Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

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Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by D_Cooper »

As a newly published author ;-) [I love calling myself that, even though 1) it's self published, and 2) the royalty checks have been extremely disappointing] I have been wondering under what circumstances I can include female members in my stories.

I have read so many stories in this and other sites, I feel that I 'know' many of the ladies, at least their 'persona'. When I am thinking up a new story, I use these personas as shortcuts. Some examples: Aristocratic British Lady? that's Steph, Sultry Italian Femme Fatale? Paola, Mother and Daughter characters? Jessica and Katja. I think many readers would grasp the character's quicker if I could use them in my stories.

I remember a scene in Woody Allen's Play it Again, Sam. He is newly dating again after a divorce. He' sitting at the other end of a couch from a blonde. She is saying (in that falsetto dumb blonde voice) "I believe in having sex as often and intensely and with as many different men as possible!". We cut to an outside shot of her home. We then hear her screaming "What are you doing! Stop That! Help! Rape! RAPE!" He walks out dejectedly, muttering "How could I have misread those signs!"

The point is that Steph recently posted that 'Storm's wanting her to die erotically was a morale booster'. Well I can think of nothing more chivalrous than boosting a lady's morale. So full speed ahead right? Then I remember the above scene. Just because Steph finds Storm's stories a morale boost doesn't mean she would find mine so as well. Steph is an especially apt example, as we have had our differences in this site. While I am 99 % sure she harbors no ill will against me, there is always that damnable 1 % doubt.

So my question, How do I proceed? 1) Just write what you want, let the chips fall where they may. [not really an option in my case] 2) laboriously PM each of the ladies? [Hi, you don't know me, but I want to kill you after having sex with you] This is probably the only pickup line I haven't tried! ;-) 3) Post an open 'casting call' and hope the ladies I'm thinking of for roles apply? 4) Post a casting call for the specific ladies? 5) Wait until I develop relationships with them? 6) Just give up the whole idea as a bad one, and write about imaginary ladies. [I didn't think of this at the time, but is it a coincidence that the first story I publish is an account of my own fantasy death in drag? And even then, It took a while half hour to convince myself that I had not described myself as 'too slutty' :lol2: ]

Some people are undoubtedly saying "Aren't you being a little over sensitive?" Possibly, but I think the post about Mysogynism in our fetish told me that women are somewhat ambivalent about this fetish. I want to write about these ladies in a way that shows our commonality of interest rather than freaking them out. You never can change a first impression.
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by smudger »

Maybe you are being just a tad over sensitive! Experience- both here and in the "other place"- indicates that there is nothing our ladies like better than to be the protagonists in stories where they are killed or kill each other. Why else would they be members of sites which are dedicated to female death... ??
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by Steph »

As I said to you, I've been insulted by experts. So feel free to ravish and kill me! (I love the word 'ravish' with it's implications of bodice ripping). I prefer a neat bullet hole and not too much blood thank you, and the clothes have to be expensive! Actually that's just image: I am, as Smudger says, delighted when someoene wants to include me in their universe in whatever way - well not vore or zombies really.

I don't post my pics much any more. Too wrinkly! This is one of my first manips of me about seven years ago. I lost a lot of my blonde hair to chemo a while back and usually wear a wig out so it was easy enough to add some variety to my stock. E bay is so userful for indulging silliness both for me and the Boss (who has his own fetishes to be fed and watered).
325a.jpg (75.37 KiB) Viewed 19302 times
The story was about the break-up of a girl group. I hope that helps to make it clear that I don't take being murdered in a story that seriously.
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Why do you want to join this forum?: To enjoy dark fantasies in all it's formats (except really being snuffed)!
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by Vanessa »

I've always been "available for work" when it comes to being cast in a story where demise is most likely assured! My 'character profile' is readily available (in the other place) and can be readily available here if it would boost the activity in the story section.

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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by Bluestone »

Vanessa wrote:I've always been "available for work" when it comes to being cast in a story where demise is most likely assured! My 'character profile' is readily available (in the other place) and can be readily available here if it would boost the activity in the story section.

Go ahead and post it here, Vanessa. The storyboard forum is increasing in activity as writers get the word out elsewhere that the FF Pulped Fiction forum is fully open for business!!! :D

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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by D_Cooper »

Steph wrote:As I said to you, I've been insulted by experts.
Great! So my insults have been amateurish? Are you sure you were a diplomat? :lol2:
Steph wrote:So feel free to ravish and kill me! (I love the word 'ravish' with it's implications of bodice ripping). I prefer a neat bullet hole and not too much blood thank you, and the clothes have to be expensive!
Okay, but when I post I need you to comment! Even a 'you have the writing skills of a complete illiterate' is better than nothing. My imagination can conjur up much worse.
Steph wrote:Actually that's just image: I am, as Smudger says, delighted when someoene wants to include me in their universe in whatever way - well not vore or zombies really.
And let me close by saying the reverse is true. If you ever feel the need to off a knuckle dragging neanderthal, I would be honored to be a notch on your pistol. Only 1 last request. Could I die with a smile on my face?

P.S. About your ravish comment. I read a P.J. O'Rourke story about traveling in post communist Russia. At a palace near St. Petersburg a sign in English notitfed English speaking tourists that the gargoyles were "ravaged by the Germans in World War II!" as he later wrote "I would have payed real money to see that!"
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by D_Cooper »

Vanessa wrote:I've always been "available for work" when it comes to being cast in a story where demise is most likely assured! My 'character profile' is readily available (in the other place) and can be readily available here if it would boost the activity in the story section.

You are one of the people I want to include in a story. Unfortunately it is down in the queue, so won't be seen for a while. I have your profile from that other site downloaded, along with many other ladies. (I believe in doing my homework)

I also have enjoyed your stories, and repeat my statement about being included in your future stories. ;-)
Women: You can't live with them, and you can't successfully refute their hypotheses - Howard Wallowitz, The Big Bang Theory
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by kelli »

might i be on that list of yours, mr. cooper?

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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by Sandi »


Splendid thread, splendid questions, splendid respect shown for the Women of FF.

I think you will find, as Steph and Vanessa and Kelli and now Sandi chime in, a unanimity that the 'most' favorite stories we read are those that include US, the real women with very real and specific fantasies. Just by being here and interacting, we show our enjoyment of the fantasies, and over my 14 years or so 'in this community', 5+ of which were spent in the now-shuttered Yahoo Groups where it ALL was about US, in role plays and stories, we demonstrate that personal stories and discussions are what we generally prefer.

I am saying nothing negative at all about the GREAT stories that do not use FF Women when I say this, but the Women of the Board who post and tend to be most active absolutely LOVE to read stories in which we are included, it's our favorite THING here! And since WE each know each other and our fantasies, it is ALWAYS wonderful when 'more than one' (or MANY, even, depending on the preferences of the Author) is included because we enjoy each OTHER'S demises....yes, and some of us enjoy it, as you apparently do and my husband does.

We enjoy doing it to one another, and having it done TO us by another one of us...or to have a few of us one side and some on another side of some 'fight' can be done to us by man or woman, most of us are somewhat 'ok' with that either way, in Kelli likes the innocent victim, Vanessa and Steph make their preferences clear as to what they enjoy, and I and others have certainly done that over the years.

So far, you've been given a 4-0 vote for WRITE IT, D_Cooper.....LOL!!!

I'd call that carte blanche....i.e. thanks SO much for asking, but we absolutely love being included. We come here TO share and interact personally!

As I've said many times, none of us care who 'wins' first or 'dies' last, there is no ego involved here...LOL. But at the MOMENT when OUR death scene is depicted.....WOW...that Woman..and that Woman THE focus for every Man (and Woman) reading the story, ALL eyes are on that Woman, she is on center stage to 'perform' in the spotlight because the Readers ALL want her there at that moment.

That means Others are attracted to US...and at the moment of demise, to NO ONE ELSE.

That's pretty cool, D_Cooper, to be put on that pedestal for those moments. Every woman enjoys that spotlight, it's wonderful to be 'wanted' and 'desired' and to be 'killed' in the manner that shows that the Author cares about what we like and how we like it.

At the moment of demise, in effect, the Woman being portrayed is The Most Desirable Woman in the World to the Readers.

Doesn't get any better than that for a Woman, D_Cooper, it's quite fun and stimulating!

:yes: :excited: :clap: :love: :X

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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by D_Cooper »

kelli wrote:might i be on that list of yours, mr. cooper?
Kelli you are on the list with bells on! You are the woman I most wanted to respond to this thread. Your Kelli's Killer Korner articles gave me great insight into the female point of view. Your 'male death fantasies - who knew?' Gave me the gumption to verbalize my own fantasies for the first time. Not to mention how much I enjoy your stories.

I am most gratified that I can write a story I've been thinking of for some time. Look for it soon.
Women: You can't live with them, and you can't successfully refute their hypotheses - Howard Wallowitz, The Big Bang Theory
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by D_Cooper »


Words can only inadequately express my graditude for your post. You understand what I was gropingly (no pun intended :lol2: ) trying to say. Your validation of my insecurities and your allaying of them has helped me to put them to rest. I am going to download your post to a Word Document, and whenever they raise their ugly head again, I will reread your words.

Thank You
Women: You can't live with them, and you can't successfully refute their hypotheses - Howard Wallowitz, The Big Bang Theory
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by kelli »

D_Cooper wrote:
kelli wrote:might i be on that list of yours, mr. cooper?
Kelli you are on the list with bells on! You are the woman I most wanted to respond to this thread. Your Kelli's Killer Korner articles gave me great insight into the female point of view. Your 'male death fantasies - who knew?' Gave me the gumption to verbalize my own fantasies for the first time. Not to mention how much I enjoy your stories.

I am most gratified that I can write a story I've been thinking of for some time. Look for it soon.
oh yay! i look forward to reading it.

and glad i could help you with your gumption :D

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"And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had"
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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by Sandi »


I was welcomed into this community 14 years ago by the men and women of Fatal Females and those still active from those years are still my friends today.

They allayed MY uncertainties, since I was new to the fantasies, even (in my late 20s then), and prior to Fatal Females, in offline life I was totally, if not insecure, certainly inexperienced sexually in many ways and not comfortable with discussing sex...let alone fantasy. :lol2:

I have stated quite clearly and brutally honestly that Fatal Females MADE me a woman in many ways, because there I finally began to feel comfortable sexually just because I could be anyone I wished to be and 'die' any way I wished to die and have others LOVE the way I died....meaning they enjoyed what were of course my sexual 'takes' and reactions.

That bred sexual confidence in me and it also bred personal confidence that carried over into what became my careers.....confidence to approach and speak with people honestly and sincerely, from the heart, without judgment. Amazing of course how much we learn when we listen,

I think I grew up thinking 'sex' was something by the numbers, where I 'should' be doing something or was thinking of 'what should I do next?' instead of simply flowing with the joys of the moment and doing what felt right with no thinking whatsoever...LOL.

And 'back then', we were AMAZED, probably every one of us, that we had found even ONE person in this world, male OR female, with whom we could discuss these fantasies.

The point is that there was, even then, among only a couple or few hundred of us, a true sense of 'community', and every new entrant was welcomed and shown patience and respected and encouraged by the Others.

Most of us still try to do that for those who enter today, or become more 'vocal' or public, whether with stories such as you desire and intend to write, or even simply with posts.

That's what 'community' is, right? We all share, we all help each other....and the Common Cause is that we ALL receive more stimulation from ALL the various sources (stories, images, articles, videos, artwork, anything!) when we make more people relaxed and comfortable enough to contribute from their heart and mind and soul.

Contribute away, Sir...LOL. And please remember, though you probably know this, NOT to get upset if a first story or some stories or whatever, do not received responses or seem to receive very few responses.

We can't take things personally, is what I'm saying, and having written many many stories of the one-off fashion (not at all, generally, as well-written or complex and involved as what our great Authors write now!), I have felt the occasional almost 'anger' if no one has replied.....yet that is silly and the wrong approach.

Write for yourself, write what you choose, and sure, if you do include FF women it is nice to pay attention to our fantasy desires. Vanessa enjoys decap, her tagline is hilarious but totally apropo for her desires, but Sandi does not like decap, nor 'guttings'....yada yada about each of us.

You'll do fine because you will be showing us YOU, another new and equal member and soon-to-be contributor in new ways!

Almost all of us needed to be encouraged at first, and most of us attempt to encourage Others who express desire to post or write or who have shown reticence to do so in the past but clearly would like to contribute and become somewhat involved.

You are here; shyness is nice and it shows respect, but it's time to become unshy here :lol2: ....we are Friends, and we want more and more people posting and sharing, it's what we all enjoy.

It's the interactions among us that are stimulating. And I freely confess happily that my own fantasy world has expanded a zillion times over (at least one zillion, maybe 2 or 3 zillion.... :lol: ) because of those interactions and the stimulation provided by all of you. I would never have added the variety to my personal fantasy life without the help of the many fine very real people at 'our' sites.

It is already fun to anticipate another new Author's 'take' and presentation, especially since some of the FF women will be included.


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Re: Etiquette for using Female Members in Stories

Post by tommygun »

Sandi, very nice and very supportive. Let me just echo and endorse the insights you've given D_Cooper. All of us have differences in the way the fantasies work out in our minds, but when it is all said and done, the great thing is that we have each other to share ourselves in this unique way.
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