Director’s Cut series

Special upgraded versions of some of our best videos that have been re-edited to be better than the originals!

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Director's Cut
57 - The Cover-Up (Director’s Cut)
Starring Precious Petra and Jacqueline Velvets!

The awesome "The Cover-Up" has finally been upgraded and re-edited! This is a strangle fan's dream! First Petra is strangled in a negligee with the silk belt from her dressing gown, her desperate struggles giving us a nice view of one of her gorgeous breasts as it pops out of her lace trimmed negligee. If this isn't enough of a turn on, Jacqueline Velvets returns to their apartment just after the murder dressed in a tight blue evening gown, and the killer has to hand strangle her to death, making sure by crushing her delicate neck in this powerful grip!

Two sexy babe deaths in upgraded, re-edited format. Not to be missed, even if you have the original!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both strangled
Available for only $15.99
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Director's Cut
56 - Bonds Of Matrimony (Director's Cut)
Starring Precious Petra and Marvelous Meredith!

Petra plays a scheming mistress who strangles her lover's wife (Meredith) in order to get married, but her lover isn't pleased when he finds out. When she threatens to tell the police that he committed the murder, he decides to strangle her instead!

The editing has been tightened up to accentuate the viciousness of the two murders! Not to be missed!

Get it here:

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Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both strangled
Available for only $15.99
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Director's Cut
55 - This Way Out (Director's Cut)
Starring Sultry Suzi!

We just re-edited this Suzi spy flick and upgraded it to BIG SCREEN format!

Suzi tries to quit the espionage agency, and Meredith is selected as her replacement. Meredith's first assignment is to kill Suzi. She ambushers her, pistol whips her into unconsciousness, binds her hands, then viciously strangles her to death! Lots of sexy action in this one!

This video is available at both stores... for those with an account there: ... ctors-cut/

or, the Silk 'N Blood store where everyone can buy by credit card: ... ctors-cut/

Enjoy this Suzi strangle classic!


Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $14.99
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Director's Cut
54 - Internet Crimes (Director's Cut)
Starring Precious Petra!

Petra's "Internet Crimes (Director's Cut)" features a topless Petra striking seductive poses for her webcam audience, and then being strangled on camera by a crazed fan who has broken into her home!

All in BIG SCREEN format for your added enjoyment!

This video is now also available at our Silk 'N Blood store here:
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $14.99
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Director's Cut
Episode 53 – Losing It (Director’s Cut)

Now in BIG SCREEN format!

Blue pushes Petra too hard on set, so she strikes back, attacking Blue. This provides Blue with the excuse that he needs to strangle Petra to death for ‘real’!
Very sexy strangle video, featuring the incomparable Petra!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $14.99
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Director's Cut
Episode 52 – The Unknown Witness (Director’s Cut)
Starring Kerie and Lena

"The Unknown Witness", starring Kerie and Lena, has been rendered in Big Screen format!

In "The Unknown Witness", a killer has been ordered to terminate a woman at a certain address. He gains entry and waits until a sexy young woman (Kerie) enters. She strips to take a bath, and when she least expects it, the killer pulls a nylon across her throat and strangles her from behind as she struggles wildly, her nude body providing lots of eye candy during the struggle. The man forces her down onto the bed, and continues to strangle her until she is dead.

Before he can leave though, a second young woman enters (Lena), as beautiful as the first. Concerned that he may have killed the wrong woman, the killer decides to kill the second woman too. He waits for her to settle in a chair in the living room, sneaks up behind her, and pulls the nylon across her throat. Again, his victim writhes wildly, even managing to twist around to face him, but he redoubles his efforts, drives her back over the arm of the chair, and viciously strangles her to death as he had done with the first beauty.

Two sexy babes are strangled for your enjoyment.

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both strangled
Available for only $15.99
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Director's Cut
Episode 51 - The Iceman Attacketh (Director's Cut)
Starring Precious Petra, Kissable Kerie, and Lovely Lena!

The BIG SCREEN version of "The Iceman Attacketh", starring Petra, Kerie and Lena, is here!

Three beautiful women, Petra, Kerie and Lena, are attacked one at a time by the Iceman, a killer who sprays his victims’ throats with a freezing compound and watches as they slowly die of asphyxiation! His first victim is Lena, who he sneaks up on from behind. She swivels her chair around just in time to receive a spray of freezing compound on her throat. Lena then struggles to survive as the chemicals slowly tighten up the muscles in her throat, slowly strangling her to death. Once she’s dead, her killer removes his glove and slips his hand under the skirt of her dress to caress her lovely thighs. Next, he approaches Kerie, who is reclining on a couch. Grabbing her under the chin, he holds her struggling form in place while applying the freezing spray to her neck. As with Lena, she goes into panic mode as the compound slowly closes off her airway. Once she asphyxiates, her killer once again fondles her shapely thighs.

Petra is the final victim and the only one who sees her killer before her throat is frozen. She is topless, getting ready for a shower, when she discovers Kerie’s dead body. She backs away, and then the killer attacks, not with his freezing spray, but with his fists, pounding the beautiful blonde twice in the face to drop her to the bed. Then, he climbs onto the bed after her and sprays her with the deadly freezing compound. Petra tries desperately to escape her fate, but slowly, inexorably she succumbs to cruel asphyxiation as did her roommates before her.

Each of the victims is dressed in sexy fashion and die in a truly erotic manner.

Lots of eye candy in this triple babe death scenario!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
necks frozen causing asphixia
Available for only $16.99
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Director's Cut
Episode 50 - Petra Memoirs (Director’s Cut)
Starring Precious Petra!
The BIG SCREEN version of "Petra's Memoirs" is here! Petra plans to publish a tell-all book about the death fetish industry, but as she interviews her proposed ghost writer, she gets more and more nervous. Then, he finally drops the subterfuge and admits that he’s been hired to kill her to stop publication of her book. Then, he wraps his tie around her slender, sexy neck and proceeds to viciously strangle her to death! Yet another erotic strangle death from our sexy blonde goddess!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $14.99
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Director's Cut
Episode 49 – Breaking Up (Director’s Cut)
Starring Precious Petra!
Now re-edited in BIG SCREEN format, see Petra’s strangulation at the hands of her lover, who accuses her of unfaithfulness. He decides that if he can’t have her, no one else will. First, he pounds her several times in the face and once in the belly, dropping her into a nearby chair. Then, he wraps a length of pantyhose around her lovely neck, pulls with all his strength, and viciously strangles her to death, while Petra struggles for her life dressed in one of her sexiest mini-dresses! Another erotic death scene starring our bodacious, blonde goddess in Director's Cut format!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $14.99
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Director's Cut
Episode 48 – The Ultimate Rush (Director’s Cut)
Starring Precious Petra and Mischievous Milena
Another classic featuring Petra and Milena that has been completely re-edited and is now available in upgraded BIG screen format! In this upscaled, re-edited version, Petra is dressed seductively as she plans to seduce and kill a male target in the spy game, but Milena plays an enemy agent who plans to take Petra’s place and obtain the contraband with her own sexual charms. Milena lies in wait for Petra and attacks her, winding a garotte around her lovely neck from behind. She strangles Petra first where she stands and then pulls her into an office chair to finish her off! Petra manages to break free and attempts to flee, but Milena catches up to her and pounds her a few times in the face and belly, dropping her into an upholstered chair. This is where Petra finally meets her end as Milena cruelly garottes her to death while she squirms erotically in her death throes! Milena plays the perfect remale killer, sexy but vicious, as she murders gorgeous Petra! We have deleted Milena's death scene to concentrate on Petra's strangulation. There are now two versions of Petra's death scene in this video. Both versions have tighter editing, but the second one is shorter to provide a more realistic death scene. Another awesome asphyxia death for blonde goddess Petra!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
1 strangled, 1 shot
Available for only $15.99
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