worrying whether the buttons are properly set. [Image 6 at "J".] If you want to turn the realism limitations back on, click the "Ravage Her" text (this is now a button), or use hotkey "G".

[8] ADDED New Quick-Access Precision Targeting Buttons.

The current game limits precision targeting access to only the selected combatant, and for only the type of weapon used by that combatant. This can make it awkward to set up several precision targeting patterns in advance.

These new buttons [Image 6 at "K"] allow access to any of the precision targeting options at any time. That way you can set up a bunch of hit patterns in advance, set to "auto," and let the computer surprise you with pattern selections (which is the best way to play the game).

[9] ADDED E/F cup breast sizes for all skin tones.
That's right - these extreme breast sizes are no longer limited to Skin 0.

[10] ADDED some clothing for E/F breast sizes.
I don't have time now to add ALL the clothing to conform to E/F breast sizes, but I have added a few items. Specifically, Tops 38-42, and Bras 41-51 now work with breast sizes E and F.

[11] EXTERNALIZED additional hard-wired data.
Modders rejoice. You can now add new Interests to the "Interests.csv" data file, and the game will recognize those all you scroll through them on Team Builder.

Also, added a new "Occupations.csv" data file. This too can be augmented with new occupations, which will be recognized by the game.

[12] ADDED Legacy Combatants from Version 0.63.
Some of our players, nostalgic for prior versions, have put together a set of combatants as they appeared long ago in version 0.63.

The data is in the "Combatant-Data/Bizarre Battle 0.63 Hard-Coded Women" folder. If you want to include this set in your games, copy all of the files from this folder and paste them into one of the other combatant sets -- most likely one of the unused "Custom Sets."

All of your old custom combatants (female and male) can be used again, and can be selected via the “set selection” feature detailed above. Simply copy all of the files from your old “Women_Custom” folder into the identically-named “Women_Custom" folder in Version 1.15, and overwrite all of the files. Same for your “men_custom,” if any.

If you have made edits to the newer combatant pages, these too can be transferred by copying over your old "Combatant_Data" folder into the new game (this is a big folder with a lot of files).

If you have previously purchased the full game, and/or license files for individual combatant sets, your old license files will transfer. Just copy into the main “Bizarre Battles” game directory.

If you have old teams or campaigns, you can try transferring the applicable .txt files in the main directory, but I make no guaranties that these will work.

The Demo is available for free, but has limited functionality.

The full game can be unlocked as follows:
- $20 paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $25 paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

The locked combatant sets can be unlocked as follows:
- $4 per set, or $20 for all six sets, paid to me via a large and very well-known third party payment service that I can’t mention here (it rhymes with "Schmay-Kal"), with funds sent to my account at “
- $5 per set, or $25 for all six sets, paid to me via a gift certificate at, gifted to my screen name “magnum1231" (you may have to establish a renderosity account to do this). Use this link to access the proper gift certificate... ... rtificates

Once I receive payment, I will send you via e-mail the appropriate license files. The license files should be installed/copied into your main “Bizarre Battles” 1.13 directory. Make sure you tell me someplace what you want to purchase ... full game, which sets, all sets, etc. You can contact me directly at

Of course, I welcome donations in any amount at any time.

As always, my deepest thanks for the ongoing support that I have received from so many of you. This has really helped to keep me inspired, and to make Bizarre Battles a better game.

By the way, not every new idea makes it into the latest version. Critical hits and other ideas will appear in a later version. Thanks for your patience.
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